Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:46 PM
Thankyou, that was very helpful, The version of aspbanner you have should not matter.
What you are doing here is wrong.
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
PARAM NAME=movie is supposed to link to your ".swf" file. And thats why all you see is black.
I don't think you quite understood all of that information fully.
Your ".swf" files needs to be coded in FLASH to link to the aspbanner redirect url. You don't change that flash calling code like that.
The ".swf" file links to the aspbanner redirect url which tracks the click and then redirects the user to the Link URL
You basically need to code your ".swf" flash file to go to that aspbanner URL or code your flash file so it can take a parameter for the url it clicks to (like the macromedia article talks about. This has to be done when editing the flash file in the flash editor before the file is saved.
If you dont have access to the original ".swf" to edit it and re-save it.. your out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes ,
New question...
When someone edits their personal information, such as address, is there any way to set it so that someone in the office can receive an e-mail noting the changes?
Thanks. , do you want my help making the database with your import file ?, I would highly suggest setting up a DSN-LESS connection.
That system dsn is most likely the source of your trouble It is probably that or permissions are still not correct.
I can't tell you how many people have had trouble with system dsn's and finally set up a dsn-less connection and everything then worked as it should.
The location of your database is fine as long as permissions are truly set correctly like I mentioned.
Also, be sure you are setting the database type correctly in the dataconn_inc.asp file. That can cause problems as well as some people have been known to delete that line.
See my articles... system+dsn , I noticed that is grabbing the wrong URL for some reason. Even when i mouse over the URL its somehow getting the users sub directory. How.. i dont know... when i erase that users in the url it works perfectly.
I am looking at the code in the .vb file and i dont see anything that could be causing it to do that... but then again i am no programmer LOL
Its obviously kicking in that users subdirectory somehow... what are your thoughts? , SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..
here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on an aspbanner database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"
In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner table in the database

cwilliams38325.8002893519, it is not uncommon for folder permissions to be lost or changed on a server.. a lot of things can cause it
if it was working and now you can not edit or write new data to the database it is most likely permissions
I would triple check permissions... see my articles if there is any doubt on how permissions are set
, did anyone find a way to get the descriptions to show under the image yet?
, My client has a list of 13,000 members that
have already been assigned ID's and passwords with a
homegrown system.
When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?
Thanks in advance for your help.
, humm,
thats a new one.. something is very wrong.
Please show me screenshots of exactly what happens and what you see. It does not make any sense so I need more info or I least need it described in more detail., This has not been officially released yet, but it is ready. Here is the overview...
And the Code for the IPN Subscription Pack is 30.00.
A few people are using it and say it works very well.
Like the IPN Single Purchase System it is a separate directory you copy into the web site. One change must be made to your database so it’s pretty easy to get working.
Though I am not guaranteeing this you should be able to accept Single IPN payments and IPN Subscriptions at the same time without the two bothering each other. I haven’t tested it but one customer is doing it and said it is working fine. It just involves manually specifying the IPN URL for one of the systems so it overrides the default IPN URL on your paypal settings. (As each system needs its own IPN URL) Its easy to do… just a form field you would add to the subscription form. I already looked it up. See below.
Specifying Your Notification URL
If you only need to receive your IPNs at a single URL, you can enter that URL in the Preferences section of your Profile. If you would like to receive payment notifications for different payments at different URLs (i.e. if you need to separate payments made to different websites you run), you can manually pass the IPN URL with each payment by including it in that payment’s HTML code. Use the notify_url field to pass this information. The notify_url for a specific payment will be saved, and any subsequent updates to that payment (e.g. cleared eCheck) will be sent to that notify_url. When you pass a notify_url in your HTML code, it will override any preferences you set in your Profile.
Anyway.. the Code for the IPN Subscription Pack is 30.00.
cwilliams38342.8775578704, Upgrade from V6 to v7.x with an MSACCESS DATABASE
1st of all, backup your existing ASPProtect files and database before performing this upgrade. Please be really careful while performing this upgrade. Version 7.x is a highly advanced application compared to any previous versions. CJWSoft under no circumstances is responsible if you lose information or have website downtime.
To do this upgrade you're going to need to have the Microsoft Access Application. To work with an Access .mdb file it can not be newer than the version of Microsoft Access you are running.
That being said, on with the upgrade..
Open you're existing Acccess Database up in Microsoft Access.. You should see this something like this.

By right clicking on then choosing rename Rename "Users" to "ASPP_Users" Rename "Groups" to "ASPP_Groups"
If you do not have a "Groups" table do not worry about it right now.
Now right click and DELETE the Config Table. Yes, delete it..
You should now see this. (with or without the "Groups" table)

Now, right click on "ASPP_Users" and go into design view. It should look like this.

