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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:57 PM

If you are having trouble setting up a simple data connection ASPTest is a great learning tool.

You can download it from the www.CJWSoft.com website near the bottom. cwilliams38087.5457060185,

It really means just what it says. Your connection string is just not valid and the sql server speicifed can not be reached. The username and password could also be invalid. Since you already had a database set up you should use the same username and password you have always been using. You also need to use the same database name you have always been using. Without actually knowing more and seeing what you are doing it is pretty hard to tell you anymore than that.

The directions and sql scripts given are for setting up a new sql database. Applying them to an existing sql database requires a slightly different approach. Modificiations to the SQL scripts elimintating references to the usernames/password/database we suggest in the scripts is also a good idea.

A data connection is a low level as it gets. Until you get that working you are really not even touching any of the code in the ASPListings application.

If you want I have no problem going into your sql server and web and setting up for you correctly.


Does ASPprotect support Paypal's Website Payments Pro option, where a user can use a credit card directly on a web site, without passing to paypal.com?



check permissions for the user you are connecting to the SQL database.

That user may not have permission to make new data

Also,  check all field and table settings manually by comparing them to the SQL creation script we provide. You may very well be missing auto increment and primary keys which would make adding new data not work.

It is most likely one of those two things.


I purchased and installed the full version ASPProtect 6.0 in Feb 05 (must have been just before 7.0 came out) and have been using CDONTS for email authorization during the registration process.

It was working fine for about three months. Now, after registering, the  email  authorization is NOT delivered to the new registrant. There are no error messages.It just doesn't arrive.

Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.




[QUOTE=cwilliams]Humm, Did you make any changes to the code ?
Solid Black is not the default so it must have changed at least once.[/quote]

I did change the top_logo.gif and the associated link. That was on the default page not the Solid Black skin which is unchanged. After downloading/uploading the skins I tried changing it to one of the Beach skins and that's when it changed to Solid Black and has been stuck there ever since.

[quote]Otherwise it might be some sort of application variable problem.
I would make sure the web is and "application" in the IIS console.[/quote]I don't have access to the Microsoft IIS console as this is a host site. I can access the site's "control panel" but it does allow for those type of settings. Mostly just permissions, DSN entries, etc.



I installed the ASPProtect.NET project no problem.  I am using VS.NET 2003 on Windows XP SP2 (and fully patched).  I am able to build the project successfully, however I cannot debug the project.  I get an error "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The project is not configured to be debugged."  The web app runs fine just browsing to it.

I know this is an isolated problem particular to this project.  I have MANY other .NET projects that I can debug without any problems.  I have tried going into IIS and turn on the debugging for server-side script debugging and making sure my IIS application setting were configured correctly.

Can anyone shed any light on this at all?  Christopher, is there any reason I should not be able to debug this?  (i.e. the aspprotectlicense.dll)





I am doing the initial set-up and have run into a problem. Everything has gone smoothly up to and including pulling up the get_me_in.asp page. When I enter the "PasswordEncryptionKey", nothing happens. The page just sits there without doing anything and the browser says it's opening the page, but never does. I have tried entering the value with and without the double-quotes. The value is the correct one from the config_inc.asp file. I did a copy paste from the file twice to insure I transferred it correctly.

I am running Windows 2000 server.

What now?



Access Database Password

By default all of the Access Databases we give out have a default password of "temp"

The Default username that and Access database uses is "Admin" but you should not be concerned with that except in your connection strings.

The default password for the Access Database can only be changed using Microsoft Access to do so. If you have security concerns it would make sense to change the password. The help system built into Microsoft Access best explains how to do that.


I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

,   One problem that is appearing is that in the admin section, in the users.aspx page, only one user is showing up when there are in fact 9 users.  Also, when I click the edit user or email icon, the page does not go to the edit screen, it remains on the same page.

               Also, I’ve been trying to modify the code to adapt it for our application -- by removing fields that we do not need such as address, city, state, phone, but I am having trouble getting visual studio to compile.  It could be due to the fact that the rest of the project is in C#.  Or it could be due to some other factor in ASP Protect.


sorry your having so much trouble. A good host is a must.

Yes, that is most likely permissions related.

