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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:16 PM
I really do not know.. maybe it is a conflict with something else..
I run many instances of aspbanner on my servers and I have every item to log enabled for my iis log files... my stats server software which reads those log files (livestats and smarterstats) have never reported any 404 errors related to (aspbanner/those images)...
I do not know what is happening in your situation..
sorry. , I am sending you a PM with the new download url
see instructions above for what to do with it,
No changes to any scripts - just a response.write added to Email_Password.asp to print out the SQL.
Sure - here's the address.
P.S. E-mail address to look for is serena_5@hotmail.com , I am using cdont to send email. what do i have to do send email to other display my full name instead of email address. In other word I want to see first name last name in their email client instead of email address.
thanks for your help
, Hope the wedding went well. I have one this weekend.
I was successful at performing an upload. The free upload software was either not configure properly (probably) or not working. I downloaded the trial version of softartisan's upload (which is like over $300) and it started working.
Can more than one photo be uploaded at one time (like a whole folder full of photos) or does each have to be done individually? , We have been using ASP Protect for a while now and are big fans of the program. We received ASP Banner 8.2 with our puchase which we now have a need for. I went to put the files on our webpage, and doing nothing else other than locating the directory there, I noticed differences with how ASP Protect operates. We have customized it a bit and want to keep the 2 programs separate. the login screen for one showed up on the other, and some ASP Protect pages appeared altered so i immediately deleted ASP Banner. did I do something wrong, and how can i ensure the 2 programs work completely independant of each other? We can't risk braking what we're now using but would really like to add banner functionality to some of our pages. maybe an update to the program before we install? puchase new software? Thanks for your help- , Post a request in the "custom code work" forum. Perhaps another customer will want to do the work or help you out with some code.
I am just too busy to do any custom work for quite a while.
, If it stopped working it has nothing to do with the ASP code. YIf could have stopped for any number of reasons as hosts often change email server requirements and info. You need to go over the email settings. Of course make sure you and the person you are sending to have valid email addresses and try different methods/settings until you get emailing to work again.
Testing it by sending emails off from the users screen.. in each email type in what you are trying at that time so you know what worked if emails make it through. Also, be sure to check junk filters when testing to make sure the emails are not being put in any of those.
That's what I would do. CDOSYS is always your best bet for sending emails as it has so many options and all new server support it. , When I enter www.vickerylightning.com/aspgallery/dataconn_inc.asp on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"
as far as that goes I have no idea.. I have never seen that message before but you are not suppose to run that page by itself regardless.. it is an include file not meant to run on its own , That's because when the page rebuilds, it uses the default number of
users per page setting. You'd have to modify that default setting to
have it do things differently. I used to have mine set to 500
users, until I got past 300... then it wasn't fun to show all users on
the page anymore. I now like 10 per page and searching for
specific users as needed.
But that's me. If you hack a COPY of your default.asp file (with the
original backed up as above), you can get the value set to one you
If you want me to find the value, post and I'll look for it later on.
If you want to find it yourself, happy hunting! Just be sure to have a
backup in case you do the wrongest thing possible in your haxxoring.
, I sent you a PM, I had not rebooted after installing the Jet driver updates, so I tried that and the asptest page worked fine, and said that all the tests were successful and that the data connection was setup correctly. I then installed aspprotect again, but with the same results. I cannot log-in from the get_me_in.asp page. It still says that it is opening the page, but does not respons for an indefinite period. The asptest page is in the same directory.
I have looked for alternate databases for this product on your site, but I cannot seem to find them. , Hi all
User activity screen shows history of logged-in users.
Is it possible to view only those users that are currently logged in ? not the all users that have logged in previously
thanks in advance
, The main root of your web site needs a "aspnet_client" folder for .NET apps like ASPProtect.NET to run.
If this isnt quite right one of two things can happen.
1.) You'll get a pop-up error like this. 'Unable to find script library WebUIValidation.js'
2.) The ASPProtect login screen will come up but just not let you log in.
This folder only goes in the root. Not in subfolders and subwebs.
If you dont have this folder in the root of your web.
