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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:51:24 PM
Okay, I'm going nuts trying to find that settings screen.
I've got a dedicated server that I connect to using "Remote Desktop
Connection" so it looks like a regular Windows desktop. It's running
Windows Server 2003.
There's a program called "IIS Manager" but I've looked at all the
options for all the different sections and I don't find anything that
looks even remotely like that screen. And, of course, Windows
Help is no help at all.
What program do I run to get to that configuration screen?
Robert Gidley
, OK, I just spent like an hour in your site.. I almost gave up
1st off... I don't know what FTP Program/Settings or what OS you are using but all the ASP Protect Files had been reformatted in a odd way which was causing some issues and the database also had problems. Your somehow introducing all sorts of UNIX line breaks to all the files and the database was actually missing some crucial parts of itself and was corrupted. So I had to update everything which means a new database. I have never seen anything like it but I fixed it all. Its something you are doing but I do not know what. Maybe your unzipping method again ?
So to get back into the admin area...
admin test
Now, the reason the albums were not showing is because you are using the ole connection string which causes problems like that. However because you host has like the worst setup ever with that network path crap for the site that was the only connection string that would work for some reason.
I highly suggest a new host with a proper setup for running ASP. www.alentus.com Your hosting companies setup is horrid as far as I am concerned. Access Databases are not meant to be connected to via a network path. http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168
Anyway, I rewrote some of the code because of the ole connection and got the albums showing up for you.. who knows what other problems that OLE connection may bring up in the future.. for now things I tested seem ok.
As for your broken image in the your header/footer... You cant link to images and links using virtual pathing in those includes because the files are called from different directories and will work in some and not others
so when your in the root you see the image, when in a different folder you see a broken image
In other words.
link to
http://www.vickerylightning.com/gallery/vickery_template5_r2 _c1.jpg
not just
The same goes for hyperlinks.. use the full url paths
Whatever you do...Back up the gallery folder with my changes before you go doing anything. ,
Well some good news ! This from my hosting company this morning...
I'd say that the vendor is right so I've submitted a work order to create the *****.com/aspnetprotect directory as an application. If there are any other directories for which this needs to be done, please let us know. This particular task always needs to be performed by our staff.
If you need to follow up on this job with one of our on-line or phone technicians, you can reference ticket id 11860.
With regards "
Thanks for your help thus far
Andy cwilliams38455.5654513889, Hi Chris
After turing off the delayed stats feature the internal errors have stopped and it still serves banners, although I havent checked the logs yet. I will and post any errors.
I left my test page up last night at say 11pm serving 4 banners of different sizes rotating every 15 seconds, now at 9am the page is just displaying 1. If I refresh the page they all reappear.
Regards Colin , ASPProtect and PayPal are fully automated and ready to go. Accounts will automatically get activated after payment.
We actually do not tell you to put nothing in the PayPal system for the IPN URL. Something has to be there or PayPal will not let you enable IPN. We actually tell you in you PayPal settings to turn on IPN and make up an IPN url because something has to go there. (I think we suggested making a blank asp page on you're site to send it to) It really doesn't matter where you send that but it might as well be a valid page on your site to avoid any 404 errors in your logs when a non ASPProtect payment comes in.
You see, we dont set that IPN url set in the PayPal system because each ASPProtect signup script directory (single payment and subcription) uses it own IPN url and that all gets set on the fly by the aspprotect system. There is a way to overide the defaul IPN url is what I am saying.
Also: A lot of people already have something there and we didn't want the ASPProtect system to interfere with things they already had going on. cwilliams38421.530787037, You can not edit that code with dreamweaver. It will re-arrange the asp and kill it. If you want to change the look of the login html you have to edit the html by hand in a text editor.
Or create what you want on a blank page using your editor of choice and carefully use parts of that in the ASPProtect code.
In version 7 the login screen is one asp page by itself and is much easier to edit with just about any editor. In version 6 you have to know your html and be careful.
Either way I am not sure templates are a good idea for something like that. That sort of thing tends to cause problems with dynamic code that executes under different directory levels. You want to stick to regular html techniques. , thats intertesting.. I have never heard of the concept until now..
I did a search for ASP examples or ASP components that can help with the process and just couldn't find anything about it., The parent paths things really should not be an issue.
This is an article from the troubleshooting section of the documentation that takes care of it all very easily.
As for a good host that knows ASP and does not mess around when you ask for something. I always recommened www.alentus.com
, That helped very much. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your dinner., i was only kidding!! , site looks fine in ie and also firefox from a windows machine..
I dont have a mac and I have not heard of that browser before
Sounds like an issue with the way that browser handles and puts together html/flash in relation to the layout of your site which is fairly complex
less likely - could also be related to computer processor/resources as that is a decent sized flash file and could bog down certain machines on the client level.. internet connection as well ?
those are my guesses.. I dont see anything wrong from windows xp web browsing from a fast machine and on broadband.. looks pretty nice actually , Have tried doing that but same error...
