Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:51:16 PM
Guess who!
I have a user/client who can't access stats. Even when I give them a
new username, I get the message that their username has expired.
In the notes of the account it says "Level 1 access" and I can't
figure out what that is and where it is edited or set or even what it
means. Seems like I must have hit something somewhere that goofed
up this account. I could just delete the account/user and set it
back up but I'm worried I'd just make this same mistake later and
figured I'd get the info on it. Any ideas?
TIA! (So far, I'm VERY happy with this product)
, Chris,
I understand. I set it to a lower number that will hopefully be a good balance for the user. I am simply AMAZED at what your software does and I thank you for all you have done.
You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.
error '80040211'
/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174
, It should be released sometime late May 2004 or early June 2004 but no gurantees as I am pretty busy right now with some projects.
There will be upgrade instructions and it should be a fairly easy upgrade.
, Hello,
VBScript is the most popular ASP scripting language, and has the most support available. I estimate that less than 5% of the ASP coders out there use anything other than vbscript
That being said it specifically says on the aspprotect site ASPProtect is only for use in protecting asp using "vbscript" as the language.
it is something I specified very clearly for this very reason.
Sorry, but you can not use ASPProtect to protect pages using Language="Javascript". The code is too complex to be mixed with server side Javascript.
To password protect asp pages written using "Javascript" you really need a an application specifically written in and designed to work with ASP pages written using "Javascript". And then of course that application would not be able to protect ".asp" pages written using "vbscript." (I mean never say never, but it would be a ton of work to get both working and I doubt you will ever see a commercial application that does both)
as for switching back and forth between vbscript and javascript you really can't except with very simple code. Doing so with anything complex can be extremely problematic because the order of execution sometimes gets all mixed up because of the complexity of the code being used.
That doesn't mean it can not work....
You would really want to do something like this.
do not specify a default language at the top
surround the aspprotect include file with this
<SCRIPT Language="vbscript">
surround your javascript code with this
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
then make sure none the code including the aspprotect include file has any <% or %> tags in it
that means you have to remove that sort of thing everywhere... that means a lot of work if you used a lot of that sort of thing instead of response.writes to write out html type stuff
and again... I don't know if you would ever get it all working
, Please be more specific. What hit count are we talking about ?
User Logging ? Albums ? Something else ?
Please descriube the situation in detail. There are really no settings for any sort of hit count.
, humm.. can I possibly see this happening ?
any changes to that part of the code ?
, Hi,
I really look forward to installing V7...
I would like to test V7 by copying my existing V6 to a NEW directory,
including the database with new connection, and using this duplicate to
do an upgrade for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY before commiting to upgrading
the main system.
Should this cause any problem?
, well, assuming that function works and is vbscript not vb
(if it is vb code it may need some conversion work)
in "users/add_new_account.asp"
you would put the code for that function anywhere in the page.. it does not matter where as long as it is in code tags <% %>
then.. right under this part of the same page
If Zipcode_Postal_Code_Required = True Then
If Zipcode_Postal_Code = "" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a Zipcode_Postal_Code.\n\n")
End IF
End If
add this
If Check_Postcode(Zipcode_Postal_Code) <> True Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a Valid Zipcode_Postal_Code.\n\n")
End If
No guarantees but that is the gist of it
cwilliams38381.6456828704, that wont work the way you did it because groups are not stored like like.
groups are stored "*1*"
or "*1*,*9,*"
so if you test for them you must do so using the InStr function of vbscript
If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
' do whatever
End If
also.. as for the session variable
it should be Session("Groups")
And in Version 6.... (its all ready to go in version 7) that session variable must be saved in the check_user_inc.asp file near where all the others are saved. If it is not there by default "I dont remember if it is or not" you have to add it like so near where all the others are saved
Session("Groups") = CmdCheckUser("Groups")
If you are wondering if it is being saved correctly you can always response.write out the Session("Groups") to see if it holds a value
, Hi Chris:
Is there a way I can include the username and password in the URL of a protected page to gain access to a that page without going through the log-in page?
I'm not quite sure what the syntax would be in the URL.
, Chris:
The string is being saved and I get a .wav ring sound to confirm. I have tried editing in "notepad" and then running the "data/show_path_info.asp" file after with the same results.
, Is there a way to set various members to upload a limit of photos. So, one member can only upload 5 photos in 1 album and another can upload 30 photos in 2 albums. Even if you just set a permission for the number of uploads for each member.
