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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:34 PM

You can mix and match banner calling methods all you want.
Try it and see what happens.

However, the only method that is going to work on non ".asp" pages is the javascript or the new iframe method listed in the support forums.


cwilliams38209.532349537, ASPProtect version 6 does not officially support any sort of redirection or is it a feature.

You can however do redirection after login with some basic ASP if-else statements and ASP redirects. Basically you check the session variables after successful login and send users where based on that info. You of course also need to protect any pages you send users to and make sure any people that aren't supposed to go there do not go there directly and bypass your security.

I highly frown on Redirecting during login (In my opinion it is poor site design and it defeats the purpose of dynamic web pages, there is seldom a good reason to even need to do it if you design your site well) but you can check out this thread which should give you lots of good information.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=17&KW= redirect,

lets get back to using the forum and not the pm's  please only use the PM's for sensative information. its too hard for me to keep track of all of this as well as help everything else when I got an inbox full of pm's

Ok, so you say no paypal subscription info is being put in the database at all.

I know we have a bunch of people using the paypal subscription code with no issues so I know it works but obviously you got something wrong.

It could be a few things.

Did you enable IPN in the paypal system and put in a postback url like my directions say ?

Are you sure you are not getting paypal single payments and paypal subscriptions mixed up ?

Are the paypal links you made for paypal subscriptions in the correct format like are directions state ? That is critical and another example of something important that you have not shown me.

Did you populate all settings correctly for our paypal subscription code ?
This includes a correct and valid postback url because if that is not right paypal cant communicate with the aspprotect system and no info will get posted back from them at all.

You say your upgrade went well but if you did all all field names perfectly there could be issues with that.

There is just way too much for me to figure out under free support with the info you keep providing me.

I dont think we are going to get anywhere unless I go into your system and spend a considerable amount of time checking everything out. That is not something I do under normal support so if you are interested it is going to involve a fee paid via paypal. It's probably going to take me a while to check everything out and I need you to be 100% sure IPM is enabled in your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to turn it on search their help system as they have plenty of documentation on the process.

, Alright...I'll try those out.  Also, if I do the data import on my laptop initially and just publish it to the server do you think that will help?,

I did a sign up.. your verify URL is not saved/set in the application variables.

try saving the admin settings page again.. or reboot the server so the settings get reloaded

if you can make sure the web is it's own application in IIS

if it is your server do and "iisreset" from the command prompt

if all else fails you got iis application issues with the site... wait till tommoro to see if the setting gets loaded

, Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database.,


When I set up a test user name it does accept name and passwords and the passwords are encrypted, no problem there.

All I want to do is to restrict access to the protected pages to the members only. Only those users will be accepted and allowed to view.

I have entered all of thier names, address, phone number, email and company in the database, which is still named ASPProtect_access2002.mdb and in the fpdb directory of wwwroot. To get it there I uploaded via FTP.  I hope I expained the situation well enough.


Thanks for that.


I have tried InStr("*2*",>"0") in the query design window but it does not return any members.  


I have orded a Access Bible to help me in furture


yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.

You wont get any errors..

I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances

Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..

Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.

Personally this is how I install it and it works every time.
I like to put their dll in the system32 folder.
Register it.
Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet.
Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions
Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions


if that account isnt there thats normal because if it doesn't have any permissions for that folder so it wouldnt be listed

you simply dig into the menus a liitle deaper and find it then add it.

cwilliams38417.6984606481, while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.

so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?

what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?

99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus ,

Is there a limit to how many access levels the program has?  We were thinking of having a different access level for each client that logs on our site so we can customize their web experience.  We see 6 in one place of the program, 8 in another, but is there any reason why we couldn't make 100 more?

Thanks again for the help!


I have a solution for asp already but thanks anyway. Is there a good book or other learning tool I can purchase that you might know about? I would know where to start about how create a timed subscription in .NET.


Sounds to me like you got some bad databases or something. Or your trying to open a database with too old of a version of msaccess.. not sure

Everything is stored in one database. And yes there is more than just the users table.

Also,  removing the "temp" password should be a piece of cake.

Email me for a new copy of the download file ? Use the contact from on the cjwsoft site. Please tell me your order details as well so I know who you are.




Yesterday when I would access the get_me_in page with the password key, I was then taken to the default login page.  It did not give me the option to create a user. 

Today, when I entered the password key into the get_me_in page, I was taken right to the create user page.  So, yes the problem has been resolved.  I have no idea why though.


, no worries from me.  As with most software projects, i tweak the heck out of them and then have to make a big decision about whether or not i even want/need to upgrade.


