Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:41 PM
I set the max image width to 1000; previously it was null. Now I'm getting server errors:
page not found, then, service unavailable (the page is there). But in a new album, the images imported fine and it seems to be working now, despite the IIS issues.
I think my host restricted the amount of memory and resources my site is allowed to use.
, ASPProtect Version 7
Expiry Notices go out to members who have recently renewed by subscription.
When an existing member from ASPProtect Version 6, with an expiry date, renews with SUBSCRIPTION in v7, the previous expiry date remains unchanged.
We assume the expiry date remains blank with NEW Subscriptions and that Paypal takes care of notifications.
But our notifications to the "about to expire" dating from v6 catches the "Renewed by subscrtiption" as well, as the date has nor been changed or removed, and this REALLY confuses our members.
Can this be resolved?
You would set the groups during users signup the same way you would do the expiration in the following example.
The groups field need to be set the exact same way it would look like in the database of course
So, if a user was part of groups 1, and 2
You would look in the database and see this in the groups fields for that user
so in the signup code you set that like so
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*"
This info only applies to resgitrations and signups using the "users" folder.
if you wanted to make different sceanrios you would need to carefully make a copy of the users folder and adjust it accordingly
, We would like to use some of the variables from the user account in our web pages after they log in (something like, 'hello <user>"), but for professional printout reports using company name and user.
Could you offer some help as to what variable string we use to print that information on logged in pages?
By the way, the program is working great!!!
cwilliams38446.6302083333, I am sending you a PM with the new download url
see instructions above for what to do with it, How to bring up Banner Calling Code Generators
Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.
Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"
cwilliams38325.7399537037, This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6
in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.
We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.
cwilliams38401.6321990741, <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
, 1st of all when I look at the site I see a lot of non US characters and I can see the regional settings of the site are foreign.
ASPClassifieds in only intended to run under US and Canadian regional settings as stated on the site.
Thus the BIG notice on the purchase page.
It won't run right like that for a lot of reasons and it is not supported like that as that notice says.
The categories showing 0 is just one of the problems you will have.
If I help you fix this it will just lead to 4 more issues right after.
If you would like support with the classifieds application you need to run it on a server with US or Canadian regional settings like the site says. , from the import page in the admin area.
The import/export file must be tab delimited with no text qualifiers. The 1st row containing field names and the following each being a new user. To create your own import file it must be in this exact format. To find out what field names and their order are simply create an export file using ASPProtect and take a look at it. You can also import that text file into MSACCESS. , Ok, I was not aware of this domain controller issue as I have never had a customer have their web server set up that way. It is not a common situation under commercial hosting, thats for sure.;en-us;3151 58
seems it was some sort of bug that was corrected in the the 1.1 .NET framework involving no ASPNET account being created. seems there are lots of work arounds involving making new accounts and editing machine config files. I found quite a few google articles as well.
I actually should have said "the framework installed" not ""
So, in the meantime I am asking John Evans what he thinks about this and I am going to ask you what version of the framework you have installed ? ASP.NET Framework 2.0 is the newest and you definetely should be running at least version 1.1 and probably should upgrade to 2.0.
I do not know why other ASP.NET code you have works ok. Your other code may not be using the odbc driver dll the same way ASPProtect.NET does. There are lots of possible reasons. At the end of the day I think the basic issue here is still a low level configuration/permissions issue and it can be corrected from what I am reading. It just may require a bit of trial and error regarding local and domain accounts and editing the machine config files... etc etc
, ok, well if you want to test on your own.... in the ipn.asp file for the subscription folder you will see this area of code used for testing
' Un-comment this section and give this directory proper permissions to enable logging to a text file
' Very helpful for troubleshooting
' Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
' 'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
' Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
' RowHeaderString = ""
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & OrderID & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Custom & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & User_ID & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & subscr_id & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & txn_type & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & subscr_date & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Access_level & vbTab
' RowHeaderString = RowHeaderString & Groups
' WriteMyData.WriteLine(RowHeaderString)
' WriteMyData.Close
now that folder will need modify permissions for the text file to be written to but this is a good way to test if the ipn.asp page ever gets hit by paypal.
To ensure the text file can be written to and permissions are correct for that folder you can make a new .asp in there and run this to see if the text file writing works
Set ObjMyFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
LogFileName = ("paypal.txt")
'Open Text File.. If doesn't exist create it and append to it .. If exists just append to it
Set WriteMyData = ObjMyFile.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("paypal.txt"),8,True)
WriteMyData.WriteLine("the file was written to")
Now, you can even change the location of the text file to place that does have permissions if you like.
This is what I would do if I was in there... then I would make some test payments using 1 cent and another paypal account (your allowed 2)
and see what happens
it is always possible the subscription code may have a bug in it. The last time I tested I only tested the single payment folder which worked perfectly. If I have time in the next couple days I am going to test the subscription stuff again. If there is something wrong I can cure it quickly.
