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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:35:45 PM

btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?

and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it

lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?



You have old code I think.

It's probably because his password used with your encryption key by chance creates a single quote and messes up the database query

A notice went out about this. I will PM you the latest download with the updated files.


UPDATE... on very very busy sites these methods have been reported to fail once in a while..  meaning .NET gets overloaded and instead of a banner its shows some error code.

its not the banner system .. its the .net engine and the calling method

cwilliams38326.8618865741, yes, dont worry about that. It is not checkking permissions just explaining things.

and dont worry about the extra slash it seems to be adding at the end of the path. That is normal. I guess I need to fix that so it does not add that extra slash.,

Not sure because of the nature of the javascript method


for starters tighten up the html around the banner call




<td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead">
<!------- ASPBanner Ad code ------------->
<script language="JavaScript">
var code = '';
var now = new Date();
var nIndex = now.getTime();
document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" http://www.nababaseball.com/aspbannernet/aspbanner/injectban ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">');
document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>');
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script >





<td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead">
<script language="JavaScript">
var code = '';
var now = new Date();
var nIndex = now.getTime();
document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" http://www.nababaseball.com/aspbannernet/aspbanner/injectban ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">');
document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>');
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script >



If that doesn't help I would suggest using the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBanner. It can serve banners to a any type of page extension and it runs just as well as the .NET version. There is a new iframe method for calling banners that you can try instead of the javascript. The iframe method is explained in the ASPBanner Unlimited section of the forum.


I am running .asp pages and using the longer code method to display flash banners on my site.

I have noticed a considerable decrease in the loading of my index page when I have a banner called.  When I remove the banner, all is fine.

Any suggestions?



Here is the complete page with the error message:

============================================================ ===

Unspecified error

This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.

If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.

Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.

ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"

If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.

If you are using a System DSN

It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.

============================================================ ===

I am the only one on the site since I just transferred the files and in the testing phase.  It is using an MSAccess DB


, Ahhh, I see it, thanks that was the ticket.


The company that hosts our business web site has been impossible to deal with in assisting me in getting asp protect to work. Getting the rights set correctly took 6 days and then getting parent paths enabled has been impossible. There last response was simply this:

The includes were changed so that if your server does not support "parent paths"
' and the "../" that you could easily change a few files like this and make the
' includes virtual includes instead of file includes. We didnt make them virtual
' includes by default because depending on where in your site you put the application
' the virtual include path would be different. They are also much different on a local
' development server than they would be on your real server
' Here are some examples of what you might change these includes to
' If you put the aspprotect folder in the root of your domain at your server
' example: www.mydomain.com/aspprotect
' then you would probably use
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/aspprotect/dataconn_inc.asp"
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/aspprotect/config_inc.asp"
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp"
' Or if you didnt use the aspprotect folder and just put the contents of it in the root
' of your domain
' then you would probably use
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/dataconn_inc.asp"
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/config_inc.asp"
' #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp"
' It really all depends on what works for your situation
' If you want more information on server side includes read this article at PowerASP
' http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/includes.asp

I am assuming that they will not enable parent paths and I need to modify some code. I do not know asp. WHere do I modify the code for a server that will not enable parent paths?




Which page should a user see next after completing a Paypal transaction?  Where do I set that?




I wonder if this could this be a FrontPage problem. I deleted the skins folder and re-ftp'd the original one that only contains default and Solid Black. I logged in and tried to change it back to default but it won't. I'm going to try making this folder a Frontpage subweb to see if that makes a difference.


, I have been using the AspHttp Component method for displaying my ads along with the google adsense code.  However, in the last few days my site was taking too long to load, so I replaced the AspHttp component, with Javascript method.  The site was back to speed.  But now, the Google Adsense banners do not show up.  Is there a solution for that?  Can the Javascript show Adsense banners also?  Because they do show the Flash banners.,

How can i get to this to register someone in the database only after the Paypal payment has been accepted.  I was testing it out to see if it makes it to my Paypal account (which it did just fine) then I closed Paypal before paying.  I logged in as the administrator and looked at the member list and the account was created anyway.  How can I stop this from being created until "only" after the Paypal payment has been "approved"?

What if this person never comes back to "try again"? Now the username he used (and is inactive) is not available for anyone else to use.  And it takes up database space.

