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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:38:25 PM

No can do.  In both cases there is an icon that says "Not uploaded".  I click in it and nothing happens.  There is no link to upload.  Am I missing something?

By the way, I appreciate and am impressed with your rapid response. Thanks.



, Actually this was rather easy to fix.  Once you restrict the permissions on the folder, open up IIS admin. Goto the selected folder, and right click/properties.  Once there you modify directory listing and add defauly.asp to documents.  This will provide an automatic load with you enter in the unmask route.  ,

perhaps the filesystem object is disabled on the server ?
or some sort of script blocking is running and causing a problem ?

other than that I can take a look if you put it up on a live server.


probably.. better than what we are accomplishing here LOL

or if you like send me the import file and your encrpytion key and I will try it out here and see what happens

either way PM me any sensitive info if any


, Hi Chris,

I've got a page with a form that includes an input field with 'type="file"' for uploading an image.  The page posts back to itself to save the info to the database and run the code necessary to upload and resize the image.

I need to limit this page to a group.   So like usual, at the top of the page I put:
<% GROUPACCESS = "1" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../check_user_inc.asp"-->

This gives me the error: "Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection"

I have used ASPUpload and SA-FileUP before and know that this is caused by the components having their own .form collection.  This script is using "Pure ASP File Upload" from DMXZone for the upload which I'm not familiar with. 

So...my question is, do you know a way around the BinaryRead problem wtih ASPProtect? 


P.S. PLEASE don't send me to DMXZone for help....they've got notoriously bad support!

, I'm in the process of incorporating the ASP Gallery functionality within my current site design.

To begin this process I'm taking each page and I'm wrapping the ASP Gallery code with my site design [essentially I'm allocating this application the center of the page].  When I pull in the default.asp into the site the contents of this page make the entire page too wide.  I can't see where ASP Gallery assigns itself a width.

I'm working on this as a side project so I'm not terribly far along since I need to change all of the font assignments within the system to style assignments and it's a slow go.

Any insight would be a great help, there's a lot of re-write in what I'm doing and i don't want to affect functionality.

if you want to see the page and what happens -- http://www.iphotosite.com/galleryapp/default.asp

Don't go to www.iphotosite.com because I havent moved it to its own location yet.




When using the Mass Mail feature and selecting the Users to ‘Active’ and the Access Level I want to send to the system will still send e-mails to the ‘Inactive’ users from the same Access Level.


In other words it sends to everyone in the Access Level regardless if you choose “Active” only.


Any ideas to correct?





How to bring up the Code Generators

Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.

Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"


Parent Paths ?

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&P N=1



Ok I used the following for the sql string.. is this correct?

SELECT COUNT(Album_ID) AS Alb_Count FROM " & tbl_label_albums & " WHERE (User_ID = " & CmdListUsers("User_ID") & " AND Album_Active = '-1'" & ")"



I don't fully understand what you are explaining ... the part about showing a user but not working???? but if you PM me the details I will glady go into your live webserver and see if I can get it working.



No, there is not.

not the way the code ships.. The program keeps tracks of everything by the way it ranames files. The system has been tested to work well with as many as 10,000 images files. Any more than that and you need something a little more serious meant for that amount of images.

You could certainly modify it do work that way if you are good with source code. There are actually as many drawbacks as doing doing it that way as there are advantages.
Take Care



It a generic error that means something is wrong with your data connection.






ok, I moved this thread..

The code in the ASP application handles all encryption and un-encrpytion of passwords in the database. I uses the vbscript RC4 function and the password encryption key specific to your installation to do this.

The whole idea is that if someone gets your database and opens it up that they will not get the passwords (utilitiies to crack access databases are common and work well so they can easily get by the main password)

That being said when you open the database manually your not supposed to see clear text passwords. Your also not supposed to have an easy way to make them clear text. It's a security thing. 

Though I am not officially supporting it I will tell you what I think would be the easisest way to make an export file with clear text passwords in it.

Use the export fire creator in the admin area of aspprotect.
Mosdify "export.asp"


Password = CmdDataExport("Password")


Password = RC4(CmdDataExport("Password"), PasswordEncryptionKey)

Then make an export file and see if that worked.
you can then import the export file into and access database or do whatever you like with it.

, Lastly, I put there information here to help, but please don't ask me any questions about it.