UPDATE... on very very busy sites these methods have been reported to fail once in a while..  meaning .NET gets overloaded and instead of a banner its shows some error code.

its not the banner system .. its the .net engine and the calling method

cwilliams38326.8618865741, Am very interesting in purchasing ASPProtect, but am curious as to whether anyone has had success/failure with Network Solutions "standard windows hosting" solution?  Thought I would ask just in case someone has had recent experience.  thx, ,

One is for paypal subscriptions (recurring billing) and the other is for single payments

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=185& ; ; ;PN=1

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=186& ; ; ;PN=1

You can delete any of the 3rd party payment directories you are not using including the the 2checkout one... (all those folders really are is a copy of the users folder specially modified to handle a certain payment processor)

Just Don't delete the "users" folder though as there are things you do there that you can not do anywhere else..  quite a few things..  editing existing account info, looking up passwords... etc etc


cwilliams38446.6055555556, to finalize this thread.... turns out I was correct and this person was not unzipping the zip file correctly. ,


Thanks for a speedy reply.  This is what I have used most recently...

ListingsConnectionString = "DSN=longreach;UID=lradmin;PWD=skipper;"
DatabaseType = "SQL"

but that throws an error of:

 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I have private messaged you my SQL server IP address.  I am a fast learner with ASP (I think!) but some things really catch me out!

, humm, I am curious

If these people are employees and sales reps why are are you using expiration dates at all ? and why the renewing issues... etc etc

I am sure there is a reason but you did not explain.

it might help me to better understand and possibly think about new features for new versions in the future.,

On second thought guys, it would must easier to change the code using modulus as follows:

<% If PicIndex mod 6 = 0 THEN %> 
<% End If %>

This will end each row and create a new row after each 6th picture. It'll be must easier code to work with and change.  This code must be placed in the PicIndex For Loop.

If you have any questions, JPortnoy@Checkernet.com

, I am trying to understand how/where the "Log_Off_URL" variable is set
I have searched the forum for that string but don't get real good
results...I think the _'s are replaced with spaces for the search.

I am learning how to use the groups options and have modified some of
your example access level examples to test out group stuff.  At the
bottom of the default.asp page I see a "LOG OFF SYSTEM" link that is
filled with a link stored in the Log_Off_URL variable and it looks
like that is being set back to the default.asp file somehow.  So when
I click on it it just refreshes the page and appears to keep my user
logged in. 

Seems like it should log out the user and redisplay the
login page.  Is there a way to log totally off and have the login page
show up again?  I am sure I am missing some obvious thing
somewhere...I can see where the Log_Off_URL variable is being created
in the config_inc.asp file but did'nt know where to look for more
info.  Can you point me to an existing forum link?

, that erorr in no way means what it says.. it is just a generic error because something failed.

if you want to PM me info on how to get into your site and I will take a look.. I don't think it is something that can be figured out otherwise especially when you are not telling much about what is going on. There are a lot of factors and settings that are relevant. , We have no add-ons for anything but accepting payments through paypal and 2checkout... if you want to accept payments through some other setup you have make a payment directory addon and write code to do it based on the system you are using..

We provide the ASP source code so that is doable for someone that is good with ASP. If not then it won't be doable.

I get this error, Any ideas?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] '(unknown)' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

/guestbook/save.asp, line 109


can add photo album but after i upload a pic, nothing shows.

where do i look to research why pics aren't showing in the albums

, I didn't know about it. I will try to check it out some more this week.

New question...

When someone edits their personal information, such as address, is there any way to set it so that someone in the office can receive an e-mail noting the changes?




Thank you....  yes it does


Is there a limit in the number of Zones you can have in the database.


thanking you

As I already had directories in my web site root called 'images' and 'templates' I loaded the files into a sub directory called 'aspprotect' as suggested in the installation guide where it say 'either way it really doesn't matter'.
However, it does.
The scripts are often looking for a file which it can't find because the /aspprotect part of the path is missing.  Example:
I can't find a way of editing all the scripts that need changing.  I'm assuming it would be easier to change my site to avoid using subdirectories used by aspprotect and reinstalling from scratch straight into the root directory.
Anyone with any suggestions?
Many thanks
, Oh big deal !!... John mentioned some site and you feel like you proved some sort of point. Aren't you special ?

Look, I am telling for the 3rd time you can't do what you are talking about with ASPProtect.NET. Are you braindead cause I really am beginning to think you are and I for one am done trying to be somewhat nice to you ??????

I am also willing to bet you had no idea what viewstate even was until I mentioned it and then you probably went and read up about it so quit trying to pretend like you know what is going on! If you knew what was going on you would not be asking more questions about ASPProtect.NET than any customer in the history of selling the application.

As a matter of fact you should send me like 400.00 just for all my time you have taken up because you are totally frigin clueless !!!!!

I should have cut you off the instant you offered me illegal software from p2p right in a forum post., that is good news... good guess on my part I guess

anyway, try this for your latest issue.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=340&KW =%2D1,

I was told by my ISP to use localhost and it should work and it does not. It does not require authentication to send e-mails.

Any other ideas?




, Guess who!

