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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:45:48 PM

That is by design and how it is designed to function.

There is no easy way to do what you are asking about.

Can it be done ?, sure!!

But it is a lot of custom coding to sort it all out and not something we support.

If I were you I would simply edit the login box screen to show some hyperlinks and options should a person need to use them. ,

you not seeing the real error

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11& PN=1


as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""

however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa"     basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue.  Permissions...


I have a solution for asp already but thanks anyway. Is there a good book or other learning tool I can purchase that you might know about? I would know where to start about how create a timed subscription in .NET.



Now its OK

Thanks Christopher


I am testing this now and there is something wrong.

PayPal is hitting the ipn.asp but the database is not being updated.

I will figure it out shortly though and post the anwer here.


A mod like this would improve tracking by leaps and bounds.

Do you think this addon would be availalbe anytime in the near future? If/when this feature or mod becomes availalbe, it certainly would be ideal if some script was made to import all the log file data.


thats not good.. its a web server configuration issue of some sorts ?

post is a common method for forms.. if it is not supported it is something you should ask the server admins about.

Is this a windows based web server running true microsoft ASP because that error is usally associated with non windows IIS based web servers from what I can see by doing a google search ?

ASPProtect only runs on windows servers running IIS and True Microsoft ASP.

My guess is your web server is running Apache Unix or something like that.


This is a great article from my old powerasp.com site.
Connections And Server Database Permissions




you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..

You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ?


I am having problems with a password a user wants to use.  He wants HANNAH.  When he (or I) try to log in with his username and password, I get a syntax error  -

Syntax error in string in query expression '(Username = 'changedforsecurity') AND (Password = ' éG'.
pathOnComputer../1protect/check_user_inc.asp, line 114

I've obviously changed the username and the server path in the info above for security. 

I have not messed with the encryption.   

What is it that the system doesn't like in the word HANNAH as a password?  I would just change his password for him but this guy has enough trouble just turning the computer on!  Confusing him with a new password would take weeks to set him straight. 


, hi,

Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.

open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.

You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.

lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.

, Hey CJWSoft,
We're helping out some clients of ours in a server transfer and we really need some assistance from you guys.  We've got everything transfered and running, except for the ASP.NET banner.  Do you have any directions on how to go about moving the install from one server to another?  We've sent a couple emails through the site but haven't gotten any responses back. 

Please help.

-Tony Valenti


Terribly sorry, but we are not software-technical.  So can you please tell us exactly which folder the database would be in.

Thanks in advance.


Just got back 10 minutes ago..
Missed plane yesterday because of traffic and the flight today was 3 hours plus 4 hours of driving

The fact that you are using Server 2003 is not relevant. I am very familiar with it and all my sites run on it.

The ASPNET account will be there by default once the .NET framework is installed. It won’t just show up in the list, you have to search for it like my article mentions.

http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

That error really means exactly what it says. You have to give that account permissions correctly. ,

You might just learn something and actually get your project finished before 2010

your over there hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine


LOL thanks for the good laugh-- i guess its time to do some reading and making my own mods to the program..

btw i never insulted cafrepress.. not sure where you got that from- just advised that what they have is exactly what i want to have done. How much for your service?

, alternate databases are right here.. the documentation clearly links to this, its really not difficult to find


Adding Support For ServerObjects ASPMail

ASPProtect as you know does not support ServerObjects ASPMail component by default.

Here are directions to make it work.

In the ASPProtect admin settings area simply pretend as if you are using the softartisans sasmtp mailer component.
ASPMail and that sasmtp component share the same properties… and the code used for them is nearly identical.

So search through the code for any place where email is sent and simply change

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.SMTPMail")


Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")

It is about 4 places. They are not too hard to find.

That’s the easy way to get all the emailing functions working with ASPMail

cwilliams38419.7864351852, If you PM your site info and I can go in and troubleshoot. I have no more ideas. Usually people have zero issues installating this application as I got it pretty tweaked so I need to see what is going on in order to help.,

I'm using version 6 upgrade and recently some of the users complained that their passwords are no longer working. I was able to replicate the problem as I also experienced the same thing with my account.

Once I reset the password thru e-mail (Forgotten your password?), I am able to login but it fails later. This is weird as I have an identical copy of the code running flawlessly  on my test server.

The only change which I made to the original downloadable code is by adding password encryption using Base 64 encryption.

Any ideas what might be the problem


a. Sorry for the missunderstanding

b . Im running XP pro and done what was explained

c. The iis stops responding - Till I make iisrest




Most likely it is no longer supported on the web server. The web host probably moved you site to a windows 2003 server which does not support cdonts or they stopped running the IIS SMTP server.

