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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:46 PM

its part of how the skins load.. regardless you got bigger problems here..

I am beginning to wonder if you unzipped the download correctly because I see things in folders they should not be in...

you should have ended up with a bunch of folders and files...

It you just ended up with a ton of files in one directory you did not unzip the zip file correctly... if so check your zip program settings.. I mean that error is because it is looking for a file in the skins folder that isn't there and it should be there

better yet, unzip the downloaded zip file using windows xp built in unzipping features which will do it correctly...


The Pop-Up Javascript Date Pickers will only show up of your server's regional settings are set to one of two lCID values.

1033 which is English - United States
mm/dd/yyyy date format


2057 which is English - United Kingdom
dd/mm/yyyy date format


Many servers are set to run the default LCID which is 2048 so the banner system will not show the date pickers.

This setting can however be easily overwritten when using the ASPBanner system.

Edit the "config_inc.asp" file with a text editor.

Add this code between the <% and %> tags.
Near the top is good 

Session.LCID = 1033


Session.LCID = 2057

depending on what date format you are looking to use

Save the file and go edit a banner. The date pickers should be there now.


I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am .
http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry

, Please try this URL www.telepedia.net/pages/chem_periex.asp
It is protected by GROUPACCESS "6" and the username:dimitris and password:tele
In the administration area, I have arranged this username as member of the group 6.
Thank you in advance for your help

In a way your questions are confusing to me, but here is some information regardless.

Using Active Sever pages you can not protect entire folders. It is simply not possible. ASPProtect is Active Server Pages scripts so it can only protect individual ".asp" files.

If you are concerned about customers downloading the access database..

best practive is to store it in different folder name than it came in
best practive is to give the database .mdb file itself a different name
best practive is to change the password on the access database
best practice is to store it in a directory that is not part of your web if possible.. many of the better hosting companies have it set up so you actually can do that

the more of these things you can do the better..

And if you are really worried about security you should use a SQL Server database which nobody can download from your website under any conditions because your data lives in the sql server and unless they get the username/password to it they can not access it.


Are you reffering to the number of the left of the users name in admin.

I thought it was a counter at first but that number only displays the number of albums they have set up.



I am using the upload_post_VBSCRIPT.asp to upload the pictures. My concern is the security of this. For instance I've seen some sites get hacked by a user uploading a file (going through the same process) and ending up crashing the entire server.

I tried adding .jpeg to the end of a text file (filename.vbs.jpeg) and then uploading it, and the file was actually uploaded. Is this a potential problem?



eeye38447.0388541667, Having a quality professionally set up ASP.NET server that is going to support your needs is CRITICAL whether it is yours or someone elses. Them saying they will not set permissions is useless. Quite honestly Network Solutions is a joke when it comes to ASP.NET hosting. They are all about CHEAP MASS HOSTING and that is not where you go when you plan on running complex ASP.NET applications. What good is ASP.NET hosting if you can not permissions set on folders you need it for? A lot of people run ASPProtect.NET and their hosts set permissions for them without issue. We made one folder that they could click on and set all permissions at once easily. If they truly knew anything they would understand that and set permissions for you in a heartbeart. You have to have a correctly set up server or a hosting company that is serious about your ASP hosting needs.

I mean you come to us with this mess of a situation, we tell you its a bad setup. We tell you to rebuild the server correctly or make a new one. Now instead of doing that you come to us with another mess of a situation.  Now you act all frustrated because you have spent so much time on this. How the heck do you think we learned everything we know ? Do you think we have never spent weeks on a problem or stayed up for 4 nights in a row without sleep. That is how you learn and it is called experience. I have no sympathy for someone that complains about how long something took because I am right there with the best of them and I have paid my dues.

Have you by chance read all of this thread below because despite what you keep telling me you are totally falling into this category.
Granted you may not be "Joe Coder" but you are definetly "that guy" who doesn't really know what is going on with ASP.NET. "that guy" who sets up his own server and knows enough to be dangerous. You definetly have enough sense/basic skills to dig around and read articles and try things but when you are on the wrong track that only helps out so much.

Also: I really was pretty tired when I got home last night, but now that I really think about what you did with that webserver/domain controller is about the worst moves possible when it comes to IIS hosting setups.. That is just SO BAD !!  Now, don't think that I haven't done some REAL stupid things in the past. John too, like the time 5 or so years back when thought he could make a Windows XP Pro webserver for serious non development use . Anyway, that is how you learn. I suggest you get your server running correctly (not a domain controller) or you get a real host like www.alentus.com for your asp hosting needs. I mean you can get an account for like 10.00 a month and end all these headaches right now. I even know one of the head techs there as well as the general manager. Their ASP and ASP.NET support is 2nd to none.

You may not like what I have to say, (hell, I can pretty much guarantee you won't) but I tell it like it is and in the long run you will be better off for it.. We spent a ton of time developing the .NET version of this product and we sell it way less than it is worth especially since we provide source code. It is an awesome product, but if the server isn't truly and correctly supporting ASP.NET or they host will not set permissions than it is out of our hands. As far as I am concerned anything else is a waste of everyone's time. I am not going to play that game. Quite frankly, you need to get your stuff together. Nothing you have come up with so far has anything to do with a bug with ASPProtect.NET. Everything has been server related.


