Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:20 PM
yes, dont worry about that. It is not checkking permissions just explaining things.
and dont worry about the extra slash it seems to be adding at the end of the path. That is normal. I guess I need to fix that so it does not add that extra slash., Our knowledge base which is hosted at a remote location is protected by ASPProtect Full Version 6. I would like to allow our employee to access the knowledge base from within our internal network unchallenged. Is there a way which I can modify the code "check_user_inc.asp" to allow any one coming from say 10.1.X.X to access the site unchallenged?
False alarm. Dumb user alert (both the classifieds customer and me).
When I test fixes, I need to be looking at the right Ad_ID to get correct results 
, thx, thats a known error I forgot about.
I just updated the zip archive so the error is gone but if you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before April/06/2004 you can optionally apply the fix.
To fix it (only if you want to use the option explicit method of calling banners and not even a really necessary fix as this is just an error in the generated code your supposed to use)
Just edit aspbanner/zones.asp with a text editor.
Where you see the double dim carefully remove one of the "dim" s and save the file.
cwilliams38209.9251851852, Thank you so so much! I went to the admin area and changed the email component from CDOSYS (using remote server) to CDOSYS (using port 25 forwarding) and all is working great now!
Again, thanks!
, Installing and running NET on a DOMAIN CONTROLLER is a BAD idea period.
Besides the security risks you will have nothing but endless problems
with that setup. Domain controllers ARE NOT and NEVER were intended to
be run as any sort of application server. Your best bet is to run your
asp and scripts from a member server or one set up just for web
apps. Of course if your in the mood to mess around endlessly it is
possible to make that work, but why would you want to when the prefered
solution is a heck of a lot easier.
, Could be a mod I guess - it would be nice to have an option on the admin settings page to lock down access of all pages and redirect to a specified "lockdown" page upon attempted login.
If I'm updating the large files on the server and someone attempts a download, they'll get a partial ZIP file or an error.
, Sorry, I can not provide a date.. I am last person that is organized enough to give any sort of release date on anything.
Could be next week, could be 2 years from now. I made two add-ons this week and they came out of no where. I had no plans to make them. etc etc.. they just happened.
If I told you 2 months from now I know it would not be done and you would be disappopinted so I am not saying anything. I will say if it turns out to be anything complex it will not be a free mod or it will be a feature of a new version., it probably means the page you are trying to protect is (not in an iis application or not in the same iis application) which it needs to be
for a situation like using ASPProtect you really want your root of your virtual directory set up as one big application in IIS. (after you inquired about it your hosting company probably went and set the ASPProtect folder as an application in IIS which means any pages you protect need to be in there as well. (truth is they should have had your entire web starting from the root set as one in the 1st place..... its standard practice for any experienced hosting company) cwilliams38456.9306828704, Yes worked fine
, Done!
I was able to put my experience was based on *40 months* of usage! I
think I bought a version way back in 2001, IIRC, so it's been a long,
happy trip with ASPProtect for me!
, re-edit the banner to ensure your change was saved..
if it has been written to the database thats good.. if not it is a data connection issue most likely..
if it did get saved... though it usually should not take time to apply it make take up to an hour for the change to take effect in the actual banner rotation.. give it a little time, Chris,
I understand. I set it to a lower number that will hopefully be a good balance for the user. I am simply AMAZED at what your software does and I thank you for all you have done.
, Weird things happening, when I upload using the vb method the image fails and error is that the image was empty.
Utilizing ASPUpload and after clicking upload file I get a blank screen, no preview, no nothing (it loads with the proper header/footer) but a completely blank body.
Any hints?
, ALL FIXED.. tested with real paypal accounts and a live system
works perfectly
Download this file "ipn.asp" and put it in the "paypal_sub_signup" folder
Basically somehow an older version of the this file was in the original download archive.
Anyone who purchased ASPProtect 7 before March 11, 2005 should download this fix.
cwilliams38421.7018055556, sure, there are reasons AOL would block the email.. it might think it is spam or it might not like the fact that fact that a cdonts generated email has no MX records because it can not..
for more on MX records read my CDOSYS article
as far as the emails not being sent because notifications are off. I was not aware of that and will try to look into it.. Version 6 is no longer worked on but if I can find the time I will check that out
, Looks great. I can't wait until this will be released. Will there also be an easy way to migrate my current version ?
, Chris,
Ok new puzzle
. I have now managed to gonfigure it to get the admin screen and update members. All excellent news. Seems to work a treat.
But have used the code you give in your getting started guide to add at
the very top of an aspx page to be protected. The path is configured
correctly I am sure. the aspx file is in the root, the protect program
is in a folder now configured as an application (hence the steps
forward to get to the admin screens) on the root, so address should be
Proble when I load that aspx page is as above. The exact same config error
I am sure its a setting on my server now, but I dont know what to ask for, Any ideas...
So close now!
, [QUOTE=afifm]
I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.
If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then
SearchFlag = True
End If
If SearchFlag <> True Then
If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then
<!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" -->
<title>My Title</title>
My Protected stuff here
For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.
I just added couple of lines and it works fine
If (Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) = "" Then
' Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes"
SearchFlag = true
End If
, humm, I dont know then..
If you want PM me your site info and I will go in and troubleshoot.
Frontpage or frontpage access, either way
and also the site URL
, No, Unfortunately.
I have seen your messages.
I have not edited the code at all.
Tomorrow I will install the sql database again from your script as I
did before and I will try again. I will send all the details.
Thank you again.
, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am eneral+Inquiry
, Now, back in the dark ages we had to use the command prompt to setup the MySQL database and all that fun stuff. I am not going to show you that method.
What happened was 100 different 3rd party companies developed interfaces to work with the MySQL server visually. Within the past year MySQL actually released its own little GUI for doing just that so I am going to show you how to do things using that.
Let's download and install it.
Go here
and download Windows (x86) MySQL Administrator
(1.1 is the most current version at the time of this article)
Installing that is a no-brainer as well. Just stick to the defaults and it will do its thing.
Now that it is finished.. run MySQL Administrator from your start menu.

