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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:43:25 PM

You might just learn something and actually get your project finished before 2010

your over there hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine


LOL thanks for the good laugh-- i guess its time to do some reading and making my own mods to the program..

btw i never insulted cafrepress.. not sure where you got that from- just advised that what they have is exactly what i want to have done. How much for your service?

, well, like I said.. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the wedding.

If you put this up on a live server that I can connect to I will look at it tommoro for you. I have told you everything I could possibly tell you so I dont think your going to figure it out based on the things you have told me so far.

Only other thing I can think of is make sure your not running anything goofy on that server 2003 box. Norton Antivirus script blocking... various ad blockers.. anti spyware applications... etc etc... They can cause problems as well. ,

Is there any way to make the ads in ASPClassifieds end on a day of the week. I would like all of my ads to end on Sunday night and was wondering if there was a way to automatically do that in the database??








[QUOTE=spider]At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"?  After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number.  But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default.  Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

That is how it is supposed to work. It is not supposed to remember that info after you leave. If you want it to always start at some default number simply copy the URL info after picking a number. You'll see the querystrings that tell the page what to do in the address field of your browser. Take that entire URL and  edit the button in the admin area to link to that. The links for the buttons are in the "header_inc.asp" file and you should edit that file with a text editor.

That's the easy non technical way to set a default on the users page and that applies to anything including doing a sort or whatever.


you might change this

<a href="default.asp"><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>

to something like this

<a href="http://www.yoursite.com /aspprotect/password_admin/default.asp?SORTBY=Email+DESC& ;MyPageSize=500="><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>


someone has to do something other than me.. i've given up

if i give u the username/pw can you set this up on the network solutions host and ask them to set whatever permissions are needed?

cant do it anymore....

, I purchased the photo upload software and it all works fine, except when I
try to click the categories I've created on the home page they don't show
any of the albums I've created and designated as that category. I went to
one of the example sites at http://www.minnessota.com/users/
and it works fine. When you click Photos(40) it takes you to the 40
photos. I'm sure it's some setting I missed or something simple. Could
you email me back soon and let me know what to do/try? Thanks. ,

been working on this for about 5 hours today.. I think I found the problem and it involves a vbNullChar that the encryption process is creating only during login attempts

it then messes up during ASPProtect authentication because it blows up the SQL Statement to the database

like I mentioned before the chances off this happening are slim but possible as two people so far have been able to create the situation

I seem to have the HANNAH password working now using your encrption key

I need a little bit more time to clean up the files I have been working on. Then I will give you new "check_user_inc.asp" and "check_admin_inc.asp" files to try out


lets get back to using the forum and not the pm's  please only use the PM's for sensative information. its too hard for me to keep track of all of this as well as help everything else when I got an inbox full of pm's

Ok, so you say no paypal subscription info is being put in the database at all.

I know we have a bunch of people using the paypal subscription code with no issues so I know it works but obviously you got something wrong.

It could be a few things.

Did you enable IPN in the paypal system and put in a postback url like my directions say ?

Are you sure you are not getting paypal single payments and paypal subscriptions mixed up ?

Are the paypal links you made for paypal subscriptions in the correct format like are directions state ? That is critical and another example of something important that you have not shown me.

Did you populate all settings correctly for our paypal subscription code ?
This includes a correct and valid postback url because if that is not right paypal cant communicate with the aspprotect system and no info will get posted back from them at all.

You say your upgrade went well but if you did all all field names perfectly there could be issues with that.

There is just way too much for me to figure out under free support with the info you keep providing me.

I dont think we are going to get anywhere unless I go into your system and spend a considerable amount of time checking everything out. That is not something I do under normal support so if you are interested it is going to involve a fee paid via paypal. It's probably going to take me a while to check everything out and I need you to be 100% sure IPM is enabled in your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to turn it on search their help system as they have plenty of documentation on the process.

, ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part  of the root iis application.

Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned., I am trying to import a database into my list of registered users.  When I go the import_export_manager.asp page most of the content is missing.  All that appears is the first 2 lines of text and a box.  The rest of the page is blank.  I have tried this under 5 different browsers on 3 different machines and on 2 operating systems.  I also ftp'd the original .asp file with no success. Any clues? ,

I have narrowed it down.  The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.

any ideas?

