Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:56 PM
See, and that's what I thought. What's interesting is that if I call either an aspx page or an asp page in the iframe tag, it asks me if I want to open the page, it doesn't display it. I'm using IE6 so there's not problem with the support for the tag.
I'll keep looking to find out what's going on. I think the iframe method might work best.
, Hello,
What is the difference between the paypal_sub_signup and the paypal_signup directories? Also, I know it depends, but what directories and files can I delete from my web server if I am not using them? I copied the entire set of files that came with the program over to the webserver and I am concerned that there is too much out there.
Thanks Chris.
Yes i never actually considered that they should log in twice.
The site uses two main url and the cookie was being stored for only one
of them. I have fixed the double login issue by making changes to
menu to ensure that they are always logging only via the url stored in
the cookie.
Thanks for your hep,
, Come on the threats are not necessary- i got the point the first time you said it.. i thought i made a friend thru this and felt comfortable to say something like that... i am not a big online chatter just do the web stuff as a hobby... i am a network / computer hardware guy (yet i work for a mortgage co. go figure...), The default database password is "temp"
This is noted in the docs. You can also see the current password by looking at your connection string.
cwilliams38176.7913888889, no, that system only works with ASP.NET code.
Currently it can not possibly work with classic asp.
PayPal made it a nightmare to use and work with.
Special things regarding the signing of digital certificates also need to be installed on the web server so if it isn't your server your also out of luck.
, Hello,
I think you’ll definitely like aspbanner. It's very easy to setup and use and it should work great with your portal.
You’ll have banners rotating in no time. All you have to do is add banner calling code in your pages where you want the banners to show. There are enough methods that you will definitely find a few that work well for you.
BTW, there are actually 7 methods now as we have a new one.
Information about it can be found in our ASPBanner support forums
cwilliams38455.9049884259, Understood.... can you point me to a place where there are other methods of calling banners? Do you mean not use Flash? I am new to this and will need some pushing over the cliff!
, Thank you so so much! I went to the admin area and changed the email component from CDOSYS (using remote server) to CDOSYS (using port 25 forwarding) and all is working great now!
Again, thanks!
, Testing for XML Parser Support
the microsoft xml parser is generally installed by default on all new server setups..
It allows ASP code to make calls to other pages anywhere on the new as well as a lot of other handy things..
download and run this ".asp" page to verfiy that it is installed and be sure it is available for you to use
Make sure you run it from your web server through the web browser
cwilliams38331.5621180556, I dont what it is..u got to just keep trying stuff like connecting to different versions of the database and maybe even the version with no password set on it.. maybe do some iisresets in between if it is your server.. maybe try putting the database in a different folder
Usually people have zero trouble setting up this particular app because everything is so time tested and rock solid...
its just got to be something related to the actual data connection.. low level stuff , ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part of the root iis application.
Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned., nope ,sql server has nothing to do with this
I am talking about the folder pictures are stored in.. it needs modify permissions set for the internet guest account like those articles talk about
, as I look at your installation more I notice that you are using MSSQl as the database type.
chances are that is the source of these problems. Fields in the sql database are most likely not all set correctly
it is very important that the sql tables and fields are set up exactly as described and that the sql script we provide runs without error
if you create the sql database other than the way we tell you to or the sql script doesn't do its job setting all the field types/constraints/primary keys/etc..... for some reason .. then weird things like this can happen
at this time this is my best guess as to what is going on
I would examing the sql script we provide and compare the information set in it for each field and table to your existing SQL database to see if everything got set correctly.. I would start by checking these fields 1st of all as they are very important.... (username,password,expiration_date,admin,active)
in the meantime testing the ASPProtect system with an Access database will prove that all the ASP code is working as it is supposed to if you are interested in doing that
, Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.
I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty, If I would like a link on my web page that will take someone to the login page (I would also like this page to contain forgot passord? and register) I am not entirely clear what file to link to to do this. Would it be check_user_inc.asp?
Thanks in advance?
cwilliams38456.0972106481, Javascript Popup/Pop Under Generator
Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.
Just dont use option 2 on that page as that is specific to banmanpro
cwilliams38291.614849537, I have written application pages- obviously i knew what viewstate was, or else when they made a mistake on that page it would not have saved their filled in info. Same thing for after they submitted, when they hit the back button their info would be gone.
For someone who wrote this software it seems you are not able to do simple things. Im begining to think you didn't write it. The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.
I know how the log boxes work. Esp. reg ASP... they all allow you to enter your username and password and then when you hit submit it gets verified and transfers you to your destination. ASP.NET has that capability also.. i didn't purchase a program to go and have to re-write it in visual studio. It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.
The program seems to have some great complex features, however, your not able to incorporate this easy login from a diff. page function... fishy
, Hi Chris,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Our current project requires alot of customization.
Yes, the error is probably a data problem and not due to your code, because we needed to make modifications to the database. But that's why debugging would be helpful.
Basically our intent to modify the asp protect code stems from the fact that our client doesn’t want certain fields to be recorded or to appear: address, city, state, zip etc…
We are happy to be able to modify the HTML, but we also want to modify some other default behavior, such as which page opens when the "cancel" button is hit in the editaccountinfo.aspx page.
, If I also password protect the pricelist pages then someone will have to login twice.
nobody should have to log in twice... ?
session variables keep track of access... once your in - your in and you can browse to and from any password protected pages you like
If it is making you log in each time then cookies are most likely disabled.. session variables requires cookies being on to work.. cookies being on is a requirement of aspprotect and is how Formed Based Authentication works..
let me know if that is the issue there...
you shouldnt have to be logging in more than once per session
Thats the whole point of the application...
