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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:42:09 PM
Interesting.. Yes, the SMTP service is turned on. This is my boogle. If they are both installed, then it should in theory work. But for some reason, it is being subborn and not working., It a generic error that means something is wrong with your data connection.
You can mix and match banner calling methods all you want. Try it and see what happens.
However, the only method that is going to work on non ".asp" pages is the javascript or the new iframe method listed in the support forums.
cwilliams38209.532349537, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..
BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current Language=English;"
I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.
Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english
You'll have to try them, The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs. It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions. But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal., I checked the SQL table and had 1 banner with no zone ID. I added it in
directly through the SQL interface and now it seems to be ok., Wondering what might be causing a long delay to display the login screen? This does seem to be intermittent. Could be server/ISP related? Have experienced enough times to justify posting this question.
I can count up to 20 seconds after clicking on the link. After login all other selections zip right along without problem.
Thanks, Lance lancem38319.6117939815, Hi
I downloaded the .chm format installation documentation but when I open it I get the index but can't see any of the pages so am a bit stuck. , Hello cwilliams, and thank you for the fast reply.
Well, i have tryed with the ASPImage enabled and disabled, with the same results. I have used gifs and jpgs in the tests. I have made some different test. Some with uploading the picture over an excisting picture and some as the first picture. Same results. Everytime, it´s the 2nd thumbnail that won´t show itself, but the large picture will show, if you press the thumbnail.
I have tryed to look in the code (view_ad.asp), but as far as i can see, everything seems just fine ?!
I know, it wasn´t much help i could give you, but i think i have tryed all the possibilities.
Best regards, Erling
, This is a great article for newbies..
Hints & Tips when working with ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/common_sense.asp cwilliams38436.5949768519, ok... glad ya figured it out.
Yes.. for ASP server side code to run the page extension must be ".asp". I was gonna mention that but I guess I just didnt think anyone would do that.
no offense.. not everyone works with this stuff every day.. , you can whatever you like but like I said those gif files are already in the correct place. The log parser is messing up. , Hello,
I dont really have any ideas about the japanese characters. I also don't have any ideas about changing settings in the database. Your going to have to do some research on all of that.
Perhaps try pasting the text into a text document 1st.. then copy/paste them into the application. Perhaps that will eliminate any unseen weird characters. I do it sometimes when pasting things from word to my html editors and it works great.
I dont/cant support custimization to the code but here are some tips to get you started.
edit "items_inc.asp" carefully with a text editor (back it up before you begin so you can revert back)
change this anywhere you see it
Expiriment to see which gives you the desired sorting. Do the same process for the price. The + Sign just passes a "space" back to the page in the proper format if you are wondering.
The items for page setting is easy. Just go to the settings page when logged in as the admin. Edit this field. "ResultPageSize" cwilliams38157.5340277778, I would check out this article for starters... aspprotect is very similar to asp photo gallery and so are a lot of the page names.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=49& PN=1
Jeromy, You should have access to that page. , I would highly suggest setting up a DSN-LESS connection.
That system dsn is most likely the source of your trouble It is probably that or permissions are still not correct.
I can't tell you how many people have had trouble with system dsn's and finally set up a dsn-less connection and everything then worked as it should.
The location of your database is fine as long as permissions are truly set correctly like I mentioned.
Also, be sure you are setting the database type correctly in the dataconn_inc.asp file. That can cause problems as well as some people have been known to delete that line.
See my articles...
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=40&KW= system+dsn , I have ASPProtect up and running and I was able to log in with little to now problem after following all of the directions.
I imported my data base of users (approx 5300) into the access db, and now it times out just letting me log in.
I've got full access to the web server to make any changes on that end that I need.
any ideas?
, the menu file.. "menu.asp" or something... just follow the logic of the code to find things like that. Look for server side include files and what not in the source code.
This is a good article on figuring out what pages to edit as well as other things. http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/common_sense.asp
If it was working and you changed code you could have possible messed up how all of that works... you may need to revert back and be really careful as you make changes testing every step of the way. cwilliams38308.0683449074, you can not limit image size using the pure code upload method. Its not possible using a pure asp method that I know of.
You would have to be using one the supported commercial upload components and edit the upload code accordinly to limit upload sizes (you would do this by looking through their documentation and samples) I didnt include any support for upload file size limitations with the supported 3rd party upload components because in my testing I found it problematic with all but aspupload from persits software. (I have example coe for that component I can provide that limits the upload size and seems to do it well) I am sure it could work with safileup and dundas as well but I gave up trying.
As for image resizing.. Image resizing requires the use of one of the supported 3rd party image resizing components. You didnt mention if you are using one or not. If you dont have one available image resizing is just not possible as asp can not do that on its own. , this error really does not mean anything specific
Your browser must support a standard called RFC 1867. Please check with your browser vendor for support of this standard"
If you get an error its real weird that the file is being uploaded. Generally if you get an error during upload it is because of one of these 3 things
Invalid physical path specified
Unsupported upload method chosen
See my article on XP and permissions http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_xp_pro_and_permi ssions.asp
many people dont do their permissions right on XP Pro and that article covers everything , i downloaded the latest version. i also downloaded the sql script provided and ran in sql query analyser to create the tables.
