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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:49:18 PM

I am using ASPProtect's password program, which has been very successful, for managing over 1,500 military veterans' memberships at http://www.vspa.com.  What I am trying to do now is utilize the "Groups" code, as generated by the Admin page, to prevent members with expired accounts (and non-members) from accessing restricted "members only" .ASP pages they may have bookmarked, or found via web search. The code generated and used is as follows:

<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * ADMIN * Member Current * Member Life * Officer/Staff * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "10,12,14,19" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->

The above is placed over the <html><head> statements on the page.

When I am logged in the code works perfectly! When I log off and try the URL again, the page appears in its entirety but with a Login box for Username and Login Password at the top of the page. You may view the problem at: http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp .

What I would like to have happen is expired members and non-members would be sent (or Redirected) to a Login page. I do not want the Login password box to merely be inserted above the page that I am trying to keep them from visiting.

Don Poss,
VSPA Webmaster


The setting I am most interested in is what you have for the "Pic_Max_Image_Width" used when the image resizing components resize the big image

setting it to nothing or zero could cause this


If you still cant see the upload buttons after checking the settings send me a PM with the info and I will take a look at your installation. It will have to be up on a live server of course.


sure, there are reasons AOL would block the email.. it might think it is spam or it might not like the fact that fact that a cdonts generated email has no MX records because it can not..

for more on MX records read my CDOSYS article

as far as the emails not being sent because notifications are off. I was not aware of that and will try to look into it.. Version 6 is no longer worked on but if I can find the time I will check that out


, aspprotect does not use a global.asa file

I would start by looking there and seeing what is going on ... with line 33

I dont see how it could be related to aspprotect in any way

Global.asa files fire on their own and what they do depends on what code is put in them, When I go to set up a new user, my user name and password are already in the window. And I am un-sure why. I start a new browser, and again that my same user name and password is in that window.,

Chris: You are right about a little extra coding to make it work. I am still learning .ASP coding, so I did a little web searching and used IF THEN statments to confirm a member logged in with a valid Access Code. If valid, the protected page executes, with the Member's Name and Access Level on a single line at the top of that page. Looks sharp! If not logged in, or a non member (who found the page via Google), I used a Redirect to send s/he to a login page with optional links as you suggested (http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-failed.asp) . I couldn't get it to work when using Group Access, but I am sure that is just because I am a novice at .ASP (I will post that example when I figure it out). Meanwhile, here's the code I used that works:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dataconn_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config_inc.asp"-->
<% =Session("First_Name") %>&nbsp;<% =Session("Last_Name") %>:
If Session("Access_Level") = "6"  Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Active Member Access Level 6"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "7" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Life Member Access Level 7"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "8" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Officer/Staff Access Level 8"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") < "6" Then
    Response.Write "Access Level 1-6 NOT AUTHORIZED RESTRICTED AREA ACCESS"
End If
%><!-- http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp -->
<!-- *** End ASPProtect Code *** -->



Not really sure how to do this.... i think you know what i am looking to do.. is there anyway you can show me or create that solution for me? It would prob. take you minutes as its been taking me hours


Our webhost set the permissions, but the error is still there, so that is obviously not the problem.  We now have both our webhost and our asp support technician trying to figure out the problem and everyone is stumped.  Can you please provide us with the following information to help us out:

1) what is the name of the file that sets the connection string?

2) what is the name of the file, if it is different from above, that sets the password of the database?




server: windows

option pack: yes (after the install I have this problems with groups and edit users )

host permissions: yes

Active Server Pages error 'ASP0113' Script time out/password_admin/groups.asp The maximum amount of the time for a script to execute was exceeded. ...



ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.

Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.

A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.

Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.

For example..

You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly

Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  2-8 would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  3-8 would have access..

and so on... I think you should get the picture by now

, [QUOTE=afifm]

I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.

If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then  
 SearchFlag = True
End If
If SearchFlag <> True Then
If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then 
<!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" -->
<title>My Title</title>



My Protected stuff here



For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.




