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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:49:03 PM
Very weird for sure but I guarantee no code in ASPProtect is deleting that folder. Something else is going on the server and deleting it and I have no idea what it would be.
Maybe try leaving a blank text file in it and see if the folder disappears after a few days.,
I want to create a user for my manager. This user should be able to see
all statistics (Reports) and all (Banners). But, he should not be able
to edit anything.
How can I create the type of user described above?
Best regards,
Mohammad Al-Mohsin
I have purchased the Standard version about a week ago. Its a great script.
I have been able to select uploaded banners from day one... but just now i dont seem to be able to select...
i know its hard for you to trouble shoot with such little information.. but i had to ask..
Should i maybe upload the site again ( but same the database first)?
Sydney, Australia
, Not a problem. Have a good time at your wedding.
thanks! , I have ASP Photogallery running and it seems to be great, but I would like to allow uploads using DUNDAS the problem is I can't seem to find it on the linked website. I did find an EXE install in another place but I am running on a Shared Host (Godaddy) and can't run an executable on it. Where can I find Dundas and is there a way to install it without running an EXE??, well, I was curious myself so I just tried it.
Good news is it worked just as I thought.
Only problem is your changing things to allow authentication info to be passed over the net in a url. If you can live with the security implications then it will work. I mean a sniffer could see that and end up knowing the username and password.. not likely but just putting that out there.
Of course now that I think about it unless you are running under SSL (https://) when you log in normally that info is in the post info anyway and possible to get at.. course not right out in the open like when you put it in the url and less likely to be noticed.
As long as your not doing it to access critical areas like the admin pages... and you monitor the log files once in a while it's probably nothing to worry about. , Have tried doing that but same error...
I am successfully using ASP protect on our site. I have one question:
The file Check_user_inc.asp looks a bit bland as I can't seem to use the sites Dreamweaver template. If I apply a template to this page, it is duplicated on other pages with this template.
How can I apply a template to this page?
, aspprotect does not use a global.asa file
I would start by looking there and seeing what is going on ... with line 33
I dont see how it could be related to aspprotect in any way
Global.asa files fire on their own and what they do depends on what code is put in them, False alarm. Dumb user alert (both the classifieds customer and me).
When I test fixes, I need to be looking at the right Ad_ID to get correct results  , (Password_Email_Confirmation_Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This will change the basic registration pages so that the email address and password entered must be confirmed when signing up. This eliminates the auto generated password during signup.
Some may prefer it working this way.

Directions: Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
Copy the two new files into your "users" folder
"register.asp" "add_new_account.asp"
2005-12-01_182201_Password_Email_Confirmation_Mod.zip , Yes worked fine
thanks , the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.
, ok... lets forget about all this redirecting business for a minute
when I go to "GP01.asp" directly via your web site I get a big nasty error that says this
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/protect/config_inc.asp, line 15 Dim Address_Required,CDONTS_Installed,City_Required,Registration _Type,VerifyURL,Log_Off_Page
then when I look at what you did in that file I see why
you have this code which is totally wrong because you cannot include the password protection file twice <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
it should be <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %>
<% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> and that is probably the root of this entire problem.. the redirection was working... but you were sending them to invalid pages with errors
all those pages are wrong... if you dont see the real error above see this http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo11-1.htm
if you look over the aspprotect 7 installation instructions that is the very 1st thing I tell people to do
hopefully this is the info you need to continue and get some work done , Version 7 uses.. RC4
The upgrade process is described here in detail including a procedure to convert existing clear text passwords to the encrypted versions. (Your passwords will need to be clear text as the system shipped of course for the conversion to do its thing)
It is also covered in the downloadbale docs http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo221-1.htm
Many people have done the upgrade without any issues and Version 7 is getting great feedback.
Should you decide to go with it there is upgrade pricing. http://www.aspprotect.com/purchase_v7_upgrade_pricing.asp , ok...
you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..
You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ? , Say, is it possible to get something to whack every totally inactive account? Preferably joke ones that nobody every actually logged on with.
I'd want to have it delete the account if the following conditions were met:
1. Active = NO 2. Counter < 1 or is a null value 3. Access <1 or is a null value (some people may have logged on and let their accounts expire, so they may want to log back in again with the same info)
I suppose an advanced version of a mass delete tool would allow the admin to select different parameters, but there would DEFINITELY need to be a "Are you sure? REALLY REALLY SURE???" step in there to make sure you didn't toast your database without being stupid twice in a row.
