Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:35:27 PM
Now that I think about you may very well be able to use the existing login_form_inc.asp page
the header and footer files for the users area may be ok as well.
probably the smart thing to do is try your old ones and compare them to the new and see if everything you need is there. If not add it by looking at the source html and comparing.
All other files should definetly be replaced with the new.
, Is there a way to know if it is a SQL server with IIS5? My database type is MSACCESS.
Rhona (rookie)
like I said... you would have to modify the code
(and really I dont think it is possible, how could it be when images uploaded are of all shapes and sizes)
How are pictures of various shapes and size going to resized to a fixed width and height without distortion on either a horizontal or vertical level ? Uness the image uploaded matches the fixed thumbnail ratio you have set there is going to be distortion.
There is no component that is going to make it any easier. You are already using an image resizing component.
I give you two options the way the code ships.
fixed width and height for thumbnails
fixed width / dynamic height for thumbnails
The only other possible option would be
fixed height / dynamic width for thumbnails
and that you would have to code on your own because that option is not there
The last thing I will say is this. Sorry, but I do not support custimizations to the code. It's just not easy to explain. Its a lot of code work. Its a lot of time.
, SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..
here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on a database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"
In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner database in the SQL Server

cwilliams38390.5986921296, 1st off, what application is this in reference too?
This question should be under that application's area in the forum.
2nd, really need more information and details. There are many ways and methods to send emails and they can all effect what gets delivered and what does not. All on an email server side of things. (I always recommend using the CDOSYS option using SMTP authentication with a real external email that has valid MX records) see my article...
3rd, your not telling me how many users we are talking about. ASP is not a very efficient way to send emails and extremely large amounts of users should be sent emails in a different way then from an asp application. It is just the nature of the technology being used. Some of different emailing methods the application supports may or may not give you better results. It is really best to experiment though honestly the option I mentioned above is always the best in my experience.
4th, if you are not getting a timeout or a scripting error than the ASP part of things is making it through the amount of users. You have to remember that often time emails that get sent out from web sites end up in junk filters for whatever reason. That is just another fact and why it it is usually best to send out serious newletters using a stand alone application like WorldCast or something.
I am doing a lot of guessing here because you really did not tell me much. I also still am not sure what application this is in reference to as 3 of my apps have newsletter features of sorts.
, It is refered to as the internet guest account but that isn't the actual username. The username is different for every machine. It usually starts off with "IUSR_" and then your machine name. "Internet Guest Account" is always the account's full name as labeled by IIS when it is installed.
If an account isn't listed you have to add it.
Click (add-advanced-find now) and it will list off all the user accounts on the machine
You can also click (add-advanced) and simply type in the account name or part of it.
Some more tips:
If on a local machine you always just give the "everyone" account full control which is pretty much going to make anything work.
You can also go to computer management in your server's administrative tools and view all of the accounts and groups there under "Local Users and Groups".
cwilliams38417.7186689815, as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""
however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa" basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue. Permissions...
cwilliams38303.6065740741, While I originally thought the login form on a non-protected page idea may be similar in setup to how our Classic ASP version of ASPProtect works I could not have been more incorrect. Truth is I forgot that it works a lot differently.
ASP.NET Web forms are meant to post to themselves and there is thing called the viewstate. (google it.. its a hidden variable the server creates in the form code that is required when the form posts back to itself.. and hold all sorts of information the server uses) Doing what you are asking about means disabling the viewstate and that can have big consequences and break certain things.
Basically you cant just put a form on a non-protected page and post to a protected page if the viewstate is enabled. Disabling it can break certain web controls like data grids .etc etc.. and can also have an effect on how the session is managed at the site and sometimes disabling it is not possible depending on what is going on cause you need it.
I am still doing research on the whole thing, but it looks to me like doing that is going to have a tradeoff of some sort.
That does not mean this isn't possible somehow. I am still researching and I am also going to see what John Evans thinks.
I told you .NET was complicated.
As for your other question that is something you have to sort out on your own by editing the code and recompiling it based on your custom project needs. It is not something I can help you with. , sorry, I am guilty of being very tired and didnt read your message fully.