I just added couple of lines and it works fine

If (Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) = "xxx.xx.xxx.xxx" Then 
 ' Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes"
 SearchFlag = true
End If


can add photo album but after i upload a pic, nothing shows.

where do i look to research why pics aren't showing in the albums


let's try this... edit that page with a text editor like notepad...

Carefully replace any instance of "Cint" with "CDbl".. I may have missed some of those when testing the last time I edited the code.

,  I moved the password check file out of /user and am getting this message:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/asplog/check_user_inc.asp, line 404

End If
Is this a standard database connection error so I should ask my IIS to make sure permissions are correct?

Is there an easy way to make this work with reoccurring a monthly or yearly subscription?



I've given the IUSR account modify access for the aspprotect folder.

In the ODBC manager module on the webserver I've taken out the aspprotect access driver option.

The dataconn_inc.asp line reads as

ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\missourirealtor.org\members\aspprotect\data\database \ASPProtect_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"

Now this should make it DNS-less correct? with the permissions set properly?

I've also taken out the password on the access database.

The original database of users I had was an access database from a different program called spooky login.  I exported them into a tab delimited file and changed the column headings to match those in aspprotect exactly.  Actually access would not let me import them in the databases without them being exact.

I imported that information directly using access's import options.  I tried the import/export manager in aspprotect but kept timing out as well.


, Ahhh, I see it, thanks that was the ticket.


When I attempt to upload, it appears that the image uploads. I get a "Original Image Size 0 X 0 pixels"


they don't appear in the web pages, any thoughts? I am using VBscript to upload, my host has safileup but I am unable to use it in this script, thanks for any help


here's the site link

Never mind, had the path to the image folder screwed up 

, no, but in the standard version it probably will not run so great with more than 75 or so.

The unlimited version can handle pretty much whatever.,

Did you see this thread. It shows how to set up the project in Visual Studio in detail.



In my search for a product to administer my banners I came across ASPBanner. In my site: http://www.lovenest.co.il I have 3 locations for banners:
In the top section a big banner and a small banner
At the bottom a serie of 5 banners.
My question: is it possible to place a list of banners (let's say 8 banners) and randomally pull 5 banners each time the page loads?
If yes please explain in detail.
, Hi, lets start with about when did you purchase and download the application so I know what version of the code you have.,

The album ID thing is completely normal and by design. Once an ID in the database is used it can not be used again. That is how autonumber fields in a database work.

As far as not being able to delete images... Are you by chance using ASP.NET to show dynamic thumbnails... Because if you are you must turn that feature off and wait 20 minutes or so (maybe more) before you will be able to delete any of the images. It is because the current version of the ASP.NET script used to make the thumbnails locks the images on the server temporarily anytime it creates a thumbnail.

It is a known issue... and there is no fix at the moment other than what I told you above.

I am having difficulty properly securing pdf's using 7.x
I used the example file and have been able to secure images and word docs, but the pdf's give users the error "There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found."

The kicker -- it works fine on my computer, just not anyone else's. I put a link up to the same file without any security and that works on everyone's computer. The word file links and redirects work too. I've tried my log-in on other computers, then attempting to download the pdf and that doesn't work.

The client wants a site where users must register before downloading pdf's. They should be able to view all the pages without registering.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I can't complete the site until this issue is resolved.

Help appreciated.

, Can you please elaborate on this?  I have a flash banner that is on my site.  All of the info is in the code banner section.  In the banner link section, I have nothing.  Do I need to actually edit the swf file with redirect URL?  How do I edit the swf file?  Once that is edited, do I put the URL of the site in the Link URL space?  Thanks. ,

Okay, so I copied the txt file into the export file and tried the import users option and it timed out on me as well. 

Would it be easier to figure out if you were able to look at the iis server?


This is a great article from my old powerasp.com site.
Connections And Server Database Permissions



Turn off "Show Friendly HTTP error messages"
If you are getting errors with your ASP application go to Internet Explorer and make sure this setting is unchecked. Having this checked can cause a generic error to be displayed in you web browser when ASP code encounters an error. This generic error message doesn't really help you fix the problem. Having this setting unchecked will usually result in a more detailed error message and the line number the error is occurring at, thus giving you a good clue as to where the problem is within the ASP code. If detailed ASP error messages have been disabled at the server level this setting will make no difference.


