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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:43:01 PM

no, you cannot unless you plan to write a lot of custom code.

That is why the option pack has groups which eliminate the need to use access levels because groups can do everything access levels can and more.

There is an article here regarding that.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=32& PN=1



This isn't going to help you much but here is the deal.

The 2checkout support in ASPProtect actually is not supposed to work with 2checkout subscriptions and therefore does not need to use an item number.

It is intended to be used for single payments only with 2checkout as explained in this thread.

Single payments with 2checkout use their shopping cart which allows for dynamic payments without needing an item number.

I agree with you that 2checkout's interface is confusing. It's actually about the worst system I have ever seen. I could not make a 2Checkout subscription system because their system is just too limited and I couldn't make it work the way it really needed to.


and did you response.write that session value to see if it holds anything to ensure it is being set ,

Sorry Chris,

It didn't fix it.  Looks like I had the current code.  I bought the system in mid-April.  The version says 3-10-2005.

I do know that in the database, the password shows as " éG"  but in the error code, it shows as " éG".  The square character is missing. 


Edit: well heck.  It skips the square box here too.  The password in the database puts a square box in front of the éG

, The mass picyure import does not work like that. It involves no uploading component.

Only an admin can do a mass import on an album and they have to ftp the images into the site in that upload folder before they go do the mass import thing. ,


it has been 3 days since I logged myself in under Admin, and all the user information on the User Activiy screen seemed to be gone.

is there any specific length of period it refreshes its user information??




I think you’ll definitely like aspbanner. It's very easy to setup and use and it should work great with your portal. 

You’ll have banners rotating in no time. All you have to do is add banner calling code in your pages where you want the banners to show. There are enough methods that you will definitely find a few that work well for you. 

BTW, there are actually 7 methods now as we have a new one.
Information about it can be found in our ASPBanner support forums


Your probably talking about "Session.Timeout" which is a feature of the IIS webserver. Please do a google search on it for more information.

In the meatime if you look at the top of the "check_user_inc.asp" file you should see a section like this where you can try to change the value.

' Minutes you want before the session times out.
' This is set on the server to be default to 15 or 20 minutes depending on the server version
' You can change it there or override it here.
Session.Timeout = 30

Specifying it like that is supposed to overwrite the value for your web in the IIS console which is usualy 20 minutes.

, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even though I have a big disclaimer that the account is totally worthless without someone paying to activate it, the new IDs keep coming, about 3 a day.

in the version you have changing it is not something we covered

I believe you will find it the "config_inc.asp" file in the root though... be careful with naming it though because if you use any spaces or weird characters it might cause issues with various functions in the application like emailing.. I recommend just using letter, numbers, and maybe dashes




That is not enough to go on. I need details in order to help.


I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks for all the help tonight...

Good luck pouring that concrete!



There really is no default width in general.

The thing to remember is that the default.asp page includes a lot of different pages.. and some of those pages also include pages.

Now all of this gets wrapped by the header and footer include files so in a sense what you do there can effect everything inside to a certain degree.

Now there are some widths set here and there for different tables and what not on certain pages, but its really the kind of situation where you just have to dig around in the code and experiment until you eventualy find what you are looking for and get the desired result.

I'd love to tell you there is easy way to just set a width, but it is not that simple.

Maybe someday it will be. Just not in the current version.




Unfortuantely I can not help you much regarding the javascript because I am a server side code kinda guy. Client side javascript just isn't my thing. That was free javascript code that I used for that function. I really do not know enough about editing client javascript. Sounds like you might though.

Style 1 is really a relic left over from the standard version. I just left it in in case someone wanted to use it. Like I said because it is javascript making it do more than it does is tricky (at least for me)

Now,, for actually getting description code. The thing to do is check out how that all works in the pic_window.asp file which is what style 2 two uses. Bascially descriptions for an particular album get stored in one text file. We read that test file. Put the lines into an array. Then display the info which gets run through a functions to convert some special characters used when saving back to normal.

I tried to look at your site but it woulnt load for some reason.


cwilliams38420.0809259259, I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry.

I have installed ASPProtect on a client's website and I have been notified that some of their customers have been unable to login to the protected pages.

On testing it seems that the issues seem to be related to how cookies are being stored by IE 6.

ASPProtect is being used to protect particular template files within a Content Mangement System. 90% of the time it is working fine but on the odd occassion particular cutomers are unabe to login.

After quite a bit of testing I have managed to find the scenario in which it starts to have problems and was hoping you may be able to provide a solution.

If a customer enters the wrong password, then reenters the correct username and password, they receive a message "template can not be found" from the Content Management System. This message is generated when a url is entered that contains a link to a template file that does not exist. In this case the template does exist. If I remove the ASPProtect code the page opens without error.

Everytime they re-enter the details they receive the same message.