If I knew ASP code, I'd write it myself. I don't, so I make a pitch for a new feature...  cwilliams38456.0980671296, like I said you made changes to something to cause that...
runs fine the way it ships "it is one of things I tested earlier when I looked at your installation for you"
If you want I'll go look via FTP and tell you what is wrong cwilliams38456.1069212963, ummm.. ok.. Then this doesnt make sense. On two out of the three machines I have in house here, the images do not show up. They only show up on the server machine. I am using the constant url on all three machines. www.rfamilystuff.com Does it show up on your?
, here is the next response to this which was emailed to me but should have been posted here
From: Mo Afifi Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 4:47 PM To: CJWSoft Support Info Subject: Re: CJWSoft Support Info : SSL - Verisign Certifcates
Thank you for responding to my posting. In the second line of your response you said “not start them off at an http:// url". I think what you meant is to "not start them off at an https:// url". If this is your intention then I agree with you 100%. I have revised my pages so the users will go first to a non-https page and then make a choice either to use secure or non-secure access. Please note that the site is not intended to be completely SSL protected but only the sign up pages. I have another problem though when I click on the "Secure Log In" and enter my log in information; the entire subsequent URLs will have https:// in them which I could not shake off. As I said the intention was to use the https for sign in only.
I realize that this issue does not have any thing to do with your product, but any input will be appreciated. Best,
, I am out of the server now and I have to get up early to help friends pour concrete in a huge building in 20-30 degree weather (woo hoo)
So I am going to take a break on this until later tommoro.
In the mean time try connecting to the access database with no password on it as well as the access 97 version that I put in the data folder... and see if it runs any faster...screens like the user screen should load fast... not after 15 seconds of waiting like they seem to be doing right now
If none of that helps which it probably wont I can set up the database for you here including the importing later tommoro when I am done pouring concrete , Is there a way to protect other virtual sites on the server that are not under the default web site considering people may have different websites running off one server? I get the following error:
Parser Error Message: Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
Source Error:
Line 1: <%@ Register TagPrefix="aspprotect" TagName="checkaccess" Src="../../protectpage.ascx" %>
Line 2: <aspprotect:checkaccess level="4" groups="null" runat="server"></aspprotect:checkaccess>
Line 3:
, And I'm the one who finds those rarities! I'm not surprised. 
Oh well...this should be interesting trying to get an 80 year old man to change his password.
Thanks for your quick responses Chris. This is still an awesome membership system!
Mick , I have been told it does as I got about 5 people or so who upgraded but I have not used SQL 2005 yet. I'll order a copy., ok.
sorry then..
I just had a series of fraudulant orders this past week including today and the whole thing has me on edge. (foreign people getting my code for free and doing who knows what with it) When you mentioned calling the cc company it pushed all the right buttons.
Merry Christmas, Parent Paths ?
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&P N=1
, I purchased and installed the full version ASPProtect 6.0 in Feb 05 (must have been just before 7.0 came out) and have been using CDONTS for email authorization during the registration process.
It was working fine for about three months. Now, after registering, the email authorization is NOT delivered to the new registrant. There are no error messages.It just doesn't arrive.
Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.
, hi,
no.., not unless you come up with some clever way to handle it on your own http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=369&KW =https read 2nd to last post
The way ASPProtect ships it is designed to either be in http:// the whole time or https:// the whole time.... (there curently is no solution from me allowing going from one to the other)
, Just got back 10 minutes ago.. Missed plane yesterday because of traffic and the flight today was 3 hours plus 4 hours of driving
The fact that you are using Server 2003 is not relevant. I am very familiar with it and all my sites run on it.
The ASPNET account will be there by default once the .NET framework is installed. It won’t just show up in the list, you have to search for it like my article mentions.
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp
That error really means exactly what it says. You have to give that account permissions correctly. , I am running Windows 2000 server. I do believe asp.net IS installed as I have the .NET 1.1 framework installed.
Funny about the bounce backs. I am at about 10% of my limit, which I control as I am the network admin. I'll check into that. , Thought that was already done....
