| Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:37 PM
I wonder why the banners in ASPBanner 8.1 are moving from one place to another when opening my site www.helserevyen.no in a Mac Safari browser and click on refresh?
Can you take a look at my site and response? , Are you reffering to the number of the left of the users name in admin.
I thought it was a counter at first but that number only displays the number of albums they have set up. ,
Is there any update to this ?, Having a quality professionally set up ASP.NET server that is going to support your needs is CRITICAL whether it is yours or someone elses. Them saying they will not set permissions is useless. Quite honestly Network Solutions is a joke when it comes to ASP.NET hosting. They are all about CHEAP MASS HOSTING and that is not where you go when you plan on running complex ASP.NET applications. What good is ASP.NET hosting if you can not permissions set on folders you need it for? A lot of people run ASPProtect.NET and their hosts set permissions for them without issue. We made one folder that they could click on and set all permissions at once easily. If they truly knew anything they would understand that and set permissions for you in a heartbeart. You have to have a correctly set up server or a hosting company that is serious about your ASP hosting needs.
I mean you come to us with this mess of a situation, we tell you its a bad setup. We tell you to rebuild the server correctly or make a new one. Now instead of doing that you come to us with another mess of a situation. Now you act all frustrated because you have spent so much time on this. How the heck do you think we learned everything we know ? Do you think we have never spent weeks on a problem or stayed up for 4 nights in a row without sleep. That is how you learn and it is called experience. I have no sympathy for someone that complains about how long something took because I am right there with the best of them and I have paid my dues.
Have you by chance read all of this thread below because despite what you keep telling me you are totally falling into this category. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo234-1.htm Granted you may not be "Joe Coder" but you are definetly "that guy" who doesn't really know what is going on with ASP.NET. "that guy" who sets up his own server and knows enough to be dangerous. You definetly have enough sense/basic skills to dig around and read articles and try things but when you are on the wrong track that only helps out so much.
Also: I really was pretty tired when I got home last night, but now that I really think about what you did with that webserver/domain controller is about the worst moves possible when it comes to IIS hosting setups.. That is just SO BAD !! Now, don't think that I haven't done some REAL stupid things in the past. John too, like the time 5 or so years back when thought he could make a Windows XP Pro webserver for serious non development use . Anyway, that is how you learn. I suggest you get your server running correctly (not a domain controller) or you get a real host like www.alentus.com for your asp hosting needs. I mean you can get an account for like 10.00 a month and end all these headaches right now. I even know one of the head techs there as well as the general manager. Their ASP and ASP.NET support is 2nd to none.
You may not like what I have to say, (hell, I can pretty much guarantee you won't) but I tell it like it is and in the long run you will be better off for it.. We spent a ton of time developing the .NET version of this product and we sell it way less than it is worth especially since we provide source code. It is an awesome product, but if the server isn't truly and correctly supporting ASP.NET or they host will not set permissions than it is out of our hands. As far as I am concerned anything else is a waste of everyone's time. I am not going to play that game. Quite frankly, you need to get your stuff together. Nothing you have come up with so far has anything to do with a bug with ASPProtect.NET. Everything has been server related.
THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE !!! , look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file
try editing this part by hard coding the body info you want to use
Response.Write("<BODY" & Application("BodyTagInfo") & ">")
I would also suggest reviewing the generated source code in the web browser and examining the html to figure out exactly where the body tag info you dont want is coming from ,
I have switched to Alentus and have the permissions set correctly and Parent paths turned on. I cannot figure out how to connect to the database. Should I have the database in the aspprotect/data/database folder, or in the data folder that Alentus has in my root directory? once that is determined, how do I decide what the path to that database is? I have tried many things, but this is what the setup page tells me to enter in the data_conn file DBQ=D:\Websites\www.mysite.com\aspprotect\data\database\ASPP rotect_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp
Thank You , Whein I went by the numbers off of your directions, which work well up to that point, the import would time out.
At that point I tried to import directly into access...and then it hung trying to login.
okay so I've put in a clean database and created a new record for me as admin. , Makes sense to me. I used the ASPProtect_access2002.mdb supplied.
