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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:47:41 PM

Thanks, the DESC addition did the trick!
- Jason
I had a question about user registration and how it works, mainly because I am having a problem.
When a user registers, with the email verification setting, I am assuming that there is supposed to be a new record created in the USERS table in the database. What could cause this not to happen?
Actually, in testing further I found that with the setting at Auto, Manual, or email, the record is not added to the table. And, if I am logged in as admin, the Add User button does not do anything.
I can however edit and delete user records...
Hmmm, adding a Category yields the same thing. And loggin in as a non-admin user still displays some of the menu items for admin, but then gives a page can not be found error if you click on one (ie, approve).
This looks like a db issue to me, I will have to try this with access and on a test server...
Any thoughts?
- Jason

Don't want to install the application ?
Having trouble doing it ?
Don't think you can ?

No problem, have us install it for you.


Installation service is generally available Mon - Fri during the hours of 10 am - 7 pm EST.
We may very well be around to do installs at other times but we do not guarantee that.

To do an install we generally need FrontPage Explorer or FTP access to your site.
We also need a way to set permissions on any necessary directories, etc etc.

To do a SQL Server install we need to access your SQL server via Enterprise Manager.

Some installs may require access to other things not mentioned.

The server must be a properly set up NT/2000/2003 server running IIS 4-6 for ASP 3.0 applications.
(with support for ASP scripts and database connectivity.) Parent Paths must be enabled on the server.

Please Note:
These ASP scripts do not run under Chillisoft ASP. That means they do not run under Unix, Linux, Apache, etc etc.
We do not install our applications on free ASP Hosting solutions. Why, because they are more trouble than they are worth. Free hosts like that are usually zero help if we need something changed. There is a reason they are free.

We install the software in it's base configuration. We make sure it is running correctly. If you break the installation you will have to pay to have it fixed. We do not integrate it with your existing site or edit any of your existing web content. That is up to you. Installation fees are non refundable as is the digital source code we sell. When you purchase anything from us you agree to this.

We do not do installs for IPNFulfill and Color Sequence Protection as they are simple scripts and do not even use a database.. We also do not install the IPN Support Pack as it is just a folder you copy into your web and some configuration files that you must decide how to configure based on your needs and your PayPal account info.

Installation Service Pricing
Any CJWSoft ASP 3.0 application
(Access Database Installation)
Any CJWSoft ASP 3.0 application
(SQL Database Installation)

Contact us if you have any questions.


Could you please advise what may be causing this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x57a4 Thread 0x5474 DBC 0xf03a704 Jet'.

/ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 292


Funny thing is that if I refesh the page with the above error it gives me the following eror:

/ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 292

and after few times of refreshing the page it shows me the page I am after.

Is this my promlem or ISP's.

Thank you



Unfortuantely I can not help you much regarding the javascript because I am a server side code kinda guy. Client side javascript just isn't my thing. That was free javascript code that I used for that function. I really do not know enough about editing client javascript. Sounds like you might though.

Style 1 is really a relic left over from the standard version. I just left it in in case someone wanted to use it. Like I said because it is javascript making it do more than it does is tricky (at least for me)

Now,, for actually getting description code. The thing to do is check out how that all works in the pic_window.asp file which is what style 2 two uses. Bascially descriptions for an particular album get stored in one text file. We read that test file. Put the lines into an array. Then display the info which gets run through a functions to convert some special characters used when saving back to normal.

I tried to look at your site but it woulnt load for some reason.



ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.

Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.

A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.

Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.

For example..

You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly

Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  2-8 would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  3-8 would have access..

and so on... I think you should get the picture by now


It does not matter what directory name the ASPProtect files and folders are in but you cant go moving around critical file and folders like it appears you did nor is there any reason to.

All that is is saying is that the users folder, the password_admin folder, the scripts folder, the check_user_inc.asp file, and all the other files and folders that come with the system can be in any directory name as a whole.... but that doesn't mean you can go messing around with the files and folders in that directory.

I assure you 100's of users do not use "aspprotect" as the main folder name and they have no issues doing so.

