Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:17 PM
They really have do not have anything to do with each other as far as code and numbering goes, but I really do not fully understand your question or where you are going with this. (the part about the user setup ?)
Groups are more powerful than access levels and are meant to replace them. Access Levels are only there for backward compatibilty with older versions. , That was it - Thanks!,
Unfortunatley, I dont have an easy answer for you. It is certainly doable but adjusting the code so people assigned to certain groups get specific expiration dates means a lot of code work and time. It would probably even take me a long time to figure out.
The fact that users can belong to more than one group also greatly complicats the whole idea.
You can certainly assign an expiration level when someone signs up. That is easy and explained in the forums. , hi,
Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.
open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.
You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.
lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.
, You should read my article on server side includes… the path to the include file must of course be adjusted depending on where in your web you are.
You will also notice if you look at the provided example pages that the include paths have been adjusted to make sense.
If it is 2 directories down it should probably look different..
example:) "../../checkuser_inc.asp"
It’s weird that if you are not getting an error because if the path to the server side include is wrong you should get a nasty server error.
The ASPProtect system and any pages it protects must also be part of the same Application in IIS. It’s the nature of forms based authentication. Do a google search if you are not sure what an application is in IIS.
Lasty…. If you are logged in at the time
Whether your current session at the site is still active… or you have the cookie set to remember you.
Well, nothing will happen… cause your already logged in and you will just see the page as normal.
Perhaps things are working and you just don’t understand that part ?
You need to go to the log off page.. log off… then close all instances of the web browser windows..
Then come back to the site… then see if it prompts you to log in.
cwilliams38228.9837152778, I think I've found the problem..
The password "abcdefgh" works
The password "abcdefghi" does not
(username "ace45")
Passwords can obviously only contain up to and including 8 characters... By some coincidence I only used short passwords with MS Access.
, Can you do a better price deal for that version in place of the one I've just purchased ie for a single licence rather than unlimited Christopher?
Or failing that can you give me an idea of how many changes you had to make to convert 7.3 to work with Mysql?
, Well. fontpage publishing is evil. That you have found out.
Do not use it. It usually wont work right when running asp code locally and also at the server because of differences with the paths and virtual directory structure. etc etc etc
You can definetly use frontpage to connect to the web site live and drag and drop files into it/edit them... but the sooner you stop using the publishing feature the better off you will be.
, not anything built into the app... it would be done with client side javascript if you wanted to look into it... my client side javascript skills are ziltch, thanks... a review at aspin is always appretiated one ever seems to do a review and they help me out a lot.. the aspprotect admin area header has a link
, the email address thing could be done many ways... personally I would remove the username field from the registration form.. and modify things so the email field got used for username and for email when everything gets saved on the page that register.asp posts to. ... it would all require some messing around with the code and time... nothing too hard really
as for the password thing it all happens in the register.asp file.. the same page the registration screen is on in the web browser.. again a little bit of fooling around and time but not difficult , I've got an ecommerce module that's running on it that uses access for the db. Connecting into that thing is slow as well, but I figured that's because of the complications and volume it handles.
So as far as importing on a faster machine and copying it over to the server...what suggestions do you have?
, (customer replied aug-sep 2005)
OK, you have old code then... I will send you some updated files that you can try.. let me know here if it solves the problem. , ok, well if you want to test on your own.... in the ipn.asp file for the subscription folder you will see this area of code used for testing
' Un-comment this section and give this directory proper permissions to enable logging to a text file
' Very helpful for troubleshooting
' Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
' 'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
' Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
' RowHeaderString = ""
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & OrderID & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Custom & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & User_ID & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & subscr_id & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & txn_type & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & subscr_date & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Access_level & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Groups
' WriteMyData.WriteLine(RowHeaderString)
' WriteMyData.Close
now that folder will need modify permissions for the text file to be written to but this is a good way to test if the ipn.asp page ever gets hit by paypal.
To ensure the text file can be written to and permissions are correct for that folder you can make a new .asp in there and run this to see if the text file writing works
Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
WriteMyData.WriteLine("the file was written to")
Now, you can even change the location of the text file to place that does have permissions if you like.
