Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:58 PM
1. Two months ago, we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members and renews. and removed the regular payment service, a carry-over from v6.
2. Many from the "pre-subscription" service have yet to expire, thus have a populated expiry field.
3. With a 10 month bridge before we get all the members onto the Subscription service the "Send email to users that are soon to expire."
is used to remind these.
3. When members RENEW using the subscription service, the Expiry Field is not Nulled and they become targets for future reminders although they have renewed as Subscribers.
XYZ signed up on Nov. 05 2004, we send him a reminder in Oct 2005 and he renews as a SUBSCRIBER. His expiry date field is not nulled and he will keep getting notices although he has paid for another year.
Hope this is clearer... Thanks
, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing.,
Oh, it does seem to put the photo in the correct directory., hi,
no.., not unless you come up with some clever way to handle it on your own =https
read 2nd to last post
The way ASPProtect ships it is designed to either be in http:// the whole time or https:// the whole time.... (there curently is no solution from me allowing going from one to the other)
, Hi,
I wanted to see if you had any suggestions for converting from Access to SQL sever database. I attempted this earlier today performing the following steps.
1) Create SQL Tables using Enterprise Manager / SQL Scripts
2) Use DTS to move all of the existing table data to the sql tables.
3) Update dataconn_inc.asp to use SQL and the required connection string.
When these steps were complete I was able to login to ASPProtect as an admin and search / find both groups and users. However, any attempt to edit or create users resulted in a "the page ... had a problem ... " type problem. It seems that I can read from the db fine but and getting errors writing to the tables. The user id that is being used to connect to the db is the [dbo].
Any additional hints for this procedure?
, I had a question about user registration and how it works, mainly because I am having a problem.
When a user registers, with the email verification setting, I am assuming that there is supposed to be a new record created in the USERS table in the database. What could cause this not to happen?
Actually, in testing further I found that with the setting at Auto, Manual, or email, the record is not added to the table. And, if I am logged in as admin, the Add User button does not do anything.
I can however edit and delete user records...
Hmmm, adding a Category yields the same thing. And loggin in as a non-admin user still displays some of the menu items for admin, but then gives a page can not be found error if you click on one (ie, approve).
This looks like a db issue to me, I will have to try this with access and on a test server...
Any thoughts?
- Jason
cwilliams38303.8507291667, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am . eneral+Inquiry
, any asp code that accesses an access database, writes to text files, or allows for picture uploading will need permissions set on certain directories
every application out there is going to need permissions set at some point
its just a fact.. and if your hosting company does not give you a way to manage permissions or have it done when you ask they do not know what they are doing and they are not supporting your asp hosting needs
see my article for more info on the whole process
the part newar the bottom talks about hosting companies
, After turning off the friendly errors, here is the detail.
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
/users/register.asp, line 16
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
ANSWER: W=Disallowed+Parent+Path+
lancem38310.6408101852, Hi,
I don't fully understand what you are explaining ... the part about showing a user but not working???? but if you PM me the details I will glady go into your live webserver and see if I can get it working.
, We have upgraded to IIS 6, but as I recall aspbanner continued to
work fine for at least 3 months after the upgrade. I would like
to reinstall, but I cannot find the zip file.
Cookies are turned on in my browers, I've tried both Internet Explorer and FireFox, niether stay logged-in.
Jason S.
, I have a need for more than the current number of custom fields currently available in the registration form. Is there a documented method of adding additional fields or am I not able to do so?
, It's MS Access, Version 7 (the Full one).
Anyway, I had inadvertently changed the user_id field type to "number". When I changed it back to "autonumber", everything went back to normal.
Thanks you very much for your quick reply and sorry to have bothered you.
, at this point I would say install a fresh untouched copy in the web in a different directory and lets see if it acts weird from scratch.. the we can go from there.. I dont know what is going on
, as an update... it is now possible to use Website Payments Pro with classic ASP..
However, you basically need to own/run your own server because of certificate signing and special things that must be installed on it. The certificates you have to generate requires your paypal username and password so it's definetly not something hosts are going to do for people.
So... this still isn't plausible at this time..., Nov 2005
, ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part of the root iis application.
Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned., you do not run "check_user_inc.asp" by itself
Pages you protect include that file at the top.. when they someone goes to a protected page if not logged in a user then sees a login prompt..
after loggin in they see that same page as normal
its an automated process..
now, that being said if you really want to you a specify a page to be redirected to after the 1st login when you edit a users info. You can also redirect anyone anywhere like using a simple ASP redirect statement in your code.
Personally I feel that redirecting people all over the place is poor site design. ASP is all about dynamic code and ASPProtect is all about dynamically tailoring pages to the current logged in users... so why redirect people all over the place.. it justs complicates things because you still need to password protect the places you send them to.... which means twice the work and twice the confusion.
Also, here is a Version 6 thread about redirecting manually that still applies to version 7.
, (FREE) Nov 23 2005 Update Files
If you purchased ASPProtect Version 7.x before Nov 23 2005 then you can download these Update Files.
(These are non-critical updates.. only update if you want the described changes below)
These updates do the following..
- Make the Tabs in the Admin area move up and down as you navigate around so they look more like tabs used in a file cabinet.
- Updates the import/export process so the tab delimited text files created now store the passwords in plain text instead of encrypted. I have been thinking about this one for a while now and I think it is better this way as it was confusing a lot of people. If can also kill the whole process if by chance the encrypted output of a password contains a line break of sorts. There is no way to deal with that scenario so this is way the import/export process is going to work from now on. This also means you should be VERY carfeful about leaving export files lying around as they will have the passwords in them.
- Updates the "expected_paths.asp" in the data folder because the paths it was generating had an extra "data/" in it.
- Updates the users page so it will not show the import/export link if you have not entered a path for the export files in the settings.
- Adds an Activity Tab if using the Activity Tracking features instead of the links it used to put on the users page that most people didn't see.

To install these just copy them in over the old files.
Now of course back up your existing files so can revert back if there is a problem or you do not like the changes. If you made any custom changes to any of your pages use your head and realize that copying these in over your existing files will overide any custom changes you made. (that is your business, I am just warning you)
, Just installed sofware everything works fine except I see no way to upload any photos. There is no reference or link to allow an upload on any of the asp pages (I have surfed them all). I am sure it is something simple, but I am not aware. I am using SQL2000., ok, how about some more in fo on the setup ?
What version of MSSQl ?
Exactly how did you create the sql database ?
Is it possible banners.asp got edited ?
Did you create all your banners via the admin interface and do all all banners have a zone assigned as that is important ? Sometimes customers will add banner info directly to the database and leave out vital field info that the application requires. Based on that error it is starting to look like that page is coming across a banner with no zone ID and thus the error. ,
ok, here's a test page:
user: test
password: test
Our company just got new computers, so everyone here has the same set-up, all Dells, all about 3 weeks old, all Windows XP.
But I did realize after reading your post that I am using Firefox and everyone else was using IE. When I used IE, I was able to duplicate the error.
But, alas, I am unable to resolve it. Client will be using IE, no doubt.
, How can i get to this to register someone in the database only after the Paypal payment has been accepted. I was testing it out to see if it makes it to my Paypal account (which it did just fine) then I closed Paypal before paying. I logged in as the administrator and looked at the member list and the account was created anyway. How can I stop this from being created until "only" after the Paypal payment has been "approved"?
What if this person never comes back to "try again"? Now the username he used (and is inactive) is not available for anyone else to use. And it takes up database space.
I am using the Paypal (non-subscription)
Thanks in advance,
, Is there a possibility to build in a option that the administrator will be notifed when a banner expired.
, The Read-only attribute i was referring to is at the windows explorer level when looking at the folder properties under the general tab.
ASPNET and IUSR have full access to the _database folder as you suggested - Yet still I get the permission error noted above.
, you password protect an asp page in your site "where that is is up to you"
then you link them there from your own pages
thats all there is to it
is that what you are asking?
Additionally...any page you password protect automatically becomes a login page... where you want to start and where you send them after or before login is something you have to handle on your own
Any pages you pasword protect will prompt the user for login info if they are not yet logged in that is.
Then once logged in it returns them to the same page they are showing the page content as it would normally appear.
cwilliams38455.7128356481, This issue came up once before and when I investigated I could find no error in the html that aspprotect generates and those files do exist where they are supposed to. We concluded it was a parsing error from the log file system.
