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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:41:01 PM

If you are using version 6 CDOSYS is not supported. That is one reason why version 7 came out. If you want to rewrite the code to work with CDOSYS in version 6 that is something you need to sort out on your own as I do not support custimization to the code.


any asp code that accesses an access database, writes to text files, or allows for picture uploading will need permissions set on certain directories

every application out there is going to need permissions set at some point

its just a fact.. and if your hosting company does not give you a way to manage permissions or have it done when you ask they do not know what they are doing and they are not supporting your asp hosting needs

see my article for more info on the whole process
the part newar the bottom talks about hosting companies



My hosting company uses ASPEMAIL - and I am trying to setup the mailing settings on ASPPROTECT - but cant seem to get it to work.   I've tried many different options - here are two that are the closest - but have issues:

1. If I use the settings:

email component: aspemail

Mail remote server: my internal server name

*no smtp authentication

email mail notification - my email address on my internal server

***I get the following results:

       I can get get notified when a new user logs in, email a user from aspprotect user screen if they are in my company and have a valid email -- but I can not send to the outside world - I get an relay prohibited error.

2. If i try to change the setting to use the Hosting Website email server - I get the following results:  I dont get notified when a new user registers, I cant send to internal company people - but I can send to the outside world.

**any suggestions on what to do? I'm trying to work with the people who manage the mail servers - but since I dont know anything about them - its a bit difficult.



The relay error is because when you send emails outside your email domain smtp authentication is required.

I suggest trying to use CDOSYS with the smtp authentication option. CDOSYS is on all servers by default and is really the way to go. Use a real email account and password to send the emails through the server.  Be sure to check smtp authentication for cdosys and to specify all that info for your email account and password in the settings screen.

If you want to know about CDOSYS read my article.


Sounds to me like you got some bad databases or something. Or your trying to open a database with too old of a version of msaccess.. not sure

Everything is stored in one database. And yes there is more than just the users table.

Also,  removing the "temp" password should be a piece of cake.

Email me for a new copy of the download file ? Use the contact from on the cjwsoft site. Please tell me your order details as well so I know who you are.



Confused  Hi, we purched ASP Protect a few months back and had it installed on our hosting company under a "temporary" domain name -- cidrasensors.com

We are now about ready to switch this development site over to production and I need to change the domain from cidrasensors.com to cidra.com

My hosting company wants us to create a new accounting and re-set everyting up.

So...based on this, I have a few questions for you:

1. Do I need to re-install the software? or can I copy from one account to the other?

2. Assuming I can copy the software to the new account - are there changes that will need to be made to point to the new domain?

3. If I decide I wanted to keep the first account alive for development purposes (never turn on the website domain to the public) - would I need to have a seperate ASP Protect license? 

4. If I decided to ask you to do the transfer for us - is that covered in the $20 Installation fee I saw on the web?  


, You kid around again regarding illegal downloads and not only will you be banned from the forums, your support will be cut off completely.


For all you advanced users..

Here are two examples of ASP.NET code you can use on your ".aspx" pages to call banners from the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBaner Unlimited V8

This code is not supported... and you of course must change things accordingly like the variable names and zone numbers to match the zone you want to call banners from as well as the url.




Of course ASP.NET is and HAS been installed. I have been running asp.net scripts for years on it. I am not new to asp.net nor setting up the server or anything. ASP.NET is properly installed and works perfectly.

You are missing the fact i mentioned it is a DOMAIN CONTROLLER.

I have come across MANY articles ONLINE via GOOGLE that mention if it is a domain controller, for some reason the aspnet account is not there or gets deleted.


Is it possible to run ASP.NET scripts without ASP.NET not being installed? Because I have been running asp.net pages without any problem.


Okay, I did that, now I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'

Path not found

/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 292

, I just got home from a lonnng trip.. I will try to answer this 1st thing in the morning.


I run F-secure on my laptop which has the anti-virus and firewall modules, and the servers aren't running anything like that.


Please be more specific. What hit count are we talking about ?