I am using the Paypal (non-subscription)

Thanks in advance,



1. Two months ago, we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members and renews. and removed the regular payment service, a carry-over from v6.
2. Many from the "pre-subscription" service have yet to expire, thus have a populated expiry field.
3. With a 10 month bridge before we get all the members onto the Subscription service the "Send email to users that are soon to expire."
is used to remind these.
3. When members RENEW using the subscription service, the Expiry Field is not Nulled and they become targets for future reminders although they have renewed as Subscribers.

XYZ signed up on Nov. 05 2004, we send him a reminder in Oct 2005 and he renews as a SUBSCRIBER. His expiry date field is not nulled and he will keep getting notices although he has paid for another year.

Hope this is clearer... Thanks


yes, usernames and passwords are both case sensitive. It increases security.


If you code support for it yes, the application comes with no paypal code or support built in.

If you think it will help you, you are welcome to a copy of the classic asp version which supports paypal subscriptions. Perhaps looking at the code would help you.


I am also getting the "Unspecified Error" message.  I just transferred my site to IIS 5.0 and I get that error now.  However it does not happen everytime.  I can click on a page and it opens fine and then I hit refresh in the browser and I get the "Unspecified Error" message.  What could be causing this?



(Password Expiration Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x

This Advanced Mod requires decent knowledge of Databases and working with ASP. I originally wrote something like this for a customer on a custom project. I then took the time to re-write all the code from scratch so it could easily be plugged in to the current version of ASPProtect as an option. All in all this mod took me over 15 hours of time to develop and will save you a ton of time & money if you were planning on writing something like this on your own. Some parts of this were so difficult to get working that I would never have written this code if I was not paid to do so. (The encrypted array that rotates through the last 12 passwords was quite frustrating to get working)

The price on this is 19.95. I am not incorporating this into the base product because it makes things more complicated and isn't for everyone.

Purchase Page

Security is a big concern and making your users change their password every so often is a good idea. Keeping track of previous passwords they used and making them choose something they haven't used before takes the concept even further.

This Mod will add a password expiration date to the application. When the password expiration date is hit the user must confirm their old password as well as pick a new one before they can log in again.

There is a new password expiration directory where they must choose a new password that has not been used before. The new password must be confirmed during this process. (It remembers 12 old passwords the way it is coded) The old passwords are stored in the database in an encrypted array.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.

Add two new fields to the "ASPP_Users" table in your database.

For an MSAccess Database

Password_Expiration_Date (Date_Time Field)
PreviousPasswords (Memo Field)

For a MSSQL Database

Password_Expiration_Date (smalldatetime)
PreviousPasswords (nvarchar 160 characters)

once that is done

Copy all the new ".asp" pages into your site.

Edit the "PasswordExpirationURL" variable in the "check_user_inc.asp" file

It needs to be the full URL to to the "change_password/default.asp" file

Now edit the "change_password/processchange.asp" file

There are 3 variables you can edit.

PageSentToAfter = "http://localhost/aspprotectmods/password_admin/default.asp"
PassMinLength = 4
PassMaxLength = 8

The "PageSentToAfter" is where you want them sent to after they change the password. It can be whatever you like.
If it is a protected page they should automatically get logged in with the new password they just changed to which is nice.

The other two values should be obvious.

That's it...

Just remember the password change thing is not used in the admin area...
You could easily add code for that on your own though by looking at the the password expiration code I added to the publics "check_user_inc.asp" file

You will see a new field to edit on the user edit screen for the Password Expiration of course. 
, Can I copy the file into the export folder and then the import user function?,

i will probably end up doing this myself, but dropping all the log data in a sql table would be nice as it offers much more flexibility on how an admin can keep track and use the data. Browsing through each log file is very inconvenient. I can search for text in the files (server-side, others with a shared server would probably have to separately download all log files first), but with the current method I don't have the following important options:

  • cannot sort by any criteria
  • quickly see a list of all login attempts by a specific user (i need to search each log file individually for this info)

if you had an option during setup perhaps (or elsewhere) in a future version that allowed an admin to specify the preferred logging method (separate files or a table in sql) i'm sure many admins would find it very useful to have a database alternative of keeping track of users becuase it would offer the two benefits listed above, plus more.


This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6
in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.

We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.




The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.

