Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:38 PM
if you use our existing User_ID they are going to get new ID's. There is nothing you can do about that.
You could very easily though stick your exisisting User_ID's in one of the custum fields so you dont lose that info for each member., I Dont know... it shouldnt do anything like that.
if it ever asks to download a aspx or asp page its generally a server configuration issue not related to the actual code
provided you arent trying to grab the injectbanner page through an iframe call which is only for use with the javascript method of calling banners
that's they way it should be done..
the only other thing would have been to test everything with sql before trying to import any data.. and make sure all was fine at that stage
more info on the errors would be helpful.
Id' also carefully visually compare the SQL tables and fields with the SQL scripts and make sure all field types and settings got set correctly.
Also, make sure the user accessign the database has datareader and datawriter permissions of course.
, (Capcha Security Image Mod)
This mod will add a Capcha Security Image to the registration signup form.

Download the latest version of the ASP Security Image Generator from this site.
Unzip that download and copy "aspcaptcha.asp" and "aspcaptcha_distort.asp" into the aspprotect "users" folder.
Now edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor and add the code shown below in blue. The code to add goes near the bottom of the form right above the submit button. Just add the blue code. The code around it is shown to help you find the area of code where it gets placed.
<td valign="top" align="right"><font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>
Newsletter</strong></font></td> ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
<td valign="top">
<input type="checkbox" name="Newsletter" value="True" checked>
<font face="Arial" size="1">Do you want to be subscribed to the
newsletter ?</font></td>
<td valign="top" align="right"></td>
<td valign="top"> <img src="aspcaptcha.asp" alt="" width="86" height="21" />
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Type the characters shown in image for verification.</font><br>
<input name="strCAPTCHA" type="text" id="strCAPTCHA" maxlength="8" /></td>
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Register"></p>
ok, now edit "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor and add the code shown below in blue. Just add the blue code. The code around it is shown to help you find the area of code where it gets placed.
If User_Custom6_Used = True Then
If User_Custom6_Required = True Then
If Custom6 = "" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a " & User_Custom6_Name &".\n\n")
End IF
End If
End If
strCAPTCHA = Trim(Request.Form("strCAPTCHA"))
if strCAPTCHA = Trim(Session("CAPTCHA_" & Session.SessionID)) then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You did not type in the verification info correctly.\n\n")
End If
If ErrorMessage <> "" Then
Response.Redirect "register.asp?" & Request.Form & "&ErrorMessage=" & ErrorMessage
End If
Your done. You just added a Capcha Security Image to your signup form. If you would like a more distorted image that is more difficult for an automated program to figure out change the image tag to call the "aspcaptcha_distort.asp" page instead. It will look more like this.

, You are right, there are NO entries in the "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" field at all. Any way of fixing this?
, I'am in the process of modifing registration and tieing in paypal. When I get live I will send you a link. Thanks for help.
, you would have to edit the application in visual change some things around and recompile the application... in the process figuring out how you want to handle all of that (probably combining the username and email fields just on the registration form then saving both values to the database)
very doable.. just not anything documented or supported as it is custimization
I do have a very nice article on the forums on how to set up a project in visual with the application.. it is in the forums, I do not think it it anything to do with the Application.
You most likely have some sort of ad blocking software that is doing it.
It is seeing the word "banner" or "ad" and blocking the images in your browser.
I doubt it is anything built into xp doing it. XP with SP2 has built in pop-up blockers but no ad blockers like that really. It is norton ad blocker or something of that nature.
, Our login works great, variables even help determine menu options. When user logs on, however, it opens in a new page. Is there a setting somewhere that sets whether you can open in a new or existing page?
Also, when you log off
, But can you guess as to why the following might be happening:
1) The password is still "temp", and we verified that by checking dataconn_inc.asp ; 2) People are able to place new ads, etc. ; 3) We then download the DB. Sometimes we are able to open up the DB just downloaded with the password "temp", but only see the USERS table. At other times, we cannot open the same DB with any password, and get a "password not valid" message even when using the password "temp".
So what can the problem be?
, Hello,
I do not really understand what you mean?