Rename the "Password" field to "Old_Password" Be sure to spell it perfectly using the Underscore It will look like this.

Now scroll down to the bottom a bit It should look like this.

If you have a "Groups" Field... leave it alone If you do not have a "Groups" Field add one and make it a memo field.
Now, we are going to add a few more new fields.
Add a field called "Redirection_URL" make it a "text" field with 150 field size Add a field called "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" make it a "text" field with 100 field size Add a field called "Newsletter" and make it a yes/no field Add a field called "Password" and make it a "text" field with 100 field size
It should now look like this. (you do not need to worry about the field descriptions.. that part is optional and only seen when working on the database)

Now close that window and save the changes..
Your now going to open up another Access Database while still leaving the one you have on your screen open. You going to open up one of the new databases that came with v7.x. This database has some info we are simply going to copy and paste.
You'll want to open it and put it side by side on your desktop like so. (the old database is on the left.. the new one is on the right)

Now, for the fun part.
On the new database to the right.. right click on the "ASPP_Config" table and pick "Copy"
Then move your mouse over to the old database on the left. Right click in the open white area and click "paste"
It will ask you for a database name. Type in "ASPP_Config" Leave "Structure and Data" checked and hit OK
Your old database on the left should now have a nice new "ASPP_Config" table.
OK, now for the "ASPP_Groups" table
If you already have a "ASPP_Groups" table in your old database you are done.
If you do not have one your going to copy and paste the table from the New Database to your old database just like we just did with the "ASPP_config" table.
Your old database should now look like this.