Regardless, you need to explain in much clearer detail exactly what you did and what paths you used and what is where.  At this point I really do not know what is you did as your post was not clear to me.

You should also check that you have entered correct path info in the admin settings page area. The register page is one of the paths that geths set there.


It sounds like permissions... to the database folder specifically
they are not correct

It could also be that your odbc drivers are very new and you are not using a new enough version of the access Database. I recommened using the 2002-2003 verison of MSACCESS

Now.. if using a SQL Server Database permissions to certain tables are handled in enterpise manager


Your probably talking about "Session.Timeout" which is a feature of the IIS webserver. Please do a google search on it for more information.

In the meatime if you look at the top of the "check_user_inc.asp" file you should see a section like this where you can try to change the value.

' Minutes you want before the session times out.
' This is set on the server to be default to 15 or 20 minutes depending on the server version
' You can change it there or override it here.
Session.Timeout = 30

Specifying it like that is supposed to overwrite the value for your web in the IIS console which is usualy 20 minutes.


Well. fontpage publishing is evil. That you have found out.

Do not use it. It usually wont work right when running asp code locally and also at the server because of differences with the paths and virtual directory structure. etc etc etc

You can definetly use frontpage to connect to the web site live and drag and drop files into it/edit them... but the sooner you stop using the publishing feature the better off you will be.

I am having difficulty properly securing pdf's using 7.x
I used the example file and have been able to secure images and word docs, but the pdf's give users the error "There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found."

The kicker -- it works fine on my computer, just not anyone else's. I put a link up to the same file without any security and that works on everyone's computer. The word file links and redirects work too. I've tried my log-in on other computers, then attempting to download the pdf and that doesn't work.

The client wants a site where users must register before downloading pdf's. They should be able to view all the pages without registering.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I can't complete the site until this issue is resolved.

Help appreciated.



2004-08-19_122127_ASPBanner_V7.3_code_banner_encode_decode_m od.zip

This is an Expirmental MOD for ASPBanner Version 7.3 Only
Do not use it on other versions....

It encodes CODE Banner information before saving it into the application variables that handle banner rotation. It then decodes that information before displaying them on your web pages.

The reason for this is SOME very complex javascript does not always save correctly into the application variables that rotate banners (even when not using the JavaScript Method to display the banners)

This way the javascript or whatever you entered comes out on your web page exactly as you entered it and runs correctly.. but there is little more processing going on to handle the encoding and decoding. But its probably nothing to worry about and won't effect performance at all.

Unless your having a problem don't use this mod. It is not officially supported in any way.



If you are wondering if the "appinfo_inc.asp" included has the weight banner bug fix applied to it already. That is a bug mentioned in our forums





cwilliams38229.4189930556, I wouldn't bother doing that. If pic uplading doesn't work it is most likely permissions to the directory pictures are uploaded to. If they are not set correctly it will not work. That dir needs the same permissions the database folder needs. ,

In a way your questions are confusing to me, but here is some information regardless.

Using Active Sever pages you can not protect entire folders. It is simply not possible. ASPProtect is Active Server Pages scripts so it can only protect individual ".asp" files.

If you are concerned about customers downloading the access database..

best practive is to store it in different folder name than it came in
best practive is to give the database .mdb file itself a different name
best practive is to change the password on the access database
best practice is to store it in a directory that is not part of your web if possible.. many of the better hosting companies have it set up so you actually can do that

the more of these things you can do the better..

And if you are really worried about security you should use a SQL Server database which nobody can download from your website under any conditions because your data lives in the sql server and unless they get the username/password to it they can not access it.


After taking another look at this and trying your suggestions without success, it appears that in Windows 2003 server it is nearly impossible to remove the READ ONLY attribute from the _database folder.  I'm wonder if this could the cause?



Actually it would because you would just count records for that user that are also active

and yes, users cant delete albums.. they can only turn them off which really means the albums lose their active status

only the admin can truly delete an album the way the code is
(that's just the way I did it for some reason.. I don't remember why)


This is the 1st time anyone has ever told me they had any issues with the import process so I need more detailed information.