(I am using 2003). Only added more names and other personal info
to it for test. Uploaded the amended db with FTP. This did not
restrict someone not listed in db from logging in.
Would each individuals' information need to be added to the code in
order to have it check the database first to find out if the person is
authorized to view?
Part of the problem is I dont know which ASP page or script links the
db to the rest of the web, or how one page relates or links to the
Sometimes I wonder if problems I encounter originate with the server.
Thanks for patience.
, As an update to this thread I fixed the "upload_post.asp" page quite some time ago but forgot to post the updated file here.
So here it is.
2005-09-16_165913_upload_post.zip , edited due to inappropriate content , Yup everything looks ok - but why no error?
This just gets better - now the email a friend link says sent successfully and doesn't send out - what the heck...
What would cause it to 'think' it is doing the task yet still fail? , If we wanted to user groups, is the "Access Level" in the User setup the same ID as what the group access would be? Ex. If John had Access Level 4 and the page specified <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
I'm asking because there is no Group Access Level in the user setup. Thanks , the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.
, User Information
After a user logs in there are variables that you can always access. They can be used to check various things or to display information dynamically based on who has logged into the system.
Session("PasswordAccess") Session("Access_Level") Session("Admin") Session("Active") Session("Expiration_Date") Session("User_ID") Session("Groups") Session("Redirection_URL") Session("Password") Session("Username") Session("First_Name") Session("Last_Name") Session("Company_Name") Session("Email") Session("Address") Session("City") Session("State_Province") Session("Zipcode_Postal_Code") Session("Phone") Session("Custom1") Session("Custom2") Session("Custom3") Session("Custom4") Session("Custom5") Session("Custom6")
You can display them on a page at any time using Response.Write like so
<% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>
or like this
<% = Session("LAST_NAME") %> cwilliams38419.533900463, I would like to change this file name to the typical Login.aspx, how to do this? I have a VS 2003 but need instrutions if that's the route to go., Thank you! I thought that is what had to be done, just didn't want to miss out on a short cut if there was one. Thanks again, Need to clarify something..
Your talking about the page where a new user registers right ? Your not talking about adding a new user from the admin area ?
Either way under no circumstances do I see anything like you are saying happening nor has any other ASPProtect user ever mentioned this probem.
I am going to need to see your site and see this happening. It just makes no sense the way you are describing it.
Also. did you edit the registration page code in any way. If so please revert back to an original copy to ensure this is not some sort of problem introduced by editing the code. cwilliams38164.8115046296, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..
BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current Language=English;"
I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.
Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english
You'll have to try them, Just an update,,,
the permission were all correct.... i left it and tried from my pc at work and it works fine... so i dont know what hahhpened.... thansk for your quick response
Sydney, Australia , Ok, so I checked to see if ASP is running on the server and it is. then I added code to the top of a page and this is what i can see when 'view Source' on the web browser:
<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code --> <!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * Admins * ) --> <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %> <! #INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"> <!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
<html> <head> <title>TeamManagers</title>
Yet I get no challenage for a password and no error message!
, I just did a quick google search... found a ton of info on how to find the setting. Here is one...
These are directions for IIS6 but the process is similar for IIS4-5
- Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Double-click your computer name in the left pane, and then double-click Web Sites.
- Locate the Web site and directory that houses the ASP application.
- Right-click the application site or directory, and then click Properties.
- Select Home Directory, and then click Configuration.
- Click Options, and then click to select the Enable Parent Paths check box.
- Click OK two times.
cwilliams38148.5822453704, For all you advanced users..
Here are two examples of ASP.NET code you can use on your ".aspx" pages to call banners from the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBaner Unlimited V8
This code is not supported... and you of course must change things accordingly like the variable names and zone numbers to match the zone you want to call banners from as well as the url.
cwilliams38226.6523263889, If it stopped working it has nothing to do with the ASP code. YIf could have stopped for any number of reasons as hosts often change email server requirements and info. You need to go over the email settings. Of course make sure you and the person you are sending to have valid email addresses and try different methods/settings until you get emailing to work again.
Testing it by sending emails off from the users screen.. in each email type in what you are trying at that time so you know what worked if emails make it through. Also, be sure to check junk filters when testing to make sure the emails are not being put in any of those.