, This is what it says in that thread I pointed you to
This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.
I really dont see what is confusing about it. I think I explained it all in detail in that thread. , i've got a client who has handed me a 151 character banner URL, and i see that the database is designed to take 150 characters. i took the obvious step of just increasing the size of that text field in the database, but i still get this error when i try to enter the URL in the proper form field:
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
/banners/aspbanner/save_banner.asp, line 200
now, line 200 is just this:
If Banner_Link_URL = "" THEN CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = NULL Else CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = Banner_Link_URL End If
which tells me that something is blocking the assignment of that long value to that field, even though i believed i had extended the length of that field in the source database.
where else might i look?
, It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas… , re-edit the banner to ensure your change was saved..
if it has been written to the database thats good.. if not it is a data connection issue most likely..
if it did get saved... though it usually should not take time to apply it make take up to an hour for the change to take effect in the actual banner rotation.. give it a little time, that variable comes from the settings acreen in the admin area. If you do not have it set properly things like what you are describing will happen., It is not something I did when I wrote the emailing sub routines. You would have to edit the email sub routine for CDONTS and add something to it most likely. The email sub routines are in the "scripts" folder in the "emailing_subs_inc.asp" file.
I am not sure you can do that when using CDONTS though I think you can do it with CDOSYS. You would have to do some research and edit the code like I mentioned. , while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.
so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?
what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?
99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus , Editing using Visual Studio.NET
Here are directions for editing the application using Visual Studio.NET 2002 or 2003 version.. either should work
Some of you are wondering why I didnt just give you the project files. It is best you go through this process and really understand what is going on. Also, I dont use VS 2002 so I wouldnt be able to give you project files that would work with that. Not to mention there is 100% chance my prject files wouldn't work for you anyway because of path differences and other things.
Anyway.. on with the instructions...
1st.. make sure IIS, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio.NET are all installed correctly and up to date.
Open Visual Studio.NET
File - New Project
Select a New Visual Basic ASP.NET web application.
give the new web to be created a name.. I called mine "aspprotectdotnet"

Hit Ok..
Now. once the project opens up we need to delete a few things in the solution explorer window.
So delete "webform1.aspx" , "deletestyles.css", "Global.asax", "AssemblyInfo.vb", and "web.config"
Basically all the files under the project...
Now... you should have the aspprotect.net files unzipped somewhere on you hard drive...
open that folder and select all the files and folders like so

Now drag those selected files and folders to the solution explorer window of Visual Studio.NET right on to the name of the web. In my case "aspprotectdotnet"
It might say this folder already contains a folder names Bins.. just tell it to copy over and continue on any prompts like that.
You'll notice your project is now populated.
Open up the references tab in the solution explorer window as we need to add some references to the dlls in the bin folder of this project. This is needed so the compile process and function correctly.
Right click on references.. click add reference Then browse....browse on your hard drive to the location of the new web and the bin folder within it.
In my case... "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectnet\bin"
Choose "aspprotectlicense.dll"
Hit open...
Now do the same thing again until you have added all the dlls in that bin folder to the references..
Now.. click add-references again and this time choose "system.management" from the choices in the .NET tab
Once all of that is done your references should look like this

Now in the Visual Studio.NET menu system up top..
Choose Build - Build Solution
If you did everything right you will see something like this in the build window
------ Build started: Project: aspprotectdotnet, Configuration: Debug .NET ------
Preparing resources... Updating references... Performing main compilation... Building satellite assemblies...
---------------------- Done ----------------------
Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped
You now have the visual studio side of things all set up.
To make the project actually run we now have to set some permissions and edit the web.config file.
Using windows explorer browse to the web the app is in. Right click on the "_database" folder and give that folder and all the child folders within it. Modify permissions for both the Anonymous webserver account and the ASPNET account. These accounts might not show up until you dig into the advanced tab and click find now to show all the accounts on the machine.
Permissions screen looks like this...

Once that is done go back the solution explorer window in visual studio.
Open the docs folder.. right click on "sysdiag.aspx" and choose view in browser.
It should complie the project again.. and then run that page in either the internal or external browser depending on how you have that set up.
That page will report back path information. "BTW.. for security reasons this page should be removed from any production server after installation is complete.. this is very important" In my case it looks like this.
Probabale AppRootPhysicalPath c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet
Probabale AppRootUrlPath http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet
Probabale Path to Access Database c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb
Now we need to edit the web.config file... your going to need to know some of the path information above.
In solution explorer double click on web.config.
Now edit the AppRootPhysicalPath, AppRootUrlPath, and CN keys accordingly.