User Logging ? Albums ? Something else ?

Please descriube the situation in detail. There are really no settings for any sort of hit count.



you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..

You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ?


I did not make a mistake.. what I typed is what I meant to say. I think maybe you are taking it the opposite way as I explained it.


What you want to do... logging them in under https and then having them continue though the site under http is not possible.

It doesn't work that. way. As far as the webserver is concerned https is a totally different site than http and each have their own unique set of application and session variables.

In a sense no different than www.somesite.com is different then somesite.com (each has their own unique set of application and session variables as well).

Now, because of the nature of Forms Based Authentication session varibles created under one will not carry over to the over and thus no password access if you switch over from a secure url to a non secure url.

If you want them logging in under SSL you need to keep them under SSL.

That is not to say there is some ultra complex scenario to mimic the session variables on the non secure side of things (possible with a complex http post to a non secure page from the scure page telling it what variables to create and set), but doing so means a ton of work and also has security concerns of its own.

, ok, so from your PM Iknow you are using SQL server with IIS5.
You say you created the SQL database using the provided scripts and  that is good.

What is going on may just be a weird odbc issue that sometimes happens on IIS5 when using SQL server and I have an idea on how to remedy it.

Edit the "config_inc.asp" with notepad.


If  Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "" Then
 Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
End If


Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "iis/6"

And lets see if that helps the situation.

it will change some SQL String query values in the application from "-1" to "1"

either should always work but under certain scenariois only one or the other works, Great!  Sounds good Chris.  ,


No, only ".asp" files can be protected.  It is the nature of Forms Based Authentication when using web based scripting technologies whether those scripts be ".cgi", ".asp", ".php", or whatever.

To protect entire direcotries at once you really need to run your own webserver and use NTFS permissions and user accounts..... or if something special is installed on the server there may be ways to do it as well. That usually isn't going to happen under a shared hosting account but there are special authentication products for such a thing that some hosting companies do purchase and allow their hosting customers to use.

Using aspprotect we do give working examples of ways to stream and partially protect images and downloads while a user is logged in to an ".asp" page.

Also, any ".htm" pages can simply be renamed to ".asp" if you need to protect them. Links to each other need to be updated of course because of the extension change.

In my opinion the truth of the matter is most high end sites use Forms Based Authentication with scripts. Not directory protection as it is fairly primitive/old school as well as sometimes being confusing for the users of the site because of how the login window from the server often gets stuck behind the browser.. etc etc

If you have a lot of pages in a site that you need to add protection code to then if can often be helpful to use a good Multiple file search and replace program to carefully add the protection code to the top of the source code of the pages. There are even multiple file search and replace programs that can rename extensions which can be helpful for large sites.

For images and graphics you want protect you have to do some work and set up and intelligent system for yourself.

Lastly whether you use https:// or not is no concern to ASPProtect as it works the same under https:// as it does under http://

, I dont what it is..u got to just keep trying stuff like connecting to different versions of the database and maybe even the version with no password set on it.. maybe do some iisresets in between if it is your server.. maybe try putting the database in a different folder

Usually people have zero trouble setting up this particular app because everything is so time tested and rock solid...

its just got to be something related to the actual data connection.. low level stuff , You can not edit that code with dreamweaver. It will re-arrange the asp and kill it.
If you want to change the look of the login html you have to edit the html by hand in a text editor.

Or create what you want on a blank page using your editor of choice and carefully use parts of that in the ASPProtect code.

In version 7 the login screen is one asp page by itself and is much easier to edit with just about any editor. In version 6 you have to know your html and be careful.

Either way I am not sure templates are a good idea for something like that. That sort of thing tends to cause problems with dynamic code that executes under different directory levels. You want to stick to regular html techniques. ,

sorry your having so much trouble. A good host is a must.

Yes, that is most likely permissions related.

You may want to read over my article on how permissions are set. It will give you a very good understanding of the process and may help yo when dealing with your hosting company.

http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

there is also an xp pro version of the article for people doing locl development and running iis on their xp box
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_xp_pro_and_permi ssions.asp


look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file

Thank you that did it !!