After that i ran a special page to intially get into the system,
then setup a new user, then make them an admin,
and after that i logged out and again when i try to login iam not able to login. When i check the ASpp_User table I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0. But if the value are Nulls or 0 it means it's not active and it's not allowing me to login.
Pls advice
, Hi Chris,
The password is HANNAH. If you're into trouble shooting mode and would like the key, I can send it to you. If not, no big deal, I've email the guy a new password. We'll see how many rounds it takes him to get it right.
Thanks, Mick , I am running into problems with the import function. I have 25 photos loaded into the import folder. The page see all of the photos. But after I click on the import process it takes me Picture Manager with no pictures loaded. I have hit the refresh button, but there is nothing there. dr_bones38394.676412037, I have added two users in different group access but none of them can login to the pages
, ASPProtect and PayPal are fully automated and ready to go. Accounts will automatically get activated after payment.
We actually do not tell you to put nothing in the PayPal system for the IPN URL. Something has to be there or PayPal will not let you enable IPN. We actually tell you in you PayPal settings to turn on IPN and make up an IPN url because something has to go there. (I think we suggested making a blank asp page on you're site to send it to) It really doesn't matter where you send that but it might as well be a valid page on your site to avoid any 404 errors in your logs when a non ASPProtect payment comes in.
You see, we dont set that IPN url set in the PayPal system because each ASPProtect signup script directory (single payment and subcription) uses it own IPN url and that all gets set on the fly by the aspprotect system. There is a way to overide the defaul IPN url is what I am saying.
Also: A lot of people already have something there and we didn't want the ASPProtect system to interfere with things they already had going on. cwilliams38421.530787037, Hello,
You are correct regarding what you noticed.. ASPBanner only allows one person to administrate. If if did what you are asking about it would probably cost more. (you get the ASP source so if you really wanted that you could always add it on your own fairly easily, but it all depends on your skills)
AS for keyword advertising and different ads based on certain pages ASPBanner does not get into that. The main reason being performance as I built ASPBanner primarily as a performance banner rotation solution. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=144& ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Like that thread says, you could make different zones for different conditions.. then surround the banner calling code with if else logic so a different banner zone was called under certain conditions.
Regardless, if you really need something that has every bell and whistle. BanManPro is where it is at. cwilliams38434.7100578704, I purchased the photo upload software and it all works fine, except when I try to click the categories I've created on the home page they don't show any of the albums I've created and designated as that category. I went to one of the example sites at http://www.minnessota.com/users/ place_new_album.asp?CatAdValue= and it works fine. When you click Photos(40) it takes you to the 40 photos. I'm sure it's some setting I missed or something simple. Could you email me back soon and let me know what to do/try? Thanks. , Dear Support Team
I have read and Installed your v8 banner software
exactly as explained on XP pro which contains other asp working app.
I have problems with the " Application " and " Session" in your scripts
things that make the iis fall dead.
also in the file asp _unlimited_config.asp
you have exlained that every thing must be kept without the "" marks.
well i get http 500 error cause of it.
Please advise
, Permissions and Folder Locations
By default and to keep things clean we store everything in folder called "data"
That folder then has it in 4 sub folders
database (where the .mdb and temporary .ldb files are handled) export (where the aspprotect export files are saved) logfiles (where the aspprotect logfiles are saved) user_pics (where the user pictures are saved)
Doing it this way makes it very easy for a system administrator to right click on one folder and set permissions for that folder and all of it's child folders.
Now, that being said.. you do not have to use these folders.
For example if you already have a folder in your web with modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account then you can use that one folder to store all of the 4 things above.
You'd simply edit your data connection string to point to that folder and then edit the other paths in the settings area of ASPProtect.
We did it that way so you would have options in case your hosting company was being difficult with your ASP hosting needs. cwilliams38403.6837962963, as an update... it is now possible to use Website Payments Pro with classic ASP..
However, you basically need to own/run your own server because of certificate signing and special things that must be installed on it. The certificates you have to generate requires your paypal username and password so it's definetly not something hosts are going to do for people.
So... this still isn't plausible at this time..., I had not rebooted after installing the Jet driver updates, so I tried that and the asptest page worked fine, and said that all the tests were successful and that the data connection was setup correctly. I then installed aspprotect again, but with the same results. I cannot log-in from the get_me_in.asp page. It still says that it is opening the page, but does not respons for an indefinite period. The asptest page is in the same directory.
I have looked for alternate databases for this product on your site, but I cannot seem to find them. , if you just see code then you do not have ASP and Web Server setup correctly.. Basic IIS Server Setup stuff and not something I cover, but there is plenty of info out there.
http://www.webwizguide.com/asp/tutorials/installing_iis_winX P_pro.asp
, I am trying to find out where I can enter the ttle for the application.
