Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:14 PM
ASPProtect and PayPal are fully automated and ready to go.
Accounts will automatically get activated after payment.
We actually do not tell you to put nothing in the PayPal system for the IPN URL. Something has to be there or PayPal will not let you enable IPN. We actually tell you in you PayPal settings to turn on IPN and make up an IPN url because something has to go there. (I think we suggested making a blank asp page on you're site to send it to) It really doesn't matter where you send that but it might as well be a valid page on your site to avoid any 404 errors in your logs when a non ASPProtect payment comes in.
You see, we dont set that IPN url set in the PayPal system because each ASPProtect signup script directory (single payment and subcription) uses it own IPN url and that all gets set on the fly by the aspprotect system. There is a way to overide the defaul IPN url is what I am saying.
A lot of people already have something there and we didn't want the ASPProtect system to interfere with things they already had going on.
cwilliams38421.530787037, New question...
When someone edits their personal information, such as address, is there any way to set it so that someone in the office can receive an e-mail noting the changes?
Yes, that’s all I wanted to know. The problem is on my end. The server is not creating the .NET site correctly. I think I got it working now. Thanks.
In case you wanted to know? The only reason I asked you is because you mentioned that you where having trouble with overseas piracy and my account is new. I figured it was my user error by just though I’d ask you first. Hope you have no more piracy issues and have a good rest of the day.
Thanks again for the quick response.
, No worries
is there any way I can get rid of those information shown on User activity screen, so I can at least know who logged in current day?
thank you in advance
, Verison 8 is superior in every way and the code is much more optimized so yes I think it would handle it better. It is still a lot of banners on one page though which means a lot of hits to the database if you call them all individually with zone calling code. SQL server would make sense more than MSACCESS.
Now, the only reason I said make one zone for all those banners on the home page is because a banner has to be associated with a zone. It would make sense to put them all in one because if you just tracked the clicks like I mentioned you really wouldnt be using the zone except for maybe when you go to view stats. , Humm, I dont see how moving to a new server could have anything to do with that.
What method of displaying the banners are you using. Perhaps try some of the other ones.
Don't use the javascript method with a javascript based ad like google.. that's for sure.
cwilliams38454.8903472222, ASPProtect protects ".asp" pages only.
That is your problem.
, This user is talking about preparing more than 100 pics at a time for an album that already exists and doing it using linux.
I asked the user to post the code here because I think it is interesting and it may help someone who is working with the app.
This article is not for everyone for a few reasons.
1.) The application can already mass import pics on it's own. It does 100 pics pretty quickly on a decent server. The built in method also resizes pictures and make low res thumbnails should your server support a supported ASP image resizing component. The method above simply rename pictures in a folder so the application will see them as part of an album.
2.) We don't support or recommend that anyone sets the application to use more than 100 pics per album. It is just not tuned for that and there will be issues. Please dont ask me what they are as it is complicated and I am not sure/dont remember what they all are.
3.) Your going to have to be familiar with linux to use the code shown above.
cwilliams38210.5694444444, I have no idea to be honest, I just like the way it looks 
Good deal on the remote install, just dont pull the old "hangman" move
shutdown the machine on yourself around 4AM. Otherwise you be getting
in the car and going for a drive LOL
, also.. the log out page shouldnt really need this
but you can try adding this to it where all the other ones are set to nothing..
<% Session("Groups") = "" %>
cwilliams38341.7215046296, More info on the groups session variable.
Session("Groups") will contain the ID numbers of whatever groups the user is a part of.
It does not store the descriptive name of that group. It will show the same data that is actually stored in the "Groups" field in the database.
for example it might hold a value like this
meaning a user is part of groups 2, 5, and 9
so if you wanted to check to see if a user was part of a particular group you would do something like this
If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*9*") Then
Response.Write("You are a member of group 9")
End If
Taking this even further, if you really wanted to get a particular group's name or description you would have to query the database like so. In this case we ask it the name and description for group 9.
Set ConnPasswords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnPasswords.Open ConnectionString
Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set CmdEditGroup = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT " & tbl_label_groups & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_groups & " WHERE (Group_ID = " & Group_ID & ")"
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = ConnPasswords
CmdEditGroup.Open cmdTemp, , 0, 1
Group_Name = CmdEditGroup("Group_Name")
Group_Desc = CmdEditGroup("Group_Desc")
, Christopher,
I have a follow-up to this question.