Read this article to learn how to properly create the folder. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/e n-us/cpguide/html/cpconconfiguringaspnetapplicationforaspnet version.asp
If the app is installed on a hosted server you'll need to ask them to do that for you.
You can also try copying a the folder from your own machine after creating it the way the article above says.
here is a copy of my "aspnet_client" folder created under the latest framework at the time of this writing. v 1_1_4322
I am not sure if copying it in is as good as having created by the server as I haven't had time to really test all of that but it should work. Ultimately all this does is put some files .net needs in the web. , I would check out this article for starters... aspprotect is very similar to asp photo gallery and so are a lot of the page names.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=49& PN=1
Jeromy, You should have access to that page. , SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..
here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on an aspbanner database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"
In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner table in the database

cwilliams38325.8002893519, Actually it is my own server (retired email server from my employer). I will check out the documentation again. I DID read that part, but didn't understand it enough. I'll dig deeper. Also my box has 2 CPU's, hence the $125 for ASPImage..., Editing using Visual Studio.NET
Here are directions for editing the application using Visual Studio.NET 2002 or 2003 version.. either should work
Some of you are wondering why I didnt just give you the project files. It is best you go through this process and really understand what is going on. Also, I dont use VS 2002 so I wouldnt be able to give you project files that would work with that. Not to mention there is 100% chance my prject files wouldn't work for you anyway because of path differences and other things.
Anyway.. on with the instructions...
1st.. make sure IIS, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio.NET are all installed correctly and up to date.
Open Visual Studio.NET
File - New Project
Select a New Visual Basic ASP.NET web application.
give the new web to be created a name.. I called mine "aspprotectdotnet"

Hit Ok..
Now. once the project opens up we need to delete a few things in the solution explorer window.
So delete "webform1.aspx" , "deletestyles.css", "Global.asax", "AssemblyInfo.vb", and "web.config"
Basically all the files under the project...
Now... you should have the aspprotect.net files unzipped somewhere on you hard drive...
open that folder and select all the files and folders like so

Now drag those selected files and folders to the solution explorer window of Visual Studio.NET right on to the name of the web. In my case "aspprotectdotnet"
It might say this folder already contains a folder names Bins.. just tell it to copy over and continue on any prompts like that.
You'll notice your project is now populated.
Open up the references tab in the solution explorer window as we need to add some references to the dlls in the bin folder of this project. This is needed so the compile process and function correctly.
Right click on references.. click add reference Then browse....browse on your hard drive to the location of the new web and the bin folder within it.
In my case... "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectnet\bin"
Choose "aspprotectlicense.dll"
Hit open...
Now do the same thing again until you have added all the dlls in that bin folder to the references..
Now.. click add-references again and this time choose "system.management" from the choices in the .NET tab
Once all of that is done your references should look like this

Now in the Visual Studio.NET menu system up top..
Choose Build - Build Solution
If you did everything right you will see something like this in the build window
------ Build started: Project: aspprotectdotnet, Configuration: Debug .NET ------
Preparing resources... Updating references... Performing main compilation... Building satellite assemblies...
---------------------- Done ----------------------
Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped
You now have the visual studio side of things all set up.
To make the project actually run we now have to set some permissions and edit the web.config file.
Using windows explorer browse to the web the app is in. Right click on the "_database" folder and give that folder and all the child folders within it. Modify permissions for both the Anonymous webserver account and the ASPNET account. These accounts might not show up until you dig into the advanced tab and click find now to show all the accounts on the machine.
Permissions screen looks like this...

Once that is done go back the solution explorer window in visual studio.
Open the docs folder.. right click on "sysdiag.aspx" and choose view in browser.
It should complie the project again.. and then run that page in either the internal or external browser depending on how you have that set up.
That page will report back path information. "BTW.. for security reasons this page should be removed from any production server after installation is complete.. this is very important" In my case it looks like this.
Probabale AppRootPhysicalPath c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet
Probabale AppRootUrlPath http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet
Probabale Path to Access Database c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb
Now we need to edit the web.config file... your going to need to know some of the path information above.