Back to the drawing board... , I'am in the process of modifing registration and tieing in paypal. When I get live I will send you a link. Thanks for help.
John , It turns out that I never enabled ASP.net on the site. After doing that the skins work much better. I'll have to poke around and see what other functionality is now available.
Al , That worked...but when I tried importing the test user, the password was imported in an add formated...like it was encrypted, and I can't log in using the User ID that I imported., well, for now you have to watch the logs. What your talking about would take up a lot of server resources and database space to keep track of. Maybe some day, but no plans at the moment., Christopher,
I can empathize. It can be a real pain to stablize a server and fend off hack attacks.
As for beta testing, I was referring to once you get to the point where you're ready to release it to the public whether it's this month, next month, etc.
Good Luck!
Al , if you use either of those options the mail server info you use must of course be valid (example: mail.somesite.com) your host can provide that info
you should also make sure your sending the emails using an account at your email server.. not some other email you have
other than that if it does not send emails it could be because your hosting company may require authentication for outgoing emails...
ask them ...
if that is the case the version of ASPBanner you have does not support sending email that way and you would need to add the necessary code to any places that send email... in order for emailing to work , I would highly suggest setting up a DSN-LESS connection.
That system dsn is most likely the source of your trouble It is probably that or permissions are still not correct.
I can't tell you how many people have had trouble with system dsn's and finally set up a dsn-less connection and everything then worked as it should.
The location of your database is fine as long as permissions are truly set correctly like I mentioned.
Also, be sure you are setting the database type correctly in the dataconn_inc.asp file. That can cause problems as well as some people have been known to delete that line.
See my articles...
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=40&KW= system+dsn , check permissions for the user you are connecting to the SQL database. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo122-1.htm
That user may not have permission to make new data
Also, check all field and table settings manually by comparing them to the SQL creation script we provide. You may very well be missing auto increment and primary keys which would make adding new data not work.
It is most likely one of those two things. , humm, yea thats a data connection error.. really not related to the asp code in the application for the most part.
that is low level
I would make sure permissions are set correctly on the database folder (not just the database file itself)
I would make sure your using at least a 2000 version of the database. 2003-2003 format being better..
I would make sure the server has up to date mdac/odbc drivers.. (that is really the server admins responsibility)
As for permissions there are articles in our forums about exactly how they need to be set. Improper permissions can cause a ton of random errors like that.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:49:03 PM
Answered billing related questions., working on user manual (putting in referral coupon), converting fonts, requesting more user manual covers from Jason, working in newsletter, helping other techs with calls, Review background telecom materials, Posted accounts and did a detail of check and cash for a bank deposit. Customer inquiries, credit card authorizations, coupon referrals, and ans.phone. , Working w/ Bruce from electrical co for Herald Bldg... to get lines run from 135 Park to 130 Park. Check the demarcation point, get plywood for install on wall. Gather matierials... wire, rj-12/66 block, and finding temprory phone lines. Scheduled for wriing to be done w/ Bruce the next morning., teched phone calls, Unload Equip Inventory at LL108, WDT Sports Pix, stayed pretty busy. Long phone calls, TownofClayton.com find photos appropriate for website and photoshop work, tech support supv duties... callbacks, voice mail, dial up issues, ask us a question.
Heike went home at 4pm (was slow ), installing 2000 on NOC room workstations and setting and mounting my station pc in it's harnes, morning ticc meeting, WaN FOLLOW UP- SCHEDULED sEACOMM AND TEALS WITH jIM AND sETH, followed up on the Lyle Seaman lead. Set up folder for the Knowlton Lead, Golf with your BUDDIES - flash sequence, contact penny- check emial/voice mail
send in work order request for Chris bryns;- send to Peggy and tom and Dave
, Company Brochure, answered phones. did a couple of dial up issues. did an ask us a question, Amy in office about backtobasicspetfood.com, TRAVELED TO FULTON COUNTY, steady afternoon, wasn't able to take a lunch, did take about a 10 minute break. , print invoices, readied money for Clayton, answered phone, sign-ups, reactivations, cancellations, filing, General, banking and entering deposit, Manager Meeting, Changing passwords, Manning NOC. Resetting open modems. Checking e-mail. Fixing a printing problem with Joann's computer. Starting to clean up server room., vacation day, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Call-Backs, Clayton to Watertown.,