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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:50:24 PM
I have been using the AspHttp Component method for displaying my ads along with the google adsense code. However, in the last few days my site was taking too long to load, so I replaced the AspHttp component, with Javascript method. The site was back to speed. But now, the Google Adsense banners do not show up. Is there a solution for that? Can the Javascript show Adsense banners also? Because they do show the Flash banners., ok, how about some more in fo on the setup ?
What version of MSSQl ?
Exactly how did you create the sql database ?
Is it possible banners.asp got edited ?
Did you create all your banners via the admin interface and do all all banners have a zone assigned as that is important ? Sometimes customers will add banner info directly to the database and leave out vital field info that the application requires. Based on that error it is starting to look like that page is coming across a banner with no zone ID and thus the error. ,
how's it going ?, Hello,
It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques) It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.
Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.
You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=17
Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.
In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.
I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.
Thanks cwilliams38420.5234490741, Did you ever figure out the process for VS2005?, I did everything mentioned here but it do not work ;( , and did you response.write that session value to see if it holds anything to ensure it is being set , It happens at least once per hour or every time a banner is edited in the system by the admin.
Changing its frequency would be somewhat complicated. You'll have to make changes to the code in a few places and you will effect performance adversely by doing it more often as it will mean a lot more database queries which defeats the purpose of doing it once per hour to conserve resources. The reason is when you change the frequency of that you also change the frequency of the entire banner application variable caching system. It difficult to explain but it unlike most banner systems out there it basically fetches banner rotation info every so often instead of every single time your page needs a banner. It stores this rotation and cycling information in ultra fast application variables. The docs actually go over a little bit of how that process actually functions under "using the system / Setting Up Banners "
Its a customization I just can not support and I do not recommend doing, but if you really want to you should look at the "aspbanner_inc.asp" file
this is the part that makes it happen at least once per hour (requires visitors to your site to happen obviously)... you'd have to cleverly recode it to work slightly more often
' Checks the time the banner data was last updated and basically updates it if an hour or more has passed If Cint(Application("BannersLastUpdated")) <> Cint(Hour(time)) Then %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="appinfo_inc.asp"--> <% End If
There may be more to changing this than that, but this is all I can tell you. cwilliams38441.6427083333, Actually, I think I just found my answer...
I will take out the StrToFix = Replace(StrToFix," "," ") bit of code and see what happens...
- Jason
Jawa38406.4721412037, Chris:
The string is being saved and I get a .wav ring sound to confirm. I have tried editing in "notepad" and then running the "data/show_path_info.asp" file after with the same results.
, one more problem I see...
I think your login box on the main page is missing the hidden form variable
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo169-1.htm, one last thing... if you did an upgrade from a previous version and didnt do the whole database field thing right during the upgrade process as stated here you could have trouble. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo174-1.htm
Meaning you should check your new database with the field structure of an unmodified new database and make sure all field names match up perfectly.. especially paying attention to the username and password fields
One last thing.. If you did an import via text file and didn't import all the fields ASPProtect needs you could possibly have problems as well.. though I don't think this relates to the timeout so it probably is not the case , Thanks for the information. We added the name manually instead of using the App_Name variable., Hi,
No, only ".asp" files can be protected. It is the nature of Forms Based Authentication when using web based scripting technologies whether those scripts be ".cgi", ".asp", ".php", or whatever.
To protect entire direcotries at once you really need to run your own webserver and use NTFS permissions and user accounts..... or if something special is installed on the server there may be ways to do it as well. That usually isn't going to happen under a shared hosting account but there are special authentication products for such a thing that some hosting companies do purchase and allow their hosting customers to use.
Using aspprotect we do give working examples of ways to stream and partially protect images and downloads while a user is logged in to an ".asp" page.
Also, any ".htm" pages can simply be renamed to ".asp" if you need to protect them. Links to each other need to be updated of course because of the extension change.
