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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:03 PM
Hi there,
Just bought ASPProtect 7.0 last week and just got around to installing it. I've gotten through the installation and am now trying to test the (Forgot Password) functionality.
I get the following error when I type in the e-mail (or in some cases the username) and Post the form.
Error was [11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type
I know that the add user functionality is pointing to the correct database (I see the additional rows via SQL Enterprise Manager) and that the e-mail address I am looking for is in the SQL database.
Any ideas? Any other information you need?
Thanks, Toni
, Redirecting is not something ASPProtect does because you can do that sort of thing using simple ASP redirects.
In all of these examples you are going to want to protect the pages you send these users to accordingly. So that if they know the url they just cant go their directly without loging in.
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect admins or level 4 users to a certain page and anyone else to another page. <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Admin") = "True" or Session("Access_Level") = "4" Then Response.Redirect("sompage.asp") Else Response.Redirect("someotherpage.asp") End If %>
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect level 1 users to a certain page. level 2 users to certain page, and anyone else to another page. <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Access_Level") = "1" Then Response.Redirect("level1.asp") ElseIf Session("Access_Level") = "2" Then Response.Redirect("level2.asp") Else Response.Redirect("allothers.asp") End If %>
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect user "PistolPete" to a certain page.
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Username") = "PistolPete" Then Response.Redirect("somedirectory/somepage.asp") End If %>
then just make sure the page you send the user to to also checks to see if the user is the right user.... to make sure others users can't access each others pages <% If Session("Username") <> "PistolPete" Then Response.Write("You do not have access to this page.") Response.End End If %>
etc etc etc.... these code snippets should point you in the right direction...
alternate databases are right here.. the documentation clearly links to this, its really not difficult to find
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo164-1.htm, question 2 is answered best here
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=319&KW =paypal
Ok, got it. Didn't know if there was something already set up for this that I was missing.
>>I should also mention that the paypals scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox.
Ok. Thanks.
>>Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts) then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of
course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.
Yeah, been messing around with
that. Got everything going except the return page which I can't
do until the site is live. 
>>Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the
integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a
different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on
for aspprotect.
Ok. Will email you with a username and password for access to the site once it's live.
Sounds like a great add-on for ASPProtect!
, Hello,
I do not really understand what you mean? There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds. cwilliams38391.0301388889, Thanks, I'll take a look.
Nick , Ok, so I checked to see if ASP is running on the server and it is. then I added code to the top of a page and this is what i can see when 'view Source' on the web browser:
<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code --> <!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * Admins * ) --> <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %> <! #INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"> <!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
<html> <head> <title>TeamManagers</title>
Yet I get no challenage for a password and no error message!
, Hi,
I have just one quick question, I know this works with Paypal but does this work with Merchant Account?
How difficult it is to make it workable with Merchant account? I appreciate your answer.
, What am i supposed to do now... i do have another member server that is not a domain controller-
However, i have like 5 websites running on this domain controller already. I have thought about this before how its a HUGE security risk but it will take too long to configure everything on the other computer :( , You should email me and I can give you a copy of the original application., That's because when the page rebuilds, it uses the default number of
users per page setting. You'd have to modify that default setting to
have it do things differently. I used to have mine set to 500
users, until I got past 300... then it wasn't fun to show all users on
the page anymore. I now like 10 per page and searching for
specific users as needed.
But that's me. If you hack a COPY of your default.asp file (with the
original backed up as above), you can get the value set to one you
If you want me to find the value, post and I'll look for it later on.
If you want to find it yourself, happy hunting! Just be sure to have a
backup in case you do the wrongest thing possible in your haxxoring.
, Actually this was rather easy to fix. Once you restrict the permissions on the folder, open up IIS admin. Goto the selected folder, and right click/properties. Once there you modify directory listing and add defauly.asp to documents. This will provide an automatic load with you enter in the unmask route. , here is the answer http://www.iisanswers.com/IIS51.htm
CDONTS (Colloaborative Data Objects for NT Server) is a feature of NT and W2K that allows you to easily send mail from a web page using the SMTP server. The simplicity of the code and widespread availability of free scripts employing CDONTS has resulted in CDONTS being widely adopted.