, Thanks, I know, I have it all figured out and have thought about it before. Just no time yet to do it.  It will probably be an add-on/mod when I get time. ,

here ya go




, You shouldn't be renaming or moving anything... unless you really really understand what you are doing and are at an expert level expert as far as ASP coding goes.

like I said earlier..
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=354&ge t=last#1130

redirecting with version 6 is not supported but this thread tells you exactly how to set it up (I showed you this thread in an that earlier post)

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=17&KW= redirect

This thread below may also help in case the page you want to start on with a login form should not be password protected..

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo18-2.htm ,

I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.

It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.

You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.

Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.

You want to run a special page via the browser.


Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you.
See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that.


The company is called Eschelon - there customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I have contacted them again and they said that they require the account holder to manage permissions, they won't make changes. I wish they would have told me that a week ago when I asked them about changing the permissions. They haven't responded to me yet how I am to do that though.

Frontpage ext. are not installed.

Once I hear back from them about how I connect to manage rights I should be all set.

Thanks again for all your help!

, Its a great idea. I didnt really check the counter until the album started working. Its a great concept though.,

well, I need more details..

you got SQL server or data connection issues is pretty much the bottom line

If I remember right we went down this road with a SQL setup quite a while back (auguest 2005) and that never really got resolved

here it is
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=321&KW =yiak




If you code support for it yes, the application comes with no paypal code or support built in.

If you think it will help you, you are welcome to a copy of the classic asp version which supports paypal subscriptions. Perhaps looking at the code would help you.

, Ok, I tried what you suggested but the program won't let me leave the date area on the banner ad blank. I reset it to a date in 2010.

I deleted the Level 1 Access note in the notes area.

I then attempted to access the banner stats using the correct info and the right link.  Again,  got this message: 


INVALID Username & Password


Any ideas? Should I just delete the whole account and start fresh?


, Just installed sofware everything works fine except I see no way to upload any photos.  There is no reference or link to allow an upload on any of the asp pages (I have surfed them all).  I am sure it is something simple, but I am not aware.  I am using SQL2000.,

A very common and extremely bothersome error encountered when running ASP apps that connect to a database is the "80004005" error. It comes in many varieties.

These articles cover it.

(an article I wrote)

(more articles)

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3065 18


http://www.macromedia.com/support/ultradev/ts/documents/8004 005_cannot_open_unknown.htm



cwilliams38102.4447222222, here is the next response to this which was emailed to me but should have been posted here

From: Mo Afifi
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 4:47 PM
To: CJWSoft Support Info
Subject: Re: CJWSoft Support Info : SSL - Verisign Certifcates


Thank you for responding to my posting. In the second line of your response you said “not start them off at an http:// url". I think what you meant is to "not start them off at an https:// url". If this is your intention then I agree with you 100%. I have revised my pages so the users will go first to a non-https page and then make a choice either to use secure or non-secure access. Please note that the site is not intended to be completely SSL protected but only the sign up pages. I have another problem though when I click on the "Secure Log In" and enter my log in information; the entire subsequent URLs will have https:// in them which I could not shake off. As I said the intention was to use the https for sign in only.

 I realize that this issue does not have any thing to do with your product, but any input will be appreciated. Best,



Than you 

I'm happy after changing to XML parser for two of the ads. Later I'll change the other codes to XML, never to use iframe again!


I would highly suggest setting up a DSN-LESS connection.

That system dsn is most likely the source of your trouble It is probably that or permissions are still not correct.

I can't tell you how many people have had trouble with system dsn's and finally set up a dsn-less connection and everything then worked as it should.

The location of your database is fine as long as permissions are truly set correctly like I mentioned.

Also, be sure you are setting the database type correctly in the dataconn_inc.asp file. That can cause problems as well as some people have been known to delete that line.

See my articles...



http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=40&KW= system+dsn


this could go on forever...

if you want PM "private message" me info to log into your site.. show me the pages we are dealing with...

and I will take a look at it all...


, (customer replied aug-sep 2005)

OK, you have old code then... I will send you some updated files that you can try.. let me know here if it solves the problem. , It works. Thanks Chris. ,

Hi Chris,

When I run the physical map test this is what I get:

The Physical path to this virtual website is: \\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004

Will that work correctly without a drive letter specified?





It's not normal at all. My guess you accidently edited the code in a bad way.

(thats the same code the every guestbook in every application I sell uses including ASPGuest which gets downloaded for free about 50 times a day)

No one has ever said it acted funny.

I would do a default installation with the original code somewhere and see if the problem occurs. If it does I can take a look.

In the meantime I wouldn't be running that as it is probably using up massive processor time because of whatever is wrong with it. 

cwilliams38454.954212963, ok, that does not work but that still is not enough to help me troubleshoot.

I'll probably need to look around in your admin area and check things out in order to figure anything out.

