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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:50 PM


2Checkout.com has added to their required cart parameters:


Do you have a version of 2checkout2.asp that will support these?



, Any updates on this ?,

I am running .asp pages and using the longer code method to display flash banners on my site.

I have noticed a considerable decrease in the loading of my index page when I have a banner called.  When I remove the banner, all is fine.

Any suggestions?



If we wanted to user groups, is the "Access Level" in the User setup the same ID as what the group access would be?  Ex. If John had Access Level 4 and the page specified <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

I'm asking because there is no Group Access Level in the user setup.  Thanks


More Info on Simple File Sharing

http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/xp/filesharing.h tm

http://www.theeldergeek.com/quick_guide_to_simple_file_shari ng.htm

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3040 40


, Hi, I am wondering if I can redirect users with "GROUPACCESS"  just like access levelS.  I tried to redirect using both "Groups" and "GROUPACCESS" example below:

If Session("GROUPACCESS") = "1"  Then
End If

I could only get the Access_Level to actually redirect.   Is this something the option pack supports?  If so, any words of advice?

Humm.. that should have worked fine

why are you getting a "OLE DB" error I wonder ?

I need more information. 

Database being used and version ?
Server OS Version?
Connection String being used ?

etc etc


I am a little confused here.  I am in the process of understand how this all works, mainly the email portions as I am running this through a home server (Windows XP).  I have tried test emails, but they are not going threw.  I ran the server_info.asp and it is telling me that I do have CDONTS installed, version 2.8.  Then I tried running, the test_mailer_component.asp.  This page is telling me it is not installed.  This process lead me to start looking at my components for my IIS.  Everything appears to be there. 

Any ideas, where I should go next.  It appears the CDONTS code is in every page that it needs to be in, and it appears that I have it installed, but there is a disconnect between the two..



I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7.  I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine.  However when I go to create a new user I get the following error


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/password_admin/save.asp, line 227



I haven't moved (or messed with) any critical files within the directory at all, just placed them as a job lot into a subdirectory call aspprotect.
All I did was put all the files directly into a directory rather than into the root because some of the subdirectories had the same name as some already in use and would therefore have been overwritten.
I'll go back and have another look in the cold light of day (its too late tonight UK time).
Thanks anyway.
, That helped very much.  Thank you.  Hope you enjoyed your dinner.,

Suprising I started this tread off on ASPImage, but I resolved my issue and forgot to change the thread topic.  I will try your suggestion.



, I am running into problems with the import function.  I have 25 photos loaded into the import folder.  The page see all of the photos.  But after I click on the import process it takes me Picture Manager with no pictures loaded.  I have hit the refresh button, but there is nothing there.  dr_bones38394.676412037,

How do I recover or reset admin password used for the aspprotected pages. I have installed it months and months ago, but now can not recall the password. Any help appreciated, as I do not feel like installing it again.


Sorry, there is no option for that.

I'll take it into consideration, but the way the banner rotation logic works would make adding such an option very complicated.

Just give it  an expiration date way into the future if you do not want an ad to expire anytime soon.

I usually just make all my ads expire in like 2020 or something like that since I don't want them to stop running either on some of my sites.


check permissions for the user you are connecting to the SQL database.

That user may not have permission to make new data

Also,  check all field and table settings manually by comparing them to the SQL creation script we provide. You may very well be missing auto increment and primary keys which would make adding new data not work.

It is most likely one of those two things.



I have ASPprotect 7 installed on my remote server.  I am able to go to the examples/default.asp page and login in without any difficulties.  If I copy the code from that page and paste it in a new page called the same thing but in a different folder, I get this error;  (Keep in mind that this is essentially the same exact page in a different location of the website)

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file '../../check_user_inc.asp' was not found.
/aspprotect/Pages/default.asp, line 3

I get the same error if I paste the "protection code" I have generated into the top of a current (.asp) page in my site.

Basically, the only pages that work are the ones that came with the program as examples.  Thats great, but now I need to make it work for my pages.  Any thoughts?


ok, well if you want to test on your own....  in the ipn.asp file for the subscription folder you will see this area of code used for testing

' Un-comment this section and give this directory proper permissions to enable logging to a text file
' Very helpful for troubleshooting
'   Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'   LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
'   'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
'   Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
'   RowHeaderString =  ""
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & OrderID & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & Custom & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & User_ID & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & subscr_id & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & txn_type & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & subscr_date & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & Access_level & vbTab
'   RowHeaderString =  RowHeaderString & Groups
'   WriteMyData.WriteLine(RowHeaderString)
'   WriteMyData.Close

now that folder will need modify permissions for the text file to be written to but this is a good way to test if the ipn.asp page ever gets hit by paypal.


To ensure the text file can be written to and permissions are correct for that folder you can make a new .asp in there and run this to see if the text file writing works

   Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
   'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
   Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
   WriteMyData.WriteLine("the file was written to")

Now, you can even change the location of the text file to place that does have permissions if you like.