We offer tech support for installation of the base application purchased in it's native form.  In other words were not planning on spending weeks holding your hand and teaching you how to build your application or modify the one you bought. Not because anyone wants to make it hard on you but because there is a practically infinite number of things someone could be trying to do and the only way to give you the exact answer would pretty much involve either writing it for you or having a look at your code to see what the heck your doing. Sorry but my time isn’t cheap nor do I have a lot to spare. I already gave you my approach on what to do and what you should be looking at but obviously you’re not catching on. SO ONCE AGAIN, PLEASE LOOK AT THE SOURCE CODE AND DECIDE HOW YOU WANT TO HANDLE YOUR END OF THINGS BASED ON HOW THE APP DOES ITS THING. I really don’t know how I can be more clear that that. I don’t have a crystal ball that can tell me where you’re going with your own code, what the final requirements are... what field you want to add or remove for the database etc. There is a demo up that everyone can look at and play with so they can get a feel for how the things behave and look. It’s not my fault your naivety led you to believe you could do anything with it in ten seconds. I mean if I just add some wings to my car maybe it will fly, and if you just add a shopping cart and a few products maybe you can start your own Amazon.com with that software right? Sounds good to me…

It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.

Well thats one thing we both agree on, I bet it would take you a long time to rewrite the code when you dont know how to write it in the first place. By you own admission you dont know enough about what your doing to be messing with a .NET app at this point. Maybe you should take your own advice and LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT IT. What’s even worse is that application isnt even complicated, its 101 stuff honestly. One class, thats it! Your not looking at thousands and thousands of them that you will have to read and comprehend. If you can actually “read” the code we kept it lean and mean and to the point. Nothing strange or random, no references to a zillion things all sprinkled here and there. Its reads like a book if you know the language. That’s why developers buy these apps all the time. Not because they couldn’t write one themselves, but because they know their time is valuable as well and for $150 which is less than most get paid an hour they couldn’t be bothered. Furthermore we both spend a lot of time making sure these apps are "dumbed down" so that the average programmer without a lot of object oriented background can pick up the coding style tweak it if they need to. Some people do modify things to suite their needs and others are happy with our apps "as is".

Just to recap we already wasted two days yappin about your jacked up servers and after you went through THREE of them and finally got one working you said the code was working. Red lights started flashing in my office by the time you got to the second screwed up machine, but hey weird things happen so at that point I wasn’t 100% concerned. Technically we could have and possible should have cut you off there as the policy in place is pretty clear about us not being your tech support crew when it comes to getting your machine working properly (especially one we cant even look at). Go check those posts again both Chris and I were answering your questions and being as helpful as anyone could possibly expect.

Several more days have been spent answering questions about how to modify your application and again that’s not our responsibility and we don’t support modified versions of the software for all the reasons that should be obvious. No software company does and if I have to explain why that is well this conversation is beyond hope.

Bottom line is the responsibility to support that application ends the moment you get it running the way it was shipped. Were pretty damn decent about going above and beyond and a lot of the time we go into things we shouldn’t have to. If you have well thought out and specific questions by all means ask, this isn’t some sort of thanks for your money now get lost operation. CJWSoft has been around since the beginning of Microsoft’s entrance into the web application market. We have thousands and thousands of happy customers because we are developers and enjoy working with other developers along the way.


You’re not the first N0oB to show up, but you’re the first one I can think of that ever tried to tell us we didn’t write the apps we sell and essentially wanted to argue that we don’t know what were talking about. Meanwhile you should have been done with your thing days and days and days ago, not in here yapping off and showing your ignorance to the other developers that regularly browse these forums. You trying to tell me how CafePress works is a joke, I happened to have been part of the team that worked on the first few revisions of that site and again you really didn’t even understand what I was getting at in that last post. LINK TO LOGIN PAGE not link to every protected page on the site.

If you think I am pissed off at you, your wrong. I'm just irritated with the whining about this and that and rather than admit your over your head you come back with half baked remarks that only make sense to you. If you think you can google a few terms and come back here talking smack like you’re actually someone that knows what you’re talking about your just making a fool of yourself. You sound like a guy from China trying to tell me how to speak English... My advice is get a few books and start learning or try actually reading up and listening to the other bazillion knowledgeable developers out there that do a great job posting articles about the subject. You might just learn something and actually get your project finished before 2010 and when you do please come back and re-read your posts with "enlightened eyes" so you can see what a goofball you are for saying half of the things you have said. I am not in the mood to keep helping you get your project done step by step. I have huge projects of my own going on and if I thought you could actually provide a descent project specification I might offer to make the changes for you at a serious discount so you could go away and everyone would be happy. Problem is I dont get the feeling you could explain your way out of a paper bag let alone provide a group of programmer the techinal specs for your project.