There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds.
cwilliams38391.0301388889, no the "expected path" is something that gets generated for you if you have parent paths enabled. to help you fill things in correctly...
basically if parent paths are enabled it shows you what the path should be for each path field on the settings page... if parent paths are disabled there will be nothing to the right of expected path for technical reasons (lack of being able to do a "../../" to figure out the paths more or less)
in that case there is a file called "expected_paths" in the data folder that you can run to tell you the expected path info
, Humm, I dont see how moving to a new server could have anything to do with that.
What method of displaying the banners are you using. Perhaps try some of the other ones.
Don't use the javascript method with a javascript based ad like google.. that's for sure.
cwilliams38454.8903472222, You should email me and I can give you a copy of the original application., its in this thread.. you use the InStr function instr
Please use a little bit more descriptive subject the next time you post. "question" does not tell much to someone looking through threads.. and I like to keep things clean and organized in the forums
I edited it for you this time..
thx , Is there any way to extend the limit multiple login feature to a certain number instead all or none? In other words, i need to have a user be able to use the same login for x number of people. My customers are institutions and want to be able to have a single login for however many users they purchase for.
, It's not working because i guess im copying the viewstate also...and it comes up
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
, Hello,
Unfortuantely I can not help you much regarding the javascript because I am a server side code kinda guy. Client side javascript just isn't my thing. That was free javascript code that I used for that function. I really do not know enough about editing client javascript. Sounds like you might though.
Style 1 is really a relic left over from the standard version. I just left it in in case someone wanted to use it. Like I said because it is javascript making it do more than it does is tricky (at least for me)
Now,, for actually getting description code. The thing to do is check out how that all works in the pic_window.asp file which is what style 2 two uses. Bascially descriptions for an particular album get stored in one text file. We read that test file. Put the lines into an array. Then display the info which gets run through a functions to convert some special characters used when saving back to normal.
I tried to look at your site but it woulnt load for some reason.
cwilliams38420.0809259259, Thanks Chris.
Yes i never actually considered that they should log in twice.
The site uses two main url and the cookie was being stored for only one
of them. I have fixed the double login issue by making changes to
menu to ensure that they are always logging only via the url stored in
the cookie.
Thanks for your hep,
, Hi Chris,
The hosting company has been doing some work apparently regarding the database connection issue. Still something is funky 
When I type in I get the custom 404 error page and I noticed that it is trying to open the following:
Is that what it is supposed to do?
Rhona, the rookie
, ok, I had some issues with passwords not working. I cleared them up by
going to the affected user and typing in the desired password manually
on the edit screen. Worked like a champ every time, and I haven't had
to do that for some time now.
, Actually, as far the "aspprotectnet.dll" file goes it makes sense because of the following.
The "aspprotectlicense.dll" is something we do not provide the source code for. We also do not compile it in "debug" mode because you not want dll's running in "debug" mode in a production environment and we also do not want that dll in debug mode because of reverse engineering reasons.
Now, that being said that DLL is no different than any other 3rd party dll "so to speak" that you would use in a project. Many of which will not be in debug mode and you will also not have the source for.
"Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll" being an example
Regardless, there must be a way to do what your trying to do. I am just not sure at the moment. It is nothing anyone has brought up before and I personally have never had any issues like that when I work on the application so I am just not sure.
It probably has something to do with the way you set up your project., You can also try setting asphttp's user agent property to some browser version like in this example. It might stop that info from showing up when it fetches a page from the server.
Dim BanObj1Http
Set BanObj1Http = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")
BanObj1Http.UserAgent = "Mozilla Compatible (MS IE 3.01 WinNT)"
BanObj1Http.Url = " nnerZone=1"
Response.Write BanObj1Http.GetURL
set BanObj1Http = nothing
Also... I dont know if these values below will work but I got them from looking at my nt logs.
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
And here is more info on the asphttp component and it's settings.
cwilliams38248.6481365741, Just checked XML Parsing with your file. Got a clean bill of health on that: It's working.
Got the right code for the location of the ipn.asp in my paypal1.asp, from http:// all the way to .asp.