You may want to read over my article on how permissions are set. It will give you a very good understanding of the process and may help yo when dealing with your hosting company.

http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

there is also an xp pro version of the article for people doing locl development and running iis on their xp box
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_xp_pro_and_permi ssions.asp


yes, there is upgrade pricing

and upgrade instructions here in the forums

if you install it in the same directory structure you wont have to make any changes to the pages in your site you have already protected.. because the code to protect a page will be the same

now, anytime you upgrade an application like this there is going to be a lot of work involved especially when there have been so many changes
whether or not you upgrade is up to you

Like I said you can make version 6 work with CDOSYS and a remote email server. You just need to do some research on CDOSYS code and spend the time needed to make the code use it. I however am not going to spend time detailing all of that when I created a new version that does it.

, How and where does one add countries/cities to the list so that they appear in the Drop-Down list that advertisers see when they are placing a new ad?,

Okay, this also shows at the bottom of the import/export page

I've got the IUSR account with modify permissions on this data folder as well.  Is the "this directory needs change permission" line just a general reminder?

Files are being stored in "D:\missourirealtor.org\members\aspprotect\data\export\\"

This directory needs change permissions for the anonymouse webserver account.
Those permissions can only be set by your hosting company.
These features will not work without those permissions being set.




I run F-secure on my laptop which has the anti-virus and firewall modules, and the servers aren't running anything like that.


thanks!! the file took care of the extra slash. I also fixed the problem by modifying the permissions.


, [QUOTE=sdunham]

My hosting company uses ASPEMAIL - and I am trying to setup the mailing settings on ASPPROTECT - but cant seem to get it to work.   I've tried many different options - here are two that are the closest - but have issues:

1. If I use the settings:

email component: aspemail

Mail remote server: my internal server name

*no smtp authentication

email mail notification - my email address on my internal server

***I get the following results:

       I can get get notified when a new user logs in, email a user from aspprotect user screen if they are in my company and have a valid email -- but I can not send to the outside world - I get an relay prohibited error.

2. If i try to change the setting to use the Hosting Website email server - I get the following results:  I dont get notified when a new user registers, I cant send to internal company people - but I can send to the outside world.

**any suggestions on what to do? I'm trying to work with the people who manage the mail servers - but since I dont know anything about them - its a bit difficult.



The relay error is because when you send emails outside your email domain smtp authentication is required.

I suggest trying to use CDOSYS with the smtp authentication option. CDOSYS is on all servers by default and is really the way to go. Use a real email account and password to send the emails through the server.  Be sure to check smtp authentication for cdosys and to specify all that info for your email account and password in the settings screen.

If you want to know about CDOSYS read my article.


That would be great.

I am sure you know that many virus that are sent via email have the same property. (double extension). The code can be executed even though Windows identifies them as simple text files etc.

Thanks again


I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7.  I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine.  However when I go to create a new user I get the following error


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/password_admin/save.asp, line 227




I have noticed that during the file import, that some of the pictures get messed up.  I can import aroun 150 pictures into different albums, say 3 albums with 50 each.

I have noticed however that some of the get messed up.  What is happening is...the thumbnail will be correct, but after you click it the picture that shows up is one form a different album.

Any cure for this?

, hi,

Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.

open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.

You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.

lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.


I need to use SQL for other reasons than efficiency.  If I create 2-seperate databases, would there be a lot of code to edit?

Thank you.

, Hey CJWSoft,
We're helping out some clients of ours in a server transfer and we really need some assistance from you guys.  We've got everything transfered and running, except for the ASP.NET banner.  Do you have any directions on how to go about moving the install from one server to another?  We've sent a couple emails through the site but haven't gotten any responses back. 

Please help.