Now, you are done upgrading your database from within Microsoft Access.
The existing passwords still have to be encrytped and moved from the "Old_Password" to the "Password" field
To that we have a special page we run in the application that will take care of that.
So, for now... go install the application, but using the database we just created. Follow these instructions for the most part... ; ;PN=1
When you get to the part where you finally get into the admin area and need to make an admin account you will notice that your existing user database is there but none of the users have passwords if you look at them in the edit screen.
That is normal. Simply do what the instructions say and create and admin account using a username that does not exist..
Then log off... then back in as that new admin account. If that works you are ready to convert the passwords.
This part is very easy.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
Once you get the page running you will see a login prompt and one form field just like before with the "get_me_in.asp" page
You will need to paste the "PasswordEncryptionKey" value that you used in the "config_inc.asp" file in the form field and hit enter.
If all goes well you will see a page telling you to click here to encrypt the passwords and copy them over.
So do what it says... dont click more than once and wait.
Eventually it should say it is finished. So go log in to the admin area of the system using the new admin account.
Now edit some users but dont save... you want to see if the passwords are showing up. If they are the conversion worked. If you see nothing or a garbled mess it did not work and you made a mistake during this whole process.
If things went well backup and delete the conversion file below.
You do not need it anymore.
Once you are positive every thing is running smoothly and everyone's passwords are ok you can go in and delete the "Old_Password" field as well.
If things didnt go well.. try again from scratch and go slowly. If they still dont go well get ahold of us for help.
We are here to help, but if you really want us to we can be hired to do the conversion. , works fine now , It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas… , that erorr in no way means what it says.. it is just a generic error because something failed.
if you want to PM me info on how to get into your site and I will take a look.. I don't think it is something that can be figured out otherwise especially when you are not telling much about what is going on. There are a lot of factors and settings that are relevant. , basically one at a time because of limitations of the file uploads that browsers can support
more on that here
An Admins can however ftp a bunch of pics to the import folder and import them into any album all at once pretty easily
, Hope the wedding went well. I have one this weekend.
I was successful at performing an upload. The free upload software was either not configure properly (probably) or not working. I downloaded the trial version of softartisan's upload (which is like over $300) and it started working.
Can more than one photo be uploaded at one time (like a whole folder full of photos) or does each have to be done individually? , Just as an FYI, I found the problem. FP2003 has an "Optimize" feature that removes so called not needed spaces and comments from the pages. It also completely screws up .ASP code.
I turned off the optimization feature and all the pages I was having problems with worked. However, I would still recommend not using it too! , It's just a generic error that means one of 1000 different things is wrong.. there is a lot of information on in in these forums as well as links to articles about it. PN=1
usually it means permissions to the database folder are incorrect or the physical path you are specifying for your dsn-less connection is invalid..
everything has to be perfect
cwilliams38370.5271296296, Okay, I did that, now I get:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 292 , I'm getting this error when I try to login:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
/gallery/users/login.asp, line 19
The Include file '..dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory. , If they changed the paths they moved the site.
That means permissions for the database folder must be set again.
If permissions are not set and you are not using the correct new path info then you will still get errors.
Those errors the server reports back and quite generic and do no mean exactly what they say. They just mean everything is not perfect.
And everything just has to be perfect.. cwilliams38306.5069328704, Thanks and glad that fixed it.
You can review this software at
That being said, ASPIN has a lot of problems with anonymous reviews so if you can please sign up with them and post an Authentic review as they carry a lot more weight. Authentic reviews involve responding to their validation email so when doing so use a real email address that you regularly check.
And sorry I made you use the forums, but as you can see this is exactly the sort of thread that will help someone else later on.. and that is why I require people to use the forums now instead of just email support. That way the conversations are out in the open where they can help everyone instead of buried in my outlook where no one will ever see them. And of course if information is sensitive you can always do a Private Message as you did earlier.
It is all about creating a knowlegebase of valuable information. , If you makes you feel any better the photo gallery app runs awesome off an access database. Mostly because all of the picture work is done in the filesystem, not the database. The load on the database is relatively low even with a lot of users., That helped very much. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your dinner., Thank you!!
, again.. more custom code work would be required to handle it
, I just installed ASPProtect on my site. The instructions were definately on the target. Very very good instructions.
But... Isn't there always a but ??? 
I needed to setup my site with MS SQL and it is hosted so I don't have Enterprise Manager. I tried the web based Enterprise Manager and any other one I could find. But, I kept getting errors when trying to use the SQL Script.
I finally had to go back to my work where we do have the licenses and get an SQL Admin to use Enterprise Manager to run the script and it worked finally.
I don't know if this is a common problem ??? But, maybe you would want to look at the SQL Server script or make a different version that would work with the Web Based SQL manager.
Thanks , This is the 1st time anyone has ever told me they had any issues with the import process so I need more detailed information.
What upload component/method are you using ? Are you using an image resizing component ? Have permissions been set on the import folder ?
And lastly.. Can I see this happening ?
If not please put it on a live server where I can troubleshoot it for you. Like we say on our site.
In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine. We also may require access to your server in order to troubleshoot any issues.
cwilliams38394.7298263889, The links to view that info are on the main users screen of the admin area.
Down below...
They wont show up unless you have that stuff enabled in the settings screen as well.
, I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7. I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine. However when I go to create a new user I get the following error
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/password_admin/save.asp, line 227
, What application you talking about ? I'll assume ASPProtect. In the future please specify what application you are talking about.
ASPProtect 7 already has protection that is quite effective. The no concurrent login feature which will not let the same username under a different ip log in at the same time. Meaning if someone gives out their info they will screw themslves over because eventually they won't be able to log in. Only one unique ip at a time can log in so even of 100 people know the info it won't really do anyone much good except the lucky one that logged in 1st and stayed logged in. The username/password will eventually become more and more useless as more and people know it.