I am not microsoft SQL server support. If this doesn't work for you simply start troubleshooting and doing google searches like I do. ,

The main users screen... the 1st screen you see when you go to the admin area..  where you email an individual user..

The settings I am referring to being the various emailing settings on the settings screen, The settings you showed me.

As for emailing via a remote server over dsl. It may not be working because the ISP's block the port (25) to stop people from running email servers over their dsl.

Your POP3 works because POP3 uses port 110.

If you want to send emails from your local server on your dsl you should probably install the SMTP service of IIS if you have not and send emails using that with CDOSYS. Either that or get a commerical DSL account with a static IP that allows for running email servers.

I have a question re ASP Protect, I have got it up and running on a dev server which also hosts a e-com engine (ASP / Access), when users check out they are presented with the e-com log in screen (which is sharing the same ASPP_User table). All's well and registration and editing user details is fine both in the Admin section and the front end of ASP and if I request an email reminder from the ecom scripts I get back the encrypted password.  
I'm using <% = Session("Email") %> and <% = Session("Password") %> to populate the fields on the ecom log in page so users can click though and progress, the checkout process needs the username/password, all user info shows up ok, however, when I proceed with these credentials, it doesn't work, even though I know these to be correct and even without requesting a password reminder and using the one that gets me in everywhere else, I still can't get through? do I need some code re the crypto so the ecom can decode??
Any help would be great - I've been on it for about 10 hours, and checked through the posts here but can't fathom it out?
Thanks Craig
, Well, you cant have a login box on the home page when using ASPProtect.NET.. there is no way to make that work. I tried all day to come up with something and it is not going to happen. I suggest you make a login button and link it directly to the protected page you want them to start on. The redirect or link them whereever from there. Either that or write your own forms based authentication solution that works exactly the way you want it to or edit the code accordingly since you have the source.  It is not a feature we advertise for the product regardless. It works the way it works. ,

umm.. rename the pages to ".asp"

After all these are ASP scripts we are dealing with and the product is called ASPProtect.

The web site says it is used to protect ".asp" pages

And the directions tell you to put the protection code on ".asp" pages.

ASP can not run in ".html" pages

If you do not know basic things like this you should really learn the basics of ASP before you try to use the application. I would suggest a good book or two. ASPProtect is for people that have at least some experience with Active Server Pages.


If a picture does not show after uploading it is one of the following things.

The upload method chosen is not supported on the server
The physical path specified to the pictures folder is not correct.
The URL to the Pictures folder is not correct.
Permissions to the pictures folder have not been set properly

Here is more information on how permissions are set.


Without more information and the settings you have entered and chosen that is all I can offer for now.


Microsoft has a free version of SQL server 2000 than you can run on a development machine.

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=413 744d1-a0bc-479f-bafa-e4b278eb9147&DisplayLang=en

This is really the same thing as the MSDN version of SQL server that comes with Visual Studio

It is limited in two ways.

  • No single database can exceed 2 gigabytes in size. However, each Desktop Engine server instance can contain many databases, each of which can be up to 2 gigabytes in size. Each computer can host up to sixteen instances of Desktop Engine.

  • Performance will rapidly decline when more than five simultaneous users use the database engine at the same time. With five users or less Desktop Engine will operate with full SQL Server speed.

    After you install this your going to need a way to connect to your sql server as well as a way to run queires on it.

    I suggest either install the client tools off any SQL 2000 Installation Disc (giving you enterprise manager and query manager)

    or use the FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator which will do amost everything you  will need to do. It is really very slick
    http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=127& ; ; ;PN=1

    Then you have a pretty sweet setup for testing and developing locally using SQL server.

    If you are wondering why someone with a real SQL Server 2000 cd wouldn't just install the real SQL server locally it is because the server part will usually not install on XP Pro or non server versions of windows for licensing reasons. (at least every SQL 2000 CD I have is like that regardless of whether it is standard or enterprise) But the client side tools on the cd are invaluable so I just install the Desktop Version of SQL along with the client side tools and everything works great.

  • ,

    ok, I am home.. missed flight.. just got home an hour ago.

    lets see.. I really need more info...

    For starters are you using the delayed stats feature ? that is expirmental and could cause that problem


    Chris, that fixed it.  Found 2-references to guestbook2 in the file show_messages_inc.asp located in the \guestbook\ directory.