In my opinion the truth of the matter is most high end sites use Forms Based Authentication with scripts. Not directory protection as it is fairly primitive/old school as well as sometimes being confusing for the users of the site because of how the login window from the server often gets stuck behind the browser.. etc etc
If you have a lot of pages in a site that you need to add protection code to then if can often be helpful to use a good Multiple file search and replace program to carefully add the protection code to the top of the source code of the pages. There are even multiple file search and replace programs that can rename extensions which can be helpful for large sites.
For images and graphics you want protect you have to do some work and set up and intelligent system for yourself.
Lastly whether you use https:// or not is no concern to ASPProtect as it works the same under https:// as it does under http:// , When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, This is a great article for newbies..
Hints & Tips when working with ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/common_sense.asp cwilliams38436.5949768519, Gotcha.
Can you set an expiration date on a subscription?
Jess , I have sent an registration email (as test) to both a yahoo account and also my own email server and in both cases I get the same issue, all else is working great. I am sure its somthing simple, perhaps I am over looking somthing else. the site url is www.rochestertek.us/asp/users/register.asp if this helps
Again thanks. , I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight
issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their
order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site
to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been
cancelled. Any help would be great.
, Bingo! that did it. Somehow the data must have gotten corrupted.
Hopefully that will do for me. Seems like everything is humming along and looks great!
Thanks again,
, Banners no longer show up on my site ?
If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up. 1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it. If you are then most likely this it what hapened.
The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.
I have seen this happen a few times.
Basically the application variable system gets messed up because it was not shut down properlly.
The way to cure it are as follows.
Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.
, Not sure because of the nature of the javascript method
for starters tighten up the html around the banner call
<tr> <td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead"> <!------- ASPBanner Ad code -------------> <script language="JavaScript"> var code = ''; var now = new Date(); var nIndex = now.getTime(); document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" http://www.nababaseball.com/aspbannernet/aspbanner/injectban ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">'); document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>'); </script> <script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script >
<tr> <td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead"> <script language="JavaScript"> var code = ''; var now = new Date(); var nIndex = now.getTime(); document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" http://www.nababaseball.com/aspbannernet/aspbanner/injectban ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">'); document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>'); </script> <script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script > </td>
If that doesn't help I would suggest using the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBanner. It can serve banners to a any type of page extension and it runs just as well as the .NET version. There is a new iframe method for calling banners that you can try instead of the javascript. The iframe method is explained in the ASPBanner Unlimited section of the forum. cwilliams38150.6443634259, I assume so you can clean up users that register, but then never pay ?, Just an update,,,
the permission were all correct.... i left it and tried from my pc at work and it works fine... so i dont know what hahhpened.... thansk for your quick response
Sydney, Australia ,
As far as the users thing... my fault that was setup wrong in the settings of the admin login page.
but still dont have a solution for what im trying to do , ALL FIXED.. tested with real paypal accounts and a live system works perfectly
Download this file "ipn.asp" and put it in the "paypal_sub_signup" folder 2005-03-10_164645_aspprotect_subscription_fix.zip
Basically somehow an older version of the this file was in the original download archive.
Anyone who purchased ASPProtect 7 before March 11, 2005 should download this fix.
cwilliams38421.7018055556, Well I still haven't gotten it to work yet completely. I tried to import the users again and it imported some, but timed out again. Trying to log in takes forever...ready to jump back on this one?, Very weird for sure but I guarantee no code in ASPProtect is deleting that folder. Something else is going on the server and deleting it and I have no idea what it would be.
Maybe try leaving a blank text file in it and see if the folder disappears after a few days., Disallowed Parent Path
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
When you get an error like this it is because parent paths are disabled on the web server. This is a setting in the IIS console for your website.
If it is not enabled on you server you will have to ask your host to enable parent paths for your website.
This is what the settings screen looks like on an XP Machine

Additional Information:
It is enabled by default on IIS4-IIS5 but in IIS6 it is disabled by default. It is a minor security risk to have enabled and some hosts can be difficult about setting it.
Truth is, if your hosting ASP for customers you need to enable this setting if the customer requests it. Especially since 90% of the ASP applications out there require the setting.