, Aggh..  I put passwords instead of password.  Sorry to have bothered you, works fine now. ,

For all you advanced users..

Here are two examples of ASP.NET code you can use on your ".aspx" pages to call banners from the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBaner Unlimited V8

This code is not supported... and you of course must change things accordingly like the variable names and zone numbers to match the zone you want to call banners from as well as the url.



cwilliams38226.6523263889, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing.,

Its still not there as labeled 'internet guest'.  There's a 'guest' and a host of others.  Is there a way to identify it as the proper guest account to use with ASPProtect?

Also, looking through support documentation, I see other possibilities it could be (http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/permissions.asp).  Is there a way of telling which the problem is and whether we use a dsn connection or not?

The error we are getting is

 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1340 Thread 0x17a4 DBC 0x162becc Jet'.

/aspprotect/scripts/populate_config_variables_inc.asp, line 11




I only just purchased the product and I would be very keen to

a) is the upgrade available very soon as I don't want to spend the time developing one and than find the other released shortly & 

b) would I only need to pay the difference for the upgrade or have I already downloaded the upgrade already.

I cant see what version I current have.

I look forward to your response.


Probably not... javascript calling complex javascript is not a good thing and is often a problem.

I would try one of the other methods such as the xml parser if possible.


It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas…


I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am
http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry

, Thanks, I know, I have it all figured out and have thought about it before. Just no time yet to do it.  It will probably be an add-on/mod when I get time. ,

My Admin user got corupted, and I need to reset the password and user, what is the defualt password for this database, as I do not think I have changes this (hopefully) as of yet.



, Personally, I really wouldnt worry about. Personal Client virus software like that is not really meant to run on servers anyway. That software is meant for client machines, not web servers.

Any Server designed virus product will not incorporate script blocking features because servers often need to run scripts when dealing with ASP, PHP, CFM, etc etc

That article I link to has more on all of that.

Turning that off is nothing to worry about. I been running IIS servers for 8 years.  , [QUOTE=cwilliams]

Every application we sell that has a password on the database uses "temp"

Also, the password is in the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file.

After all, the ASP code needs to know the password just like anyone that wants to open the database would.


That i have, my question revolves around the all the users and passwords that I in that database. I need to be able to export that list to word for a mail merge list, but when I do the passwords show up encrypted. I need to be able to get an unencypted list.



Hey, I run a business and I will not have things like that mentioned in these forums.


Something very strange is happening.  Some users can't see the classified ads in their browser.  This is specific to the user's computer, and they can check other computers and see it fine.

In each case, the user is using windows explorer 6.0 browser with windows xp.

they can't see the ads listed on the ads page, but they can see the categories.

also, they can't see the place ad link on some pages.

Do you think that their browser is blocking the javascript for the mouseover message?



Hi Chris,

When I run the physical map test this is what I get:

The Physical path to this virtual website is: \\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004

Will that work correctly without a drive letter specified?





where is your site ? I'll taka a look


Thought this would be easy.  A few more pointers should get the database connection to work:


1) How do you decide whether it is a DSN (system datasource) or not? Does just putting the file in the ODBC make it so? 


2)We have other files in there for other server applications, does that mean we’re stuck using DSN’s or is the file independent of that control dialog?


3) Assuming we get rid of using DSN for this database (or not), does the code go referenced in your article http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/permissions.asp apply here or should it just work?


What else are we missing?


It should be released sometime late May 2004 or early June 2004 but no gurantees as I am pretty busy right now with some projects.

There will be upgrade instructions and it should be a fairly easy upgrade.

, I just started using ASPJpeg, and i used the "generate_new_thumbnails.asp" to create new thumbs of all of the existing albums.  It generates the thumbs just fine, but they don't get picked up by the "Randomly Selected Photo" section.  If I upload new pics, they will show up in the random photo area.

So, it reads the new upload thumbs, but not the newly generated ones using your .asp page. 

Is there anything I can do?    ,

You would carefully use the built in features of access to import/export data.

The password for our databases is noted in the documentation. It's pretty hard to miss really. You can also see the database password by looking at the connection string info.

different versions may be different but it is usually "temp" minus the quotes


ya, thats basically what I was gonna do..