    Suggestion for future release.  Create an option to email the admin when a message is posted.  If this code already exists please advise.

    Thanks, Lance

    , I have run into the same problem with streaming pdfs to the browser using the stream_download.asp example, but only when selecting the option to open the file directly into the browser (after it's streamed back) as opposed to saving it and then opening it (which works fine in Firefox and IE).  Then I ran across this Microsoft support article

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q2 97822

    It got me thinking that maybe a header needs to be included in stream_download.asp that tells the browser to specifically cache the file. Adding this suddenly got everything working

    Response.CacheControl = "Public"

    right after this line in the code

    Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"

    My asp is limited, but this seems to work at least for pdf documents.  Can someone confirm this?  The other question I have is if this is a solution, should the CacheControl be set to public or private.  Not sure on what the implications are.

    Firefox by the way seems to open or save and open the file without this, so you are right that the implementation between the browsers is certainly different.



    Now that I think about you may very well be able to use the existing login_form_inc.asp page

    the header and footer files for the users area may be ok as well.

    probably the smart thing to do is try your old ones and compare them to the new and see if everything you need is there. If not add it by looking at the source html and comparing.

    All other files should definetly be replaced with the new.


    that is because passwords in the import/export files are encrypted.. if you make one of your own you need to use the rc4 function in the "config_inc.asp" to encrpyt your passwords just like the aspprotect system does (requires knowledge of vbscript and integration into your export system)

    now, there is a way around this

    if you want to import a file you made with clear text passwords edit "import.asp" beforehand and change

     If UserArray2(5) <> "" Then CmdAddUsers.Fields("Password") = UserArray2(5)


     If UserArray2(5) <> "" Then CmdAddUsers.Fields("Password") = RC4(UserArray2(5), PasswordEncryptionKey)

    that way it should convert your clear text passwords to encrypted while it does the import

    this post also addresses this but in the reverse scenario
    http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=261&PN =1&TPN=1

    I hope this helps you because I really do have to leave the office like right now. Very late for a dinner meeting.

    I should be back on the computer later tonight or tommoro morning



    Its just not enough information to go on. I need more details on what is going on. There are a lot of configuration settings in these applications. I really do not know what to make of that screen shot.

    My 1st guess is that if you cannot delete a picture that the picture folder does not have delete permissions ??

    I also need to mention that I am not sure what this has to do with ASPImage ?


    Editing using Visual Studio.NET

    Here are directions for editing the application using Visual Studio.NET
    2002 or 2003 version.. either should work

    Some of you are wondering why I didnt just give you the project files.
    It is best you go through this process and really understand what is going on.
    Also, I dont use VS 2002 so I wouldnt be able to give you project files that would work with that. Not to mention there is 100% chance my prject files wouldn't work for you anyway because of path differences and other things.

    Anyway.. on with the instructions...

    1st.. make sure IIS, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio.NET are all installed correctly and up to date.

    Open Visual Studio.NET

    File -  New Project

    Select a New Visual Basic ASP.NET web application.

    give the new web to be created a name.. I called mine "aspprotectdotnet"

    Hit Ok..

    Now. once the project opens up we need to delete a few things in the solution explorer window.

    So delete "webform1.aspx" , "deletestyles.css", "Global.asax", "AssemblyInfo.vb", and "web.config"

    Basically all the files under the project...

    Now... you should have the aspprotect.net files unzipped somewhere on you hard drive...

    open that folder and select all the files and folders like so

    Now drag those selected files and folders to the solution explorer window of Visual Studio.NET right on to the name of the web. In my case "aspprotectdotnet"

    It might say this folder already contains a folder names Bins.. just tell it to copy over and continue on any prompts like that.

    You'll notice your project is now populated.

    Open up the references tab in the solution explorer window as we need to add some references to the dlls in the bin folder of this project. This is needed so the compile process and function correctly.

    Right click on references.. click add reference
    Then browse....browse on your hard drive to the location of the new web and the bin folder within it. 

    In my case... "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectnet\bin"

    Choose "aspprotectlicense.dll"

    Hit open...

    Now do the same thing again until you have added all the dlls in that bin folder to the references.. 

    Now.. click add-references again and this time choose
    "system.management" from the choices in the .NET tab

    Once all of that is done your references should look like this

    Now in the Visual Studio.NET menu system up top..