In solution explorer double click on web.config.
Now edit the AppRootPhysicalPath, AppRootUrlPath, and CN keys accordingly.
In my case they will look like this.
<!-- PATHS USED BY THE SYSTEM --> <add key="AppRootPhysicalPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet" /> <add key="AppRootUrlPath" value="http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet" />
<!-- MICROSOFT ACCESS KEY --> <add key="Cn" value="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq= c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=" />
Now.. because our web is really not in the root of our virtual directory which starts at "inetpub/wwwroot" we need to edit another tag in this file.
Find the forms tag near the bottom.
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
Change it to say this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectdotnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
Notice tha part in bold that we added.
Now, you may also want to check the temp license key info while you are in that file and make sure it is not expired but I am not going to get into that here.
Now save and close that file and do a compile again.
In solution explorer open up the "aspprotectadmin" folder. Right click on default.aspx and click browse
You should see the login prompt in your web browser..
Log in with
admin temp
all lower case
You should see the users screen of the application,
Click on the system info tab up in the top left... make sure all those paths are correct and save it.
Go to the settings page of the admin area. Make sure all those paths/settings are correct and save it.
Congratulations... you just set up a visual studio web project from scratch and our now ready to edit and compile an advanced web application.
From here on your on your own, but feel free to ask questions in the forums as you will probably get help from myself or others who own the software.
One last thing... because we are not in the true root of the web on the development machine the examples in the example folder will need the reference to the "protectpage.ascx" file modified before they will work
It will need to go from
If this app was installed in the true root of a domain on a real webserver.. you would not have to edit the forms tag in the web config file or change the paths in the examples as they would be correct the way they came , did you read what this thread says about that session variable for groups not be created by default
you have to add code so it sgets created before you can check it... this thread talks about that, I am using v7 with other software written in ASP.NET. When I include the the "checkfor" and include file, I'm receiving a compliation error.
Here is the include I have on the .aspx file: <% CHECKFOR = "4" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
Here is the error:
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30689: Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.
Source Error: Line 15: <% Line 16: ' This is part of the too many login attempts lockdown code which sets a cookie to block login attempts for a certain amount of time Line 17: If LoginLockDown Then Line 18: If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("LoginTries") <> "" Then Line 19: If Cint(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("L oginTries")) = Cint(LoginLockDownAttempts) Then
Source File: D:\Sites\resadmin\NetOptions\testsite.com\www\ASPProtect\che ck_user_inc.asp Line: 17
, I do not think it it anything to do with the Application.
You most likely have some sort of ad blocking software that is doing it.
It is seeing the word "banner" or "ad" and blocking the images in your browser.
I doubt it is anything built into xp doing it. XP with SP2 has built in pop-up blockers but no ad blockers like that really. It is norton ad blocker or something of that nature. , recent activity infomation is temporary and mantains itself per application start up.. when the web application restarts for whatever reason the info is reset
a reboot, an iisreset on the server, application pool restarts, etc etc this is done because if that info was saved in the database your database would get huge real quick
logfiles however do not do that and are permanent , When a user 1st signs up a proper case function is run on certain fields. This is only once on user signup and never done in the admin area.
It's goal is to keep things entered in Proper Case,
so if someone enters "chris williams" it becomes "Chris Williams"
It's not perfect but it helps a lot to keep the data clean and more consistent. Since it only happens during registration those values can be changed later by the admin or the user if someone wants to.
The function is only applied to the fields that it makes sense to apply it to.... In your case adding a drop down menu means you want exactly what is in your drop down to appear so you wouldn't want it happening.
That being said, it is really easy to remove this situation from any field it is happening to during registration.
So edit "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor
CmdAddUser.Fields("Company_Name") = PCase(Company_Name)
and change it to
CmdAddUser.Fields("Company_Name") = Company_Name
That is all that is needed to made the change cwilliams38421.5069328704, I am also getting the "Unspecified Error" message. I just transferred my site to IIS 5.0 and I get that error now. However it does not happen everytime. I can click on a page and it opens fine and then I hit refresh in the browser and I get the "Unspecified Error" message. What could be causing this?