This is what I would do if I was in there... then I would make some test payments using 1 cent and another paypal account (your allowed 2)
and see what happens
it is always possible the subscription code may have a bug in it. The last time I tested I only tested the single payment folder which worked perfectly. If I have time in the next couple days I am going to test the subscription stuff again. If there is something wrong I can cure it quickly.
The two routines share a lot of code in common.
cwilliams38421.6488773148, SQL server hotel ehh ? Humm that sounds bad whatever that is ?
Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server? I have never heard of that name ?, ya,
any variation of a site url is going to have its own set of application and session variables.. soy you have to be consistant with your navigation links
example (for anyone that comes across this thread)
is going to have a different set of application and session variables then
even though they are basically the same page
, Really, only you or your hosting company would know that information...
It is usally installed in the "_database" folder but the physical path including the drive letter to that can only be known by asking your hosting company or by using server mappath to learn the path on you own.
That folder also needs special permissions. The permissions it needs are covered in the documentation for the software and generally only your hosting compnay can set those permissions.
The online support forums here are full of information and resources on correctly setting up data connections. It is ASP 101 and something you really need to have an understanding of.
I am happy to answer questions and try to help, but if you dont want to deal with it or can't we do offer installation services.
, The company is called Eschelon - there customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I have contacted them again and they said that they require the account holder to manage permissions, they won't make changes. I wish they would have told me that a week ago when I asked them about changing the permissions. They haven't responded to me yet how I am to do that though.
Frontpage ext. are not installed.
Once I hear back from them about how I connect to manage rights I should be all set.
Thanks again for all your help!
, When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, I am also getting the "Unspecified Error" message. I just transferred my site to IIS 5.0 and I get that error now. However it does not happen everytime. I can click on a page and it opens fine and then I hit refresh in the browser and I get the "Unspecified Error" message. What could be causing this?
, Sounds crazy. I recently took over this web site and all IT duties. User today said member area was not working. All pages would not display. After restoring some files I got the members area partially working. But I cannot find where the database sits. I am able to get in and view users in the admin are and log in as a member. Thanks., 1st: try it with a normal dsn-less connection like we show in the example.. dont use that OLEDB.4.0 connection string.. connecting like that can cause a lot of problems and is not as great as everyone thinks it is and it can sometimes be difficult to get it working when the database has a password set on it
For the sake of troubleshooting just connect like so: (fixing the path of course)
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtect_ access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ASPProtect will generate the actual connection string you should use when you run this page
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
2nd: any IIS server setup to have the access database over the network path like that has a poor setup... and that can cause all sorts of problems as well, access is not designed to run over the network like that.. for more on that read this thread - Start 5 posts down =OLEDB%2E4%2E0
3rd: If the app does not run using the connection string like I say to use then the problem is 100% on their end and is either related to permissions or the fact they are keeping the access database on a network path which is BAD BAD BAD... no quality host that knew what they are doing would set it up that way.. ultimately you don't want to host asp with a place that has a setup like that
4th: If you want to try some other stuff out we have a free guestbook, asptest, and a free version of aspbanner you can try out as well...
5th: If you need a quality asp host that knows what they are doing and offers great asp support is the place
6th: Your right, it is not the code, its the data connection
, lmao ... ya that has never happend to me before....
, I have ASPPhotoGallery installed. Everything has been working great for some time. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I am not getting the "Hits" incremented when a user opens an album. It works when an administrator is logged on. Does not for any anonymous users. Everything else seems to work fine. Again, this used to work. Any ideas. , You cannot use server mappath in the connecting string of the application. If you want to know why read my article.
Make your connecting string just like in my example.. do not use the oledb connection string either as it will cause other problems.
If you need to find out the path to the mdb file you can use server.mappath to get that info but do not put server mappath in the connecting string. See my article again.
then if the database folder has proper permissions and the path to the mdb file is valid it will work... otherwise you get useless errors, its really that simple.
You also may want to download ASPTest from it is designed to show a person how to setup a working data connection., One last thing..
This is bad
there are .asp files in there people can run that you dont want people running..
u should delete the asp files in there or turn off directory listing...
take care,
, This is the error that I am getting when I try to add a banner...
[code]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'
EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_ASPBanner_GetZones', database
'aspbanner', owner 'dbo'.