Hosting companies should if they are serious about hosting ASP.
If they won't your only option is to go through all the code and convert the file includes to virtual includes.
The trouble with virtual includes is they are different depending on the layout of your website. (that's why web application developers generally don't use them)
Basically if you are in a sub domain the path for the virtual include is going to be different then if you were in the root.. etc etc
Also.. someone developing on a local machine would need totally different virtual includes on the development server than they would on the live server. Server Side includes are processed before ASP so there is no way to make them SMART, so to speak. Server Side includes are hardcoded and that's that.
In my opinion virtual includes are pretty useless for commercial web based applications... Since you don't know where the customers plan to install the apps. And YES there are some tricks when designing the applications that make it less of an issue but they are not perfect solutions.
For example...
The virtual include below would work if the application or code was installed in the root <!--#include virtual = /somefile.asp"-->
But if the application or code was installed in a directory called "somedirectory" the virtual include directive would need to look like this
<!--#include virtual = "/somedirectory/somefile.asp"--> cwilliams38391.6033101852, Christopher,
I can empathize. It can be a real pain to stablize a server and fend off hack attacks.
As for beta testing, I was referring to once you get to the point where you're ready to release it to the public whether it's this month, next month, etc.
Good Luck!
Al , That's excellent!
I did learn that parent paths were disabled on my test 2003 server...
But on the hosted server, it looks like parent paths are supported as I change the file location of the language file in the forum common.asp as such, and obviously moved the file as well:
<!--#include file="language_files/language_file_inc.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../language_file_inc.asp" -->
Everything seems to work fine and I thank you very much for you quick response!!! 
Ok, time to buy...thanks again!
- Jason
, Unfortunatley, I dont have an easy answer for you. It is certainly doable but adjusting the code so people assigned to certain groups get specific expiration dates means a lot of code work and time. It would probably even take me a long time to figure out.
The fact that users can belong to more than one group also greatly complicats the whole idea.
You can certainly assign an expiration level when someone signs up. That is easy and explained in the forums. , Well, you cant have a login box on the home page when using ASPProtect.NET.. there is no way to make that work. I tried all day to come up with something and it is not going to happen. I suggest you make a login button and link it directly to the protected page you want them to start on. The redirect or link them whereever from there. Either that or write your own forms based authentication solution that works exactly the way you want it to or edit the code accordingly since you have the source. It is not a feature we advertise for the product regardless. It works the way it works. , Flash files cannot track clicks unless you edit the original flash file to link to the aspbanner system redirect URL.. feeding it the correct ID of the banner.
When that link is clicked on it will then track the click and redirect the user to the “link url” specified for that banner.
The system actually generates the necessary ASPBanner URL for you. That link is shown on the banner edit screen.(you must save the banner at least once and come back to that screen to see the link though)
Really the best way to show it is with an example as seen below.

Basically the flash banner file "powerasp.swf" highlighted in green needs to be edited to link to the banner redirect url which is highlighted in red.... the banner redirect url will then track the click and ultimately send the user to the Link_URL highligthed in blue.
All banners systems work this way when it comes to flash files. It’s the nature of flash and the web browser,
The flash source code must be edited to link to the redirect url in the ASPBanner system. There is no possible way any banner system can track a flash click unless the flash file links to the banner system 1st.... because that click is handled by Flash and the web browser.
In some cases if you do have the original source file for the flash banner then you are out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes.
On a side note... if you create flash banners the way this article says you can actually feed a .swf flash file a link for it to click to. Instead of it being hardcoded.
http://www.macromedia.com/resources/richmedia/tracking/desig ners_guide/index.html
This is really the way everyone should design their flash banners from now on because the url it links to can be easily changed at any time without editing the flash file source code. cwilliams38325.740162037, Dear Support Team
I have read and Installed your v8 banner software
exactly as explained on XP pro which contains other asp working app.