My site is composed of mostly asp based pages with some javascripting thrown in, but a fair amount is strictly html and javascripting. Currently I am using the javascript banner method throughout the site.

You have mentioned in the past that several other methods might be a better option for asp pages.

Examples would be:  XML Parser Method or asphttp method.

I was wondering if it is possible to use the javascript method on my non-asp pages and maybe the asphttp method on the asp pages and all in the same Zone?

Or, is it possible to use the asphttp method on all pages, whether they are asp or not?

I'm just trying to figure out what is the most efficient way to use the banner system.

Or maybe should I just keep it all javascript method?

Any helpful feedback would be appreciated!





I have tried everything to get your CJWSoft code working..I purchased the auto listings software and I am stumped, and actually you stumped my hosting provider, my database is stored in the database directory on the root.

I have even tried your ASPtest and still cannot connect.  My have connected other databases without an issue on this same host, I have named a DNS Auto for my database and ponted to that in my code  but get the following error you see at http://www.burkesauto.com and even when i try you test script found here at http://www.burkesauto.com/asptest.asp .


Did you see this thread. It shows how to set up the project in Visual Studio in detail.



, While I originally thought the login form on a non-protected page idea may be similar in setup to how our Classic ASP version of ASPProtect works I could not have been more incorrect. Truth is I forgot that it works a lot differently.

ASP.NET Web forms are meant to post to themselves and there is thing called the viewstate. (google it.. its a hidden variable the server creates in the form code that is required when the form posts back to itself.. and hold all sorts of information the server uses) Doing what you are asking about means disabling the viewstate and that can have big consequences and break certain things.

Basically you cant just put a form on a non-protected page and post to a protected page if the viewstate is enabled. Disabling it can break certain web controls like data grids .etc etc..  and can also have an effect on how the session is managed at the site and sometimes disabling it is not possible depending on what is going on cause you need it.

I am still doing research on the whole thing, but it looks to me like doing that is going to have a tradeoff of some sort.

That does not mean this isn't possible somehow. I am still researching and I am also going to see what John Evans thinks.

I told you .NET was complicated.

As for your other question that is something you have to sort out on your own by editing the code and recompiling it based on your custom project needs. It is not something I can help you with. ,


I do not really understand what you mean?
There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds.


If you run asplistings auto in its own folder with its own application in IIS. Connected to its own database.

And you run your other version of ASPListiings in its own folder with its own application in IIS. Connected to its own database.

You will have zero major changes to make to anything... other than what you did above..

But remember theyare the same app and share a lot of thing including sessions and application variables.. that is why if they are installed in the same domain each one needs its own application set in the IIS console so they run seperately of one another.

cwilliams38312.5189814815, If it stopped working it has nothing to do with the ASP code. YIf could have stopped for any number of reasons as hosts often change email server requirements and info. You need to go over the email settings. Of course make sure you and the person you are sending to have valid email addresses and try different methods/settings until you get emailing to work again.

Testing it by sending emails off from the users screen.. in each email type in what you are trying at that time so you know what worked if emails make it through. Also, be sure to check junk filters when testing to make sure the emails are not being put in any of those.

That's what I would do. CDOSYS is always your best bet for sending emails as it has so many options and all new server support it. ,

IT worked just as cwilliams said. I did see the IP address being stored in the table but it didn't dawn on me that it was tied in to the view count, I tried it from a different IP address and it worked great .

Good coding Christopher




when I go to that url is seems fairly fast and somewhat normal.. even when I try to log in it pops right back up asking for login info again..

I would check to make sure you are not running anything that might be effecting your web browsing.. software firewalls.. ad blockers.. script blockers... norton internet security.. zone alarm... anything like that

they can all effect a lot of things regarding how web browsers act.

, My client has  a  list of  13,000 members that  have already  been assigned  ID's and passwords with a homegrown system.

When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?