In my case they will look like this.
<!-- PATHS USED BY THE SYSTEM --> <add key="AppRootPhysicalPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet" /> <add key="AppRootUrlPath" value="http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet" />
<!-- MICROSOFT ACCESS KEY --> <add key="Cn" value="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq= c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=" />
Now.. because our web is really not in the root of our virtual directory which starts at "inetpub/wwwroot" we need to edit another tag in this file.
Find the forms tag near the bottom.
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
Change it to say this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectdotnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
Notice tha part in bold that we added.
Now, you may also want to check the temp license key info while you are in that file and make sure it is not expired but I am not going to get into that here.
Now save and close that file and do a compile again.
In solution explorer open up the "aspprotectadmin" folder. Right click on default.aspx and click browse
You should see the login prompt in your web browser..
Log in with
admin temp
all lower case
You should see the users screen of the application,
Click on the system info tab up in the top left... make sure all those paths are correct and save it.
Go to the settings page of the admin area. Make sure all those paths/settings are correct and save it.
Congratulations... you just set up a visual studio web project from scratch and our now ready to edit and compile an advanced web application.
From here on your on your own, but feel free to ask questions in the forums as you will probably get help from myself or others who own the software.
One last thing... because we are not in the true root of the web on the development machine the examples in the example folder will need the reference to the "protectpage.ascx" file modified before they will work
It will need to go from
If this app was installed in the true root of a domain on a real webserver.. you would not have to edit the forms tag in the web config file or change the paths in the examples as they would be correct the way they came , It is common when testing a site that this happens because of the nature of session variables.
Admins have access to EVERYTHING so it is very important when testing different user accounts that you specifically log out... and then close every single browser window before logging in as a different user. This is to ensure session info from the previous user does not overlap in any areas. (The session variable for admin access being the main one)
Under normal circumstances a user would not log in with many different accounts on the same computer this this would only be a problem for a developer who is testing.
So make sure you go to the to log-off page and log off.. then close all browser windows.. then test another user.
If all this is not the case then something else is going on and I will need more information. I pretty much know the level checking code for ASPProtect Version 6 is correct as there has been no reason to change any of it in over a year. I would have heard reports of problems with it. , ok, then I need more information.
Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)
Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well. , ya,
any variation of a site url is going to have its own set of application and session variables.. soy you have to be consistant with your navigation links
example (for anyone that comes across this thread)
is going to have a different set of application and session variables then
even though they are basically the same page , Yes I did see that, and created the new project as well as imported the DLL's. I guess my question is; is it as easy as rename the file from aspprotectlogin.aspx to login.aspx and then running the release to regenerate? I know this is a novice question as I am a novice to .NET but the fastest way to learn is to do. Also I know you’re an advanced programmer with better things to do so if I’m stepping over the line from technical help to basic programming I should already know, feel free to point me somewhere ells. , I believe what happened is we received the older copy of ASP Banner iwht our purchase of ASP Protect and were notified of a free update to download aspbanner_unlimited_v8.2_feb_26_2005.zip which we did, and that's the one i recently put on our site.
Sounds from your reply that something technical is going on to the point where I will have to hire one of our Web consutants to dissect for us. We'll try again and track our issues and send another request for information when we can show you a specific example of what is happening. I'll be in touch. , Awesome -thanks - I'll give it a try , That was it - Thanks!, The file check_user_inc.asp as the lines: (which include Session("groups")
Here we set some valus about the user into session variables Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes" Session("Access_Level") = CmdCheckUser("Access_Level") Session("Admin") = CmdCheckUser("Admin") Session("Active") = CmdCheckUser("Active") Session("Expiration_Date") = Expiration_Date Session("User_ID") = CmdCheckUser("User_ID") Session("Groups") = CmdCheckUser("Groups") Session("Redirection_URL") = CmdCheckUser("Redirection_URL") Session("Password") = RC4(CmdCheckUser("Password"), PasswordEncryptionKey) Session("Username") = CmdCheckUser("Username") , yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.
You wont get any errors..
I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances
Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..
Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.
Personally this is how I install it and it works every time. I like to put their dll in the system32 folder. Register it. Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet. Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions , Hey, I run a business and I will not have things like that mentioned in these forums. , Hi there,
Well, that is why we added the PayPal subscription pack where all of that is taken care of and customers get put under a recurring billing cycle. The more people you get to pay that way the less you have to do.
We also have routines for the two other supported payment methods so people can look up their account and add time to it whether it is active/expired or not.
Other than that, yes it is something you need to sort out on your own based on how you want to run your system. You have the source code and the sky is the limit on how you want handle all of that. You send out an email to users about to expire. Whether they come back to the site/look up their account and add more time to it is up to them. I really just do not see any way ASPProtect could handle that whole process automatically.