What upload component/method are you using ?
Are you using an image resizing component ?
Have permissions been set on the import folder ?

And lastly..
Can I see this happening ?

If not please put it on a live server where I can troubleshoot it for you.
Like we say on our site.

In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine. We also may require access to your server in order to troubleshoot any issues.



Hello Chris:

Let me run some more test if it's working on your end it should be on mine?  I have made some custom updates to the code but no in that area.



, Hi there...

I'm using the gallery script with ASPImage for uploading and resizing. I bought this script and the componant for the the auto-thumbnailing feature, and it is indeed uploading and resizing and creating a thumbnail.

But the thumbnail is *tiny* at 64px wide. I need to change the width, but I can't find anything in ASP Gallery or ASPImage to indicate where that width is set. Can anyone help?


Can ASPClassifieds display the ads by city?

I have a web directory that lists websites and companies by city.  Is it possible to have specific ads shown to the user depending on what city they click on?  For example, only ads in New York would be shown to users that have already clicked on that city in my directory.



If I would like a link on my web page that will take someone to the login page (I would also like this page to contain forgot passord? and register)   I am not entirely clear what file to link to to do this.  Would it be check_user_inc.asp?

Thanks in advance?


cwilliams38456.0972106481, no, but in the standard version it probably will not run so great with more than 75 or so.

The unlimited version can handle pretty much whatever., I am not talking about image resizing. I need to know if it is possible to limit the upload to images where their height or width is less than 500 PIX. ,

What other information do you have ?

Details are very important.

Info on situations where it works... like OS, browser version.. etc etc

Info on situations where it does not work... same stuff

size of the PDF files ?

server info ?

Maybe protect a page and offer a PDF file so myself and some of the forum users can try it and report back what happens.

Also, Many people zip up PDF files when letting people download them as browsers can act pretty odd at times with them. Perhaps that is an option.


The random password is generated during signup and the function that creates it is located on this page of code.


it looks like this

Function RndStr(Length, UseChrs)
 If IsNull(UseChrs) OR (UseChrs = "") Then UseChrs = "
 NewStr = ""
 For gpIndex = 1 To Length
  NewStr = NewStr & Mid(UseChrs, Int((Len(UseChrs)) * Rnd + 1), 1)
 RndStr = NewStr
End Function

For example go to this page and hit refresh and watch the password change.


Yes, sometimes if you hit refresh quickly over and over you'll get the same password, but not generally. Also that is not something that would happen normally as a user isnt going to sit at that screen and hit refresh over and over.

Anyway... when signing up the new user of course has the option to change that password to something they would like better...

As far as... "selecting the same user name and password every time"

I need more information. That does not make sense for a lot of reasons.

Most importantly because usernames are not generated. The are inputed by the user during signup. They are then checked to ensure they do not already exist before the user is allowed to complete their signup.

So under normal circumstances there can never be duplicate usernames in the system or even users with duplicate emails as that is checked as well.

Now of course if you edited the code in any way it is possible all this is not working correctly ?


Hi there, I am not exactly what you mean when you say "moved some of the include files to user"

are you saying you are moving files around ? I am not sure what you mean there.

but.. the parent path issue is described in detail here


Having is enabled is actually a requirment of the photo gallery application as stated on the web site

You can certainly still use the apllication but as that article says you will need to change any file includes to virtual includes so they will work with parent paths disabled



trust me, they (serverobjects) do not check processors.. as a matter of fact they haven't answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell those components like hotcakes and take in mad crazy cash. But I will say the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy probably took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)

ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own.
It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.

There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.

If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.

To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.

, Chris,

Well some good news! This from my hosting company this morning...

I'd say that the vendor is right so I've submitted a work order to
create the *****.com/aspnetprotect directory as an application.
If there are any other directories for which this needs to be done,
please let us know. This particular task always needs to be performed
by our staff.