That's what I would do. CDOSYS is always your best bet for sending emails as it has so many options and all new server support it. , btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?
and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it
lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?
, Regarding hosting companies..
Now.. obviously if you are hosting on someone elses server you may not be able to set permissions like this.
Ultimately, if you are hosting somewhere and ASP and Database connectivity is part of your hosting plan. It is the hosting company's responsibility to set these permissions for you when asked or to give you a special interface to do so on your own. If they are not helping you do this then maybe it is time to get a hosting company that is serious about your ASP Hosting Needs.
The permissions we are talking about cannot be set via FTP or Frontpage access to your web site. They must be set like shown above or via a special interface meant to set the permissions correctly. For all you people out there messing with the permissions you see in FTP and Frontpage.. you are wasting your time and possibly creating problems in your web.
All ASP scripts that communicate with an Access Database, Upload Pictures, Modify Text files.... are going to need these permissions set in some way or another. We have no control over that fact. cwilliams38360.69125, 
ASPProtect v7.x runs on Microsoft IIS servers only. That means Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 server. The web server must have ASP support enabled and support Data Connections. 99% of them do as it's a pretty normal thing, but you should ask and make sure your hosting plan supports it.
Before you even start please read this thread and do what it says. If any errors show up it is important you see the real error instead of a useless HTTP 500 internal server error. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11& PN=1
Once doing that make sure to use Internet Explorer as you follow along with these directions.
Now, unzip your installation zip file that you downloaded from CJWSoft. Use a program like winzip and be sure you have it set up to unzip the directories as well. You can also use windows xp's built in folder compression tools to unzip the archive.
When you unzip the application you should have all of the following folders and files. (more or less, it depends on the version)

Now, you can copy all of these files into the root of your website or if you like you can make a folder called "aspprotect" and put all of these folders and files in that folder. Either way it really does not matter.
Now, contact your web hosting company and instruct them that you need permissions set on the data folder that you copied into your website. This folder and all of its child folders need modify permissions set on it for the anonymous webserver account. It is very important that they set the permissions correctly and on all the child folders as well.
Here are some threads on exactly how these permissions are set. If you run your own server or are developing locally you can do this yourself. If not most likely you need to put in a request to your hosting company as you CAN NOT set these permissions via Frontpage or FTP.
Windows 2003 Server and permissions http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=136& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Windows XP Pro and permissions http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=56& PN=1
Once permissions are set.. run this page via your web browser
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
When this page is run it will report back a screen like so:

Now, take the connection string info it shows you. Edit the "dataconn_inc.asp" file in the root of the ASPProtect system and use that data connection information. It should be valid for the server.
If you are using MSSQL server instead of Access please see the SQL database creation directions as you will need to create the MSSQL database and use a special connection string for that. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=160& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Now, take the CookieEncryptionKey and PasswordEncryptionKey info that it gives you and enter it into the "config_inc.asp" file in the root of the ASPProtect system. These will be the unique keys that your encryption will be based off of.
The files have been copied to your website, the permissions are set on the data folder, and the database connection is ready.
Now.. run this page
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
This is a special page we use to get into the system for the 1st time.
If you get a nasty error when you run that page similar to this.
Error Type: Active Server Pages, ASP 0131 (0x80004005) The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
Then parent paths are disabled on the webserver and you need to do an extra step to deal with that. Follow this link. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=162& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1&TPN=1
If you get any other variery of "80004005" error then there is a problem with your data connection. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=27& PN=1
Those errors are usualy related to database folder permissions or an imcorrect physical path to the database file specified though they can mean a lot of things.
Once you get the page running you will see a login prompt and one form field
You will need to paste the "PasswordEncryptionKey" value that you used in the "config_inc.asp" file in the form field and hit enter.
If all goes well you will see the admin area of ASPProtect.
Now that you are in the system you need to create an admin account.
Click on "ADD NEW USER".. fill out the info and add a user. You really only need to fill out (first name,last name,email,username,and password)
Now save that user.
You should see a new user listed in the admin area. Click on Edit user to the left of the new account. On the edit screen check the "admin" checkbox and save the user.