    Choose Build - Build Solution

    If you did everything right you will see something like this in the build window

    ------ Build started: Project: aspprotectdotnet, Configuration: Debug .NET ------

    Preparing resources...
    Updating references...
    Performing main compilation...
    Building satellite assemblies...

    ---------------------- Done ----------------------

    Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped

    You now have the visual studio side of things all set up.

    To make the project actually run we now have to set some permissions and edit the web.config file.

    Using windows explorer browse to the web the app is in. Right click on the "_database" folder and give that folder and all the child folders within it. Modify permissions for both the Anonymous webserver account and the ASPNET account. These accounts might not show up until you dig into the advanced tab and click find now to show all the accounts on the machine.

    Permissions screen looks like this...

    Once that is done go back the solution explorer window in visual studio.

    Open the docs folder.. right click on "sysdiag.aspx" and choose view in browser.

    It should complie the project again.. and then run that page in either the internal or external browser depending on how you have that set up.

    That page will report back path information.
     "BTW.. for security reasons this page should be removed from any production server after installation is complete.. this is very important"
    In my case it looks like this.

    Probabale AppRootPhysicalPath

    Probabale AppRootUrlPath

    Probabale Path to Access Database
    c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb

    Now we need to edit the web.config file... your going to need to know some of the path information above.

    In solution explorer double click on web.config.

    Now edit the AppRootPhysicalPath, AppRootUrlPath, and CN keys accordingly.

    In my case they will look like this.

    <add key="AppRootPhysicalPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet" />
    <add key="AppRootUrlPath" value="http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet" />

    <add key="Cn" value="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq= c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=" />

    Now.. because our web is really not in the root of our virtual directory which starts at "inetpub/wwwroot" we need to edit another tag in this file.

    Find the forms tag near the bottom.

    <forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />

    Change it to say this

    <forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectdotnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />

    Notice tha part in bold that we added.

    Now, you may also want to check the temp license key info while you are in that file and make sure it is not expired but I am not going to get into that here.

    Now save and close that file and do a compile again.

    In solution explorer open up the "aspprotectadmin" folder.
    Right click on default.aspx and click browse

    You should see the login prompt in your web browser..

    Log in with   


    all lower case

    You should see the users screen of the application,

    Click on the system info tab up in the top left... make sure all those paths are correct and save it.

    Go to the settings page of the admin area. Make sure all those paths/settings are correct and save it.

    Congratulations... you just set up a visual studio web project from scratch and our now ready to edit and compile an advanced web application.

    From here on your on your own, but feel free to ask questions in the forums as you will probably get help from myself or others who own the software.

    One last thing... because we are not in the true root of the web on the development machine the examples in the example folder will need the reference to the "protectpage.ascx" file modified before they will work

    It will need to go from






    If this app was installed in the true root of a domain on a real webserver.. you would not have to edit the forms tag in the web config file or change the paths in the examples as they would be correct the way they came


    Is it possible to set the user account time limits when they register? I am using email verification and am trying to have their accout expire 32 days after their initial login.

    Also I have an issue with the email notification not notifying me when a new user logs in. It does a beautiful job notifying the new user.  I do not understand why my server will send to one and not the other, I ahve searched the links but none seem to answer this.

    Thank you for your help and insight


    Alternate Method to call banners from non ".asp" pages.

    <iframe src ="http://localhost/aspbanner/aspbanner/aspbanner_inc.asp?Ban nerZone=4" width="468" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

    Be sure to delete the space in the BannerZone variable above. I am not sure why it is doing that in this post.

    You can try calling the banners in an simple iframe like so.
    This method should work much better than the javascript method because users with javascript turned off will still see the banners. You also will not have any of the limitations the javascript method has. Iframe is now supported by most recent browsers so it is now a good solution. Here is a chart that shows which browser versions support iframe.

    Be sure however to edit the height and width values accordingly as that is very important.

    cwilliams38105.8437384259, My guess it they are runnign some sort of ad blocking software like norton ad blocking. Something on the client side blocking ads or anything with the word ad in it.

    I would investigate that.,

    ok, here's a test page:

    user: test
    password: test

    Our company just got new computers, so everyone here has the same set-up, all Dells, all about 3 weeks old, all Windows XP.

    But I did realize after reading your post that I am using Firefox and everyone else was using IE. When I used IE, I was able to duplicate the error.

