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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:16 PM


Ok, well... you have a lot of stuff going on there.

More importantly than that.. you cant even log into the admin area using the admin account. There is something majorly wrong with the installation.

I also notice you havent even saved any path settings in the settings page of the admin area. I am looking that over now and filling in the missing info. That information needs to be populated.


Thank you for the response to my question. In the mean time if I can figure any workaround I will post it here.


Ok, have contacted the web hosts. Thank you for your help so far



I've encountered another problem.  When i edit the link for existing banners and save it, the banner reverts to the old link instead of the new one.

The directory where the the database is located to rwed so the permissions is not a problem.


Any advice?





I have seen that happen before though it usually just happens once and then after that it doesn;t show up. It's the asphttp component doing it. The ASPBanner system is not doing it. I would try using banner calling method such as the xml parser method. It's usually installed by default on 200 and 2003 servers.


whether you use SSL or not really does not effect aspprotect in any way

I say, the smart thing to do there is too not start them off at a http:// url

one way to do it is put a simple ASP redirect on that default page and send them to an SSL version of the page instead...


another way would be not start them off on a protected page right off the bat and offer links to the the protected area...

in my opinion thats pretty odd to be starting them off on a protected page anyway
SLL maybe, but protected right from the time they hit the default page of the site.. thats just odd.. usually you want o say a little something about the site your at and then link people to protected areas or give them a login form which posts to a protected area.

Regardless if you always want users at your site under https:// you should have code on every single page in your site checking the url info at every page load. Then if someone ever hits a page and is not using the https://  you can do something about it like redirect them to the SSL home poge or redirect to that same page but with the https:// in the url..


Installed latest verison  Doesn't seem to have corrected problem.  Still with same message.  I wonder if deleting this user and putting him back in might help.  I have not however tried any other user names and passwords.


IT worked just as cwilliams said. I did see the IP address being stored in the table but it didn't dawn on me that it was tied in to the view count, I tried it from a different IP address and it worked great .

Good coding Christopher




If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/01/2004 this file needs to be updated.

It fixes a bug where CODE type banners do not work correctly with a weight higher than 1.

Basically, blank banners will rotate and you will see nothing sometimes.

Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name.


cwilliams38209.5383680556, I encountered the same problem and eventually found out that my Norton protection was not allowing scripts to work so I had to uncheck the setting before the banners reappeared., well, thats a network drive path and in my opinion a very poor way for them to have set things up. It can work as long as permissions get set there and they have the anonymous webserver accounts set up correctly to handle that scenario, but performance isn't the best because your accessing the access database over the network. Access databases are not just not meant to be connected to over the network in a web based scenario. Quality ASP hosting companies do not set up their servers that way and it can often be difficult to get things running as it is a more complex setup on their end. Meaning if they dont synchronize the IUSR_machine accounts correctly you'll have permission issues.

http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168 , Hi there...

I'm using the gallery script with ASPImage for uploading and resizing. I bought this script and the componant for the the auto-thumbnailing feature, and it is indeed uploading and resizing and creating a thumbnail.

But the thumbnail is *tiny* at 64px wide. I need to change the width, but I can't find anything in ASP Gallery or ASPImage to indicate where that width is set. Can anyone help?


I am an experienced ASP developer. Can you tell me whether this would be a very involved process, or whether it is pretty straightforward? I don't yet have a merchant account, so I am not yet familiar with any aspect of accepting credit cards online.



I am attempting to have the page dedirect from the group, as some of my users are part of different and multiple groups (they are not structured in access levels, b/c they cannot be part of multiple levels(?)).  So I think I need to redirect by group.  I am having trouble having this work correctly.




It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques)
It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.

Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.

You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=17

Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.

In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.

I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.



Chris -

I am encountering a problem with items showing up.  When I click on a category and then select an item to view I get


I have verified the item has the item_active check.  For giggles, I even unchecked with the same results.



I really need more info on what you have going on?

This can sometimes be cause by a slow server / bad data connection.

Sometimes caused when someone is using the option pack but did not make the proper changes to the database.

Sometimes caused when a user adds users the database on his own and does some "incorrect" things..

The more details you can provide the better. Think of anything and everything and describe it.

SQL or MSACCESS... version of either
Server OS
Using Option Pack or not
Did you have your host set permissions...

etc etc etc


... in addition it is a virtual include not a file.  I just tried to use file instead of virtual and then the ../ includes worked on the asp pages.