You cant do it from initial lohin, but you can do it from the time of registration signup.

As for the emailing thing it is most likely an email sending issue more than a code problem. For example spam filters incorrectly grabiing those emails or something of that nature..

Best thing to do is try different things for emailing options until you get something that works. I suggest using CDOSYS with a real email server and using a valid email account for yourself at that email domain. SMTP authentication if necessary. This will ensure the emails sent have valid MX records and dont get treated as spam.



When I designed the system I never really intended people to type in long descriptions for pictures

and if they did I assumed they would use the enter key once in while..

but I guess people dont do that

This thread is along the same lines and shows what someone else did about this..


though they are talking about a different page its the same issue

, I just made a new admin account and I still can not log in using it ?

Did you by chance edit the code by adding LCID info or something like that ? Something is just very wrong. 

The simple example protected pages can not even be logged into ?

, Totally 100% depends on what you are doing.. you certainly can't be renaming any fields unless you plan on editing a lot of code that references them. Adding new fields is nothing to worry about.

Also, you really should post a question like this under the forum section for the application you are referring to as well as specify exactly what changes you are talking about. For example I don't even know what application you are referring to.

I sell about 8 applications.,

I appreciate the offer to beta test... but its really more a matter of me getting it ready..

I have a lot done.. but a lot of things are hard coded to only work on my machine and some things have not been sorted out. Giving it to someone else to test would be a waste of time at this point as I they probably couldn’t even run it.

Lately the reason this project has fallen behind has all to do with my main webserver where I collocate.

1st it got compromised (we think by certain competitors who are always up to no good)... then windows 2003 server which I decided to go with on the new server gave me random problems... then the Cisco hardware firewall was acting up and making the sites run slow....then SQL server attacks on port 1433 from Korea when I took the firewall down....and as of the last few days I think the server just needs a new power supply. I swear for the last 2 months I have spent more time administrating my servers than working on code. Yesterday it was locking up every 30 minutes. There have been a lot of days like that and it takes up all my time until I get it situated.  Especially since its over 100 miles to the collocation center. The APC unit I installed that allows me to remotely cut the power to hard reboot is a life saver.

Fun... I tell ya... and expensive.. (hardware, software, lost sales, and time) I am pretty much completely broke at the moment. It has been a very expensive few months.

But I like running my own servers... I run dns servers, email servers, sql servers, web servers.. I do it all. It's keeps me in touch with the latest software/hardware. Regardless , my servers ran well for years and they will again.

anyway.. hopefully I can actually get a new version of the photo gallery out before the month is over. It will probably be the last classic asp version. The version after that will most likely be ASP.net.



VBScript is the most popular ASP scripting language, and has the most support available. I estimate that less than 5% of the ASP coders out there use anything other than vbscript

That being said it specifically says on the aspprotect site ASPProtect is only for use in protecting asp using "vbscript" as the language.



it is something I specified very clearly for this very reason.

Sorry, but you can not use ASPProtect to protect pages using Language="Javascript". The code is too complex to be mixed with server side Javascript.

To password protect asp pages written using "Javascript" you really need a an application specifically written in and designed to work with ASP pages written using "Javascript". And then of course that application would not be able to protect ".asp" pages written using "vbscript." (I mean never say never, but it would be a ton of work to get both working and I doubt you will ever see a commercial application that does both)

as for switching back and forth between vbscript and javascript you really can't except with very simple code. Doing so with anything complex can be extremely problematic because the order of execution sometimes gets all mixed up because of the complexity of the code being used.

That doesn't mean it can not work....

You would really want to do something like this.

do not specify a default language at the top

surround the aspprotect include file with this

<SCRIPT Language="vbscript">


surround your javascript code with this

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">


then make sure none the code including the aspprotect include file has any <% or %> tags in it

that means you have to remove that sort of thing everywhere... that means a lot of work if you used a lot of that sort of thing instead of response.writes to write out html type stuff

and again... I don't know if you would ever get it all working


Is it possible to set the user account time limits when they register? I am using email verification and am trying to have their accout expire 32 days after their initial login.