As for batch changing to users in the database. We give you the source code and we also use an open database structure. You can run any query you want on the database whether with ASP code or directly in your database using the tools that come with it, You can write any code you like to do whatever you like to the database. You can even tie other systems and code into the database via OBDC and manipulate data. The sky is the limit like I said. I also don't really see how batch changes to the database relates to individual users paying again for access or not especially since we include payment pages were a users can look up their accounts and pay for and add more time to it automatically ? At least not regarding the payment routine we provide support for.
ASPProtect can not handle everything every person would need to do. It is meant as a solid starting point for any project, but there are going to be times when more functionality will need to be added by the customer based on their specific needs. , If you are using version 6 CDOSYS is not supported. That is one reason why version 7 came out. If you want to rewrite the code to work with CDOSYS in version 6 that is something you need to sort out on your own as I do not support custimization to the code. , I really do not know for sure, but I imagine there are customers using their windows hosting. Usually I do not know what hosting company a customer uses and I am usualy the only one that responds to forum questions.
Why not download the current Free lite version and try it out ?
, Really, only you or your hosting company would know that information...
It is usally installed in the "_database" folder but the physical path including the drive letter to that can only be known by asking your hosting company or by using server mappath to learn the path on you own. http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/physical-path.asp
That folder also needs special permissions. The permissions it needs are covered in the documentation for the software and generally only your hosting compnay can set those permissions.
The online support forums here are full of information and resources on correctly setting up data connections. It is ASP 101 and something you really need to have an understanding of.
I am happy to answer questions and try to help, but if you dont want to deal with it or can't we do offer installation services.
, Nope,
No changes to any scripts - just a response.write added to Email_Password.asp to print out the SQL.
Sure - here's the address.
P.S. E-mail address to look for is serena_5@hotmail.com , Here is an example of a query I made in MSACCESS that deletes all users that belong to Group ID of 3. I used the graphical query designer in MSACCESS to do this. Took a few minutes.
DELETE FROM ASPP_Users WHERE (((InStr([ASPP_Users]![Groups],"*3*"))>"0"));
Because of the way groups are stored in the Groups fields you have to use the InStr function to determine if the user is part of a particular group We are deleting all users that of Group ID of 1 so we look for *3* in this example
The SQL statement for a MSSQL database may be slightly different but the general Idea is the same
The SQL statment used in an ".asp" page will be very similar as well.
SQL Statements are the TRUE POWER of working with databases. They are something everyone should learn to work with because they allow you to do some very powerful things., My client has a list of 13,000 members that
have already been assigned ID's and passwords with a
homegrown system.
When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?
Thanks in advance for your help.
, Hello Chris:
Yes I'm using the Option Pack.
-Ricardo , the email address thing could be done many ways... personally I would remove the username field from the registration form.. and modify things so the email field got used for username and for email when everything gets saved on the page that register.asp posts to. ... it would all require some messing around with the code and time... nothing too hard really
as for the password thing it all happens in the register.asp file.. the same page the registration screen is on in the web browser.. again a little bit of fooling around and time but not difficult , also, from looking at your site your ideal scenario would be a system that allows you to show all banners in one zone at any given time but in a different order.
ASPBanner is just not that sort of system. It is only designed to show one banner at a time from a given zone in random order.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:51:24 PM
Watertown business fair, travel back to watertown total miles 493, to North Lawrence - 227 Miles, Talk to Tom D. about updates to tibait.com, Was too late to call a user on a DUI, so I e-mailed him. , reconciling FX Caprara accounts that were incorrectly applied on 9/25 deposit, lunch break, worked long with cust. from Vermont, e-mail problem. Setup systems for internet, Checked modems again, and went over to the IMCNET building again to look at the modems there., Answered tech related calls., Email/Newsgroups, Kelly V. in office, showing progress made on watertownny.com, how upload components work, etc., had a brief lunch, mmm pizza, set up Vermont accounts, travel to albany, email, voicemail, misc, Returned to wat office spoke with Gary regarding DSL, , Voice-Mail , E-Mail, Packup, Back to Clayton, Move stuff out of truck and into the office; take TV and VCR to Herald Bldg Conference Room; got files, etc. in order., Meeting with Chamber staff and rep. from Wilcox Printing on Chamber Guide., AlliedCoop.com Did intial design and layout..tranfer graphic layout into html, then data entry of content into site. , check voice mail- confirm screen with Linda from Watertown chamber
, Catt Cou. DB conversion., lunch, 1 phone call.. radlog expireds, team meeting, Vince from USDataNet called concerning sealed trunks on Cisco 5800 equipment, timecards and had to finish VT payroll, helped Chris B, Checked modems- reset idle ones and fixed problem ones.,