This is what I would do if I was in there... then I would make some test payments using 1 cent and another paypal account (your allowed 2)

and see what happens

it is always possible the subscription code may have a bug in it. The last time I tested I only tested the single payment folder which worked perfectly. If I have time in the next couple days I am going to test the subscription stuff again. If there is something wrong I can cure it quickly.

The two routines share a lot of code in common.


Honestly cannot comment much about v7 since it was just installed on a new server.  We have been running 5.03 for years so I'm looking forward to the new features in v7.



I finally spoke with someone who knew what I was asking for and they set the rights and all is fine.

Thanks for your help. Wish all business' had customer support like here

, Oh big deal !!... John mentioned some site and you feel like you proved some sort of point. Aren't you special ?

Look, I am telling for the 3rd time you can't do what you are talking about with ASPProtect.NET. Are you braindead cause I really am beginning to think you are and I for one am done trying to be somewhat nice to you ??????

I am also willing to bet you had no idea what viewstate even was until I mentioned it and then you probably went and read up about it so quit trying to pretend like you know what is going on! If you knew what was going on you would not be asking more questions about ASPProtect.NET than any customer in the history of selling the application.

As a matter of fact you should send me like 400.00 just for all my time you have taken up because you are totally frigin clueless !!!!!

I should have cut you off the instant you offered me illegal software from p2p right in a forum post., I am out of the server now and I have to get up early to help friends pour concrete in a huge building in 20-30 degree weather (woo hoo)

So I am going to take a break on this until later tommoro.

In the mean time try connecting to the access database with no password on it as well as the access 97 version that I put in the data folder... and see if it runs any faster...screens like the user screen should load fast... not after 15 seconds of waiting like they seem to be doing right now

If none of that helps which it probably wont I can set up the database for you here including the importing later tommoro when I am done pouring concrete

upgrade pricing is here
http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

what is different

the changes to make it work with MySQL were vast to say the least
more on that from an old thread
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=37&PN= 1&TPN=1

just please remember use of MySQL is just not supported

I can assure you it works well as I have people using it


I have been working on this. 2Checkout is like the most confusing and worst payment processing company on the planet. There are things about that page I just don not understand as many times as I read through it.

Doesn't seem like this stuff is mandatory just yet. (I asked)

I should have something soon.

That's excellent!
I did learn that parent paths were disabled on my test 2003 server...
But on the hosted server, it looks like parent paths are supported as I change the file location of the language file in the forum common.asp as such, and obviously moved the file as well:
<!--#include file="language_files/language_file_inc.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../language_file_inc.asp" -->
Everything seems to work fine and I thank you very much for you quick response!!!
Ok, time to buy...thanks again!
- Jason

Is there a way to know if it is a SQL server with IIS5? My database type is MSACCESS.

Rhona (rookie)

, Yes, I created it  using the scripts.


Installed a new rack mount 1u server this week.

3.2 ghz hyperthreading 1 mb l2 cache prescott cpu
2 gb pf pc3200 kingston memory
SATA Raid.. (2) 120 gb drives running hardware raid 1

It is a supermicro 1u server case and server motherboard.
The hard drives are SATA 150 120 gb 7200 rpm Diamondmax Maxtors

All high end server type stuff... It's a very powerful server and has been running great all week. 500+ hours uptime so far.

Running Windows 2003 Server Enterprise
SQL 2000 Enterprise SP3
Windows DNS
ZipEnable (which I am reviewing for them)
ServerMask (which I am reviewing for them)
A ton of ASP Components which I have purchased over the years.

So that means I can now focus my attention on creating software again instead of being a system admin. (Due to these server issues over the past few months I am now back to godly status as far as windows system administration goes.. not to mention I am now back up to speed on the latest processors and hardware)

So, getting back to ASP Photo Gallery...

I spent about 20 more hours this week on the new version of ASP Photo Gallery Pro.. I have another 40 or more to put into it as I have a lot I want to do.

I think it will be ready within the next three weeks. I know a lot of you have been waiting for something.


Here are three known bugs and their fixes...


If you have any of these symptoms these fixes will most likely take care of them.
If you don't have a symptom do not make any changes as you most likely have an updated copy of the application.

Technically if you bought that app on or after April 27th 2004 these bugs should all have been corrected.