There just really isn't anything I can do about it. I spent a week trying to figure it out. It is just the log parser screwing up under certain circumstances where there is no reason anything is wrong. They have trouble dealing with some of the complex URL/querystrings that the ASPProtect admin area uses. They think there is a 404 eror when there isn't... etc etc
, I have added two users in different group access but none of them can login to the pages
, If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/01/2004 this file needs to be updated.
It fixes a bug where CODE type banners do not work correctly with a weight higher than 1.
Basically, blank banners will rotate and you will see nothing sometimes.
Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name.
cwilliams38209.5383680556, Excellent.
Payment now taken in £.
Pasted <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GDP"> into
Thanks Folks.
, If you have an album with more than 96 pictures, the spacing in the tables can become incorrect, with pictures touching each other. (This program is not designed to handle more than 96 pictures due to server speed, but it can handle more than 96 with minor changes to the code.) Also, after 96 pictures, the pictures will not have 6 on a line, but rather 6 on a line up to 96 pictures and then the rest of the pictures on one line next to each other extending to the right of the screen endlessly. To fix this, I simply edited the ASP code using the following loop. It can be a perminent fix, because I used the maxpicsperalbum variable to define the spacing.
Dim SixInterval
For SixInterval = 2 to maxpicsperalbum
SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
<% If PicIndex = SixInterval THEN %>
<% End If %>
<% Next %>
Then, the following code must be commented out:
<% If PicIndex = 6 or PicIndex = 12 or PicIndex = 18 or PicIndex = 24 or PicIndex = 30 or PicIndex = 36 or PicIndex = 42 or PicIndex = 48 or PicIndex = 54 or PicIndex = 60 or PicIndex = 66 or PicIndex = 72 or PicIndex = 78 or PicIndex = 84 or PicIndex = 90 or PicIndex = 96 Then %>
<% End If %>
This code can be found in scripts/view_album_style*STYLE NUMBER*_inc.asp . (STYLE NUMBER depending on which style you are using (found in config file))
This change in code will enter a new table row after each 6th picture. You can have more or less than 6 pictures per line depending on the width of your files and preference by changing changing the number 5 in this line of code: SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
If you have any questions,
jamapor38210.5987384259, I wonder if this could this be a FrontPage problem. I deleted the skins folder and re-ftp'd the original one that only contains default and Solid Black. I logged in and tried to change it back to default but it won't. I'm going to try making this folder a Frontpage subweb to see if that makes a difference.
, Yep, thats my thinking as well.
On the test server I have the site connected to a SQL 2000 db with the sa account, so it should have full control. But still no luck.
However, on the test server, I connected to the Access 2002 db and it works fine..adding user, adding categories, adding albums.

, now. I just went to that url and this is the error I see which shows me there is a character in the source code that shouldnt be there which is causing the page to halt.
Looks like a "carrot".
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
, Hi,
I have a question re ASP Protect, I have got it up and running on a dev server which also hosts a e-com engine (ASP / Access), when users check out they are presented with the e-com log in screen (which is sharing the same ASPP_User table). All's well and registration and editing user details is fine both in the Admin section and the front end of ASP and if I request an email reminder from the ecom scripts I get back the encrypted password.
I'm using <% = Session("Email") %> and <% = Session("Password") %> to populate the fields on the ecom log in page so users can click though and progress, the checkout process needs the username/password, all user info shows up ok, however, when I proceed with these credentials, it doesn't work, even though I know these to be correct and even without requesting a password reminder and using the one that gets me in everywhere else, I still can't get through? do I need some code re the crypto so the ecom can decode??
Any help would be great - I've been on it for about 10 hours, and checked through the posts here but can't fathom it out?
Thanks Craig
, I checked the option pack code as well and it looks correct.
I tested it and it acted as it should.
You can see it in active at the live demo
go the the admin area.. you will notice 3 users with level 4 access
1 of them is inactive
then go to the mass email area and pick active and level 4
it will say it is sending email to 2 users which is correct
then go to mass email again and pick level 4 and inactive
it will say it is sending email to 1 user which is correct
choose any status and access level 4 and it will send email to 3 users which is correct
When you do this please realize you can not choose a group as well.
That will cause a problem because you can not choose a group and an access level at the same time.