, It runs on either... I used IIS
I dont remember much about installing it except it went pretty smoothly / no issues, ok
, Thats what I needed. Thank you!, There are several pages on my website that a user may go to that are not protected (e.g. home page). If the user has indicated that they want to be saved on this computer (until they explicitly log off), and their 1st entry point is to an unprotected page, how do I determine whether they have logged in before, and extract the info from the cookie / session variables without forcing them to log in or making the entry page protected?
, This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him., Great Thank you!
As of thus far the program is working rather nicely.
I am very impressed :)
, if you just see code then you do not have ASP and Web Server setup correctly.. Basic IIS Server Setup stuff and not something I cover, but there is plenty of info out there. P_pro.asp
, Connecting user is dbo of database.
User_ID is primary key with auto increment identity.
SQL Script of current table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Security_Users] (
[User_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[First_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Last_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Company_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Username] [nvarchar] (75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Password] [nvarchar] (15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Access_Level] [nvarchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Notes] [nvarchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Admin] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Active] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Expiration_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Email] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Address] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[City] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[State_Province] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Zipcode_Postal_Code] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Phone] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Counter] [int] NULL ,
[Last_Access] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Login_Limit] [int] NULL ,
[Custom1] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom2] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom3] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom4] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom5] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom6] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[ValidateEmailCode] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Date_Created] [datetime] NULL ,
[Validated] [bit] NOT NULL
, Chris,
Yesterday when I would access the get_me_in page with the password key, I was then taken to the default login page. It did not give me the option to create a user.
Today, when I entered the password key into the get_me_in page, I was taken right to the create user page. So, yes the problem has been resolved. I have no idea why though.
, Christopher
Thanks for a speedy reply. This is what I have used most recently...
ListingsConnectionString = "DSN=longreach;UID=lradmin;PWD=skipper;"
DatabaseType = "SQL"
but that throws an error of:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
I have private messaged you my SQL server IP address. I am a fast learner with ASP (I think!) but some things really catch me out!
, That carrot doesn't really exist in the file, so I'm not sure.
I did download and place the ASPTEST file in and when I try to load the 2 pages it fails to load. I have another site on the same server and I uploaded the same exact set of files and the asp pages load.
This is how I set the connection:
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\klarman\asptest\_database\asptest.m db;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\drsweisberg\asptest\_database\aspte st.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
, I am trying to find out where I can enter the ttle for the application.
There is a variableor field called App_Name into which it would be good to insert a generic name. Can this be edited?
I have searched high and low but cannot find anything to do with it.
, like I mentioned are you by chance running something like Norton Antivirus Script Blocking ?? That can cause timeouts and all sorts of problems with ASP as can other software like it. , rrabago
I have been looking over the code and also doing some tests.
So far everything in the code looks correct and everything I have tried has worked correctly. If I select an access level and active users it is not sending emails to inactive users as you stated.
Are you using the option pack ?
cwilliams38103.9618402778, I have seen that happen before though it usually just happens once and then after that it doesn;t show up. It's the asphttp component doing it. The ASPBanner system is not doing it. I would try using banner calling method such as the xml parser method. It's usually installed by default on 200 and 2003 servers.
cwilliams38248.6400115741, We would like to give a member an opportunity to upload an image when on their profile page. How does this work with the photo option on the settings page? Is this the intended usage? Thank You. , Have tried doing that but same error...
, in the version you have changing it is not something we covered
I believe you will find it the "config_inc.asp" file in the root though... be careful with naming it though because if you use any spaces or weird characters it might cause issues with various functions in the application like emailing.. I recommend just using letter, numbers, and maybe dashes
, Hi all,
I have the photo gallery set up at
It's great - love to work with it.
But I've never been able to get those with just User permissions to be able to upload... Only an administrator is successful in uploading. This was no problem in the past, but now this client would like to give their guests a means to share their pictures on their site - so now I have to figure out the bug...
... this is the error I keep getting...
Your upload did not succeed, most likely because your browser does not support Upload via this mechanism.
Your browser must support a standard called RFC 1867. Please check with your browser vendor for support of this standard.
------- anyone else experienced this?
Many thanks all!!
, ok.. glad it is doing it's thing,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:56 PM
to N. Lawrence, TRAVEL TO HOOSICK FALLS ALBANY VOTE , Pretty busy... not as many calls about 586-XXXX numbers as there were. Only one Dial Up Issue so far. , Reading and responding to emails, Meeting with Jeff W. on softmls project, got Marcy on the rest of the resumes, billed out for Amy and Lisa for new accts, worked on Jackies pile of pooh that she dropped off, On-Line Production staff meeting, Troubleshooting Deferiet Paper samples form. Found and fixed problems., * site update/meeting w/Nat Winthrop, Meet with Tim re doing business in Vermont, phones, some Emerald training. Need lots more!!!!!!, channel 7, foreverbroadcasting streaming media contract, storybook ticc web site, jcjdc proposal, dsl flier, pull deposit invoices; backup, , Travelling out to Watertown Office, Worked w/ Tara (and Howard) to make sure we get the WO system down for TICC as well as POs etc., Running reports to calculate checks due to channel partners with Tara, Lunch, still looking at SQL, Also checked rad log., Responded to emails, In meeting about merger, Marketing, had another user with disconnection problems. did some radlogs, Working on nnymls conversion... till 6 in the morning... with Steve Woodfin and Crispin, Vermont, Ken Mills, Put a coupon on the WDT site for Crispin. Just placed it on the demo site, At home working on Pocket Real Estate text file issues., Meet with Cortland Board, Email/Voice Mail/Newsgroups, Lunch,