I am not entirely sure how one configures
the system to assign a user to a specific group. For example, let say I
have created two groups A and B, and I have pages protected by the code
generated in the admin area for groups A and B. I know I can assign access
to these groups in the admin area.
However, it is not clear to me how I do it automatically
through the registration process.
, This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6 in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.
We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.
cwilliams38401.6321990741, And I'm the one who finds those rarities! I'm not surprised. 
Oh well...this should be interesting trying to get an 80 year old man to change his password.
Thanks for your quick responses Chris. This is still an awesome membership system!
Mick , ASPProtect v7 comes with working example code of protecting an image from being downloaded and also protects the true file location of the image on your server..
This comes with the system as an example folder with some files in it.
(some of the initial purchaser's of the system might not have that directory.. if that is the case please ask)
Here is how it works...
Basically we protect the image in 2 ways.
- We use Javascript right click disabling code that works in both IE and Firefox.
- We stream the image via a special password protected ".asp" page and use an image tag to call it. This hides the true location of the file. You can therefore keep your images out of your web or keep them in a folder in your web that does not allow file browsing. Under this scenario even if someone looks at the img tag html source they can not tell where the file came from. Doing all of this allows you to offer certain images only to people that are logged in.
All in all this is should be very effective protection. Yes, there are still ways to get the images like doing screen captures, but this will ensure that people viewing images are logged in to your site. This will in most cases keep them from right clicking and saving the images. This will ensure that people can not tell other people the image's url location and it will ensure other sites can not leach your images and bandwidth.
For the image protection examples to work you may need to edit some values in the stream_pic.asp file that are valid for your setup.
Look at the source. The values you can edit are commented.
Now, you also need to call a valid "image file name" from the call_pic.asp file which is an example of how you protect a page with javascript and call a streamed image using an image tag.
Lasty, here is a great article I found on image protection and some of the things you can do about it and some of things you cannot.
http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMArticle.asp?ID =41 , Ok, have contacted the web hosts. Thank you for your help so far
, I downloaded v7 3/7/2005
I entered a password that was supposed to be all caps with only first letter caps.
it is odd, if I go to other user and enter wrong password that does not come up. it apprpriately goes to a screen that says Access Denied.
thx , Are you aware ASP can run on any machine running win95/95,2000,xp pro, 2003. You really should test all asp code locally before running it on live servers but anyway... that is your deal
I am not sure if memory alone will be enough for that server but it could help. I saw a decent amount of free memory when I looked. Its just about an 8-10 year old system on every aspect (processer,OS,Hard drives, memory etc etc) and not only that something is tasking the heck out of the resources left over for asp database access. Something is just wrong. I don't know what it is but I am pretty sure it is not aspprotect. I got rid of my last nt 4 server about 4-5 years ago but the application always ran great on NT and I still have some customers using NT 4. Not many though.
if you email me the import file and the encryption keys you are using I will make a database for you.. just zip it up and send it to chris-cjwsoft.com
replace - with @ , when did you puchase/download the application? you may have old code., Okay, thanks, I'm going to change the method tonight and see if it makes a difference
I'll report back
Dave , People who have the option pack have a new feature called groups.
Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customers older protection code.
A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.
Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it. Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.
For example..
You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly
Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8 The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8 The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 2-8 would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8 The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 3-8 would have access.. cwilliams38114.800775463, ok.
sorry then..
I just had a series of fraudulant orders this past week including today and the whole thing has me on edge. (foreign people getting my code for free and doing who knows what with it) When you mentioned calling the cc company it pushed all the right buttons.
Merry Christmas, Please Note : ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups that is much more powerful than access levels. Access Levels were left in the product primarily for existing customers that upgrade to the new version so they do not need to make a lot of changes to their site if they were using Access Levels.
More On Access Levels
Again, Examples of managing Access Levels are provided in the "multiple_access_levels" folder included in the root of the Password System. Look at the source code of the ASP pages in that folder with a text editor to see the working code.