Thank you
, sometimes those emails take a bit... all depend on wht you are using to send them and whether a pickup directory is involved
as for the other I do not know.. PM me the site details I can look
if it is a 2003 server parent paths must of course be enabled.. its a requirement of aspclassifieds
, OK. If no return page is set, do they end up on a PayPal confirmation page and have to navigate back to my site by going Back or typing the web address?
, >>1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for
processing? Is that something I have to set up in my paypal
Nevermind on this question. I found the notify_url variable. :-\
, Can we get access to the source project files for since we'd like to put in some of our own branding on the pages and not everything can be done in HTML.
, how di I change the currency dollar sign to gdp pound sign ?
I need all my tranactions in gdp puund sterling to use on paypal
, Flash files cannot track clicks unless you edit the original flash file to link to the aspbanner system redirect URL.. feeding it the correct ID of the banner.
When that link is clicked on it will then track the click and redirect the user to the “link url” specified for that banner.
The system actually generates the necessary ASPBanner URL for you. That link is shown on the banner edit screen.(you must save the banner at least once and come back to that screen to see the link though)
Really the best way to show it is with an example as seen below.

Basically the flash banner file "powerasp.swf" highlighted in green needs to be edited to link to the banner redirect url which is highlighted in red.... the banner redirect url will then track the click and ultimately send the user to the Link_URL highligthed in blue.
All banners systems work this way when it comes to flash files.
It’s the nature of flash and the web browser,
The flash source code must be edited to link to the redirect url in the ASPBanner system. There is no possible way any banner system can track a flash click unless the flash file links to the banner system 1st.... because that click is handled by Flash and the web browser.
In some cases if you do have the original source file for the flash banner then you are out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes.
On a side note... if you create flash banners the way this article says you can actually feed a .swf flash file a link for it to click to. Instead of it being hardcoded. ners_guide/index.html
This is really the way everyone should design their flash banners from now on because the url it links to can be easily changed at any time without editing the flash file source code.
cwilliams38325.740162037, When I enter on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"
as far as that goes I have no idea.. I have never seen that message before but you are not suppose to run that page by itself regardless.. it is an include file not meant to run on its own
, Humm, Did you change something in a bad way? Thats my guess.
I need more information on what is going on because by default it does not do that ?
The only possible way I can think of that could cause that is if you changed things around too much and the config_inc.asp file is getting run/included twice on that page your logging in to.
Also, when you sign in "where" ? What page ?
cwilliams38456.0906712963, ok, I think you can either change some things in your PayPal account settings regarding your default currency..
or add a hidden variable to the PayPal form code ASPProtect uses like this guy did. =paypal
The hidden form variable code would go next to all the other hidden variables in no particlar order.. just look through the paypal code in notepad till you find a bunch of those hidden form variables lines in a row. , One problem that is appearing is that in the admin section, in the users.aspx page, only one user is showing up when there are in fact 9 users. Also, when I click the edit user or email icon, the page does not go to the edit screen, it remains on the same page.
Also, I’ve been trying to modify the code to adapt it for our application -- by removing fields that we do not need such as address, city, state, phone, but I am having trouble getting visual studio to compile. It could be due to the fact that the rest of the project is in C#. Or it could be due to some other factor in ASP Protect.
, yes, PM me the encryption and cookie keys if you don't mind.
I can add it to my combinations that cause trouble.
it might help me to figure this problem out.
, and the permissions, how exactly were they set ?
I find a lot of customers think they are setting permissions correctly when they really are not. That's why I wrote that long article on the subject.
As you probably know a data connection is a very low level thing. It is the foundation of any ASP application that communicates with a database. Unfortunatly it sometimes takes a while to get the hang of setting them up without issue.
Everything must be perfect.. the ODBC drivers must be up to date, folder permission are critical, sometimes you must use a new version of the access database.. etc etc etc The errors and things that happen when all these things are not perfect and not helpful as you have found out.
I would suggest you download and get ASPTest from CJWSoft running before you go any further. It is designed to be as simple as possible and helps get a hang of the database setup process.
, thats actually just the xml parser component barfing out on you.. it can't handle the load of being called so much on that server
you might want to try some of the other methods of calling banners, When a new user adds themselves to the db thru the registration page, no user id is assigned in the User_id field. I can't access the page on-line due to an user_id related error on the page. I must use access itself and add the user id. After that, everything works as expected.
What have I done?
, I tried the iFrame method that you have shown, and it works great!!!!, Can you please elaborate on this? I have a flash banner that is on my site. All of the info is in the code banner section. In the banner link section, I have nothing. Do I need to actually edit the swf file with redirect URL? How do I edit the swf file? Once that is edited, do I put the URL of the site in the Link URL space? Thanks. , I checked with our web hosting company and CDOSYS is installed and properly registered on the Windows 2003 Server our site resides on.