Your best bet is to post a link to the start of this thread at www.AngryCoder.com I'm sure a  few of  people over there would be more than willing to give you a ton of usefull advice

Google 4GuysFromRolla… a great resource site with example, just dont come back here  telling me those guys/ladies posted things that dont work either.

Chris has written hundreds of articles on PowerASP, a great place to start looking as well… www.powerasp.com I've been spitting out code for longer than I can remeber and I still look thing up on this site because its LOADED with great info. That happens to be one of the very first ASP sites that went up on the net so lets just say he knows a bit or two about the subject.

I'm sure your frusturated but your pushing your luck seriously. 38 posts about this subject in a week and your over there hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine which isnt exactally the ideal development rig. I mean we provide the code and your supposed to provide at the least a very basic knowlege of what your doing and a production grade platform to test it out on. To me thats like buying a car and then asking how to drive it... then bugging the dealer to teach you and when you smash the thing complaining because no one told you that your not supposed to drive into a wall. I have the same policy as the dealer, show me something wrong with the car from the factory and we will fix it for you NO QUESTIONS at all with our appoligies, but really once you take it off the lot what you do with it is your deal and its not our responsability in the least.


I'm getting errors when clicking the Update Config Button in the System Info page and when clicking the log files button.

I'm not sure if it's a permission thing or not.  ASPNET and IUSR both have modify access to the _database folder and childs, yet I'm still getting the error:

Access to the path "D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectnet\_database\xsd\aspprotectne t_config.xml" is denied.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\_database\xsd\aspprotectnet_config.xml" is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET write access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

Any ideas?


, that information is actually not helpful in determining whether parent paths is enabled or not.

You should really ask your hosting company or better yet try doing a server side include to page one directory up and see if you get an error.


<!--#include file = "../myfile.asp"-->
cwilliams38302.6484259259, With ASPVendor you must use the SQL scripts we provide with the SQL Version to create the SQL database or else fields will not get set correctly.

I wish you would have told me you were using SQL server. It's important details like that that allow me to help and troubleshoot. ,

Suprising I started this tread off on ASPImage, but I resolved my issue and forgot to change the thread topic.  I will try your suggestion.




Now, we can connect to the MySQL database with ASPBanner using the following connection string if we like.

"driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=localhost;port=3306;uid=root;pwd=temp;databas e=aspbanner;option=16386"

But we really do not want to connect to the aspbanner MySQL database using the "root" account

So, lets make an account to use..

In MySQL Administrator select "User Administration"

Down below you will see the user "root"

Right click on "root" and select "Add new user"

Type in a New MySQL Username and Password

I am going to call my new user "aspbanneruser"

Hit the Schema Privileges" tab

In this case since I am using the root account to manage my MySQL system I am just going to give this new user account what it needs to use the aspbanner database.. you may want to apply more permissions to the new account, that is up to you.. I am giving the new user (select, insert, update, delete, execute) So I right click on the aspbanner and then bring over the permissions I need for it.. and hit apply changes down in the bottom right.

We can now connect to the aspbanner MySQL database using this new account like so.

"driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=localhost;port=3306;uid=aspbanneruser;pwd=tem p;databas e=aspbanner;option=16386"


------------------------------------------------------------ -----
article still in the process of being written (3/14/06)

, no worries from me.  As with most software projects, i tweak the heck out of them and then have to make a big decision about whether or not i even want/need to upgrade.


thats a new one... I need some sort of error to go on..

No error ever ? It must eventually show something ?


When did you download the ASPProtect Version 7 zip file ?

what did you enter as a wrong password to make that happen ?

does it it do it when other wrong passwords are entered ?



You cant do it from initial lohin, but you can do it from the time of registration signup.

As for the emailing thing it is most likely an email sending issue more than a code problem. For example spam filters incorrectly grabiing those emails or something of that nature..

Best thing to do is try different things for emailing options until you get something that works. I suggest using CDOSYS with a real email server and using a valid email account for yourself at that email domain. SMTP authentication if necessary. This will ensure the emails sent have valid MX records and dont get treated as spam.