I know this forum area is called "database connection issues" but it is only meant for generic issues.
Issues specific to a particular application need to go in that applications area in the forum. It keeps the forums more organized and helps other people fnd help later on.
So please post in the correct area.
I will answer this question soon. I have to do something 1st though.
, ok.
sorry then..
I just had a series of fraudulant orders this past week including today and the whole thing has me on edge. (foreign people getting my code for free and doing who knows what with it) When you mentioned calling the cc company it pushed all the right buttons.
Merry Christmas, Are you aware ASP can run on any machine running win95/95,2000,xp pro, 2003. You really should test all asp code locally before running it on live servers but anyway... that is your deal
I am not sure if memory alone will be enough for that server but it could help. I saw a decent amount of free memory when I looked. Its just about an 8-10 year old system on every aspect (processer,OS,Hard drives, memory etc etc) and not only that something is tasking the heck out of the resources left over for asp database access. Something is just wrong. I don't know what it is but I am pretty sure it is not aspprotect. I got rid of my last nt 4 server about 4-5 years ago but the application always ran great on NT and I still have some customers using NT 4. Not many though.
if you email me the import file and the encryption keys you are using I will make a database for you.. just zip it up and send it to
replace - with @ , Weird things happening, when I upload using the vb method the image fails and error is that the image was empty.
Utilizing ASPUpload and after clicking upload file I get a blank screen, no preview, no nothing (it loads with the proper header/footer) but a completely blank body.
Any hints?
, Having a quality professionally set up ASP.NET server that is going to support your needs is CRITICAL whether it is yours or someone elses. Them saying they will not set permissions is useless. Quite honestly Network Solutions is a joke when it comes to ASP.NET hosting. They are all about CHEAP MASS HOSTING and that is not where you go when you plan on running complex ASP.NET applications. What good is ASP.NET hosting if you can not permissions set on folders you need it for? A lot of people run ASPProtect.NET and their hosts set permissions for them without issue. We made one folder that they could click on and set all permissions at once easily. If they truly knew anything they would understand that and set permissions for you in a heartbeart. You have to have a correctly set up server or a hosting company that is serious about your ASP hosting needs.
I mean you come to us with this mess of a situation, we tell you its a bad setup. We tell you to rebuild the server correctly or make a new one. Now instead of doing that you come to us with another mess of a situation. Now you act all frustrated because you have spent so much time on this. How the heck do you think we learned everything we know ? Do you think we have never spent weeks on a problem or stayed up for 4 nights in a row without sleep. That is how you learn and it is called experience. I have no sympathy for someone that complains about how long something took because I am right there with the best of them and I have paid my dues.
Have you by chance read all of this thread below because despite what you keep telling me you are totally falling into this category.
Granted you may not be "Joe Coder" but you are definetly "that guy" who doesn't really know what is going on with ASP.NET. "that guy" who sets up his own server and knows enough to be dangerous. You definetly have enough sense/basic skills to dig around and read articles and try things but when you are on the wrong track that only helps out so much.
Also: I really was pretty tired when I got home last night, but now that I really think about what you did with that webserver/domain controller is about the worst moves possible when it comes to IIS hosting setups.. That is just SO BAD !! Now, don't think that I haven't done some REAL stupid things in the past. John too, like the time 5 or so years back when thought he could make a Windows XP Pro webserver for serious non development use . Anyway, that is how you learn. I suggest you get your server running correctly (not a domain controller) or you get a real host like for your asp hosting needs. I mean you can get an account for like 10.00 a month and end all these headaches right now. I even know one of the head techs there as well as the general manager. Their ASP and ASP.NET support is 2nd to none.
You may not like what I have to say, (hell, I can pretty much guarantee you won't) but I tell it like it is and in the long run you will be better off for it.. We spent a ton of time developing the .NET version of this product and we sell it way less than it is worth especially since we provide source code. It is an awesome product, but if the server isn't truly and correctly supporting ASP.NET or they host will not set permissions than it is out of our hands. As far as I am concerned anything else is a waste of everyone's time. I am not going to play that game. Quite frankly, you need to get your stuff together. Nothing you have come up with so far has anything to do with a bug with ASPProtect.NET. Everything has been server related.
THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE !!! , This is great FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator App from Microsoft.. 9A798-C57A-419E-ACBC-2A332CB7F959&displaylang=en
It is an ASP.NET web application that you install locally on your development server and then use to connect to a SQL database whether remote or local.
It can do nearly everything enterprise manager can do.
I have tested it and it works great for me.
cwilliams38325.7453587963, I have no idea to be honest, I just like the way it looks 
Good deal on the remote install, just dont pull the old "hangman" move
shutdown the machine on yourself around 4AM. Otherwise you be getting
in the car and going for a drive LOL
, Well I have the web hosting tech looking into the memory issues at this point. Unfortunately I don't have another machine to be able to run the asp on that would run it correctly so that I can just publish it over.
, so you are using the subscriptions signup directory right ?
"paypal_signup2" ?
1st.. I would check that the xml parser is working.
It is required for making the post back to paypal.
It is installed on windows 2000 and 2003 and XP by default. ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Then I would check the actual form page to paypal to make sure it is generating a valid IPN url as a hidden form value. It's the payment page you actually click on that actually takes you to paypal. For the subscription signup system that page is called "paypal1.asp"
You'll want to go through the process starting with the default.asp of the signup folder untill you get to that page. Then you want to look at the html source of that page in Internet Explorer. Your looking for something like this in the source code and you want to make sure it is valid.
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value=>
It also has to a url on the internet that paypals server can see. It can not be a local url for your machine. Also: If it is not valid we can try hard coding it.
If all of these things are good I'll have to take a look. I have some text file logging I can do when paypal hits your IPN url that can tell us if it is actually hitting that page like it is supposed to. And I can test the system for you by making some 1 cent payments using my own paypal account until we find out what is going wrong.
cwilliams38421.5686921296, sorry for the confusion, but I am not that good with the tech explantions yet.
what it boils down to is I have an Access Database containing over 100
members names. I want only those people to be able to get into
the secure pages.
Thanks. Harvey
, False alarm. Dumb user alert (both the classifieds customer and me).
When I test fixes, I need to be looking at the right Ad_ID to get correct results 
, That carrot doesn't really exist in the file, so I'm not sure.
I did download and place the ASPTEST file in and when I try to load the 2 pages it fails to load. I have another site on the same server and I uploaded the same exact set of files and the asp pages load.
This is how I set the connection:
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\klarman\asptest\_database\asptest.m db;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\drsweisberg\asptest\_database\aspte st.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
, ok, that is what you are suppose to do... not having that path info set can cause all sorts of trouble., let's try this... edit that page with a text editor like notepad...
Carefully replace any instance of "Cint" with "CDbl".. I may have missed some of those when testing the last time I edited the code.
, Got it. Thanks Chris!
, It's not working because i guess im copying the viewstate also...and it comes up
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
, ok, When I attempt to upload, it appears that the image uploads. I get a "Original Image Size 0 X 0 pixels"

they don't appear in the web pages, any thoughts? I am using VBscript to upload, my host has safileup but I am unable to use it in this script, thanks for any help
here's the site link
Never mind, had the path to the image folder screwed up
, no, its part the concurrent login checking system.
currently when that is on logging off does not come into play..
(pretty much because it is such a complex system I wasnt able to make it quite that intelligent this time around)
when concurrent login checking is enabled the only way to log in again at another system with the same username and with a different IP is to wait till that time period is over
as you may recall it was rush feature at the last moment before I got version 7 finished. Hopefully I can improve on the feature in the next version but I dont really see it as being a big issue at the moment. Sometimes when you want maximum security you have to make some tradeoffs and that is why the feature is optional.
Hi Chris,
Alright. We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.
Ok. I have another question:
How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:
Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?
thank you
, Hi there,
Just bought ASPProtect 7.0 last week and just got around to installing it. I've gotten through the installation and am now trying to test the (Forgot Password) functionality.
I get the following error when I type in the e-mail (or in some cases the username) and Post the form.
Error was [11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type
I know that the add user functionality is pointing to the correct database (I see the additional rows via SQL Enterprise Manager) and that the e-mail address I am looking for is in the SQL database.