I have problems with the " Application " and " Session" in your scripts
things that make the iis fall dead.
also in the file asp _unlimited_config.asp
you have exlained that every thing must be kept without the "" marks.
well i get http 500 error cause of it.
Please advise
, The way the application ships there are no password confirmation areas anywhere ? Please be more specific as to what you have done and if any mods are involved ?
If you are talking about one of the MODS please realize they are not supported. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo459-1.htm
Even though they are not supported I look them over pretty closely and I know of no issue like you mentioned so I would suggest re-downloading the MOD. Perhaps you got a corrupt download or file. , I think you can either change some things in your PayPal account settings regarding your default currency..
or add a hidden variable to the PayPal form code ASPProtect uses like this guy did. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=237&KW =paypal
The hidden form variable code would go next to all the other hidden variables in no particlar order.. just look through the paypal code in notepad till you find a bunch of those hidden form variables lines in a row. , Hello,
While there is no option in the admin area / asp code we give you here is what I can tell you.
You have the source code and we also use an open database structure. (MSAccess or MSSQL) So that means you can really run any query you want on the database whether with ASP code or directly in your database. You can even tie other systems and code into the database via OBDC and manipulate data. The sky is the limit.
In MSSQL you can run queries in SQL enterprise manager or query analyzer. Using Access you can run queries in query view.
It's really not that hard if you do some research on SQL Statements and how to use them. You can do some very powerful queries and save yourself a lot of time. , This isn't going to help you much but here is the deal.
The 2checkout support in ASPProtect actually is not supposed to work with 2checkout subscriptions and therefore does not need to use an item number.
It is intended to be used for single payments only with 2checkout as explained in this thread. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo212-1.htm
Single payments with 2checkout use their shopping cart which allows for dynamic payments without needing an item number.
I agree with you that 2checkout's interface is confusing. It's actually about the worst system I have ever seen. I could not make a 2Checkout subscription system because their system is just too limited and I couldn't make it work the way it really needed to.
, no, its part the concurrent login checking system.
currently when that is on logging off does not come into play.. (pretty much because it is such a complex system I wasnt able to make it quite that intelligent this time around)
when concurrent login checking is enabled the only way to log in again at another system with the same username and with a different IP is to wait till that time period is over
as you may recall it was rush feature at the last moment before I got version 7 finished. Hopefully I can improve on the feature in the next version but I dont really see it as being a big issue at the moment. Sometimes when you want maximum security you have to make some tradeoffs and that is why the feature is optional. ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:50:24 PM
Fine tuning JCC import app. Created package deployment wizard to test installation/un-installation of registry keys. Recoded acceptable file type template to be included in compile (because deployment wizard not installing configuration files). Added hourglass on/off & ''import'' button disable during file import process. , return, Travel to South Jeff. HS - 35miles, NEXTCOM.COM DEVELOP HOMEPAGE GRAPHICS, enter bills/TICC, General tech duties., TICC Payroll w/ Melody, dial up issues, radlog, Reset FP Perms for emgemologist.com, work with steve, new/close out w/o's, gather data for customer follow up, work on sked for week of 3 Jul, phones radlog online questions.
, Answered phones, checked RadLog and Dial Up Issues in the down times., Started work on collage for the Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere campaign for brochures and banners for the Syracuse Buisness Fair, NorthCountryNow.Com - Tried to locate problem in banner ad image uploading system (caused by NT file locking). Could not correct so rebuilding the banner ad system and adding manual sorting features, Pig out on Lunch, Posted acct and opened mail. ans phones., food, Install Router Cofigurations for Sithe's Energies in Ogdensburg, client e-mail, researching the Mass network solutions DNS changes for all the domains Randy has tasked me with., conf call with jeff and dave, Working on getting things ready on my SQL server so that is can hoist the CNYMN database temporarily. Converting softmls2 databaase to start off empty and also adding some new fields, Messing with my web cam/streaming video, research Flash designs for Vermont Internet portal site, had a few general questions. did some callbacks, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packup., Busy again, phones, dial up issues, radlog, email, Checked and called customer who left voice mail messages.,