Quite a surprise to many administrators to discover that IIS 5.1 does not support CDONTS as do IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0. This has been replaced by CDOSYS which appears to have more capability, but it is not quite as simple to use. See: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q195 683 for more details.
You can enable CDONTS on XP by copying CDONTS.DLL from a Windows 2000 installation to your XP system’s Windows\System32 folder (default name). Then at command prompt Windows\System32 run REGSRV32 CDONTS.DLL. The extent of my testing on this was to deliver one piece of mail, so this should not be construed as a complete analysis of the effectiveness of this technique. cwilliams38392.8260300926, "save_pic_desc.asp"
in both the admin and users area needs to be edited
You'll see something like this...
If Len(Image_Description) > 250 Then
just change 250 to something higher.. I wouldn't go much over 500 though as it may cause problems.. I am really not sure.. Changing it higher is done at your own risk. cwilliams38300.5727314815, Hi,
1. Two months ago, we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members and renews. and removed the regular payment service, a carry-over from v6. 2. Many from the "pre-subscription" service have yet to expire, thus have a populated expiry field. 3. With a 10 month bridge before we get all the members onto the Subscription service the "Send email to users that are soon to expire." is used to remind these. 3. When members RENEW using the subscription service, the Expiry Field is not Nulled and they become targets for future reminders although they have renewed as Subscribers.
XYZ signed up on Nov. 05 2004, we send him a reminder in Oct 2005 and he renews as a SUBSCRIBER. His expiry date field is not nulled and he will keep getting notices although he has paid for another year.
Hope this is clearer... Thanks
, If it stopped working it has nothing to do with the ASP code. YIf could have stopped for any number of reasons as hosts often change email server requirements and info. You need to go over the email settings. Of course make sure you and the person you are sending to have valid email addresses and try different methods/settings until you get emailing to work again.
Testing it by sending emails off from the users screen.. in each email type in what you are trying at that time so you know what worked if emails make it through. Also, be sure to check junk filters when testing to make sure the emails are not being put in any of those.
That's what I would do. CDOSYS is always your best bet for sending emails as it has so many options and all new server support it. , ok thanks, I dont know. Perhaps a fresh installation in a new folder would be a good idea as well if possible..
for troubleshooting sake.. ,
I'm in a bind cause I'm supposed to be launching on Monday!? I have four different subscriptions set up in ASPProtect and I'm going to 2Checkout for payment. When I go to 2checkout I have the same 4 subscriptions setup.
How does ASPProtect know what product id to use in 2Checkout?
I have the redirect setup etc. but it's using the default URL in 2checkout and not the product(Subscriptions). The only way I can tell what the user selects is from the price... and I'm specifying the time period, the cost, group in the 2checkout1.asp but I'm not getting the user set for the periods either.... my main problem is the interface to 2checkout... I think if a product id is added somehow it might work. What can I do?
thanks, -Jason , here ya go
, I see what your saying.. its just hard to troubleshoot something when a lot of changes have been made.
Did you test things before you started modifying the code ?
If its SQL server it is very important that the database was created with the provided SQL scripts., Login failed for user 'aspgallery'.
Okay, shouldn't this be trying to use aspgalleryuser?
cwilliams38325.8848263889, ((TITLE EDITED BY ADMIN))
it would be nice if there was an option for login abuse, where a login account would be flagged if it logged in from x number of different IPs over a period of time. I know many have dynamic IPs, but there's got to be a balance between legitimate logins and logins that are 'shared' for the sake of saving money (I sell subscriptions), in the end costing me.
Maybe searching the first two number groups in the IP (example, 209.168.*.*), and if finding more than an admin specified number of logins per week from IPs with different first two groups, the record would be flagged or locked...
, This user is talking about preparing more than 100 pics at a time for an album that already exists and doing it using linux.
I asked the user to post the code here because I think it is interesting and it may help someone who is working with the app.
This article is not for everyone for a few reasons.
1.) The application can already mass import pics on it's own. It does 100 pics pretty quickly on a decent server. The built in method also resizes pictures and make low res thumbnails should your server support a supported ASP image resizing component. The method above simply rename pictures in a folder so the application will see them as part of an album.