    But, alas, I am unable to resolve it. Client will be using IE, no doubt.

    , Ok, I tried what you suggested but the program won't let me leave the date area on the banner ad blank. I reset it to a date in 2010.

    I deleted the Level 1 Access note in the notes area.

    I then attempted to access the banner stats using the correct info and the right link.  Again,  got this message: 


    INVALID Username & Password

    Username HAS EXPIRED

    Any ideas? Should I just delete the whole account and start fresh?


    , ok, now were getting somewhere

    I didn't know you imported from another system,

    chances are you are missing field information that an ASPProtect user requires.

    Start off from scratch with a new aspprotect database... create a new user and look at the info that gets entered by default for every field in the database

    make sure when you import a user that you mimic it all

    dont import directly using access because the passwords will not get converted to encrypted versions of themselves correctly.. and the whole process will be usesless as no passwords will be correct

    Use the import feature built into ASPProtect.. because it is smart enough to take the clear text passwords and encrypt them accordingly

    if you want to know a correctly formatted import file needs to look like make one and check it out

    do one user at a time and make sure you can log in to an example protected page till you get it right...

    once you get that working do them all

    Thats really the best advice I can give you. , thanks!,

    Hi Chris,


    Thank you for your prompt response.

    Our current project requires alot of customization.


    Yes, the error is probably a data problem and not due to your code, because we needed to make modifications to the database.  But that's why debugging would be helpful.


    Basically our intent to modify the asp protect code stems from the fact that our client doesn’t want certain fields to be recorded or to appear: address, city, state, zip etc…


    We are happy to be able to modify the HTML, but we also want to modify some other default behavior, such as which page opens when the "cancel" button is hit in the editaccountinfo.aspx page.




    Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?[/QUOTE]

    yeah thats it, you buy into a part of the sql server so it's an sql server hotel...


    Hi,  Its just a generic error that really doesn't mean much of anything except that something wrong with your data connection.


    could be invalid permissions on the database folder... could be any number of things

    when setting up your connection I suggest going dsn-less.

    It is better/faster and also a lot easier to set up.


    We are actually having a lot of problems with this software.

    Apart from the above problem of the email not being in the database as details above we also do not get any reply emails from any forms, the mass email button does not appear and the forgotten password does not send emails either.

    We have CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed as the email system, this is operational on the server. I have tested this with server_info.asp to check.

    I can email you direct any other information you may need.



    You would carefully use the built in features of access to import/export data.

    The password for our databases is noted in the documentation. It's pretty hard to miss really. You can also see the database password by looking at the connection string info.

    different versions may be different but it is usually "temp" minus the quotes


    Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:38:25 PM

    TICC Team Mtg, NB: Everydaydad site support via e-mail w/Paul Currier, TICC Team Meeting, email, voicemail trouvbleshooting problems, traveled backto watertown, Logging, testing, resetting modems., fax to Ken for completion of PO, helped the group in the basement for placement of computers and what desks with be theirs, Lisa will pick up gift cert for Tom., talked with ef on users group-to invite resellers and banks. lm for mb at wsb on users group and corp program signups. called apcomp, stocker, bdell and jnewman to invite tuesday. met with tb on suggestions from jw this am on pprogram and pricing of materials., Showing Tim, General, inventory, calls., Crispin and I took Anthony out since it is his last day working here, No mail today it is Holiday. Worked on problem children, ans. phone, and cleaned up some folders clean them out. Cleared out some email from outlook express. , Maintainace / builder / rebuild and transfer, Draft/review/teleconference regarding line of credit, Email/Newsgroups/Time Cards, pretty quiet compared to the rest of the week, emails and voicemail, more callbacks. had a couple people who couldn't surf, staff meeting, Trouble shoot SImmons Box, in vermont, left message for chris nicholas- concerning uncle sam boat tours bestwestern ny- sent email to randy to set up front page access register domain name- chaping living waters check voice mail/email Gary stowell- send picture- spoek wit him about web site hosting and design , WDT Sports Pix, Meet with Niagara MLS EO and Realtors to answer questions about their system, allied federated- web site prpoposal needed with coding, efax, cell phone, Reading a white paper print out of a link that Jeff sent me about wireless., Helped Melody with Misc. QB questions, TICC team meeting, Called back users... 100% retention for all contacted users., To Watertown - 70 miles,

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