The two routines share a lot of code in common.
Hi Chris,
Alright. We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.
Ok. I have another question:
How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:
Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?
thank you
, umm.. rename the pages to ".asp"
After all these are ASP scripts we are dealing with and the product is called ASPProtect.
The web site says it is used to protect ".asp" pages
And the directions tell you to put the protection code on ".asp" pages.
ASP can not run in ".html" pages
If you do not know basic things like this you should really learn the basics of ASP before you try to use the application. I would suggest a good book or two. ASPProtect is for people that have at least some experience with Active Server Pages.
, I am using v7 with other software written in ASP.NET. When I include the the "checkfor" and include file, I'm receiving a compliation error.
Here is the include I have on the .aspx file:
<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
Here is the error:
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30689: Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.
Source Error:
Line 15: <%
Line 16: ' This is part of the too many login attempts lockdown code which sets a cookie to block login attempts for a certain amount of time
Line 17: If LoginLockDown Then
Line 18: If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("LoginTries") <> "" Then
Line 19: If Cint(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("L oginTries")) = Cint(LoginLockDownAttempts) Then
Source File:
D:\Sites\resadmin\NetOptions\\www\ASPProtect\che ck_user_inc.asp Line: 17
I'm in a bind cause I'm supposed to be launching on Monday!? I have four different subscriptions set up in ASPProtect and I'm going to 2Checkout for payment. When I go to 2checkout I have the same 4 subscriptions setup.
How does ASPProtect know what product id to use in 2Checkout?
I have the redirect setup etc. but it's using the default URL in 2checkout and not the product(Subscriptions). The only way I can tell what the user selects is from the price... and I'm specifying the time period, the cost, group in the 2checkout1.asp but I'm not getting the user set for the periods either.... my main problem is the interface to 2checkout... I think if a product id is added somehow it might work. What can I do?
thanks, -Jason
, I'll send you something..
, That is by design, removing and deleting are two different things as far as the classifieds system goes.
A regular user can only remove an ad from the category index. (which makes the ad inactive)
An admin however can truly delete an ad from the system.
, thats because you can not have exchange server running at the same time as the windows IIS virtual smtp server..
they clash with one another... and thats why the emails never get picked up by the iis stmp server
you have to send the emails another way like using a true remote mail server.. I am not sure but if your exchange server can do pop 3 you can probably use that that way
you may be able to change the pickup directory that cdosys uses under the virtual SMTP scenario, but I am not sure if that will work with exchange picking it up, but maybe it will work ok because you said it does when you paste them in there manually.. I do not really know.. you'd have to try it and edit the email sub routine to use that pickup path
"scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp" is where you could try editing that path
, I am trying to protect and ASP page written in Javascript. The first part of the page goes:
<!--#include file="../Connections/connWINGAP.asp" -->
When I insert the aspprotect code it looks like this:
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/GIS/WCGIS/GISProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../Connections/connWINGAP.asp" -->
and I get this error:
Microsoft JScript compilation error '800a03f7'
Unterminated string constant
/GIS/WCGIS/GISProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 2
I think I understand that your code is written in VBscript and that is why it is not working. If this is the case, how can I switch to VB to execute your stuff then switch back?
, you not seeing the real error PN=1
, Hi Chris,
When I run the physical map test this is what I get:
The Physical path to this virtual website is: \\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004
Will that work correctly without a drive letter specified?
, Thanks, I figured that out!
I managed to get the gallery running, minimally, on the test server, so now on to the real thing.
Thank you!
- Jason
Hi, we purched ASP Protect a few months back and had it installed on our hosting company under a "temporary" domain name --
We are now about ready to switch this development site over to production and I need to change the domain from to
My hosting company wants us to create a new accounting and re-set everyting up.
So...based on this, I have a few questions for you:
1. Do I need to re-install the software? or can I copy from one account to the other?
2. Assuming I can copy the software to the new account - are there changes that will need to be made to point to the new domain?
3. If I decide I wanted to keep the first account alive for development purposes (never turn on the website domain to the public) - would I need to have a seperate ASP Protect license?
4. If I decided to ask you to do the transfer for us - is that covered in the $20 Installation fee I saw on the web?
, well, like I said.. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the wedding.
If you put this up on a live server that I can connect to I will look at it tommoro for you. I have told you everything I could possibly tell you so I dont think your going to figure it out based on the things you have told me so far.
Only other thing I can think of is make sure your not running anything goofy on that server 2003 box. Norton Antivirus script blocking... various ad blockers.. anti spyware applications... etc etc... They can cause problems as well. , A nice addition for the listing script would be if the script would allow a "featured ad" or ads that would appear on the default page. , Of course ASP.NET is and HAS been installed. I have been running scripts for years on it. I am not new to nor setting up the server or anything. ASP.NET is properly installed and works perfectly.
You are missing the fact i mentioned it is a DOMAIN CONTROLLER.