Thanks in advance for your help.
, Yes, that worked... ,

This user is talking about preparing more than 100 pics at a time for an album that already exists and doing it using linux.

I asked the user to post the code here because I think it is interesting and it may help someone who is working with the app.

This article is not for everyone for a few reasons.

1.) The application can already mass import pics on it's own. It does 100 pics pretty quickly on a decent server. The built in method also resizes pictures and make low res thumbnails should your server support a supported ASP image resizing component. The method above simply rename pictures in a folder so the application will see them as part of an album.

2.) We don't support or recommend that anyone sets the application to use more than 100 pics per album. It is just not tuned for that and there will be issues. Please dont ask me what they are as it is complicated and I am not sure/dont remember what they all are.

3.) Your going to have to be familiar with linux to use the code shown above.

cwilliams38210.5694444444, Thanks Chris,

ok, I am home.. missed flight.. just got home an hour ago.

lets see.. I really need more info...

For starters are you using the delayed stats feature ? that is expirmental and could cause that problem


I just purchased the software and it looks great however, I have been fighting for 4 hours trying to get a protected page to do what it is supposed to.

I was trying the examples you provided and they worked fine, then I would use the code at the top of my pages with no luck.

When I installed the software, I used an FTP package as I have found lately that anything with a database gets all messed up when I publish with FP.

On a whim, I took the page I was publishing in FP and published the same page with my FTP program.  It worked!  What I can't figure out is what FP does to the files to screw them up so they won't function.  Is there a setting in FP that I have to change to get it to work?  The files look the same, but they are different sizes when I overwrite them with FTP.

Any ideas?  I don't want to have to publish my entire site with FTP as it is a FP template site.




yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.

You wont get any errors..

I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances

Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..

Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.

Personally this is how I install it and it works every time.
I like to put their dll in the system32 folder.
Register it.
Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet.
Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions
Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions


Just wanted to let you know that after modifying the remote host string in the email pages and getting the correct connection from my server, everything is running fine.

I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

thank you

, do you have the url path to the registration page set correctly in the settings cause not having it there would do that ? ,

edited due to inappropriate content


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:41:01 PM

*BioTek: VaxData - List a Service Call History Report, lunch, nysar presentation, Brainstormed ad with chris for WDT, kind of slow, had a couple runs, but nothing major, did voicemail on the runs when people started getting backlogged....did online issues, and that about sums it up =), Respond to afternoon email, had to look at doostore.com, for some reason it wouldn't come up for Lisa, fixed it (billable project, non-billable time), TICC - Purchase orders, look at GPS equipment at Staples , Reading and responding to emails, call Bell Atlantic re: refund check, backup, pull invoices, tanned, taking signups, quality checked sign ups, checked emails. , Answered phones, did callbacks and checked Dial Up Issues., Davis Real Estate, tried again, Building Linux box & SSL. , REED_BENOIT___2000-26 ADDED PHOTOS AND MADE AJUSTMENTS AND ADDED MORE CONTENT AND LAYOUT CHANGES, Editing DNS info on a Cobalt., Ate, moving G3 upstairs, setting up new computer, installing apps, etc., E-Mail, Voice-Mail, return calls., more payroll, LEARN THE ABILITIES OF ATOMZ SEARCH ENGINE TO BE ADDED TO SAMARITAN.. INDEXED SITE AND PROGRAMMED SPECIAL PAGE FOR ATOMZ SERVER RESULTS ONLY BILL 2 HOURS TO SAMARITAN FOR THIS JOB MOST OF IT WAS LEARNING THE ABILITIES OF THE ENGINE AND IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES, SoftMLS - Doing ''Descriptive Code'' input sheets for CJW., Finishing up new dial-in number look up system, Checked voice, emails & relayed messages. Nortel training time line. NOC, imported a clip art image for Tom and saved in .psd form for him to edit, worked on some of the changes for the Excel upload portion of the NNYRHCA web site, for noting it's not yet complete (nnyrhca.org, programming, billable), phones, sign ups, some invoices,

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