If they close down the browser and then reenter the correct details in some instances the page will open correctly.

More often than not, they have to delete cookies and temporary files and  close the browser. This seems to fix the problem again for most users. For users who's web access is heavily cached by an internal server, even this does not work.

Have you come across this problem before and can you suggest a remedy.

If you can email me privately I can give you the URL and access codes.


Stuart ,

[QUOTE=cwilliams]actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.

what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?

Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format. [/QUOTE]

First off, I haven't imported anything from MS Access.. The only reason I mentioned it is cuz I thought initially it worked with Access and not SQL server.

I am not converting nor entering any data manually into the db, nor have I changed anything in the way the registration is made (don't know where the "Old password" has come from? thought it was a function you made?)

I am sure its permissions as well, but I don't have that much access to the hosted server...lol.
I will use access for now, since it works fine, and try to talk with the hosting people later.

UPDATE:  read whole thread..
Version has been delayed

These are my personal notes on the new version of ASP Photo Gallery that should be out sometime in May/June 2004. Please ingore any typos.

This version may be more expensive than the current pro version as this is a major re-write and there will be a ton of new features.

Regardless, special pricing will be offerered to existing users.

If you see any features not listed that you think would be nice please post them here. We will of course consider them.


ASP Photo Gallery Version 4

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------

Finished Improvements:

new setup page makes setting up the data connection easier than ever
it attempts to determine the possible data paths and makes suggestions for what to try
when you finally get the data connection working it gives you a link to the admin area of the application
so you can get started using the application

all database table names can be specified in the config_inc.asp file for advanced users that they may need
to change the table names in the database.. helpful for sql installation where one sql database must be
shared by many applications

new data folder is the only folder that needs permissions set
before multiple folders needed permissions
now everything can be put in this folder... database,logfiles,configuration files,picture upload folders...
eventually all cjwsoft applications will do this allowing multiple cjwsoft applications to use that same folder
therefore making it easier than ever to setup more applications without asking your host to set more permissions

new text based config file makes it easier to add new options to the program without making changes to
the database structure... therefore the need for the configuration table in the database has been eliminated
this also reduces system resources needed to load the config data for each page because it eliminates calls to the
database for config data

added voice effects for data connection page, intro users page, and settings page

made it so ratings color was an option (red or blue)

fixed minor bug that wasn't showing fixed category heights when that was selected and am image wasn't originally sized that way during initial upload

changed logfiles dates so they always show up in the proper order 09 vs 9

added config option to change bit query value to 1 or -1
default it to 1.... this is a technical thing

added the extra options currently in the config file to the settings page so people do not have to manually edit that
file any longer...

added new persits email option and authentication options to the settings page

added new CDOSYS emailing option

added support for dundas emailer

added support for ASPSMARTMAIL

fixed word filter so if it is empty it doesn't mess up
also make editing it part of the main settings

made email functions include file and edited all page that email to use it

added css/style sheet support and removed a lot of the old font tags

seperated the settings page into sections because it was too big and confusing

added ability for text watermarking when using the ASPImage component

made the picture upload error message no longer mention browsers that do not support picture uploading
as that is confusing people... and the problem is never that anymore

Made the ASPImage test page delete the bar graph before creating it so if it is already there they will
not think it is working

added crystal ball feature to admin users screen... shows additional user info when you hold the mouse over it

Made search function highlight search word in results.
Made the search function search the image description text files as well

Eliminated the guestbook directory as there was no need for the guestbook to be in it's own directory. This also simplified the menu.asp file as the guestbook section could be removed.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------

Possible Improvements:

eventually make new and much better directions/documentation... html based for multiple reasons

Eliminate the need for parent paths to be enabled on the web server.
Many hosting companies disabled parent paths and will not enable them for their users.
On Windows 2003 Server Parent Paths are disabled by default.

make it so users ability to upload pics can be optionally disabled

possibly make some of the special functions in the extras folder built in to the admin area

Make the category picture uploader smarter because of the jpg gif issue when reuploading cat icons
A jpg loaded over a gif.. doesn't delete the old gif graphic and vice versa

Reduce number of ".asp" pages in general.

Use more functions for redundant tasks.