If you need to follow up on this job with one of our on-line or phone
technicians, you can reference ticket id 11860.

With regards

Thanks for your help thus far

cwilliams38455.5654513889, I get the following message when trying to  look up the sysdiag.aspx and the default.aspx files. Why? I have followed all the install instructions.

Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>


I have just purchased ASP v7 and loaded.  Followed instructions.  Obtained codes not prob.  Get to single field login screen, enter password and following page appears:

Method Not Allowed

The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /temp/aspprotect/password_admin/get_me_in.asp.

Added folder aspprotect under (temp web) folder - temp, but also tried under root folder of web site.

Still no luck.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.didac.co.uk Port 80

I apologize if I've missed this, but I would love to see the ability to auto-e-mail the advertiser at some randomly set interval before the banner expires. Ideally, I would also be cc'd on this e-mail so I can stay in touch. If the advertiser wants to renew, I can receive payment and change the expiration date without their banner ever falling out of service.

Since e-mail is already built into the program, would it be difficult to add a routine that checks for expiring banners at some daily interval, and contacts the advertiser?

To get really fancy, the e-mail could include the ability for me to add a button for paypal, allowing the advertiser to easily click and send off another payment.




Got any info for me on this ?


, Once you have the LANGUAGE = VBSCRIPT and Checkfor = 1 on your page, you'll have it secured. I've got over 1600 pages secured in such a manner, thanks to ASPProtect! ,

yes, admins have access to absolutely anything...

as for the other question what you should do is only show links to people logged in that they have access to.. then they wont get logged out when they go to a page they do not have access to

for example if someone doesn't have access to a level 4 page dont give them a link to go there... you can do that by checking the session variables and creating your hyperlink html code accordingly .. using simple if-else logic... you could even make a hyperlink non-clickable and add some text to it like (no access)

it's all about taking the time to intelligently designing the different areas of your web site. It takes a bit of time and work to really make a system flow the way you want it to.

other than that it becomes extremely complicated to not grant them access when they go to a page they dont have access to but also keep them logged in. It is just not designed to flow that way. If someone goes to a page they do have access to they get logged out. It sort of has to be that way because of the ways things flow.

more info on accessing user info after login so you can do that

another good thing to check out is the provided examples for mutliple access levels. You can see that if you log into the default page for that that it only shows you links to pages you have access to. Done with simple if-else logic around the html links. It is using groups but you can do the same sort of concept using groups.



No, there is not.

not the way the code ships.. The program keeps tracks of everything by the way it ranames files. The system has been tested to work well with as many as 10,000 images files. Any more than that and you need something a little more serious meant for that amount of images.

You could certainly modify it do work that way if you are good with source code. There are actually as many drawbacks as doing doing it that way as there are advantages.
Take Care


, there is no straight answer to a question like that..

I think my code is very easy to figure out and work with...

What your asking all depends on your skills and also what sort of payment processing system/merchant account you go with and what sort of ASP example code they provide you,

I have a user who is trying to login. However, I am getting a error that I can't seem to find.
Username: executive.barcheski
Password: executive@amcpc.com

Encrypted Password: Ū?=¨`Ł…Ü

Error on check_user_inc.asp line 114

If (Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("KEEPMESIGNEDIN") = "True") And (Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME") <> "") And KeepSignedInOption And Status <> "Checkem" Then
CheckUserSQL = "SELECT " & tbl_label_users & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_users & " WHERE (Username = '" & RC4(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME "), CookieEncryptionKey) & "') And (Password = '" & Replace(RC4(RC4(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COO KIE_PASSWORD"), CookieEncryptionKey), PasswordEncryptionKey),"'","''") & "')"
CheckUserSQL = "SELECT " & tbl_label_users & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_users & " WHERE (Username = '" & Username & "') AND (Password = '" & Replace(RC4(Password, PasswordEncryptionKey),"'","''") & "')"
End If