You just created an Admin account.
Now click on the "log off" button on the top menu and click yes to log off.
Now close the browser. Then run this URL
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
You should now be able to in to the admin area of the system using the new admin account you created.
You are now ready to go to the settings page so click on the settings tab in the menu. There are a lot of options and paths that need to be set on this page. Every setting is described in detail on this page. You need to go through the page and set things up properly. Anytime the page asks for a path to a url or file the page will auto generate what should be the path to use. (expected path) If your server has parent paths disabled a few of those auto generated paths will not show up. If that is the case run this url from your server and it should tell you the paths to use for those settings.
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
Once your all done and the system seems to be running fine you should go back and delete the following pages as they are no longer needed and pose a potential security risk.
http://www.mysite.com/data/setup_info.asp http://www.mysite.com/data/expected_paths.asp http://www.mysite.com/password_admin/get_me_in.asp
You should back up the original zip archive you got from CJWSoft in case you ever need those files again.
VERY IMPORTANT: The user passwords from now on will be encrypted using the "PasswordEncryptionKey" you specified in the "config_inc.asp" file.
If you ever change that key all of your passwords will be invalid and you can not get them back unless you know the key and put it back, so plan on never changing that key unless you really know what your doing and know how to decrypt/re-encrypt the passwords using a new key. (something we do not cover at the moment but probably will when we have time to make a tutorial) , I did not make a mistake.. what I typed is what I meant to say. I think maybe you are taking it the opposite way as I explained it.
What you want to do... logging them in under https and then having them continue though the site under http is not possible.
It doesn't work that. way. As far as the webserver is concerned https is a totally different site than http and each have their own unique set of application and session variables.
In a sense no different than www.somesite.com is different then somesite.com (each has their own unique set of application and session variables as well).
Now, because of the nature of Forms Based Authentication session varibles created under one will not carry over to the over and thus no password access if you switch over from a secure url to a non secure url.
If you want them logging in under SSL you need to keep them under SSL.
That is not to say there is some ultra complex scenario to mimic the session variables on the non secure side of things (possible with a complex http post to a non secure page from the scure page telling it what variables to create and set), but doing so means a ton of work and also has security concerns of its own. , CJWSoft offers a mutually beneficial partnership program for resellers of our Active Server Pages Based Web applications.
The program is very simple.
- You offer our products to your customer's as Ready-to-Run Web Site Applications.
- We sell your company our software at a 50% discount allowing you to re-sell if for the same price we sell it for or slightly higher.
- Your company installs the application in the customer's web site and configures it for the customer.
- Your company is in charge of installation support and general usage issues. We handle other more complex issues as usual.
Each time a customer purchases an application from you, you are required to purchase a license from us. These must be purchased online via PayPal. You will be give a special password protected URL where these purchases can be made. You are in charge of setting up a system for your customers to purchase the software from you. You are also responsible for purchasing a license from us within 7 days of a license being purchased from you.
Below are the applications currently eligible for the program. They have been chosen because of their popularity and reliability. You must resell all three applications below. The details and pricing of this program may change at any time.
ASPBanner Standard sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
ASPBanner Standard is a high end Banner Rotation system. Web Based Administration for managing the users and banners in the database. Advertisers can monitor online statistical reports via their web browsers. |
ASPProtect Version 6 with Option Pack sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
Easily Password Protect any ".asp" page within your web site. Easily integrates with your current website or project design. Web Based Administration for managing the users in the database. |
ASP Photo Gallery Pro sells for 49.95 (You pay 24.95)
ASP Photo Gallery allows anyone to have their very own online photo album. Upload an unlimited amount of albums. Set up categories however you like. Allow others to upload photos. Optional image resizing and thumbnail creation. |
We are looking for Web Hosting Companies and ISP's who can sell an average of 2 applications per month. If you are not a serious company with a professionally done website you need not apply. We are not looking for mom & pop operations.
To be very clear: We are looking for experienced ASP Development/Hosting Companies that are serious about being a reseller and ready to go. We need knowledgeable resellers that are experienced with ASP and will be able to install the application for the customers and handle some of the general installation issues that may come up.