Access Levels and how they work can be re-coded to work in many different ways. However, you have to be a good ASP developer to make changes to it. Here is some information on how they work by default.
In the "check_user_inc.asp" that comes in the root of this system Access Levels work as follows.
Level 1 has Access to - Level 1 Level 2 has Access to - Level 1,2 Level 3 has Access to - Level 1,2,3 Level 4 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4 Level 5 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5 Level 6 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6 Level 7 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Level 8 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ADMIN has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ADMIN
Here is some additional info..
If the access levels are too restrictive you can ignore them all together and create your own totally custom solutions. Here is a quick rundown of some of the things you can do.
Ok... so if you want to be really specific about what each user can see and can't .. here's an example of what you can do
Don't use the access levels before the include file.. Don't worry about what you set a user to in the admin area since the access levels won't be used.
Do something like this..
Every time a user logs in session variables are set that you can access at any time.. thus allowing you to know who they are.
So you could do something like this...
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<% If Session("USERNAME") = "bob1267" or Session("USERNAME") = "carl45" or Session("ADMIN") = "True" Then Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "Yes" Else Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "No" Response.Redirect(Request.ServerVariables("script_name")) End If %>
The following URL explains what Redirects are. http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/redirects.asp
That would in effect create totally custom access levels.. but you would have to do it manually for each user.
You can also do things like this after a person logs in
Show custom html to any specific user based on either their username or access level ... like so
say there was a menu and a certain link should only show up to username "paully67"
you could do something like this
<br> <a href="main.asp">Home Page</a> <% If Session("USERNAME") = "paully67" Then %> <br> <a href="paullys_page.asp">Pauls Stats Page</a> <% End If %> <br> <a href="links.asp">Links Page</a>
Or you can show custom HTML or links based on Access Levels or any other info.
You can do just about anything with if-then statements and using the built in vbscript functions..
Hopefully this info will help to give you some ideas...
Bottom line is you have to do some work within your site to make the Access Level system really come alive. cwilliams38403.6781481481, Have you thought about language file so users dont have to go into the code to put it in their language?? , you have to do it like I show above... your not specifying the field name to be searched in the instr function so what you just showed me will not do anything
You also should not have the > 0 stuff in the function because it is testing the result of the function.
You have to do it just like I showed , Larry,
I have a new computer up and running and am back on the Internet full time. I am here to help when you are ready to continue with this.
I went to your site to look around and "try it" like you mentioned but I can not really try anything as the admin username/password seems to be something other than the default , I'm using Groups and would like to assign all new users to a particular group. How is this done? cwilliams38298.5087384259,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:16 PM
working on purge features of softmls2 as well as new search features and new CMA search, Recieved calls for e-mail and log in problems. On the phone at least 1 hour with 1 customer, travel from Baldwinsville to Clayton, Connex Mediation Software Presentation meeting., Give hacker info to Jim, Kick Back and Relax Coupon # 31-3, worked on Bonnie Castle Yacht Basin SoftBoat database, Billing calls, call backs, Daily Modem Checks, Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, cancellations, report, taking sign ups, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, , Rebooting Godzilla (Web Server). Installing proxy on it. Going through every website on Godzilla and setting them to run in their own memory space., Meet with KAllen re CSR space, timeline, staffing, and training, busy, techcalls, new users, radlog, online issues, Answered phones, called users back in reference to Ask Us A Question and Checked RadLogs and Dial Up Issues and made the required callbacks., training 1146 nortel, Resetting modems, trying to make a program to uninstall filtering w/ Steve., SoftMLS2 AT HOME... Working on all those changes and fixes, Errol, Howard, Ron, - Bis After Hrs , uploaded an updated store front page for WPBS and changed the shipping charges from $7 to $3 (wpbstv.org, billable), Meeting w/Jim, Team meeting, return to clayton, to Clayton, Meeting w/TI Central., Assorted Router Troubles, email/voice mail- check problems with alex bay-org and other questions, quality checked snign ups, cancellations, reports, taking sign ups, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail. checked emails., chow, lunch, Meeting with the WDT to figure out standard file dump format that they will use to delivery stories to us,