Also I have an issue with the email notification not notifying me when a new user logs in. It does a beautiful job notifying the new user.  I do not understand why my server will send to one and not the other, I ahve searched the links but none seem to answer this.

Thank you for your help and insight



it has been 3 days since I logged myself in under Admin, and all the user information on the User Activiy screen seemed to be gone.

is there any specific length of period it refreshes its user information??



Flash Code Generator

Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.



cwilliams38291.6146875, Now, back in the dark ages we had to use the command prompt to setup the MySQL database and all that fun stuff. I am not going to show you that method.

What happened was 100 different  3rd party companies developed interfaces to work with the MySQL server visually. Within the past year MySQL actually released its own little GUI for doing just that so I am going to show you how to do things using that.

Let's download and install it.

Go here

and download Windows (x86) MySQL Administrator
(1.1 is the most current version at the time of this article)

Installing that is a no-brainer as well. Just stick to the defaults and it will do its thing.

Now that it is finished.. run MySQL Administrator from your start menu.

It will ask for your "root" password that we entered when we set up the server.

Hit OK

You should see this if your MySQL server is runnign and you entered the correct password.

Now select the Catalogs Icon on the right.. go down to the Schemata section.. right click in the lower white area and choose Create New Schema

It will look like this

Essentially this is your database name. I am going to call my database "aspbanner"

Hit ok

Your now have a new database with nothing in it. We now need to run the MySQL database creation scripts that I provide which will create the Tables and Fields needed.

The easiest way when using the MySQL Administrator is to select the Restore icon on the left.

The choose "Open Backup File" in the lower right corner.. Browse to the "aspbanner_mysql.sql" file we provide. You can also download that file here. 2006-03-14_164927_MySQL_Script.zip

Once you select that file choose open...

Now, it is very important you choose the database you created earlier. Also known as Target Schema.. in this case I choose "aspbanner"

Now hit "Start Restore"

Ok, now the database has Tables and Fields

Click on the Catalogs Icon on the left and then select aspbanner from the schemata area in the lower left

You'll see we now have tables in the aspbanner database, Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database.,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:49:18 PM

working on GiSCO home page, updated staff info web page, made 50 user manuals, helped techs w/questions, Draft/review/teleconference regarding line of credit, Christensens, Al Jones, Working on cleaning up quality of stream coming out of server., Working with Dave Foster on new layout of partners site, Messages, Filing & Copies., various phone calls, prepare equipment for Grindstone Island install, Working on input sheets for softmls2.... Features such as server side form validation that is needed to check to make sure that when agents close a listing that they enter all required info as well, Checked out the admin page and logged in to see if everything was working correctly. After doing that, I will be adding the events calendar to the page. I had Tim help me go through a couple ways of adding the events calendar. I cleaned it up a little and changed the colors to match the existing page. I tested the page out and so far everything appears to be working correctly. I will be adding some finishing touches tomorrow and learning how to make the proper changes to take it live after approval. , White Lumber - site design..., LUNCH, input work orders- into timecard system , Lunch, 99-7-7 WHITESLUMBER ADDED PHOTOS TO LOCATIONS PAGE, RADLOG, Phones., Misc, Research use of Flash movies for Vermont internet Portal Site, Talked to Dave about Rob Knapp's illness., Site survey with Ed at the YMCA, TICC Team Mtg, working on sites, CLEC, Forecasting numbers to meet Bell and PSC Reports & Applications, Got Approval for the McCadam proposal, emailed it to Matt Davis, Spoke to Century 21 about ISDN or DSL, worked on Proposal for them, Spoke to Raymond about dedicated in Lowville. Sent information to Wadams hall- basedon their inquiry on the DSL site. Tried to create template for Business DSL proposals, Dave Maxon, reset web server on grubbage., SCU payment, talked with bc and jc about bus. fair., Froggy97 Events Calendar, Lunch, 25 Miles : Clayton - Watertown,

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