-Tony Valenti

I agree -- don't use the code as is.  I provided it only as an idea for a work-around if your ASPProtect users with Internet Explorer complain about the Page Expired message.
I did not test it to be sure the parms coming into the target page (which would be part of the URL when bookmarking) are properly preserved.  It would be easy to make sure they are preserved, but I am not sure the code in the example does that.  I also customized the code with my own page header and footer. 
I have the Option Pack but the site does not need it yet so I haven't applied it.  I don't expect many problems re-applying my few lines of modifications.
The IE behavior is not a big deal if you provide an explicit login page, since users would have less interest in paging back to that.   In my case, I simply gave a link to a protected part of the site, and when they take that link, they instead get the login form if they aren't logged on.  Once they log on, they get their desired content page, to which they sometimes want to page back later on. 
From searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other sources, I could not find a way (using HTML) to turn off IE's behavior of refusing to quietly reload a page containing form data. Netscape does not do this.  So my IE workaround is to ensure my target page does not contain the login form.  It does not solve the cause of the problem, but in this case it gets rid of the Page Expired error message for my IE users.
I also purchased ASPProtect for another site, and I'm using that "out of the box" unmodified.  I'm very pleased with ASPProtect's functionality and the fact that it works completely without the need to customize.  However, I've found it is very easy to customize if I want to.
  Puli Club of America

1st off, what application is this in reference too?
This question should be under that application's area in the forum.

2nd, really need more information and details. There are many ways and methods to send emails and they can all effect what gets delivered and what does not. All on an email server side of things. (I always recommend using the CDOSYS option using SMTP authentication with a real external email that has valid MX records) see my article...

3rd, your not telling me how many users we are talking about. ASP is not a very efficient way to send emails and extremely large amounts of users should be sent emails in a different way then from an asp application. It is just the nature of the technology being used. Some of different emailing methods the application supports may or may not give you better results. It is really best to experiment though honestly the option I mentioned above is always the best in my experience.

4th, if you are not getting a timeout or a scripting error than the ASP part of things is making it through the amount of users. You have to remember that often time emails that get sent out from web sites end up in junk filters for whatever reason. That is just another fact and why it it is usually best to send out serious newletters using a stand alone application like WorldCast or something.

I am doing a lot of guessing here because you really did not tell me much. I also still am not sure what application this is in reference to as 3 of my apps have newsletter features of sorts.


I did the initial steps of downloading the sql scripts and running it in Query Analyser, tables created fine.

I can login for the first time. I exit from the browser and then I cannot login again. This happens for every user and admin.
I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0 when login and remained in those values after close the browser.

So iam just struck not able to log in. Pls advice.


, ok,

Version 8.1 can work with MySQL
It is just not supported at all.

The standard version can not work with MySQL.
There were a lot of changes to make the new version work with it and I really only did ift because I have a couple friends with busy sites that could only use MySQL.

It sounds like your site is way too busy for using an access database as you mentioned.


Post a request in the "custom code work" forum.
Perhaps another customer will want to do the work or help you out with some code.

I am just too busy to do any custom work for quite a while.


, Hi,

ok, I am a bit confused... you make it sound like as if you are running a different version than you were when you ordered this a couple/few weeks back... that confuses me because you were able to log in to the admin area of aspprotect.net before? weren't you ?

there have been no changes to the download or the version in quite some time ?

I guess I need more information to make any sort of guess at this point. I do not know enough.,

Is there a limit to how many access levels the program has?  We were thinking of having a different access level for each client that logs on our site so we can customize their web experience.  We see 6 in one place of the program, 8 in another, but is there any reason why we couldn't make 100 more?

Thanks again for the help!



2004-08-19_122127_ASPBanner_V7.3_code_banner_encode_decode_m od.zip

This is an Expirmental MOD for ASPBanner Version 7.3 Only
Do not use it on other versions....

It encodes CODE Banner information before saving it into the application variables that handle banner rotation. It then decodes that information before displaying them on your web pages.

The reason for this is SOME very complex javascript does not always save correctly into the application variables that rotate banners (even when not using the JavaScript Method to display the banners)

This way the javascript or whatever you entered comes out on your web page exactly as you entered it and runs correctly.. but there is little more processing going on to handle the encoding and decoding. But its probably nothing to worry about and won't effect performance at all.

Unless your having a problem don't use this mod. It is not officially supported in any way.