I think since everything is set up properly from the looks of things,
I'll wait and see. If I get another one who flubs things, then I'll
start the testing of the account. But if it goes through just fine,
then maybe the Internet just hiccoughed on the first guy... thanks
, thats not good.. its a web server configuration issue of some sorts ?
post is a common method for forms.. if it is not supported it is something you should ask the server admins about.
Is this a windows based web server running true microsoft ASP because that error is usally associated with non windows IIS based web servers from what I can see by doing a google search ?
ASPProtect only runs on windows servers running IIS and True Microsoft ASP.
My guess is your web server is running Apache Unix or something like that.
, If we wanted to user groups, is the "Access Level" in the User setup the same ID as what the group access would be? Ex. If John had Access Level 4 and the page specified <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
I'm asking because there is no Group Access Level in the user setup. Thanks
, well, like I said.. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the wedding.
If you put this up on a live server that I can connect to I will look at it tommoro for you. I have told you everything I could possibly tell you so I dont think your going to figure it out based on the things you have told me so far.
Only other thing I can think of is make sure your not running anything goofy on that server 2003 box. Norton Antivirus script blocking... various ad blockers.. anti spyware applications... etc etc... They can cause problems as well. , Hi
I have purchased the Standard version about a week ago. Its a great script.
I have been able to select uploaded banners from day one... but just now i dont seem to be able to select...
i know its hard for you to trouble shoot with such little information.. but i had to ask..
Should i maybe upload the site again ( but same the database first)?
Sydney, Australia
, If you are developing using Windows XP Pro and running the NTFS file system setting proper permissions on a folder in your website requires that you 1st disable simple file sharing.
To do so open up "my computer". At the top open up "tools/folder options"
Then the "view" tab.
Then at the bottom uncheck "use simple file sharing"

After that that is done... using "my computer" browse to the folder in your web that you need to set permissions on.
Right click on that folder and then choose the "security" tab.
(If simple file sharing is on that tab wont be there)
Give the "Internet Guest Account" Modify Permissions
This will check all the boxes under modify as well.
You can also give permissions to the everyone account and accomplish the same thing.

If you are using ASP.NET you need to give permissions to an account called ASPNET. It wont show up in the user list. You'll need to click "add" and then type in "ASPNET"
cwilliams38203.582337963, you have to check the session variables for groups a little differently.. info on that is here
, Things have now changed I found out godaddy has persitis aspUPload and aspjpeg as value added products, I have the aspjpeg working but have been unable to upload when using aspUPload, everything works fine with the vbscript method so I think my permissions are correct. Whenever you get a chance, any help would be appreciated.
, Ok, I started the database tables from scratch. I did everything using sql enterprise manager and query analizer..
Same thing happens... certain passwords just do not work.
So I did a lot of testing and I have come to the conclusion that this has something to do with the regional settings of that SQL server.
Here is an example.. see the screenshot below.
Username "admin" password "petepetepete"
The top query done in Enterprise Manager is valid and shows the user.
The bottom query is also valid but it does not show the user.
And that is exactly what is happening from the ASP codes point of view.

Now, this means that even though that encrypted password is getting saved to the databse correctly this particular SQL server just cant deal with it from a QUERY.
It works fine on two different SQL servers that I have. It's just got to be something regional related like unicode characters not being dealt with correctly or something odd like that.
I tried changing the collation data for the "Password" field type on that SQL server and it looks right. I don't know what else to do but it is something about that SQL server. There may be a way to change the regional setting through the connection string but I cant find any articles on that right now.
One solution I have for you to get this working there is to eliminate the encryption factor then I dont think you will have these issues.
It's either that or find another SQL server with US type settings or use MSAccess. ASPProtect runs nearly as fast on Access as long as you do not have over 10,000 users or whatever. The system hardly ever accesses the database so it performance under MSAccess is always good.
Let me know what you want to do. I can shows you how to eliminate the encrypytion factor if you want to try that. I think if I make you a custom version of the RC4 function you can just replace that and then the system will use plain passwords.
Your call..
, its one or the other... you cant protect upload.asp at the same time if upload.asp is included in another page..