You usualy wont get an error..

it is also possible that cdonts is boned up as it is pretty flaky and that tends to happen. For example sometimes the emails it is suppost to send get caught up in the smtp pickup directory and never get sent out until the server is rebooted.

You should really ask the hosting company why cdonts has stopped working. It definetly has nothing to do with the code if it has been working all that time.  If CDONTS still is supportd tell them you emails are in limbo. Ask them to look and see if a bunch of ".eml" files are stuck in the stmp pickup directly and if so to please reboot the server.

cdonts has been deprecated and now everyone uses cdosys.
see my article


I'am in the process of modifing registration and tieing in paypal. When I get live I will send you a link. Thanks for help.


, when did you puchase/download the application? you may have old code.,
(Password Expiration Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x

This Advanced Mod requires decent knowledge of Databases and working with ASP. I originally wrote something like this for a customer on a custom project. I then took the time to re-write all the code from scratch so it could easily be plugged in to the current version of ASPProtect as an option. All in all this mod took me over 15 hours of time to develop and will save you a ton of time & money if you were planning on writing something like this on your own. Some parts of this were so difficult to get working that I would never have written this code if I was not paid to do so. (The encrypted array that rotates through the last 12 passwords was quite frustrating to get working)

The price on this is 19.95. I am not incorporating this into the base product because it makes things more complicated and isn't for everyone.

Purchase Page

Security is a big concern and making your users change their password every so often is a good idea. Keeping track of previous passwords they used and making them choose something they haven't used before takes the concept even further.

This Mod will add a password expiration date to the application. When the password expiration date is hit the user must confirm their old password as well as pick a new one before they can log in again.

There is a new password expiration directory where they must choose a new password that has not been used before. The new password must be confirmed during this process. (It remembers 12 old passwords the way it is coded) The old passwords are stored in the database in an encrypted array.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.

Add two new fields to the "ASPP_Users" table in your database.

For an MSAccess Database

Password_Expiration_Date (Date_Time Field)
PreviousPasswords (Memo Field)

For a MSSQL Database

Password_Expiration_Date (smalldatetime)
PreviousPasswords (nvarchar 160 characters)

once that is done

Copy all the new ".asp" pages into your site.

Edit the "PasswordExpirationURL" variable in the "check_user_inc.asp" file

It needs to be the full URL to to the "change_password/default.asp" file

Now edit the "change_password/processchange.asp" file

There are 3 variables you can edit.

PageSentToAfter = "http://localhost/aspprotectmods/password_admin/default.asp"
PassMinLength = 4
PassMaxLength = 8

The "PageSentToAfter" is where you want them sent to after they change the password. It can be whatever you like.
If it is a protected page they should automatically get logged in with the new password they just changed to which is nice.

The other two values should be obvious.

That's it...

Just remember the password change thing is not used in the admin area...
You could easily add code for that on your own though by looking at the the password expiration code I added to the publics "check_user_inc.asp" file

You will see a new field to edit on the user edit screen for the Password Expiration of course. 
, That worked...but when I tried importing the test user, the password was imported in an add formated...like it was encrypted, and I can't log in using the User ID that I imported., I use the group feature and would like to know if it is possible to change or delete members from a group in bulk. For example if I have 200 users registered for group 1 and 3 how could I delete all members from group 3 in one pass rather than editing 200 individual  members?,

(FREE) Nov 23 2005 Update Files

If you purchased ASPProtect Version 7.x before Nov 23 2005 then you can download these Update Files.

(These are non-critical updates.. only update if you want the described changes below)

These updates do the following..

  • Make the Tabs in the Admin area move up and down as you navigate around so they look more like tabs used in a file cabinet.
  • Updates the import/export process so the tab delimited text files created now store the passwords in plain text instead of encrypted. I have been thinking about this one for a while now and I think it is better this way as it was confusing a lot of people. If can also kill the whole process if by chance the encrypted output of a password contains a line break of sorts. There is no way to deal with that scenario so this is way the import/export process is going to work from now on. This also means you should be VERY carfeful about leaving export files lying around as they will have the passwords in them.
  • Updates the "expected_paths.asp" in the data folder because the paths it was generating had an extra "data/" in it.
  • Updates the users page so it will not show the import/export link if you have not entered a path for the export files in the settings.
  • Adds an Activity Tab if using the Activity Tracking features instead of the links it used to put on the users page that most people didn't see.

To install these just copy them in over the old files.

Now of course back up your existing files so can revert back if there is a problem or you do not like the changes. If you made any custom changes to any of your pages use your head and realize that copying these in over your existing files will overide any custom changes you made. (that is your business, I am just warning you)



That would be great.