Anyway... perhaps you can private message or use the contact us form and and let me take a look at your system. Since I can't reproduce the behavior that is the only way we might figure this out.
cwilliams38104.690787037, New Version 8.1 Released
Whats new..
Upgrade Instructions...
Upgrade at your own risk. Though we try new versions are not always perfect due to minor bugs we may miss.
Back up your old setup so you can revert back if necessary..!!!
Save your data connection string info in a text file so you have it.
You can get that by viewing the system info page in the admin area.
Carefully copy all the ".asp" files from the new version to the old.
Your going to want all the .asp files in the aspbanner folder.
Your going to want all the .asp files in the aspbanner/scripts folder
Copy the aspbanner/images folder because there are some new images
Be sure to also copy the "data/config" folder files.folders as well as a lot of that is new including the actual config file. If you dont get the new config file copied in there you will have problems later on with some of the new features.
Be sure to create a new folder in the "data" folder called "tempstats"
Make sure it has proper permissions if you plan on using the delayed stats feature as the stats gets temporarily stored there.
Go back to the area where you originally setup the data connection and do that again...
From the web browser run the following URL
Replace "yoursite" with the proper url info relevant to your web site location.
When run via the web server that page will ask for a password. By default it is "temp". You should change it later on for security reasons. That page tells you how.
Now... moving on..
There were no changes to the database except for SQL Server users so you can use your existing database.
SQL Server users that want to use the new stored procedures feature (it's optional) will need to update their SQL database with the stored procedures.
Scripts to do that are provided.
ALSO: I have been running this new version using SQL Server Stored Procedure mode for a 1 week on a special banner server that serves banners to many of my own sites. I have also been using the new Delayed Stats feature.
All I can say is it is running like a champ and the SQL server is using less memory than it ever did before.
cwilliams38291.7372800926, does emailing work at the simplest level.. ??
meaning does a user get an email when you send an email from the admin users screen ?
if emails are not sending it could very well be the setting you have chosen for emails in the settings.
the best thing to do is keep trying to send an email there and try different emails settings until you get something that works... even when I do installs for people I often have to try a lot of various things before I get emails to send.. like picking different components and trying different things for the email server address because what they tell me is often wrong
also, sometimes emails get sent but depending on where they go they may get deleted as spam.. aol, hotmail, msn, and yahoo are famous for that , ok, Hello -
Believe it or not I finally can access the photogallery. You were right Chris regarding the unzipping of the files.
Now onto the next challenge! I have set up three categories and proceeded to create a test album. I uploaded a couple of pictures (yeah that worked!!!) but the album does not show up on the default.asp page under the category.
Please advise -
Rhona (rookie) 
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:58 PM
Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts and did a detail of check and cash for a bank deposit. Credit card authorization, coupon referrals, and customer inquiries., Phone w/ Ivan Sein re: updates., callbacks from voicemail answering phone., lunch, gwcc meeting, isn maycrest travel, errol usa1net investors, past/prest/future, order xmas cards, gwcc ad, yellow page advertising, channel 7 webpage, Telephone conference with Howard, contact Owen Banks re:prior meeting and site content information for proposal (pre-sales), Ecommerce seminar, met with two attendees to discuss website design, Busy morning, duties:reports, answering voice mail and emails for billing, quality checking sign up and cancellations. Answering phones. , computer maintenence:re-install NT service pack 5 because of computer problems, Lunch, Pretty busy... steady bursts of calls, Working with John. Making sure the line was working ok., Working on Database Structure for new MLS site., Paul and Gisco JCC, Fixing DANC ISDN Router issue. Checked config on both ends (local and remote) discovered radiusd not running on NS2. Restarted Radiusd on Updated DANCISDN password on NS2, more Passport training, Howard, Peggy - Furniture, *TaskForce: Office AddIn Development - Code for Excel, Packing up and preparing for move to Watertown. Talking to staff members about the plan for moving., evening team meeting, Cash budgeting discussion w/Tim, read/answered mail re: various projects, gisco soft media tabloid flyers, payroll , Moving Matt G., Dave F. and my office upstairs, travel to watertown- for meeting- sporting goods
, phones, rad log and online, callbacks, SQL Self-Study, Vacation,