I have come across MANY articles ONLINE via GOOGLE that mention if it is a domain controller, for some reason the aspnet account is not there or gets deleted.
Is it possible to run ASP.NET scripts without ASP.NET not being installed? Because I have been running pages without any problem.
, Hello,
Again, enspecified error are not very helpful.
An error usually tells you at least a line number and page or something.
Please read this as it might help do tell me more. PN=1
As for only happening once in a while. It could be a lot of things.
Version being used (when did you purchase.. what name/email was it under and I can look) ?
What banner method being used?
Access or MSSQL ?
How busy the site is ?
Server Resources ?
cwilliams38414.6114930556, Say, is it possible to get something to whack every totally inactive account? Preferably joke ones that nobody every actually logged on with.
I'd want to have it delete the account if the following conditions were met:
1. Active = NO
2. Counter < 1 or is a null value
3. Access <1 or is a null value (some people may have logged on and let their accounts expire, so they may want to log back in again with the same info)
I suppose an advanced version of a mass delete tool would allow the admin to select different parameters, but there would DEFINITELY need to be a "Are you sure? REALLY REALLY SURE???" step in there to make sure you didn't toast your database without being stupid twice in a row.
If I knew ASP code, I'd write it myself. I don't, so I make a pitch for a new feature... 
cwilliams38456.0980671296, I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight
issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their
order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site
to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been
cancelled. Any help would be great.
, still.. its got to be somthing along those lines.. I have seen times when even dbo didnt have full rights to a particular database so permissions should always be manually checked..
The import data routine is most likely the source of the trouble
For troubleshooting sake I would create a fresh installation from scratch using the sql script we provide and a new SQL user. Then see if that works. If it does then try to import your data into that.
There are no other things I can think of doing. Sometimes you just have to start with a clean slate. , I have no idea.. perhaps PM me info on how to log into your site and reproduce the issue., There was nothing wrong with the server configuration. It turned out that the problem was that I disabled the email notification of new user registrations that I continually receive. That appears to disable the authorization email to new users as well.
One other issue. It appears that AOL email addressee's are not getting the authorization email. Does AOL have any blocks to CDONT generated emails?
, re-edit the banner to ensure your change was saved..
if it has been written to the database thats good.. if not it is a data connection issue most likely..
if it did get saved... though it usually should not take time to apply it make take up to an hour for the change to take effect in the actual banner rotation.. give it a little time, ok, glad it is working, If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.
It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..
"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"
I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st. It was me and I said it on my old site before anyone else ever did.
I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.
I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.
, Thanks.
, Nobody ever asked me, so i guess npegley sorted it.
The solution is indeed a single line added to your button form code ..
eg :
<input type='hidden' name='return' value='http://www.your-return-url/here.asp'>
This will overwrite any settings you have in your paypal preferences.
I posted this reply for anyone stumbling on here with the same problem. Hope it helps. :)
, It turns out that I never enabled on the site. After doing that the skins work much better. I'll have to poke around and see what other functionality is now available.
, I believe what happened is we received the older copy of ASP Banner iwht our purchase of ASP Protect and were notified of a free update to download which we did, and that's the one i recently put on our site.
Sounds from your reply that something technical is going on to the point where I will have to hire one of our Web consutants to dissect for us. We'll try again and track our issues and send another request for information when we can show you a specific example of what is happening. I'll be in touch.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:39:41 PM
Back to file encryption routines for sending secure documents., emails, callbacks, phone, Changes to SLC MLS site. - can't find a work order # for SLCMLS, Answered calls straight during this time period. Everytime we hung up with one call, there would be one right behind it. That went on from 3pm to 11pm. I did not take my break until this time which really wasn't a break. Not enough help tonight by any means, at Park Place, problems with Radius server, California, Phone, Tasks, email and newsgroups, Stopping by Watertown office also in meeting with Jeff W. about interim server for softmls and picking up Jason C.'s router, Creating PO and order from Techdata, Call from Lance Evans about their traffic reports. Asked CWilliams to reinstate on the new system., timecards / management materials, switch over ethernets, install card into tch1 chassis, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, customer inquiries, credit card authorizations, and coupon referrals. Answer telephone. , E-mail & timecards - Seth - database - steve CG - Graters - lien, travel back to watertown, Data provisioning, Talked to Robbie about a customer problem with, then called Crispin and Chris to check about it. Then I had to call the customer and tell him that we can't fix it. Then I had to listen to him yell at me., Checked RadLog, called back expiring user., North Country Insurance. Completed public and admin area for agent locator. Tested and is ready to go., web site, Billing calls, callbacks, BAH, Trying to export SoftMLS newsletter from Word into a PDF. No luck, the end of the cancels, 4th of July Holiday, Checking emails and responding to comments and questions .. mostly softmls related, Meeting with Bethany, started Gisco payroll, Answered phones, not that busy.,