I am sure you know that many virus that are sent via email have the same property. (double extension). The code can be executed even though Windows identifies them as simple text files etc.

Thanks again


I am having severe trouble with the SQL database connection for ASPlisting (generic version).

I have used all of the suggested connection strings but still get error messages such as:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Specified SQL server not found.

I have set up the tables in the database, although the database existed already with many other tables in it as it costs me per database per month so one has to suffice with many tables in it.

I use SQL a fair amount on my site but have not suffered any probs like this yet.

Any advise or help would be useful.


sure and thats probably what you should do... that pure asp upload thing must not be able to handle the size of your import file... another thing which can very .. also some versions of IIS require registry changes to upload bigger files via asp code alone


(Indemnification Agreement Mod)

This very simple mod will add an Indemnification Agreement Pop-up to the registration signup form which must be agreed to before continuing. This is often done for legal reasons to help cover yourself if something should come up later on.


Download 2006-03-19_212700_Indemnification_Agreement_Mod.zip which contains "terms.js" and put it in your scripts folder. It contains the text that will be displayed in the pop-up. You can of course carefully edit it with a text editor to say whatever you like.

Now carefully edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor. Add this bit of code in blue right after the include to the "footer_inc.asp" file like so. It will be near the bottom of the page.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="footer_inc.asp"-->

<% If ErrorMessage = "" Then %>
<script language="JavaScript" src="../scripts/terms.js">
<% End If %>

Your done, that's it. Now when "users/register.asp" is run for the 1st time the pop-up will come up.


thanks... a review at aspin is always appretiated ...no one ever seems to do a review and they help me out a lot.. the aspprotect admin area header has a link



Hi,  Its just a generic error that really doesn't mean much of anything except that something wrong with your data connection.


could be invalid permissions on the database folder... could be any number of things

when setting up your connection I suggest going dsn-less.

It is better/faster and also a lot easier to set up.

, Aggh..  I put passwords instead of password.  Sorry to have bothered you, works fine now. ,

You cant do it from initial lohin, but you can do it from the time of registration signup.

As for the emailing thing it is most likely an email sending issue more than a code problem. For example spam filters incorrectly grabiing those emails or something of that nature..

Best thing to do is try different things for emailing options until you get something that works. I suggest using CDOSYS with a real email server and using a valid email account for yourself at that email domain. SMTP authentication if necessary. This will ensure the emails sent have valid MX records and dont get treated as spam.



When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....




I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter www.vickerylightning.com/aspgallery/dataconn_inc.asp on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"

Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:

'Create database connection

'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Database connection info and driver
'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")

'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"

Definitely need some assistance!

Rhona (rookie asp) -







in that file "upload_post.asp"


If Session("Admin") <> "True"
End If


If Session("Admin") <> "True" Then
End If



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:45:48 PM

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT, work on ti.net, work on proposals for web sales, wan meeting, clayton biz after hours, Working on streaming server. Trying to get network card to work with 2000., Helped a customer with installation of IE from our cd. Began first installment of modem tests., had to logon to help when coming back from MS BIGDAY madrid was down, got caught up on voicemail email form yesterday, sat down with jason to go over cph, wstar mls, century 21, Training in Cortland MLS office, Answering a few e-mails., email, voicemail, set up domain family bike shoppe, lots of call backs, beaverite, GYMO, Bob Shaw, Pat Fontana, Dave leonard, Ingles, Remington Museaum, Enter bills, radlog, online issue slow, Meet w/Tim B. about SoftGrades project., Resetting open modems, checking on modems in Ogdensburg., call BA ppl again left messages with them, called steve telergy for floor plans to albany and about access, he also mentioned that to get power we need to request power at least 3 days before we need it. Have albany wo done, need darrell for syracuse wo, as what i need we have already except for a couple of things, but darrell has major list of new stuff for syracuse. contact rich from msi again about quote that i didnt get, he sent me quote today., company picnic, made some quick hyperlink fixes on greeneconnection.com for Amy (*no w/o), Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails. taking sign ups, answering phone., report Chamber ISDN circuit to Bell Atlantic, Posted accounts and did a detail of cash and checks for a bank deposit. Ans. phone credit card authorization, coupon rerrals, and customer inquiries., helped a user with netscape. a few with email problems, chow, ok afternoon. Not as slow as it has been. , General, Email, customers, talked to other directors and employees., mtg with Paper lady, incident report, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, answering phone, taking signups. , Third Mind - Bayer Direct - Video Order Process, Lunch, meet with Howard and Seth concerning Ogdensburg frame relay circuits, VT Statements and invoices, travel to ogdensburg to do work on anolog modems,

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