Optimize all instances of the old filefound function which is using more resources than are necessary

option.explicit the entire application and get all the variables dimmed once and for all

possibly incorporate the new category system I am working on which allows for unlimited categories and levels
also simplifies the heck out of the pages that call the categories

possibly add some cool image manipulation functions such as rotation for the various image components supported

possibly add the ability to move pictures around in an album. and maybe between albums
I must also remember to move the ratings and desc as well for that image.

possibly add the ability to make individual pictures require approval

possibly add the streaming image ability (asp page called from image tag) I came up with as an option for
people that can use it. this will better secure images in password protected albums and also possibly make
it so images can only be viewed from certain urls.. and maybe make an interface for a list of allowed urls

improve the .net support to also resize the larger images.. currently it does not

possibly add a feature to store 3 versions of images uploaded
thumbnail, medium res, and high res/original
this will appeal to professionals or people that may want to sell prints
storing a large version will be optional

possible support for multimedia content other than gif and jpg images

fix... url to link to..   problem on control pics page when both a jpg and a gif are present... which also relates to a another slight
bug that needs to be taken care of

make interface in admin to listen to installed midi files
and also to upload / delete them

possibly make per album guestbook... or call it something else like disussion or comments

add option to store the images orginal name in the images description area during upload
may be helpful to people that name their images in a somewhat descriptive way

change approval settings so they work on a per user basis
eliminate access levels from edit user screen and get rid of the level 4 stuff mentioned
possibly add a per user option for individual pic approval as well if I get that feature implemented

add support for the ibulc bulk upload client that I recently discovered
it is very cool


I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am .
http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry


I am trying to import a file, and I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'

Expected 'Then'

/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6

If Session("Admin") <> "True"
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Thank you.
I am having difficulty properly securing pdf's using 7.x
I used the example file and have been able to secure images and word docs, but the pdf's give users the error "There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found."

The kicker -- it works fine on my computer, just not anyone else's. I put a link up to the same file without any security and that works on everyone's computer. The word file links and redirects work too. I've tried my log-in on other computers, then attempting to download the pdf and that doesn't work.

The client wants a site where users must register before downloading pdf's. They should be able to view all the pages without registering.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I can't complete the site until this issue is resolved.

Help appreciated.


I have been having some display issues with the .NET version of ASPBanner.  I set the size of the image, and I set the size of the banner and there is still white space above and below the image.  I am not using a text link below the banner, so I have it set to blank.

Here is a link to my page. 


Two of the three banners in the rotation on the main page have non-white backgrounds so it's easy to see the issue I'm talking about.

Is there a way to tighten up the formatting so that the image fits onto the page in the size specified?



If I also password protect the pricelist pages then someone will have to login twice.

nobody should have to log in twice... ?

session variables keep track of access... once your in - your in and you can browse to and from any password protected pages you like

If it is making you log in each time then cookies are most likely disabled.. session variables requires cookies being on to work.. cookies being on  is a requirement of aspprotect and is how Formed Based Authentication works..

let me know if that is the issue there...

you shouldnt have to be logging in more than once per session

Thats the whole point of the application...


I think I've got it to work somewhat.  I modified the 2checkout1 & 2 asp file to use and pass Product_id.  It now identifies the product correctly.  I'm good fo now. Thanks for the info though.



how about translating the error to english..

Looks to me off hand that it would have something to do with the SQL server itself not being run in an english lcid/format and causing some sort of date issue.

I would also suggest you start off with a brand new blank SQL ASPBanner database and make sure that works before you attemp t to import any data into it.


as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""

however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa"     basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue.  Permissions...

cwilliams38303.6065740741, I am having trouble getting any information to show up in the log files directory or anything showing up on the log files tab in the administrator.  I have set the following variables under the settings tab:

UseLogFiles checked and
value of LogFileDirectory is "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wf\data\logfiles"

I checked the permissions on that folder and they are set so that the Internet Guest account has full control on that directory.

I also checked RecentActiveUsers and RecentPageRequrests.

I am sure I am missing something simple but no files are ever showing up in the logfiles directory...anyone have similar problems or at least successes?




VBScript is the most popular ASP scripting language, and has the most support available. I estimate that less than 5% of the ASP coders out there use anything other than vbscript

That being said it specifically says on the aspprotect site ASPProtect is only for use in protecting asp using "vbscript" as the language.



it is something I specified very clearly for this very reason.

Sorry, but you can not use ASPProtect to protect pages using Language="Javascript". The code is too complex to be mixed with server side Javascript.

To password protect asp pages written using "Javascript" you really need a an application specifically written in and designed to work with ASP pages written using "Javascript". And then of course that application would not be able to protect ".asp" pages written using "vbscript." (I mean never say never, but it would be a ton of work to get both working and I doubt you will ever see a commercial application that does both)

as for switching back and forth between vbscript and javascript you really can't except with very simple code. Doing so with anything complex can be extremely problematic because the order of execution sometimes gets all mixed up because of the complexity of the code being used.

That doesn't mean it can not work....

You would really want to do something like this.

do not specify a default language at the top

surround the aspprotect include file with this

<SCRIPT Language="vbscript">


surround your javascript code with this

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">


then make sure none the code including the aspprotect include file has any <% or %> tags in it

that means you have to remove that sort of thing everywhere... that means a lot of work if you used a lot of that sort of thing instead of response.writes to write out html type stuff

and again... I don't know if you would ever get it all working


For pay signups you set the groups during signup it like this thread tells you to


only difference is you need to specify the groups info like so
(basically getting rid of the commas and just leaving behind the group numbers with a * around everything)

Also be sure to have no double asterisks

so, *1*,*2* would just be *1*2*

so, *1*,*2*,*5* would just be *1*2*5*







I'm in a bind cause I'm supposed to be launching on Monday!?  I have four different subscriptions set up in ASPProtect and I'm going to 2Checkout for payment.  When I go to 2checkout I have the same 4 subscriptions setup. 