I have a user/client who can't access stats. Even when I give them a new username, I get the message that their username has expired.  In the notes of the account it says "Level 1 access"  and I can't figure out what that is and where it is edited or set or even what it means.  Seems like I must have hit something somewhere that goofed up this account.  I could just delete the account/user and set it back up but I'm worried I'd just make this same mistake later and figured I'd get the info on it. Any ideas?

TIA!  (So far, I'm VERY happy with this product)


ASPProtect v7.x runs on Microsoft IIS servers only.
That means Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 server. The web server must have ASP support enabled and support Data Connections. 99% of them do as it's a pretty normal thing, but you should ask and make sure your hosting plan supports it.

ASPProtect can use a Microsoft Access Database or Microsoft SQL Server as it's data source.  We provide the access databases and everything you need to create the SQL database, however customer's using Microsoft SQL Server are required to have SQL Enterprise Manager and SQL Query Analyzer in order to setup and maintain the SQL database. Other scenarios are possible but we do not support them.

ASPProtect v7.supports 13 different emailing methods and components so chances are you will have no problem finding one that will work for you.

Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects

We extensivley support all implemenations of CDOSYS which is installed on all the servers by default. We also support outgoing SMTP authentication requirements. If you can not send emails from the application using one of our 13 methods and you have an ASP solution that can send an email on your server we will work with you to make sure the application can send emails.


ASPProtect v7.x does not run under Chillisoft ASP. That means it does not run under Unix, Linux, Apache, etc etc. ASPProtect v7.x can not use a MySQL database. MySQL and Microsoft SQL are not the same thing.

If you are wondering if your web server runs Windows or Linux you can try using the header check here.

Be warned however it will not always be accurate because some people cloak that information or show something different than what they are running to trick potential hackers. With commerical hosting though the the header information is usually accurate.

When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....



, After you click the link in the confirmation e-mail you are directed to the Thank you page.  Right above is a sign in link.  When I click this I get that funky error message.

I am trying to integrate  the scripts with the look of my site,  if that is what you mean by changing things around too much.  But, I don't think I have done anything out of the ordinary.



I wanted to see if you had any suggestions for converting from Access to SQL sever database. I attempted this earlier today performing the following steps.

1) Create SQL Tables using Enterprise Manager / SQL Scripts
2) Use DTS to move all of the existing table data to the sql tables.
3) Update dataconn_inc.asp to use SQL and the required connection string.

When these steps were complete I was able to login to ASPProtect as an admin and search / find both groups and users. However, any attempt to edit or create users resulted in a "the page ... had a problem ... " type problem. It seems that I can read from the db fine but and getting errors writing to the tables. The user id that is being used to connect to the db is the [dbo].

Any additional hints for this procedure?




Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:34 PM

82 miles from Wyndham - Syracuse, Lunch, Trouble ticket for TI Council, did not get anywhere today., Watertown to Clayton, starting to pick up, Rest. Reviews for ti.com, Dutie: quality checked sign ups, checked email. callbacks from voicemail, answering phone, Reading and responding to emails, Emails and ran to the store for coffee for the meeting, Everydaydad.com revision, Meeting with St. Lawrence County Realtor Reps and visit to Hacketts, DANC problems, phones still busy but clayton is back up now , Coverd NOC, TIBAIT PUT NEW REPORT FOR FISHING CONDITIONS, last weeks cancels-behind due to all the activities last week. Faxed Bill M cancel summaries, misc mail and filing, meeting with airbrake. good meeting, floating holiday, go over proopsla for nysta requirements, send george a message- send randy an email for seacomm.org, Work on billing for timerbview New lead ode hosting- Scott phillips- send out info for hosting, cuurent cutsomer,s end email to cal williams for hosting web site for attorney contact sovie-bowie for domain registration, Speak with Fairviewlodge- on proposal fax Jefferosn Lewis county of employment and training, spoek iwth jennifer, just waiting for boss to sign contract- 95 % go ahead with proposla, Contact allied federated-make decesion on Monday should know answer by Tuesday of next week. statcommunicatins- opaging info contact dave strandt no rela answer alexbay.com- send in request for email and statsracker , work on billing, Email, Time Sheets and Weekly Report, Worked with JC on final layout for banner. Prepared board for fair for schedule. Worked with KV on peninsula for display, which we will bring with us tomorrow., Neighborhoodsupermarkets.com - starting new admin for 12 stores, requires custom upload component for each of 12 stores., cphospital.org - staff administrator, Cleaned, monitored all activities., Trying to access secure.gisco.net to create web for Watertown Chamber. Access is being denied., On phone w/Doug Sheley. Installed new MDAC drivers. Problem w/Add new student page. Checked code, used backup copies of page, still no luck. Works here but not there!, Travelling to all POPs north of Watertown, move sun and other stuff out of black rack so that i can use for rack servers, Team meeting,

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