How do I go about changing the ASPProtect code to use CDOSYS?
Please advise.
, Thanks for that. The upload size is just as effective and possibly a better solution to maintain server space.
What about individual gallery permissions. So only 1 member can post in only 1 gallery. I have a forum of 500 plus members so if they want to add a gallery than setting a permission would be idea for each gallery.
, I have run into the same problem with streaming pdfs to the browser
using the stream_download.asp example, but only when selecting the
option to open the file directly into the browser (after it's streamed
back) as opposed to saving it and then opening it (which works fine in
Firefox and IE). Then I ran across this Microsoft support article;EN-US;Q2 97822
It got me thinking that maybe a header needs to be included in
stream_download.asp that tells the browser to specifically cache the
file. Adding this suddenly got everything working
Response.CacheControl = "Public"
right after this line in the code
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
My asp is limited, but this seems to work at least for pdf
documents. Can someone confirm this? The other question I
have is if this is a solution, should the CacheControl be set to public
or private. Not sure on what the implications are.
Firefox by the way seems to open or save and open the file without
this, so you are right that the implementation between the browsers is
certainly different.
, how about translating the error to english..
Looks to me off hand that it would have something to do with the SQL server itself not being run in an english lcid/format and causing some sort of date issue.
I would also suggest you start off with a brand new blank SQL ASPBanner database and make sure that works before you attemp t to import any data into it.
, I would like to delete the SQL tables and set them up from scratch using enterprise manager and sql query manager and see what happens
If that is ok with you let me know.
Something is wrong like I said... almost seems like the database is caching old password info from the field., Your assumption was incorrect.... the login count has nothing to do with that. The login count only has one purpose and that is to limit the amount of times a user can log in if you want to do that.
Logging in for the 1st time means the time at which they 1st login and their session at the site is created... If there session ends and they come back and login they will get redirected because it will be the 1st time again.
Forms Based Authentication is all about sessions and session variables.
If you only want them redirected somewhere based on the login count that is something you have to work out and check on your own. It's very doable.
Seems like now I should have explained that better but I never thought anyone would think it meant what you thought., I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the help tonight...
Good luck pouring that concrete!
, Hi,
I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Even though the guestbook is empty, it takes just about 20 to 30 seconds for the guestbook/default.asp lto oad. Is this normal has anyone else has had this problem.
, Thank you...I thought I was doing something wrong - and thanks for the tip on the virtual path., if you use our existing User_ID they are going to get new ID's. There is nothing you can do about that.
You could very easily though stick your exisisting User_ID's in one of the custum fields so you dont lose that info for each member.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:51:16 PM
went to company lunch thing, at the piznazza hut...., Meetings w/ Paul Barton, Vermont Internet, Ken Mills, Dave McBride, Fox 44, enter bills, techsupport supervisor duties, steady tonight, qlight, dial up issues, radlog, ask us a questions, voice mail, callbacks expired users, new user callbacks. Emails and follow ups.... was very steady tonight, Getting back to e-mails, checking voice-mail, resetting modems, had to drive back to my house to get a set of crimpers and a utility knife. Watching RadLog. Entering in a bunch of modem inits in the computone in Clayton., board meeting, SWMF Routers arrived, called IMC, Gina wanted packing slip, made copies, Finish TICC payroll, email, phone calls, talk to Bill about daily work, Posted accounts and did a detail fo check s and cash for a bank deposit. Customer inquiries, and phone, and cc authorizations., Put together tech manuals together with Linda., met with Jason, Peg, Chris Williams, Tom and dave to discuss options on shopping carts and to review projects, TICC meeting w/ Carol, supplies from Staples, one new entry, Working with Dave F. and Bill M. on converting 3 access databases for problem reports, customer feedback to SQL , busy, slowing down after 5, techcalls, Radlog, drop off router and monitor at Jeff's house, meeting with Peter Morris, met with equipment rentals to discuss website, needs proposal, Read and responded to emails, general graphic and web site design research, Finished printing of Sell Sheets. Developed images for SoftMLS/Broker flyer, USADATANET - changes to internet access page, Walked to Kinney's, began organizing chr folders and files-agreements pulled and separated for cabinet., VT payroll, Cleaning up server room with Randy and Andy, helping Steve with some problems he was encountering with moving websites from one server to another., lunch, Dave explaining Routers & IP, cleaned up, took things down to basement, etc,