Glad it is working.. for anyone reading this the customer bascially did this
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=36& PN=1

That being said asp photo gallery actually has a few more places that send email that you going to need to modify as well. Off hand the reply to album, admin massemail, admin send email,and postcard features come to mind possibly as 3 of them.

using a multiple file search and replace utility like ReplaceEm would be the easy way to do all of this in one step and find all the instances





that would probably work...

any ".aspx" page can grab that data after someone logs in..


etc etc

anything you see set in the "aspprotectlogin.aspx.vb" file will be there

any data not set there would have to be added and then the project recomplied so that data gets saved...



I am getting the same error looking at the previous post, I looked in settings and my Registration-URL is pointing at the correct location.


Is there any other thoughts on this issue

Thank you!


, This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him.,

Advertising ?? oh really.

It was named that because that way if you already have a login.aspx file for whatever reason it does not interfere which is a good thing. It has nothing to do with advertising.

Next off you never mentioned having an issue with it saying aspprotect in it. I am EXTREMELY clear about what I support and do not regarding ASPProtect.NET. If you are upset because I didn't tell you exactly what to edit and change in visual studio.net and hold your hand you are out of line. My god, I sent you to like the best and most detailed tutorial on how to setup and use the application with VS.NET that could ever exist. That took forever to put together. I even responded to your post on Christmas on a Sunday. I doubt too many companies would have responded on Christmas.

More importantly than that when you purchase code from CJWSoft you are purchasing digital source code and there are no refunds. Every single page in the CJWSoft family states that very cleary in the footer. I do not appretiate it when someone threatens a chargeback and as far as I am concerned anyone that does that is commiting a crime of theft. I also do not appretiate smart comments saying it's "obvious" etc etc

If you wanted to strike a nerve with me you did. If you want to commit a crime and be a thief that is your business as well. Obviously I can not stop that and the credit card company will take your side. I work very hard on the source code I sell and my policies on everything are VERY clear.

Advertising ??
Calling the credit card company ??
Obvious ??

nice, real nice

, Your suggestion worked - thanks - , thanks!,

You might just learn something and actually get your project finished before 2010

your over there hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine


LOL thanks for the good laugh-- i guess its time to do some reading and making my own mods to the program..

btw i never insulted cafrepress.. not sure where you got that from- just advised that what they have is exactly what i want to have done. How much for your service?

, Chris,

Thanks for the reply. It all makes sense.

I have gone with your first option but here is the problem:

I have moved the password protected page from the detail page with the querystring to the straight .asp page. This obviously fixes the previous error.

Once someone has logged in they are then presented with a list of links to the previously protected pricelist detail pages (example - "somepage.asp?ID=3""). They are then able to access the pricelists.

The problem is that if someone copies the pricelist URL they are then able to pass it on to someone else and bypass the password protection.

If I also password protect the pricelist pages then someone will have to login twice.

Is there some code that i can add that will simply check that they have logged in otherwise kick them back out to the protected .asp page.

All code in your documentation tends to open the login page regardless of whether you have previously logged in.




Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:35:45 PM

IronBlock website was down., worked on softmls with chris w and developed presentation to the virgin islands board. , check radlog, check online reports, jefflewis dinner, Working on finishing installation of software on my laptop after the format, Gotta eat sometime., WDT SportsPix - Initial research & Design, read and sent emails, Performed some more cleaning while it was quiet, ticc team meeting (watertown), Helping Paul carry in new desk. Cleaning out office upstairs, taking out old shelves, re-organizing cd's and storage room to make room in office. Put new desk together., Hot Sheet revisions., Working on various softmls issues that I have to fix based on a sheet Peggy gave to us, Talked to Chris W about his work on realtor.com uploads for Catt Co and ODMLS, everything from this morning plus billing reconciliation, CREG transaction, Working on the validation code for the input forms on the softmls site., Lunch, Time Cards, moved the crap in the basement into the store room -called George K to come and ge the recycle stuff, Watertown brew- changes were correct, Checking out a bunch of different visual basic programming sites for code to do various things that will be needed in the JCC project., Filling out timecards., Worked on the Search page some more and created another followup page. Dave showed me a short way to create frames so we changed the search page to work with frames, installed Adobe programs for Peggy, repaired Office2000 (was getting ActiveX errors), *Open SRS/24 dollar domains site development, meeting with bruce ward a owner of the herkimer/mohawk r.e co-op. , *energy initiatives development, users group, lunch not -tanning closed and just busy,

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