There is a variableor field called App_Name into which it would be good to insert a generic name. Can this be edited?
I have searched high and low but cannot find anything to do with it. , nice idea. id be interested to see your modifications for ideas, Here is what I have in settings.
ServerSoftware |
Microsoft-IIS/6.0 |
ServerName |
www.107threnegades.com |
ServerProtocol |
HTTP/1.1 |
PathInfo |
/gallery/gallery_admin |
PathTranslated |
d:\hosting\arisky1\gallery\gallery_admin |
Installed |
ADODB (ActiveX Data Object) |
Version: 1.2 Installed |
Version: 2.80 Installed |
SMTPMail |
Not Installed |
JMail |
Not Installed |
AspEmail |
Not Installed |
AspMail |
Not Installed |
Not Installed |
Dundas Upload |
Not Installed |
ASPImage |
Not Installed |
AspJpeg |
Version: Installed |
ImgWriter |
Not Installed |
Script Engine |
Type |
VBScript |
Version |
5.6 |
Build |
8515 |
I do not even see ASPUpload listed but when I run the test_asp_components.asp from the extras/more_component_info folder, it shows that it is installed.
, On the banner rotation order screen it says:
"The Order Of These Banners Will Change Randomly From Time To Time"
Can you tell me the function that does this? I'd like to increase the frequency with which the rotation order changes.
Thanks! , Sorry Chris,
It didn't fix it. Looks like I had the current code. I bought the system in mid-April. The version says 3-10-2005.
I do know that in the database, the password shows as " éG" but in the error code, it shows as " éG". The square character is missing.
Thanks, Mick
Edit: well heck. It skips the square box here too. The password in the database puts a square box in front of the éG , I've downloaded this neat little app, but I'm having troubles understanding what I should be using. Cassinni or IIS, can you help? I've tried to look at the help, but it is very vague on what to use in each situation.
Any help is appreciated.
Cheers , Glad your getting the hang of it.
no difference as far as that goes. It is just different ways to reference the server side include file and it's location on the server cwilliams38457.6019675926, ok, that is done and seems to be working..
I edited the RC4 function in the "config_inc.asp" file like I mentioned
so the function now looks like this which just acts as a passthrough and really does nothing
Function RC4(ByRef pStrMessage, ByRef pCookieEncryptionKey) RC4 = pStrMessage End Function
so it is all set, go try things out and lets see if anything else weird comes up
Username "admin" Password "abcdefghij" , Hi, I am glad you like the system. Thx for the comments..
The banner logic in aspbanner it tweaked for speed and performance.. that sort of thing really wouldn't fit into the current code structure very well. It would slow things down and be a nightmare to code because of the way aspbanner uses ultra fast application variables for the banner rotation. Basically its a feature I didnt incorporate for performance and pricing reasons.
I would suggest making different zones for different conditions.. then surrounding the banner calling code with if else logic so a different baner zone was called under certain conditions.
That way performance would not be effected and you could actually show a different group of banners based on certain conditions.
Sorry, but that is the best advice I can offer at this time.
I built ASPBanner for performance and at this time I refuse to sacrifice that for any feature that will slow it down and consume more resources. cwilliams38383.5395601852,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:42:09 PM
answering phone, taking singups, checked emails. , TIITC database proj, Not very busy... got a lot of envelopes stuffed... did dial up issues and radlog, TICC Team Meeting, phones, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a quesion, email, working on computers., 5500 and the 5000 went down had many calls about it that is what the whole night was basically...., meeting, Showing/helping Dave F. to customize shipping function for wpbstv.org, Installing new video card in my box, Filing & Copies.
, Doing realto.com export anf ftp upload for www.nnymls.com, answered incoming calls, did proofreading for Beth, Working on a managment site for Randy, researching the filtering system, and helping Steve a little bit in testing out his wwwprint site., Travel back to Clayton, Testing modems in Hogansburg., Worked on printing out the inactive customer report, had a few troubles with what seemed to be the print server's memory not releasing and the print job locking up in the middle of printing, which made it necessary to reset both the printer and the print server. After we figured out that we really cant print out more that 50 pages at one time, it got going for awhile before we had to do our , Meet with Bill Grater re Mechanic's Lien, Marketing, Driving back to Watertown., General, worked on MLS project, tIME CARDS, NOC scripting and catchup from the week of training, Moving printer, etc around..., Lunch, changing into afternoon tapes, Asked Kelly for input on what the Healthnet site needed and started to work on menue. Found some sort of error in the Java script after it comes into Front Page, i think the initial rollover script is messed up. Retraced steps for rollover found a couple of errors and corrected them but still does not work right in Front Page, Yellow pages with Wendy Ann, Clayton Vacation Guide Cover - design ideas- changes, Short break and checked out what was left for snacks.,