To qualify for the program:
Please send us a brief overview of your company, Website URL, and your expectations for the program. After looking over your information we will get back to you with a response.
Contact us
Additional Info:
Our applications run on NT based servers only with true Microsoft ASP support. They do not run under Chilisoft. Our applications are licensed per website. That means one running installation of the database and scripts. Qualified resellers will be reviewed every quarter to see if they are meeting the 2 application per month quota.
AND LASTLY PLEASE DONT WASTE OUR TIME. IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS DONT EVEN BOTHER APPLYING. I HAVE HAD A LOT OF WANNABES SIGN UP FOR THE PROGRAM AND THEY ARE EITHER NOTHING BUT A PAIN IN THE BUTT OR THEY NEVER SELL ANYTHING. IF THAT IS YOU DONT BOTHER. ON THE OTHER HAND IF YOU ARE A GOOD SIZED COMPANY AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WE WE"LL HAVE A WONDERFUL AND PROFITABLE RELATIONSHIP. cwilliams38426.5449537037, the no concurrent login feature is based on IP addresses.. if you logged in again using the same IP address it would let you in regardless. So for example if you were behind a rhome router and logged in to a site on the internet it would nt matter if you had multiple computers at home because they would all have the same external IP address... etc etc
In other words it is tricky to correctly test..
I really need more detailed info on everything going on. I real world scenarios there are no issues with that feature that I know of. At least according to customers so far. , And here is an even simpler version where the database name is hardcoded and the User_ID is set ahead of time from wherever you are getting it from
'User_ID = CmdListUsers("User_ID") ' getting it from another database query User_ID = Request("User_ID") ' getting it from the page post
SELECT COUNT(Album_ID) AS Alb_Count FROM Albums WHERE User_ID = " & User_ID & " AND Album_Active = 1" cwilliams38433.0595949074, that erorr in no way means what it says.. it is just a generic error because something failed.
if you want to PM me info on how to get into your site and I will take a look.. I don't think it is something that can be figured out otherwise especially when you are not telling much about what is going on. There are a lot of factors and settings that are relevant. , I think its great to share a mod.
I will have few with the new album. , - I am using the original files that came with the software. - The software ads items to the database flawlessly. - ASPImage works great.
- When I try to remove an ad or an image it says it's been removed. - The ad does not show up on the site anymore. - BUT, when looking at the sql database the ad is still listed there.
Why is the software not deleting the columns from the database and the images from folder?
Note: My other tables for other projects, in the database, allow me to delete them. , YES.. you need to edit your SWF file to link to the aspbanner system...
example.. the link may look something like this http://banserver.powerasp.com/aspbanner/banner_redirect.asp? Banner_ID=60
of course you need to put in the right information for your site and whatever banner ID it is in your system
Like it says above.. if you save the new banner at least once and then come back to edit that link will be generated for you at the bottom of the edit page.
then when your flash banner is clicked on it will go track the click and then send them to the "link_url" specified for that banner when you edited it. (you need to enter the final destination url there if you want that to work) , I need more details... telling me you cant get it to work doesn't give me much to go on , After understanding how the count works i checked the IP in the db. They are all set to the same IP (my web server) no matter what ip is doing the viewing. This is probably due to my ISA2004 firewall that is posting the ip address of the web server with each log on. So, can you help me with where the code would be to modify so the db does not get updated? I risk the refresh problem, don't think it is an issue with me.
Thanks, ,
I was told by my ISP to use localhost and it should work and it does not. It does not require authentication to send e-mails.
Any other ideas?
Thanks , ok thanks, Christopher
Found this but I dont really know what to do with it or even if its the right thing.
<% '=========================================================== ==================='
' Application: Utiity Function ' Author:   ; John Gardner ' Date: & nbsp; 20th December 2004 ' Description: Used to check the validity of a postcode ' QueryString: None ' Version: V1.0
' Required routines: &nb sp; None '----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------'
function Check_Postcode (byRef strPostcode)
' This routine checks the value of the form element specified by the parameter ' for a valid postcode.