BTW.. if that other app is going crazy with an access database it could be the cause of all the slowdown with ASPProtect... what happens there is it is using so much database driver time that it robs other things that also access a database... so basically ASPProtect isn't asking its database for much but your other application and database are cripping that part of the system and causing it to run like crapola

If your other app is using a system dsn try changing it to use a dsn-less connection... it might actually help

, its no different than linking to an image or another page. you have to adjust the path to the include file based on what directory you are in.. or you get an error

This is noted in the admin area on the code generator page which also gives you 2 examples of ways of calling the server side include. (Virtual or File include)

These threads below are also full of info. I found them by doing a quick search and they should help you out as well.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=349&KW =The+include+file

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=303&KW =The+include+file

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=236&KW =The+include+file ,

Yea.. that error is totally because the asp pages are looking for fields in the database that are not there.. and causing a nasty loop.


if using the option pack you must go over the directions very carefully...
Make sure everything works step by step..

After upgrading to option pack code you either need to upgrade the database from the base system or use the newer database provided with the option pack.

Then.. you want to test every function of the groups.. if pages act slow and seem odd... especially the groups page and edit users page..
Then your not using a valid database. Either you didnt upgrade the old one, are not using the new one, or your connecting to an older verison by accident and not realizing it.

That's pretty much it...


Humm.. that should have worked fine

why are you getting a "OLE DB" error I wonder ?

I need more information. 

Database being used and version ?
Server OS Version?
Connection String being used ?

etc etc


Chris, that fixed it.  Found 2-references to guestbook2 in the file show_messages_inc.asp located in the \guestbook\ directory.

Suggestion for future release.  Create an option to email the admin when a message is posted.  If this code already exists please advise.

Thanks, Lance


I have a very weird problem.  At the top of the page, where there used to be

[Place Ad] [Classifieds Home] [Register] [Sign In]

now there is only

[] [Classifieds Home] [Register] [Sign In]

so the words "Place Ad" have disappeared completely.  Can you please tell me which file in which folder would control this


Just to let you know that i figured out my problem. I had to modify the connection in the email code and get the correct path from my provider.

I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

Thank you


Well. fontpage publishing is evil. That you have found out.

Do not use it. It usually wont work right when running asp code locally and also at the server because of differences with the paths and virtual directory structure. etc etc etc

You can definetly use frontpage to connect to the web site live and drag and drop files into it/edit them... but the sooner you stop using the publishing feature the better off you will be.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:43:25 PM

vacation, lunch, Three hours of vacation time -loved it, Neighborhoodsupermarkets.com called. Taking a look at their site to see what problem is. They are trying to upload clipart. Fixing images to .jpg or .gif format. Removing image size restrictions from public and administration pages., YELLOW PAGES, COUPONS FOR PAUL, PARTY STUFF, ADS FOR DPAO, ST LAW CHAMBER, AD WORKSHOP, WDT, CHRISTMAS CARDS, GWCC WEBSITE, Same as before... died off around 9 or 9:30., enter deposits, take to bank, Posted accounts and did a detail of check and cash for a bank deposit. Credit card authorizations, ans. phone, customer inquiries, and worked on problem children., went to Herald Building to make sure could get email, Went over final revisions to the brochures with Peggy- sent them out to Ansun, To Clayton, lunch, email, cvoicemail, call backs, trouble shooting customer problems, , printed, reviewed, mailed invoices, cancels for nonpayment , readied money for clayton, filed customer paperwork, sat with penny until jodi was ready, preliminary staples order, answered phone-signups, cancels, acct changes (not too busy), Creation of Key Bank banner ad for NNYMLS site, taking sign ups, quality checked sign ups, callbacks from voicemail. checked emails, incident report, cc reports, answering phone, , workstation configuration and troubleshooting, Visual basic app for decoding encrypted files sent via encrypted form submissions. Developing, testing, added ''remember password'' feature, developed system install and uninstall deployment packages., not a whole lot of calls. one customer with modem problems, phones, dial up issues, radlog, email, Entered Terri's MBO's in Fred's spreadsheet. Asked her to review before I submit., sorted the mail, copies for George and overnight, Vermont statements-stuffed, Slide Show Admin, * Task Force, diggity, lunch, emails voice mails, create and assemble artwork for Ken (trade show), worked on internal Work Request system revisions (internal, billable, programming), lunch,

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