I will also need to see the protection code you put on that page exactly as it appears.

PM (private message) the admin usersname/password to me if that is ok with you and I will check it out

it's really the only way I can help with an issue like this. I have to make sure you didn't do something wrong and then go from there ,

Could be a mod I guess - it would be nice to have an option on the admin settings page to lock down access of all pages and redirect to a specified  "lockdown" page upon attempted login.

If I'm updating the large files on the server and someone attempts a download, they'll get a partial ZIP file or an error.



Parent paths being enabled on the server is a requirement of the application. That error means just what it says.

you can change all the server side includes to virtual includes that will work or you can ask you host to enable parent paths.. those are the options

more here...


, How about the option to add an unsubscribe link to the end of newsletters that are sent out and a function that will uncheck the newletter field for that record if they click on the link?


Michelle  ,


Thanks for the reply. I think I've found my problem, but can't test until later in the evening as it is on a live site.



The problem was in config_inc.asp. we had renamed the field in the DB but didn't change it in this file.

But we changed it, it is back to normal.




Here is the complete page with the error message:

============================================================ ===

Unspecified error

This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.

If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.

Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.

ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"

If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.

If you are using a System DSN

It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.

============================================================ ===

I am the only one on the site since I just transferred the files and in the testing phase.  It is using an MSAccess DB



No I didn't...

The one I tried is the hosted one at my provider which I gave you the link for.

Thanks very much.  I will get that one and it may be much easier if I need to get into the Nitty Gritty of the database at some time.


, Thanks dude, I'll figure it out.  I've been ripping apart pieces of the code to get it.  I'm in the process of pulling some things out to make functions that do specific tasks based on your code.  I actually had a lot of luck yesterday with it. , I've been working on it for quite some time.... doesn't seem to be working as of yet :(,

that really does not make any sense...

I dont know what else to tell you as this really shouldn't be anything too difficult to sort out...

redirection based on criteria is not something aspprotect does by default... I try to help a bit... I've shown everyone how to do it in this thread...I know plenty of people doing it... I've done it myself... I know it works

let me ask you this... are you using ASPProtect 6 with the Option Pack ?
I assume you must be or you would not have the Groups feature ?
And you asked this question in the ASPProtect 6 section.

but then maybe your using 7.. I do not know

this should all work the same either way

, I have found the alternate databases and they do not work either. I then went back and changed the database path in the asptest page to connect to the 2000 and 2002 test databases and it connected successfully to both of those databases, just as it had successfully connected to the asptest.mdb.,

UPDATE... on very very busy sites these methods have been reported to fail once in a while..  meaning .NET gets overloaded and instead of a banner its shows some error code.

its not the banner system .. its the .net engine and the calling method


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:37:46 PM

Spoke with Tim Hammill about becoming pc bundle reseller. Q&A session with him. Called JW about seneca data systems. Tried to fix broken keyboard system., not too busy, ti sun progress ad, helped a customer with DUN problems, S, very slow day. checked radlogs. did a few setups, Set up office space and worked on Insurance files, Sicard- set up apopintment with phil monday at 2:00pm watertown Nelson- spoke with kyle- contact back next week Bob Nelson- info for web site Work order created for calumet motel goover billing questions ith kathy - red cross workorder for ti bait store work order for jammedmm- add to work order system Jim: Everthing going fine Carthage federal - creat work order for changes- terri problem - user fault schedule appointment for billing. Hi-lte markings- left message do weekly csr report cny bmx- SENT EMAIL FOR WEB SITE HOSTING INFO, CALLED LEFT MESSAGE FOR NEIGHBORHOOD SUPERMARKETS IWTHFOR dON BERRY, cash flow, USA1Net, HB, Gisco, Bell Atlantic - overnight mail at post office, Driving to Madrid. 50miles, phone calls for status of projects, CHRSolutions, Howard, There was problems with customers calls being relayed to the tech phones. During times of waiting I also monitored Rad log and made calls accordingly. Most calls regarded e-mail and dial up issues that were solved with no problem., administrative tasks, phone calls, emails - , still slow, no problems., mrtg- added pops to traffic monitoring - worked on adding interface to all monitors - created pages for summaries, tech supv duties, assigned issues, follow ups, ask us a questions, dial up issues, voicemail, emails, radlog, emonitor , callbacks, justin did radlog tonight worked out well... , updated calendar and did a coupon for someone who came into the office -was not sure that it was up on the homepage., TICC A/R collections, email, voicemail, worked on tying up loose ends on mj nohle, champion rock, bill and jacks, other calls, sonnys farm market, river village realty, remington museum, Warren Co. DB Conv., email & vmail response., Stayed a little longer because it got pretty busy. Checked DUI, voice mail, RL, and stuffed envelopes., REading and responding to emails and voice mail, Looking for a way to make the adult content filtering software expire after one use., Batched and answering phone. , Decided to take off on time today. The day was steady, not stressful and overly busy. The day went quick. No online issues and not a single voicemail. The calls came in with perfect timing. , Jason Aldus - Vermont Dept. of Agriculture, Chaut. DB conv.,

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