' The definition of a valid postcode has been taken from: ' http:'www.royalmail.com/docContent/other/Downloadable_Files/ PAF_Digest_Issue_5_0.pdf
' If the element is a valid postcode, the function value is returned as TRUE ' and the postcode is returned in uppercase with the separating space in the ' right place.
Dim strPostcodeRegExp(2) ' holds the regular expressions for valid postcodes Dim intCount &nbs p; ' For loop counter Dim strPostcodeCopy ' Copy of postcode ' Variables used to hold regular expression object Dim objRegExp, objMatches, objMatch ' Expression for postcodes: AN NAA, ANN NAA, AAN NAA, and AANN NAA strPostcodeRegExp(0) = "^([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1}[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]{2})$"
' Expression for postcodes: ANA NAA, and AANA NAA strPostcodeRegExp(1) = "^([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1}[a-z]{1})([0-9]{1}[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]{2})$" ' Exception for the special postcode GIR 0AA strPostcodeRegExp(2) = "^(gir)(0aa)$"
' Copy the parameter and convert into lowercase strPostcodeCopy = Lcase(strPostCode) ' Assume we're not going to find a valid postcode Check_Postcode = false ' Strip out spaces strPostcodeCopy = Replace (strPostcodeCopy, " ", "") Check_Postcode = False Set objRegExp = New RegExp ' Check the string against valid types of post codes For intCount = 0 to Ubound(strPostCodeRegExp) ' Check next pattern in list objRegExp.Pattern = strPostcodeRegExp(intCount) If objRegExp.Test (strPostcodeCopy) Then ' Post code found. Ensure input parameter is in correct format. Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute (strPostcodeCopy) Set objMatch = objMatches(0) strPostcodeCopy = Ucase (objMatch.subMatches (0)) & " " & Ucase (objMatch.subMatches (1)) ' Show that we have found the postcode Check_Postcode = True End if Next ' Ensure that the uppercase postcode gets returned if valid If Check_Postcode Then strPostcode = strPostcodeCopy End Function %>
, Your probably talking about "Session.Timeout" which is a feature of the IIS webserver. Please do a google search on it for more information.
In the meatime if you look at the top of the "check_user_inc.asp" file you should see a section like this where you can try to change the value.
' Minutes you want before the session times out. ' This is set on the server to be default to 15 or 20 minutes depending on the server version ' You can change it there or override it here. Session.Timeout = 30
Specifying it like that is supposed to overwrite the value for your web in the IIS console which is usualy 20 minutes.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:37 PM
JCC E-Commerce seminar, worked on some of my files, fixed some more issues with imail from the cutover., travel with Seth Crimmins to Vermont, to watertown office to meet with jw about bundle and compague vendor. s/w howard about letter and set up appt to review ticc products. lm for eds in hornell. , Still very slow...did some Net surfing for some more good sites for Gary. Practiced typing and studied. beth called and said she will be the NOC for rest of day., Checked my emails and called back a lady that Ron had asked me to try calling, Jones & Doldo Problem w/ ISDN. Loose cables and Bell circuit problem., 1000islands-clayton.com - Making requested changes to listings manager., Getting called in b/c of a problem with the IMC servers. Ended up calling Andy and he walked me through what needed to be done., Team Meeting, Staff meeting., TIme to boot up and fix square cam., CFM FOODS DEVELOPING SITE, Took tech calls, monitored RAD, DUI, AUAQ, and Voice Mail. Steady day today., finished reports, busy at times, took off norton, got eval version of mcafee and installed onto box, had trouble getting the configuration console running (java class) Got console running, still does not seem to be right. , met with jim, Letter's to all customer, newsletter online, spoke with Splitrock and about 6 customers from replies to gisco announcement - or voice mail, JCC job fair conversation and letter to JCC about dr. moore's sabatical request., Fix time card work order #'s for last week., lunch, 90 Miles : Clayton - Massena : Seacomm FCU Meeting, enter bills/ TICC & w/ Terri, kelly nashaw- Allied Federated Co-Ops info
answer mail/do time cards- tracking/voice mail
go over tracking with chris control c and controlv-info for golf with your buddies, billing issues, DSL signup, emails, voice mails, Switchboard, billing calls, emails, Soft Router Documentation, Vermont Internet payroll account forms,