If you are wondering if the "appinfo_inc.asp" included has the weight banner bug fix applied to it already. That is a bug mentioned in our forums






I am a little confused here.  I am in the process of understand how this all works, mainly the email portions as I am running this through a home server (Windows XP).  I have tried test emails, but they are not going threw.  I ran the server_info.asp and it is telling me that I do have CDONTS installed, version 2.8.  Then I tried running, the test_mailer_component.asp.  This page is telling me it is not installed.  This process lead me to start looking at my components for my IIS.  Everything appears to be there. 

Any ideas, where I should go next.  It appears the CDONTS code is in every page that it needs to be in, and it appears that I have it installed, but there is a disconnect between the two..



I wonder what that ENDSQLMail send failure is all about ?
I dont use anything regarding SQLMAIL in the ASPProtect code.

I think I might need to go in so I can debug a bit. Everything seems to work fine with a SQL installation here so I just don't know at the moment.

If that is ok with you I would need ftp access or something so I can trry a few things and hopefully figure it out. Admin access to the aspprotect admin area as well so I can see what you have set up in there.

PM me with that info if you want me to take a look.



No changes to any scripts - just a response.write added to Email_Password.asp to print out the SQL.

Sure - here's the address.



P.S.  E-mail address to look for is serena_5@hotmail.com

, it probably means the page you are trying to protect is (not in an iis application or not in the same iis application) which it needs to be

for a situation like using ASPProtect you really want your root of your virtual directory set up as one big application in IIS. (after you inquired about it your hosting company probably went and set the ASPProtect folder as an application in IIS which means any pages you protect need to be in there as well. (truth is they should have had your entire web starting from the root set as one in the 1st place..... its standard practice for any experienced hosting company) cwilliams38456.9306828704,

nope ,sql server has nothing to do with this

I am talking about the folder pictures are stored in.. it needs modify permissions set for the internet guest account like those articles talk about


, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing.,


I'd like to set up the system to redirect to a landing page (say home1) after the user logs in.

I have looked at all the documentation and can't find something that explains how to do this. I am thinking that I can set up a log in as the default in my root directory that will have a form with an action=check_user_inc.asp. I have looked at the code there but cannot find a place where I would place a redirect to home1.

Help please




Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:57 PM

Steady morning. Duties:Quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, and answering phone. Taking sign ups. , worked on Pauls schedule and making PO and reservations for trip to Lake George, Steve upgraded my emerald, ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY...JAVASCRIPT NAVIGATION INSERTED AND BACKGROUND FIXED, Arrived. Folded brochures from JC. To print PC Bundle (50) - some for this weekend., Batching and answering phone. , ads and misc marketing for gwcc other ads, CONVERTING GRAPHICS TO HTML, Updated Charity and Promo Web sites, Amy in office, showing progress on Watertown School District & Senator Jim Wright sites., marketing meeting..., More general calls, Worked on New users, Callbacks, checked Voice mail and Gisco issues page., Vermont Internet public site design work, At watertown office for meeting about JCC w/Steve, and wwnytv.net, fxcaprara w/Chris Bogenschutz., continued work on designing "user manual" for SoftVendor, Switchboard, brief billing calls, phones radlog online questions. , Duties:answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checking emails, taking sign ups. , Travel to Watertown. No mileage., worked with ben on a couple of minor tasks that he was working on, Followed up with Kareeta of St. Lawrence Radiology, she has been calling Seth for a week trying to get someone to Potsdam to meet with a BIG NEW Customer, Ben relayed the message to me last night. Got the names of the 2 people incharg of this project for the Oneida hospital - I will call them tommarrow when they are back in the office- They wanted to meet with one of our engineers in Potsdam today- but out engineers did return the calls or forward the messages., sorted the mail and went to the post office to get todays mail for posting, directors meetings, Read/answered email from this afternoon. Read Fred's new corporate policies. Approved a few timecards., Read materials supplied by Paul for Syr Biz Journal story, Faxed in transfer of account for IMC bill. Talked to Carolyn at Network Services about 5588 and moving ISDN at IMC account., Working on nnymls conversion... till 6 in the morning... with Steve Woodfin and Crispin, radlog, phones, , travel to staples in watertown for Rob76360-76375 15 miles, callbacks, radlog, online issues and techcalls, alternating, Checked Voice mail, Gisco issues page, moved desk parts around in basement.,

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