In addition to that is is a good idea to monitor the daily logs and single out a user you see logging in a lot. The more ips you see for that user the more chance it is multiple people logging in and you should take action. , If I would like a link on my web page that will take someone to the login page (I would also like this page to contain forgot passord? and register) I am not entirely clear what file to link to to do this. Would it be check_user_inc.asp?
Thanks in advance?
cwilliams38456.0972106481, IMPORTANT UPDATE - READ THIS ;PN=1
The IPN Subscription Pack which is built in to ASPProtect 7 contains all the pre-built scripts you need to implement PayPal IPN Subscriptions with ASPProtect. IPN stands for (Instant Payment Notification). It allows you to set up scripts on your server so whenever a PayPal payment is processed the PayPal server sends info to your server regarding the transaction and vice versa. This is a fully automated process and allows you to charge users for access by the month or however long you like.
The Subscription feature of PayPal handles recurring billing automatically. The PayPal server will communicate with the ASPProtect system and keep everything up to date with users and their subscriptions.
This Support Pack basically gives you an additional signup and registration directory "paypal_sub_signup" and it should not interfere with any changes or customizations you have made to your ASPProtect setup. New users can register in this directory and sign up for a subscription at the same time. Existing users whether active or expired can be sent to this directory where they can lookup their account and start a subscription. You can also assign various Access and Group Levels during signup and you can set up various prices for various amounts of time as well. This is a real-time setup for the most part. As soon as a user pays via PayPal your system is updated and they will have access.
To use this all you need to do in ASPProtect 7 is enter your PayPal account name into the settings screen. It will be an email address. You'll need a business or premier account with PayPal and you will need log into your PayPal account and turn on IPN in you profile. They make you enter a default IPN URL. We do not use that so if you already have something there leave it there. If you dont have something there you can type in any the full url to any page on your server. It's probably best to send it to an empty ".asp" page or something.
Changing Payment Options
In the "paypal1.asp" file there are some sample payment options set up.
They look like this and you can have as many as you like.
<!-- Begin Payment Option Code --> <form action="" method="post" target="_blank">
<% Label = "Membership (1 Month) $9.99 Recurring" %> <!-- Begin Form Fields You Can Edit.. See PayPal Subscription Manual For Details --> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="a3" value="9.99"> <input type="hidden" name="p3" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="t3" value="M"> <input type="hidden" name="src" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="sra" value="1"> <!-- Field Below must have 2 commas First two values are optional (access level,groups,user ID)--> <input type="hidden" name="custom" value=",,<% =User_ID %>"> <!-- End Form Fields You Can Edit.. See PayPal Subscription Manual For Details -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="form_data_inc.asp"--> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
</form> <hr> <!-- End Payment Option Code -->
To really understand what these form values mean it is best to look through the PayPal Subscriptions Manual which is a PDF file you can get from the PayPal Site.
This link was valid the last I checked... Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Manual
It also may be helpful to use their wizard to create some subscription buttons with different settings and then look at the code generated.
Bascially these are the important ones..
a3 - amount to billed each recurrence
t3 - time period (D=days, W=weeks, M=months, Y=years)
p3 - number of time periods between each recurrence |
The custom field is something we are using to send info from ASPProtect to PayPal. it allows you to set the access_level or groups access (groups support require the ASPProtect Option Pack)
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value=",,<% =User_ID %>">
or this example where we are setting the access_level to (2) and also giving the user access to groups (3 and 4)
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="2,*3*4*,<% =User_ID %>">
Here is how it works. The value setting (red) is essentially and array that can be made up 3 elements separated by comma's
If you do not want to set the access_level or groups access.. then you don't even need to edit the setting.
Values must be separated by a comma even if there is no value and there can be no spaces. If you didn't want to set an access level or groups there would still be 2 commas at the beginning. etc etc Basically there must always be 2 commas but you only have to set last values which is the User_ID from the ASPProtect system.
The 1st value is the access level you want to user assigned to. The 2nd option is the groups you want the user assigned to. (requires option pack) The 3rd option is the User_ID which the system takes care of. Do not edit this option. Leave it as <% =User_ID %> cwilliams38421.7141782407, I really need more information.
Connection strings being used ? How have permissions for the database folder been set ?
etc etc the more specific the better
You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.
I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.
And of course my detailed article on the error. PN=1
, This issue came up once before and when I investigated I could find no error in the html that aspprotect generates and those files do exist where they are supposed to. We concluded it was a parsing error from the log file system.
There just really isn't anything I can do about it. I spent a week trying to figure it out. It is just the log parser screwing up under certain circumstances where there is no reason anything is wrong. They have trouble dealing with some of the complex URL/querystrings that the ASPProtect admin area uses. They think there is a 404 eror when there isn't... etc etc , All fixed... I changed the remote server from or whatever it said there to localhost
I sent a test email to myself and got it no problem
the error you were getting was email component related , did you fix it because I see all the pictures just fine ?
, Once you have the LANGUAGE = VBSCRIPT and Checkfor = 1 on your page,
you'll have it secured. I've got over 1600 pages secured in such a
manner, thanks to ASPProtect!
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:46 PM
Watertown - Clayton, General wireless duties and gathering equipment for the NYAB install, marketing meeting with Tom McCall, drove from clayton to burlington, reply from bissell-quote on 2828. (returned request for credit check on course schedule). prep for meeting - team meeting 3pm-4:30pm. pics on handhole faxed to tom solar. , General tech duties. Answered calls, checked rad log, email, and online issues., meeting with 4 major realtors from geneseo board, Posted accts and did a detail or checks and cash for a deposit. Ans phones and customer inquiries., Watertown to Clayton, E-MAIL, checked and called users that left voice mail messages., TICC team meeting, WO 2000-36-11 Started work on coupon for SHBC marketing effort, On phone w/Lisa going over, then on phone w/Amy about java class ticker and stats tracker for SenatorJimWrights.Com, tallk with drew, competitive analysis on vt, proposal for content., Gisco.cashflow, register domain name
go over changes with tom on sites
genealogical services, baldwinsville chamber, bonnie castle, breese chevrolet, Creating PO for Gold Mine and ordering prodcut, working on channel partners page, updated schedule, helped techs w/questions, Tracked Receiving., Channel Partner Info mailed to L Simmons with PC info also. JC emailed letterhead logos. Saved as word document., Fairly slow so they are calling newusers and expireds., Poste acct and did a detail of checks and cash for deposit. Customer inquiries., Smoke break, On-Line Production staff meeting, CHR Conference call, Meet w/employees, Resetting modems, kill a fly that was pissing me off (2 mins), fixing a ring no answer prob in Clayton, fileinvoices, returned call from Mike at Pepsi-OGS, concerned about disk space on Alpha,