/aspbanner/appinfo_inc.asp, line 67[/code]
also, when i go to the banners tab i see this in the banner list...
[code](3 Banners Found)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
/aspbanner/banners.asp, line 306[/code]
Help., Hello,
I do not really understand what you mean?
There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds.
cwilliams38391.0301388889, ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part of the root iis application.
Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned.,
I'm in a bind cause I'm supposed to be launching on Monday!? I have four different subscriptions set up in ASPProtect and I'm going to 2Checkout for payment. When I go to 2checkout I have the same 4 subscriptions setup.
How does ASPProtect know what product id to use in 2Checkout?
I have the redirect setup etc. but it's using the default URL in 2checkout and not the product(Subscriptions). The only way I can tell what the user selects is from the price... and I'm specifying the time period, the cost, group in the 2checkout1.asp but I'm not getting the user set for the periods either.... my main problem is the interface to 2checkout... I think if a product id is added somehow it might work. What can I do?
thanks, -Jason
, I cleaned up the code as you suggested, and I still can't get the images to display without the whitespace around it.
How do I download the ASP version? I'll give it a try.
Thanks for your help,
, humm, yea thats a data connection error..
really not related to the asp code in the application for the most part.
that is low level
I would make sure permissions are set correctly on the database folder (not just the database file itself)
I would make sure your using at least a 2000 version of the database. 2003-2003 format being better..
I would make sure the server has up to date mdac/odbc drivers.. (that is really the server admins responsibility)
As for permissions there are articles in our forums about exactly how they need to be set. Improper permissions can cause a ton of random errors like that.
cwilliams38414.6528240741, Is there any update to this ?, 1st of all when I look at the site I see a lot of non US characters and I can see the regional settings of the site are foreign.
ASPClassifieds in only intended to run under US and Canadian regional settings as stated on the site.
Thus the BIG notice on the purchase page.
It won't run right like that for a lot of reasons and it is not supported like that as that notice says.
The categories showing 0 is just one of the problems you will have.
If I help you fix this it will just lead to 4 more issues right after.
If you would like support with the classifieds application you need to run it on a server with US or Canadian regional settings like the site says. , MSACCESS 2000
server: windows
option pack: yes (after the install I have this problems with groups and edit users )
host permissions: yes
Active Server Pages error 'ASP0113' Script time out/password_admin/groups.asp The maximum amount of the time for a script to execute was exceeded. ...
vaghelis38300.5484143519, I really need more information.
Connection strings being used ?
How have permissions for the database folder been set ?
etc etc the more specific the better
You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.
I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.
And of course my detailed article on the error. PN=1
, This user is talking about preparing more than 100 pics at a time for an album that already exists and doing it using linux.
I asked the user to post the code here because I think it is interesting and it may help someone who is working with the app.
This article is not for everyone for a few reasons.
1.) The application can already mass import pics on it's own. It does 100 pics pretty quickly on a decent server. The built in method also resizes pictures and make low res thumbnails should your server support a supported ASP image resizing component. The method above simply rename pictures in a folder so the application will see them as part of an album.
2.) We don't support or recommend that anyone sets the application to use more than 100 pics per album. It is just not tuned for that and there will be issues. Please dont ask me what they are as it is complicated and I am not sure/dont remember what they all are.
3.) Your going to have to be familiar with linux to use the code shown above.
cwilliams38210.5694444444, is that lindsey lohan and her fake boobs as ur avatar?
I am installing IIS and all of its glory on the other computer now... gotta love remote desktop (the pc is at work
, Hey, I thought I'd share this tip with the ASPProtect community...
If you'd like to remove, modify, or add fields to the "Users" view in
the password_admin default.asp page, it's really easy to do. Well, at
least it was for me. I'm using an MS Access database, by the way.
For me, I don't need "Company" info, but I do need last access and # of
times accessed displayed. Therefore, I had to change the default page
in three areas:
In /password_admin/default.asp, go to about line 185 or so, where you see stuff like:
[code]<td valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" color="#000000"
="2"><b>First Name& lt;/b> </font></td> [/code]
OK, those are the column headings. Each one corresponds to a column
from your USERS table in your database. There are two more areas to
consider, both of which appear immediately after this section.