This is strange because they used to work like that on the 2000 server I had these sites running on.


Aspprotect issue

I need the ability to allow users to view url links on a page, based on the

group(s) they are a member of.  If the user is the member of one group (group 1 in the following example) the code works fine.

<% If Session("GROUPS") = "*1*" then %>  "view link #1"

However, if the user is a member of more than one group (let's say 1 & 5), I cannot make the code work.  

I have tried various versions of wildcards, nothing seems to get me there.

I fairly new at ASP, and I am sure I'm missing something simple.

Any help would be appreciated.



New Power Supply and a new (CPU Fan/Heat Sink) seemed to do the the trick. She's running like a champ now...

Hopefully it keeps doing so. Only time will tell.

It she's stable I can get back to designing some new software.


Has any one used the aspmail function to send emails from within your site? If so what did you use as the AspMail_Host string in the connections database?

thank you


It a generic error that means something is wrong with your data connection.






Same here.  Thinking it might be server load or the bandwidth to the server.

Thanks for checking!


Hi, its just not something i can suppport as I do not support custmizations to the code epecially when dealing with an image component that is not supported by the application.

Sorry, its something you have to figure out. Bascially I would suggest looking at the existing asp image resizing code and using that as a guide.

Have you considered just buying a license of ASPImage and asking the host if they will install it after you purchase it. It sounds like it may save you a lot of time.

If you are ever looking for a good host for ASP. www.alentus.com is one of the best. There 9.95 plan gives you access to 3000.00 of commercial quaility asp components also which is nice.



I have activated both activity and log files. The directories exist on my server and don't give any errors.

When I check the activity tab, some times there are a number of items in it.  Other times, there is only my login info.  From what I can see, it is supposed to show the last 50 items of activity at all times.  Am I missing something?

Also, when I click on the log file tab, there is no file or information to see.  Is there something I need to do beyond activating it in the settings area and making sure the directory has write permissions?


, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing.,

Has anyone used the aspmail function to send and recieve emails from within your forms? If so what string did you use in the aspmail_host field in the connections database.

thank you

, Is there somthing I need to change in the settings to get the hit count to update?, Yes, you are right.  That was the problem.  Sorry  


I can no longer send e-mails to my configured accounts through aspbanner. It was working for over a year and now it stopped.

At one point I was using CDONTS_Installed but since I moved to a new Windows 2003 server I was told by my ISP that either one of these will work

but neither one works. Can some one assist?




To hopefully wrap this thread up...

This user showed me his site and things were working for me as they should.

We came to the conlusion that the weird behavior he was experiencing was because he was using AutoComplete in Internet Explorer....

It was automatically filling in the fields with his username/password that he had autocomplete save.

So it was a web browser usage issue.. not the code.



Can I change the number of the access levels?

I want to have about 20 levels...



that's they way it should be done..

the only other thing would have been to test everything with sql before trying to import any data.. and make sure all was fine at that stage

more info on the errors would be helpful.

Id' also carefully visually compare the SQL tables and fields with the SQL scripts and make sure all field types and settings got set correctly.

Also, make sure the user accessign the database has datareader and datawriter permissions of course.


The stat not show when  impression over  xxxxxx

I use  aspbanner v8.1   MS SQL version

Total Impressions 83523
Total Clicks 7
Total Clickthru .0%


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/aspbanner/stats_window_admin.asp, line 257





This user is talking about preparing more than 100 pics at a time for an album that already exists and doing it using linux.

I asked the user to post the code here because I think it is interesting and it may help someone who is working with the app.

This article is not for everyone for a few reasons.

1.) The application can already mass import pics on it's own. It does 100 pics pretty quickly on a decent server. The built in method also resizes pictures and make low res thumbnails should your server support a supported ASP image resizing component. The method above simply rename pictures in a folder so the application will see them as part of an album.

2.) We don't support or recommend that anyone sets the application to use more than 100 pics per album. It is just not tuned for that and there will be issues. Please dont ask me what they are as it is complicated and I am not sure/dont remember what they all are.

3.) Your going to have to be familiar with linux to use the code shown above.


This server is sitting in my den on a DSL circuit, so I don't have a hosting company. The install for Windows 2000 server is with default settings for all components installed.

I am not sure what you are referring to when you say:

"Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen"

What user screen?

What settings are you referring to that I may have chosen?


check permissions for the user you are connecting to the SQL database.