2.) We don't support or recommend that anyone sets the application to use more than 100 pics per album. It is just not tuned for that and there will be issues. Please dont ask me what they are as it is complicated and I am not sure/dont remember what they all are.
3.) Your going to have to be familiar with linux to use the code shown above. cwilliams38210.5694444444, Hi Chris,
I've got a page with a form that includes an input field with
'type="file"' for uploading an image. The page posts back to
itself to save the info to the database and run the code necessary to
upload and resize the image.
I need to limit this page to a group. So like usual, at the top of the page I put:
<% GROUPACCESS = "1" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../check_user_inc.asp"-->
This gives me the error: "Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection"
I have used ASPUpload and SA-FileUP before and know that this is caused
by the components having their own .form collection. This script
is using "Pure ASP File Upload" from DMXZone for the upload which I'm
not familiar with.
So...my question is, do you know a way around the BinaryRead problem wtih ASPProtect?
P.S. PLEASE don't send me to DMXZone for help....they've got notoriously bad support!
, This first one may be an obvious one, but is it only .asp files that I can protect as in no HTML files.
Can the program be set to protect my whole https directory contents (though the answer to the last question may have bearing here - there are html files as well as .asp in there) as in http://secure.mydomain.com
Thanks in advance , "get_me_in.asp" just hangs during a new install. Nothing happens no matter how long you wait and IIS may temporarily hang up as well.
You may very well be running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on your server? Or something similar?
It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.
Read this.. http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2180, its no different than linking to an image or another page. you have to adjust the path to the include file based on what directory you are in.. or you get an error
This is noted in the admin area on the code generator page which also gives you 2 examples of ways of calling the server side include. (Virtual or File include)
These threads below are also full of info. I found them by doing a quick search and they should help you out as well.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=349&KW =The+include+file
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=303&KW =The+include+file
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=236&KW =The+include+file , Nov 2005 , ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/aspprotect/password_admin/default.asp, line 287
I'm doing an upgrade from an OOOOOOOOOOLD version (not sure if it was 6 or not) and it read my database OK prior to adding a new user. Now I get this error message. I was able to run the password encryption function OK, but I still get this error when I try to view the password_admin stuff. I can log in via the "get_me_in" asp page just fine, but I get the above error.
If I try to log in with my admin account, I get
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/aspprotect/password_admin/check_admin_inc.asp, line 166
OK, my question is this... if I retype all the info from the old DB into a brand new one, never before used, that would work, right? I only have 108 users, so that's about an hour of work. Or is there a 5-minute fix that I can try? I've done some messing around that got nowhere and returned all edited files to their original state, with the exceptions of the ones calling the DB location.
I'll start the C&P process and await your reply... 
On a side note, I really love the new format and am excited about the new features. I'm not married to upgrading the DB and if copy and paste is faster (I just need first name, last name, username, password, email, and expiration date), then I'm using v.7 that much faster.
cwilliams38457.6090509259, I just told you a lot of different things to try... and I doubt you have tried them in the time since I mentioned them , nice idea. id be interested to see your modifications for ideas, Chris -
I am encountering a problem with items showing up. When I click on a category and then select an item to view I get
I have verified the item has the item_active check. For giggles, I even unchecked with the same results.
Thoughts? , thats because you can not have exchange server running at the same time as the windows IIS virtual smtp server..
they clash with one another... and thats why the emails never get picked up by the iis stmp server
you have to send the emails another way like using a true remote mail server.. I am not sure but if your exchange server can do pop 3 you can probably use that that way
you may be able to change the pickup directory that cdosys uses under the virtual SMTP scenario, but I am not sure if that will work with exchange picking it up, but maybe it will work ok because you said it does when you paste them in there manually.. I do not really know.. you'd have to try it and edit the email sub routine to use that pickup path
"scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp" is where you could try editing that path , You do not run that page by itself. That is not how forms based authentication in .NET works. That is a special page used by the web.config file. It is automatically used when you protect one of your existing .NET pages but is not meant to run on it’s own thus the error.