I mean sure you can protect upload.asp from running when another page calls it by password protecting the page calling it.
And sure you can protect upload.asp by itself if it also runs all by itself. But you can not include the "check_user_inc.asp" more than once in any order of execution scenario. That includes pages being included.
Generally anytime a page is included in another that included page is not meant to run by itself and wouldn't produce any outcome if run by itself so this would never be an issue.
if you don't want "upload.asp" to ever be run by itself in that scenario put it somewhere in your web site that is not web browser accessible.
I would also suggest you look into using Virtual includes. It will save you a lot of time figuring out this sort of thing "../../../../../" becuase once you figure out the virtual include path you can use the same server side include from any directory level.
, upgrade pricing is here rade.asp
what is different
the changes to make it work with MySQL were vast to say the least
more on that from an old thread 1&TPN=1
just please remember use of MySQL is just not supported
I can assure you it works well as I have people using it
, I have a very weird problem. At the top of the page, where there used to be
[Place Ad] [Classifieds Home] [Register] [Sign In]
now there is only
[] [Classifieds Home] [Register] [Sign In]
so the words "Place Ad" have disappeared completely. Can you please tell me which file in which folder would control this
, Thank you for the response to my question. In the mean time if I can figure any workaround I will post it here.
, Christopher,
I have a follow-up to this question.
Is there a way to get the photo descriptions to save with actual spaces instead of the HTML space code all of the time?
I know that is does this if you hit Enter while typing a description, because it creates a 'br' tag. The main reason I am asking is because if the user does not enter a line break, the description is saved a single long string and the pic_window.asp page is generated with one long description which makes the page very wide.
I tried to get around this by changing the description style in pic_window.asp to reflect a value like 50% or 200 pixels, and I have tried putting it into a table with a fixed width, but there is no effect.
- Jason
, Using "Email Authentication" as a registration option you cannot do that. There is no possible way I know of to have a delay on the authentication email like that. Also that method is not intended to involve any sort of manual registration like what you are doing.
Because you want to review people manually you need to change to registration process to "manual" and then send the email out manually from the users screen after making a user active.
, Hello..
I actually noticed something was up with your install earlier...
(I saw you in my log files when you clicked to cjwoft from the docs)
I need more info... like what uploading method your using.. what image resizing component, what widths yoru resizing things to... etc
have you tried it while telling it to delete the pics and also while not telling it not to delete them from the import folder
I might have to take a look tommoro as well to really figure it if that is ok
I have to go the bar to meet some friends so I wont be of much more help tonight :)
I been working steady all week and need a few.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:38 PM
billing issues, batching. Phone, Meet with Ogdensburg Chamber, update info win gisco databse , add listings to cable wireless
Work with andy- about lynns doll cottage
work with andy and ben many phone calls sue to server problems with bell atlantic
Severance photo- check on billing
Carpenter-stoodley- changes to web site
WPDM- info for web site
, Allen Benas - changes to fishing brochure, print out proof, lunch i had taco bell, Seth,WAN updates, Editing DNS info on a Cobalt., help troubleshoot printmgr, Snacked, Contact and get additional information on Vermont Chambers of Comerce, finish troubleshooting Chamber ISDN circuit, configure all pcs' (6) for internet access, check e-mail, new york felt appointment for next week
uline appoinment cathrine gift shop-domain question
Farrand flowers- gave change to tom
Ogdensburg- changes for web site, OK... not too bad... callbacks and the like., lunch, Cust can not get to a realtor page... tried everything. She is going to drop it off in Wtn., weekly cancel review and covered the phones downstairs, Read some ASP, Nortel Eitherloop Tech, watching the NOC; restarting sites that went down, SICARD CHANGES TO WEBSITES AND ADDITIONS, study, phones, etc., Working on a problem with Tracker INET., Answered phones. Rather busy., Howard, Printed the timecards , filed and went to the post office, Getting ready for presentation we have to do in brooklyn in a little while., phones, on line and rad log, clean up ect.
modem checks, Installing/trying out Adobe Photoshop 5., Returned phone messages ,