Description Fix

(no descriptions showing in pop up window)


Edit pic_window.asp with a text editor




Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("pictures/Album_ID_" & Album_ID & ".txt"), 1)




Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("../pictures/Album_ID_" & Album_ID & ".txt"), 1)



Slideshow Fix…

(last image in slideshow it not showing)


In slideshow.asp




<% For PicArrayIndex = 0 To Ubound(PicArray) - 1 %>




<% For PicArrayIndex = 0 To Ubound(PicArray) %>



Add To Favorites fix

(add to favorites feature doesn’t work at all)


Edit "album_uppermenu_inc.asp" in the scripts folder




<a href="users/favorite_albums.asp?Album_ID=<% =Album_ID %>"><img border="0" src="<% =application("skinpath") %>add_to_favorites.gif"></a>




<a href="users/favorite_albums.asp?Album_ID=<% =Album_ID %>&Action=Add_To_Favorites"><img border="0" src="<% =application("skinpath") %>add_to_favorites.gif"></a>


a. Sorry for the missunderstanding

b . Im running XP pro and done what was explained

c. The iis stops responding - Till I make iisrest




Here is what I have in settings.

ServerSoftware Microsoft-IIS/6.0
ServerName www.107threnegades.com
ServerProtocol HTTP/1.1
PathInfo /gallery/gallery_admin
PathTranslated d:\hosting\arisky1\gallery\gallery_admin
ADODB (ActiveX Data Object) Version: 1.2 Installed  
CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed  
SMTPMail Not Installed  
JMail Not Installed  
AspEmail Not Installed  
AspMail Not Installed  
SAFILEUP Not Installed  
Dundas Upload Not Installed  
ASPImage Not Installed  
AspJpeg Version: Installed  
ImgWriter Not Installed  
Script Engine
Type VBScript
Version 5.6
Build 8515

I do not even see ASPUpload listed but when I run the test_asp_components.asp from the extras/more_component_info folder, it shows that it is installed.

67 Upload
Persits - ASPUpload
68 Image
Persits - AspJpeg



it might also be a good idea for you to try a simple text file writing example like this on your server and see if it hangs as well


for troubleshooting sake

this is sounding more and more like the filesystem object is blocked or disabled on your server


Hi there,

Just bought ASPProtect 7.0 last week and just got around to installing it. I've gotten through the installation and am now trying to test the (Forgot Password) functionality.

I get the following error when I type in the e-mail (or in some cases the username) and Post the form. 

Error was [11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

I know that the add user functionality is pointing to the correct database (I see the additional rows via SQL Enterprise Manager) and that the e-mail address I am looking for is in the SQL database. 

Any ideas? Any other information you need?



maybe this is the issue...

do you realize that the descriptive name you give a group is not always going to be the same ID in the database ? The two are not related.

Perhaps what you named Group 1 is really group ID 3

You can tell for sure by generating protection code for group 1 and see what ID it tells you to use..

You also need to remember that you are testing this with different users and it is really easy to get confused so you need specifically log off using the log off page to ensure session info from the previous login doesn't show up and cause confusion when you log in with a different user... etc etc

in addition to logging off that way you may also want clear the session and application info via the code at the bottom of my article
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/displaying-session-and-a pplication-variables.asp

and do that in between any user you log in as

, ok, gotcha...thanks.Tongue, that information is actually not helpful in determining whether parent paths is enabled or not.

You should really ask your hosting company or better yet try doing a server side include to page one directory up and see if you get an error.


<!--#include file = "../myfile.asp"-->


I dont know exactly how you go about that and it would really depend on a lot of things like when the ad started and how yu wanted t handle that. it would involve custom coding though, not a change in the database.

, one more problem I see...

I think your login box on the main page is missing the hidden form variable

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo169-1.htm, A nice addition for the listing script would be if the script would allow a "featured ad" or ads that would appear on the default page. ,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:50 PM

albany board review, Slow morning. Duties: quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, answeered phone, callbacks from voicemail and checked emails. , pick up brochres in clayton, meet with channel 7, new ads for all newspapers, met karen at gwcc, new ad for gwcc newsletter, shepherd industries, worked on copy for alpha paging, helped mary jo from morgias pasta, fx new site design, Batched and answering phone. , DSL, Not busy phone-call wise... folded and stuffed while not busy. Answered a few emails and straightened up., Did cc billing and for hosting and sent new statements, Cont. work on Access mock up of TI.com DB structure., enter bills, *24DD-HTML production: add site content, checked modems, Fighting fires - Times, DSL/Wireless database... etc..., Closing books, lunch, technical support supervisor duties. helped techs with issues, maintained and managed --- qlight, radlog, new user call backs, expired user call backs, dial up issues, ask us a questions, voice mail, emails, emonitor, NOC calls, follow ups on noc and customers, customer calls in, calls made out to the customer, radlog, open incidents, Working on incorporating access maps onto gogisco site, had to make a new content filtering undo file, and send it to a user, Getting IDs for myself and Findley, chow, In Watertown, lunch tan, Answered billing related questions., Miscellaneous, dev marketing materials, ddracing.com - image upload manager for home page, Switchboard, billing calls, call backs, Auto Works- need ftp access, and hosting- sent info- register for ftp acess with Randy, got new MLS database, and starting working with it, called leo and lee at quakenbush to check the masquerading and printing firewall rules all set and working great, more billing issues,

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