To answer your other question a user is not sent anywhere. You protect existing ASP.NET pages as shown in the documentation and the examples. If sent to any protected page they are either prompted with a login box or if logged in they see the page as usual. If they log in the form posts to itself and they end up at the same page after supplying proper login credentials. That is how ASP.NET forms based authentication works. I suggest you get a good book on ASP.NET that explains all of that if you are still confused.
Now, if you really want some sort of page to redirect them somewhere after login make a basic asp.net page.. protect it.. and then use a redirect statement. , Still not ready... I have no time to finsih it at the moment..
release date is unknown...
, Need to know more about ASP ? Check out these links.
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4GuysFromRolla 4GuysFromRolla: Web Technology, Programming, Humor... All this and it counts as work! |
CoverYourASP.com A great new site. It's got some great stuff and is using JScript! A must see! |
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Macromedia - DevNet While much of the content is Dreamweaver MX-centric, they also have a fair amount of plain vanilla ASP.NET content as well. |
cwilliams38431.8787152778, I am up to speed on how it works. My goal was to not have just a link to a protected page- so that when a user clicks it they get the "access denied" screen and then have to log in. My goal was to avoid that if possible by having them log in and then redirected to the protected page.
So this isnt possible? The only way for it to work is for a user to click a link to the protected page, get the denied screen, then login and be redirected?
Or is there another way..?
I made my point by rebuttling your "cafepress" with agreeing "YES" that is what i want... now you are changing this around on me. I dont think i can be ANY clearer in what i intend to do. It is extremely clear and i am not sure why its becoming more than it should be. I just want the user to be able to log in from ANY PAGE ON THE WEBSITE AND THEN BE REDIRECTED TO THE PROTECTED PAGE IF THE HAVE THE PROPER CREDENTIALS. It would be nice if this software gave an error message when an incorrect username/password was entered instead of simply refreshing the screen. , I wonder what that ENDSQLMail send failure is all about ? I dont use anything regarding SQLMAIL in the ASPProtect code.
I think I might need to go in so I can debug a bit. Everything seems to work fine with a SQL installation here so I just don't know at the moment.
If that is ok with you I would need ftp access or something so I can trry a few things and hopefully figure it out. Admin access to the aspprotect admin area as well so I can see what you have set up in there.
PM me with that info if you want me to take a look.
It worked after bout 15 minutes. I receive a response of *3*
However, when I log in as a user who is only a mamber of group1 I still get a response of *3* ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:48:03 PM
Lunch, *everydaydad.com development, troubleshoot FrontPage issues on workstation; unable to create, edit or administer webs , Daily reports, Biz emails and timecard, Finished database and made flight arrangements for NC/GA trip for Dave and Bob and met with Tim Badour, Lunch, e-mail, Cost Guard Training, worked on andrea's computer, meet with seth / paul about stuff, worked on getting what we need for stuff for vermont., Email and VM handed out MBO Sheets, general billing issues. 3 new customers in a row. :-}, Meeting with WDT reference putting paper online, HMQ called to schedule time to troubleshoot
email problem, Told to read disclaimer for all phone numbers. Tell customers who are paying by CC to e-mail billing to give approval. Still many calls concerning password/usernames...Configured systems for internet., Calls concerning problems that are not considered normal. ! caller could not get her Microsoft Chat loaded to a caller who could not read voice mails. Another caller with a bad connection problem only to find that he had scripts from another ISP software that took over gisco software., ?????, E-mail, Checked Voice & emails - relayed messages. Copies, Filing, etc..., Crispin showing me Sequal Views, Stored Procedures, Joins, etc., TIITC DB Admin, Schmerhorn - changes to the web site and dial up access, domian registration, finished up samaritan proposal, trouble report, basta flowers, call backs, Visit Professional Practice Management to Drop off Frame Relay Contracts and ensure they are on track and have everything they need. No milage needed (in the area)., Working on report for Randy and Tim B. to got on intranet site that tracks signups by dates entered, email, To Lake Placid - 150 miles., Returned to clayton, same as above, Reading manual on hiper ARC on Total Controls. Trying to find out why they've been having problems.,