It will ask for your "root" password that we entered when we set up the server.
Hit OK

You should see this if your MySQL server is runnign and you entered the correct password.
Now select the Catalogs Icon on the right.. go down to the Schemata section.. right click in the lower white area and choose Create New Schema

It will look like this

Essentially this is your database name. I am going to call my database "aspbanner"
Hit ok
Your now have a new database with nothing in it. We now need to run the MySQL database creation scripts that I provide which will create the Tables and Fields needed.
The easiest way when using the MySQL Administrator is to select the Restore icon on the left.

The choose "Open Backup File" in the lower right corner.. Browse to the "aspbanner_mysql.sql" file we provide. You can also download that file here.
Once you select that file choose open...

Now, it is very important you choose the database you created earlier. Also known as Target Schema.. in this case I choose "aspbanner"
Now hit "Start Restore"

Ok, now the database has Tables and Fields
Click on the Catalogs Icon on the left and then select aspbanner from the schemata area in the lower left

You'll see we now have tables in the aspbanner database, Why all the pages at the directory .../password_admin/ are very slow to open online?
vaghelis38300.5280208333, I know what is happening.. its the old single quote thing messing up the query string..
but it shouldnt be happening with the newer code as I fixed it.
If you like I can go in and reproduce/fix the issue. I can not think of any other way I can help you as other users have not reported the issue.
Chances are if it is happening in one situation it will happen again in the future.. it really all depends on the passwords being used and your encyrption key... other passwords may produce the issue even if the password is correct
basically once the password gets encrypted it by chance has a single quote in it... then it messes up the query
I take care of the situation by replacing the single quote with a double quote but it looks like you found a situation where that didn't work out
cwilliams38453.8921990741, Hello,
Again, enspecified error are not very helpful.
An error usually tells you at least a line number and page or something.
Please read this as it might help do tell me more. PN=1
As for only happening once in a while. It could be a lot of things.
Version being used (when did you purchase.. what name/email was it under and I can look) ?
What banner method being used?
Access or MSSQL ?
How busy the site is ?
Server Resources ?
cwilliams38414.6114930556, Wonderful! Does it matter if I move the aspbanner logo, as long
as I keep it on the page? Or does it need to stay front and center?
, been working on this for about 5 hours today.. I think I found the problem and it involves a vbNullChar that the encryption process is creating only during login attempts
it then messes up during ASPProtect authentication because it blows up the SQL Statement to the database
like I mentioned before the chances off this happening are slim but possible as two people so far have been able to create the situation
I seem to have the HANNAH password working now using your encrption key
I need a little bit more time to clean up the files I have been working on. Then I will give you new "check_user_inc.asp" and "check_admin_inc.asp" files to try out
, Thank you.... yes it does
Is there a limit in the number of Zones you can have in the database.
thanking you
, Your users with Internet Explorer may have received the "Page Expired" error. For ASPProtect users, it happens when the user is not logged on and tries to invoke the target page. check_user_inc.asp puts up the login form, and IE sees it as part of the target page. Any later attempt to Back up and reload from cache gives the errror.
My solution was, after successful login, instead of falling through the bottom of check_user_inc.asp and running the target page, I issue a re-direct to reload the target page. I also added META tags on the dynamic login form to say no-cache and expire now, so the re-direct really does reload the target page. This time, of course, check_user_inc.asp does not need to put up the login form, and the new target page in cache contains no form at all. So, IE will not give a Page Expired error when Backing up to it later.
Netscape, and I gather other browsers, do not behave the same way, so I limited the solution to IE. Also, the solution only works if the target page has no form of its own.
I'm uploading my customized version of check_user_inc.asp that contains this solution. (In it, I also used the Javascript focus method to place the "cursor" in the Username field when the login form loads.)
cwilliams38313.494537037, Chris:
Quick question. I'm currently using navigation style 1 which
keeps everything within the 1 window. I'd like to take the text
descriptions and place them under the main photo when it is
displayed. Before i modify anything, I'd like to check if I'm in
the right neighborhood first. It looks like I need to:
- modify the behaviour of the 'onmouseover' function in the file 'view_album_style_1.asp'
- add in a few lines of code to take
FixStr(UserArray1(PicIndex - 1),"PrepareForJavaScript"), put it into a
text string and do a response.write under (or over) the photo in
Question Part 2 -- if i wanted to use the first line of the description as a title could I:
- add in an input to the photo upload
- concatenate the 2 strings together (title and description)
- display the title under the thumbs
- bold the display of the title over the large version of the image.
Pretty complicated questions, but I'm coming along nicely (IMHO). Have a look at
I really like the progress that I've been able to make with this app without really spending a huge amount of time.
, Just wanted to say how much I like the program! I hunted for days and finally purchased a Perl based product. After several days of goofing with it I gave up. ASPPhoto worked right on first install!!!!
Way to go!
, did you read what this thread says about that session variable for groups not be created by default
you have to add code so it sgets created before you can check it... this thread talks about that, A very common and extremely bothersome error encountered when running ASP apps that connect to a database is the "80004005" error. It comes in many varieties.
These articles cover it.
(an article I wrote)
(more articles);en-us;3065 18 005_cannot_open_unknown.htm
cwilliams38102.4447222222, Hi Chris,
Thanks for the answer. No, I am not using Paypal since these are employees and sales reps. I guess i'm on my own on this one. :)
, OK, so I misread the instructions. Wouldn't have been the first time
that happened... but I just had an account get created, guy then
paid, and... no activation. I had to go in the next day and do that by
hand. What should I do to look for troubleshooting on the issue? I've
got all the default directories set up and all the files where they
should be. What next?
, If you still cant see the upload buttons after checking the settings send me a PM with the info and I will take a look at your installation. It will have to be up on a live server of course.
, The links to view that info are on the main users screen of the admin area.
Down below...
They wont show up unless you have that stuff enabled in the settings screen as well.
, sorry for the confusion, but I am not that good with the tech explantions yet.
what it boils down to is I have an Access Database containing over 100
members names. I want only those people to be able to get into
the secure pages.
Thanks. Harvey
, After a user edit his information (name, email, etc), the session variables are not updated. In the user_area.asp
page, I "Response.Write" all the session variables, and they are still
showing the old information. I tried refreshing the page but to no
avail. The only way to update the display is to log off and login again.
please help.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:44:20 PM
trvl to watertown, went to make deposit and to purchase supplies for restroom , lunch, Did callbacks and answered phones, review letter sent out, fixed a minor network connection problem for Amy Barton. She looses her connection when her computer goes into sleep mode, Emerald finds for Cathy , marble, Daily team-meet, read 24 hour ASP book and worked with examples, noc....lowville went down, called into logical net, couldnt get ahold of anyone, gave it a few minutes and it came back up...., On and off phone with Dell and Wang still trying to get someone to atleast call me about when they are coming to fix my laptop, tshirts, golf shirts, more party bs, Put desks together - again. Ordered memory from TC Computers. Should arrive by Friday. LM with Estelle to call back and get mailing address for Florida., Trouble MS Access issues for Matt, Worked on Co brochure with jason-gave invoice to time- gathered testimonials from chris - emailed to jason with info for the brochures, sign ups, billing questions, a little cleaning, selling Gisco today. Lots of questions from people as to why they should go with us instead of AOL or other ISP's., Pol & Proc letter review, Paul & Jeff in office. Showing Remington Museum, North Country Now, SoftGrades, and SunandShield sites to Jeff., Met with COldwell banker with Deniise - tried to help them with the ISDN line, My web serve ris giving me all aorts of problems. None of my web projects will run. I can't work on anything and I have been reinstalling frontpage server extensions oand trying to fix it all morning. It turns out Steve is having the same problems and it is because Randy changes something and because out computer arent loggin in to WEBSITES correctly it is screwing up out permissions and causing all sorts of problems., Took general tech calls, Watched RADLOG - ,checked Voice mail., More work on T1 in ogdensburg w/ Randy's help., nortel meeting, , Sent out proposal to internal medicine- called Seth with questions, Correcting invoices & cr. memos to TICFC for health insurance., TaskForce, research for MS Project, traveled back from Lowville 53miles, Bank - COD and petty cash,