CmdCheckUser.Open CheckUserSQL, ConnPasswords

error received: unclosed quote after 'Ū?=¨

Any ideas

Jason Johnson

As I have my site hosted by a web hosting company (1and1.com), I want to make sure the ASP Photo Gallery software runs correctly before I buy. I am not sure about whether or not they support parent paths because I can find nothing in the online faqs. But, I have two other ASP apps (Forum and News from Web Wiz) running on the site, both connecting to Access databases. I remember having problems initially setting these up because I kept trying to use paths like ../db/wwforum.mdb like I would normally do when referencing images or pages in other folders.
Anyway, here are the database connection strings for the two apps. The first is for the Forum, which is at /forum/common.asp connecting to a database in /db/wwForum.mdb. The second is for the News, at /news/common.asp accessing /db/news.mdb.
'Virtual path to database
 strDbPathAndName = Server.MapPath("/db/wwForum.mdb")
'Database connection info and driver
strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/db/news.mdb")
Thanks for your help, hopefully I'll be setting up my new galleries this weekend!
- Jason

Thanks, I really appreciate you working on this. The software works GREAT and the support you give can't be beat. I will definately tell other that are looking for software for their sites to check your first.


one more question.

To use the bulk upload feature of aspuload, do I just need to add another upload section to the same upload page, that will allow more than one file to be selected then tell it to put the files in as Photo 1, 2, 3 etc.? I am a rookie at ASP but I think this is possible and with a little research I should be able to get it going.

Just want to make sure I am on the right track.


, issue resolved.. new files did the trick,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:47:42 PM

General, answering phone, taking sign ups, checked emails. , wireless install at State Office Building Expo, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, credit card authorizations, ans. phone, customer inquiries, matched QB invoices to bank deposit slips., Went to Business Fair to tear down, to Sam Keep for grounding and Woodruff for antenna alignment. , Mounted Grounding material, general billing issues. T3 line calls. training Joann, TIITC database program, Meetings at Watertown Chamber, training on backup systems, and domain creations., helped a couple people with their mail. a few people having problems putting in their passwords, MEET WITH AMY TO GO OVER MILS COTTAGE , Going over a few things in ASP with Bill M., Met w/Tim, Tariffs & Building Issues, Travelling to ISPcon and checking in, *TaskForce - Test and Debug New Build: Slow Login and data capture time, Michelex- Pat- need password for virtual email- spoek with ben, called back working fine now, Seaway slips- pricing, going to work on outline, will contact this week for registering domain name, Save the river- problem with password, spelling incorrect, Value manufactuered homes- left message for Kevin,captain Spicers- contact Lis next week, Taylor Concrete- pick up info for web site, St. Lawrence Radiology- left message for Karate, sent email to steve, Nashs-busy, Loir- Lyons- falls paper- spoke with her baout problem with fscpapare, clear cash in machine, reinstall front page, Wade Mann- church interested in hosting and internet access- pricing, The wokplace left message for Jennifer Knapp, Tom Majo- send out hosting pricing and agreement with DnS numbers. Wagoners- left message for tim, contact on Thursday, Defereit paper- meeting for thursday at 11:00 am, , working on email catchup, Calculating last week's billing, 25 Miles : Clayton - Watertown, Call from Tony Benedetto of ccbrmls.com: another odd problem that only he's getting. Steve, Cris, and Chris listened in to see what his problem was. Decided that he should download a new version of IE. That should take care of it. (hopefully), teched calls, steady, Adding work order numbers to the timecard system and small fix on edittimecard.asp, Went to the Watertown office to meet with Steve. He is helping me learn the best way to do client side form validation manually so that I can incorporate it with the schema code that I have been working on. Then I can dynamically grab info from the database such as fields names and types and sizes and use ASP to dynamically create the client side validation on the fly. ALSO.. Steve showed me something he and Randy figured inlvoving speciall permissions we can set on Acccess databases so that people that find out the path can't download them., break to the bank, Adding more items to Engineering notebook, researching past configs., Working with servers. Supporting customer issues. Working with Matt on agencyideas., general billing, callbacks on emails, change graphic on homepage to just say "access numbers" and remove old header from page...,

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