That user may not have permission to make new data

Also,  check all field and table settings manually by comparing them to the SQL creation script we provide. You may very well be missing auto increment and primary keys which would make adding new data not work.

It is most likely one of those two things.


I did not make a mistake.. what I typed is what I meant to say. I think maybe you are taking it the opposite way as I explained it.


What you want to do... logging them in under https and then having them continue though the site under http is not possible.

It doesn't work that. way. As far as the webserver is concerned https is a totally different site than http and each have their own unique set of application and session variables.

In a sense no different than www.somesite.com is different then somesite.com (each has their own unique set of application and session variables as well).

Now, because of the nature of Forms Based Authentication session varibles created under one will not carry over to the over and thus no password access if you switch over from a secure url to a non secure url.

If you want them logging in under SSL you need to keep them under SSL.

That is not to say there is some ultra complex scenario to mimic the session variables on the non secure side of things (possible with a complex http post to a non secure page from the scure page telling it what variables to create and set), but doing so means a ton of work and also has security concerns of its own.


The only other thing I can think of if you are not getting any errors.

Is that you may have the path to the server include file correct but ASP server side code is not executing in that part of your web site.


You can do a simple test to tell if it is...

Make a simple ".asp" page in the same folder.

Put only this code in it.


<% Response.Write ("ASP is executing") %>

then run the page via the web browser thru the server..

If the text prints out ASP is running... if you don't see anything it is not


It happens at least once per hour or every time a banner is edited in the system by the admin.

Changing its frequency would be somewhat complicated. You'll have to make changes to the code in a few places and you will effect performance adversely by doing it more often as it will mean a lot more database queries which defeats the purpose of doing it once per hour to conserve resources. The reason is when you change the frequency of that you also change the frequency of the entire banner application variable caching system. It difficult to explain but it unlike most banner systems out there it basically fetches banner rotation info every so often instead of every single time your page needs a banner. It stores this rotation and cycling information in ultra fast application variables. The docs actually go over a little bit of how that process actually functions under "using the system / Setting Up Banners

Its a customization I just can not support and I do not recommend doing, but if you really want to you should look at the "aspbanner_inc.asp" file

this is the part that makes it happen at least once per hour (requires visitors to your site to happen obviously)... you'd have to cleverly recode it to work slightly more often

' Checks the time the banner data was last updated and basically updates it if an hour or more has passed
If Cint(Application("BannersLastUpdated")) <> Cint(Hour(time)) Then
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="appinfo_inc.asp"-->
End If

There may be more to changing this than that, but this is all I can tell you.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:16 PM

Manning NOC. Working on a couple of small problems in vermont. Taking photographs of Woolworth building for Paul., worked with Bill on POP report search page, worked on Heike's form, Did the cc batch with Jackie again, Restructure, Staff Meeting, teched calls, made more CD inserts, troubleshot a web page problem for a customer, worked on database entry form for Heike, worked on calendar and schedule with George for tomorrow, timecard, tasked Pauls phone messages today., Checking and responding to support e-mail from vermont. Looking at other possibilites for TS Peck insurance., worked with cm on development of cp evaluation database and links. s/w jg about cplus again, no database yet., NJ Health Systems. Created and configured new project, attempted to snag events Calendar from Massena Chamber but couldn't connect to any webs. Not sure what was wrong but eventually was able to connect and get what I needed., Prep for job fair in Watn, Discuss Telergy Proposals, Dani and I made Network cables and hooked up tech computers to the Network, and made them active. Fun day. Not to mention all the times Dani and I ran up and down the stairs., Reimbursements looked at for Kelly receipts, Peggy will pay back and Crispin submitted. RSVP for ribbon cutting, sorted the big pile of mail, Petty cash, Redwood receipts, extraced a font/symbol from CorelDRAW for Tom to use on a project (was an involved process to get it to work), Called expiring users and updated the churn report., Worked on Massachusetts payroll registration issues., company picnic, chow, Phone call to Tim about Warren PA check and data. Also talked about generalities on other stuff., called a few radlogs. had to callandy because of doldo bros, Reset a few modems and got an Intralink ready for display at the business fair., lunch, Daily Crystal Reports, St Law Radiology, sorted the mail once here, Spoke to Kelly about request for MLS component for Heart Realty in Alex Bay. Then sent info to Lisa to pursue., Reset modems from home., billing calls,

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