The next section has statements that look like this:
[code]<td valign="bottom"><a href="<% =THISPAGE
%>?SORTBY=First_Name+ASC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize
%>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img
border="0" src="../images/sort_ascending.gif" Alt="Sort
Ascending"></a><a href="<% =THISPAGE
%>?SORTBY=First_Name+DESC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize
%>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img
border="0" src="../images/sort_descending.gif" Alt="Sort
See the "First_Name" items? The first is for an ascending sort, the
second for a descending. This particular line corresponds to the code
snippet immediately above it. But all this does is handle the sorting.
For the actual data, look lower for this stuff:
[code] <td bgcolor="<% = Cellbgcolor
%>"><font face="Arial" size="1"> <%=
%& gt; </font></td> [/code]
It's a good ways down, so don't be impatient if you don't see it in 10
lines from the end of the last mentioned section. This stuff handles
the display of the data from the database (where else ya gonna get
data, anyway?)...
Now, to remove a field, you need to find the three sets that go with
that data. The ascending/descending sort is potentially the trickiest,
because it's the longest set of data and can take a number of lines.
Just clear it from the start td to the end /td and you'll be fine.
To *add* a field, copy and paste the code from an existing field and
modify it. In the first one, the column title, you can type whatever
you want to describe your info. Nobody but you and your admins will see
it. For the next two sections, though, you need to get the correct
column heading from the USERS table and use that to correct the lines
in the copied code you pasted in.
For example, when I added a column to show the number of times a user
logged in, I copied the above snippets and pasted them in where I felt
the column I needed should be. Then, in the first one, I changed "First
Name" to "Logins". In the ascending/descending snippet, I changed
First_Name to Counter. Same for the last snippet.
The result? A new column, showing the number of logins my users were successful with.
Of course, before you experiment, back up your existing default.asp file, JUST IN CASE.
Have fun!
, Honestly cannot comment much about v7 since it was just installed on a new server. We have been running 5.03 for years so I'm looking forward to the new features in v7.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:17 PM
Pick up copies of WDT, Answered phones and checked the different reports (Ask Us a Question and Dial up Issues), research: Fleischer and Jacobs site requirements research, SenatorJimWright.Com - Contact Form, meeting and picked up Watertown mail and some supplies, quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, checked email, worked w/Mary on billing emails, taking sign ups, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail , chow, Pulled up 790 WTNY site to update, completed., emails, same as above, steady afternoon. answering phone, taking sign ups, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails. cc report, cancellaiton of invoices. , technical support supervisor. emonitor, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a questions, incoming calls, emails, took mostly incoming calls ... helped techs as needed ..
covered incoming calls and tech issues, Nic: call to Kelly re: projector, Had to drive out to Watertown to pick up the pink sheets, Meet with Patty Bishop re:, Look over web page problem for IMCnet customer, admin e-mail - ICO, froghollow, davis re, Working on development of interface to track partner cd hand outs, Prepare for Warren, PA Trip, Watertown to Clayton, radlog, dial up issues, EDZ, Paul, etc., enter bills, tech support callbacks rad logs
Happy Easter, Staff Meeting, Routine maintenence of laptop. Defraging hard drive, virus scan, etc., check email/voice mail
Statcommunictaions- spoke w/ john from Premiew paging- info for setting up a paging page on statcommunictaions, Deferiet paper- talk with Elaine for changes and go oveer info on web site.
register domain name for mckinley, develop proposla for webs ite and hosting
Talk with Nic- Michale Ringer info
make reservation for Kelly at Ecomnlodge in Olean
Leave messgae for Betsy hennsey- web site information
Caskinette auto- left messge for greg - changes completed.
, Phones, Phones, Phones. Mark Holberg, Logical Net, Bell Atlantic, Ken Mills, Frontenac, Andrea, Howard, Michele, and seems like a million other people... wouldn't stop ringing, and when it did I had to dial out. Did Timesheets too... and still have the intern from Sakets Harbor (no her name is not Monica!)., Tom - Discussing what has to be done for St. Lawrence Chamber., Working w/ Jeff and sales on phone equipment for customers,