Any ideas? Any other information you need?
, Ok i was wanting to know what the "if then" statement would be if i wanted to show xxx if your group is xxx.
I tried
<% If Session("Groups") = "1" then%>
<font size="2">TEXT HERE</font>
<%end if%>
But that did not seem to work.
, thats because you can not have exchange server running at the same time as the windows IIS virtual smtp server..
they clash with one another... and thats why the emails never get picked up by the iis stmp server
you have to send the emails another way like using a true remote mail server.. I am not sure but if your exchange server can do pop 3 you can probably use that that way
you may be able to change the pickup directory that cdosys uses under the virtual SMTP scenario, but I am not sure if that will work with exchange picking it up, but maybe it will work ok because you said it does when you paste them in there manually.. I do not really know.. you'd have to try it and edit the email sub routine to use that pickup path
"scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp" is where you could try editing that path
, Not really sure how to do this.... i think you know what i am looking to do.. is there anyway you can show me or create that solution for me? It would prob. take you minutes as its been taking me hours 
, I have imported like 50,000 users into an access database when testing... it took like 4-5 minutes but worked..
course it really all depends on the setup how many you can get away with
something must still be wrong
have you tried just importing 1 or 2 users for troubleshooting sake ?
I would also recommend that after any timeout you reboot the server or at the very least do an "iisreset" to get things back to normal
, The pages in the ASProtect Full version that have emailing code in them are as follows.
, Yes, you are right. That was the problem. Sorry 
, Hello,
Yes, that is how it works. Unless you make modifications to the code there is no way to easily do what you are talking about.
If you design the site to be intelligent that scenario should never happen.
For example.. you should only be offering links to pages that the current logged in user has access to. You do this by checking the session variables and with simple if-else logic around your html links.
It requires some work but if you dont give them links to pages they dont have access to what you are talking about will not happen.
Here are some simple examples.
Here is an example using access levels.
If Session("Access_Level") = "1" Then
' show links to pages that allow access level 1
End If
And one for groups..
If Instr(Session("Groups"),"*6*") or Instr(Session("Groups"),"*7*") Then
' show links to pages that allow groups 6 and 7
End If
cwilliams38354.0786921296, Christopher,
Thanks for the reply. I think I've found my problem, but can't test until later in the evening as it is on a live site.
, Oh yes...I've changed the time a script is allowed to run before timing out from 90 seconds to 180 seconds on the aspprotect folder., People who have the option pack have a new feature called groups.
Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customers older protection code.
A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.
Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.
For example..
You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly
Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 2-8 would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 3-8 would have access..
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:35:27 PM
cleaning up administration room. Moving unused equipment to storage. Made room in basement for equipment., Driving back to Watertown., Meet w/ Jim, Howard, and Darrel re: Nortel quoting for JCC RFP vs. Bell Atlantic quote., Did the daily Crystal reports, text/link changes to site, per customer. BILLABLE, travel back to watertown, meet with Peter Perry ECM , callbacks up to 4:30.. then mostly heavy calls, Thanksgiving holiday , Travel from Syracuse to Watertown with Darrel C., 19 Miles - Potsdam - Massena, 4 hours personal time., help Robbie in tech support with ZipLink email question, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packup, Plan Move ofFire Supression Tank, Plan install of 2nd AC Switch Room , teched phone calls and radius ns.2 went down , Nortel, balanced check book and spoke to Tim and backed up and did timecard, Pauls calendar updates, HAD A MEETING WITH PEG CONCERNING PROCEDURES, Working on input sheets and organzing the fields on the sheets., realized that it's 4am, not 5am... I lost an hour here somewhere. One call from a guy who had been working with John, simple fix., Took tech calls, checked DUI, AUQ, Voice Mail, and RAD. , finished and emailed payroll did Al Devoids check, marketing materials, went to Graters to deliver check and contract, email, phone messages, Business Record, Posted accounts,ans. phone, customer inquiries, and credit card authorizations. Worked on Acct Receiveable Invoices and the Deposits pulling invoices and matching up with the deposit., verified, printed, signed & enveloped paychecks