How does ASPProtect know what product id to use in 2Checkout? 

I have the redirect setup etc. but it's using the default URL in 2checkout and not the product(Subscriptions).  The only way I can tell what the user selects is from the price... and I'm specifying the time period, the cost, group in the 2checkout1.asp but I'm not getting the user set for the periods either....  my main problem is the interface to 2checkout... I think if a product id is added somehow it might work.  What can I do?

thanks, -Jason


If you want to have a login form on a non protected page that posts
to a protected ".asp" page use code like this.

Change the action of the form to the page you want them to log into.
Make sure to page you send them to is protected by the "check_user_inc.asp" file.

  <table border="0" width="400" height="200" bgcolor="#000000">
      <td bgcolor="#F4F4F4">
        <form method="POST" action="memberarea.asp">
          <input type="hidden" name="Status" value="Checkem">
          <p align="center"><font face="Arial">ASPProtect Login</font></p>
          <div align="center">
             <table border="0" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Username</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="text" name="Username" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Password</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="Password" name="Password" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB" colspan="2"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="-1"><input type="checkbox" name="KEEPMESIGNEDIN" value="True">Keep
                   me signed in on this computer unless I log off.</font></td>
          <div align="center">
             <p>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Login"></p>


I would check out this article for starters... aspprotect is very similar to asp photo gallery and so are a lot of the page names.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=49& PN=1

Jeromy, You should have access to that page.

, I am running into problems with the import function.  I have 25 photos loaded into the import folder.  The page see all of the photos.  But after I click on the import process it takes me Picture Manager with no pictures loaded.  I have hit the refresh button, but there is nothing there.  dr_bones38394.676412037, ok,

When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....




Just wanted to say how much I like the program! I hunted for days and finally purchased a Perl based product. After several days of goofing with it I gave up. ASPPhoto worked right on first install!!!!


Way to go!


You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.

error '80040211'

/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174


I just took a look and that is definetly what happened.
It has nothing to do with the registration process as far as I can see.

Just running this page triggers it and I know it does not do that the way it comes.

Please back up what you changed and put the user area back the way it came..

If error still happens then I can help you.. It it works fine with the default files from the zip archive then you messed something up in the code.

You have to be really careful when working with ASP code.

Also: just in case you did this. " you should not be password protecting any files in the users area that are already there " the users area does it's own thing and there is no reason to be doing anything like that to the files that are already there. You can do whatever you like to files you add on your own.


New Power Supply and a new (CPU Fan/Heat Sink) seemed to do the the trick. She's running like a champ now...

Hopefully it keeps doing so. Only time will tell.

It she's stable I can get back to designing some new software.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:43:01 PM

email, Called Dennis Pezzimenti of house-now.com to follow up on an angry note from him and promises Dave and Bob made that we haven't followed through on...., Phone emergency, spoke to Howard, checked emails, ICQ'd through to Ron, called all the numbers, then trouble ticketed to Bell Atlantic... Called Clayton and that worked, techs busy all night... BA testing is the hunting... timesheets., **Agency Ideas, break, Switchboard,callbacks, billing calls, Chris answered both the online issues left., lunch, Manning noc. Resetting and checking open modems. Teaching Dave stuff on modem pools. Talking with Bob Miller from Chapin Watermatics. Fixing an unable to surf problem with 5500 numbers. Backing up servers., email, Troubleshoot VPN, energy initiatives: minor site revision in preparation to go live with the site, OCCE Router, Working on data conversion with Crispin for cat county as well as realtor.com export files , to watetown office , calls for the party planner and kitchen detail, took tech support calls... did some of the radlogs and bad passwords in radlog.. just put incidents in emerald that said i looked at them and sent out email to some of those users, Did some online issues, answered callbacks to emails that were sent to me and drank some water, add info to traching and ti site. Go over info for Bastas statement Arden greene- sent message for web site reserach info for schools, newsletter, printing copies of the user manual for night shift to put together, screen shots, helping techs, *TaskForce - MS Office Add In Development, Billing calls, callbacks, Working on web servers. Working with web customers. Cleaning up servers., teched phone calls, Soft MLS Presentation, Skeemers with Randy and Intern - I paid., DSL, Assembled Booth materials for the Citec Show, develop powerpoint presentation for nnymls, Voice-Mail, E-Mail... w/ Ken Mills, reading Howard's mail, Paul's mail. etc.,

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