Is there a way to get the photo descriptions to save with actual spaces instead of the HTML space code all of the time?
I know that is does this if you hit Enter while typing a description, because it creates a 'br' tag. The main reason I am asking is because if the user does not enter a line break, the description is saved a single long string and the pic_window.asp page is generated with one long description which makes the page very wide.
I tried to get around this by changing the description style in pic_window.asp to reflect a value like 50% or 200 pixels, and I have tried putting it into a table with a fixed width, but there is no effect.
- Jason
, As I already had directories in my web site root called 'images' and 'templates' I loaded the files into a sub directory called 'aspprotect' as suggested in the installation guide where it say 'either way it really doesn't matter'.
However, it does.
The scripts are often looking for a file which it can't find because the /aspprotect part of the path is missing. Example:
I can't find a way of editing all the scripts that need changing. I'm assuming it would be easier to change my site to avoid using subdirectories used by aspprotect and reinstalling from scratch straight into the root directory.
Anyone with any suggestions?
Many thanks
, Hi, lets start with about when did you purchase and download the application so I know what version of the code you have., Some of our users complained that their users id and passwords are sent in the clear. So we decided to invest in an SSL certificate from Verisign. It has been tested fine with all forms and pages in ASPProtect version 6. The only remaining page which I am not sure how to protect is the home page. Let's say my home page is When the user goes to this link he/she will be presented with the check_user_inc.asp page so he/she can enter their ID and PW. So how to make the login information send from this page thru HTTPS?
, Ok...thanks., When using this code:
<!------- ASPBanner Ad code ------------->
<script language="JavaScript"> var code = '';
var now = new Date();
var nIndex = now.getTime();
document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" nerZone=6&nocache=' + nIndex + '">');
document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>');
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script& gt;
<!--------- End ASPBanner Ad code --------------->
I receive an error that jscode is undefined. The banner will not display.
Any ideas how to fix this?
, My hosting company uses ASPEMAIL - and I am trying to setup the mailing settings on ASPPROTECT - but cant seem to get it to work. I've tried many different options - here are two that are the closest - but have issues:
1. If I use the settings:
email component: aspemail
Mail remote server: my internal server name
*no smtp authentication
email mail notification - my email address on my internal server
***I get the following results:
I can get get notified when a new user logs in, email a user from aspprotect user screen if they are in my company and have a valid email -- but I can not send to the outside world - I get an relay prohibited error.
2. If i try to change the setting to use the Hosting Website email server - I get the following results: I dont get notified when a new user registers, I cant send to internal company people - but I can send to the outside world.
**any suggestions on what to do? I'm trying to work with the people who manage the mail servers - but since I dont know anything about them - its a bit difficult.
, do you have the url path to the registration page set correctly in the settings cause not having it there would do that ? , The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs. It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions. But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal., This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him., While my host says the permissions are now correct....its still trying to download the setup ASP file instead of executing it.
I really need to get this application working asap too. I noticed the purchasing page said that install came any help would reaallly be great.
, good news.. like I said it is probably becuase aol blocks emails sent from IP's with no MX record in the dns system , If you would like me to, I also have no problem going into your machine real quick via remote access and setting permissions / putting the right connecting string in there for you.
I need to go in as an administator though to set the permissions.
, humm.. their FAQ is looks like some sort of .NET configuration issue regarding security policies like you mentioned
Thats one of the big problems with hosting .NET. Some hosting companies just do do some oddball things. ASPProtect.NET works under default conditions but when hosts go around locking things down to the max there is bound to be trouble. This is the 1st I have heard of this.
Now, ASPProtect.NET does use the "System.Data.OleDb" and "System.Data.Odbc" which your host says they block because they require full trust.
All I can really say at the moment is go with a hosting company like or that does not restrict your .NET abilities so much.
In the meantime I am going to ask John Evans what he thinks about this.
, there is no straight answer to a question like that..
I think my code is very easy to figure out and work with...
What your asking all depends on your skills and also what sort of payment processing system/merchant account you go with and what sort of ASP example code they provide you, If by permissions ou are reffering to the IUSR with write/execute
permissions, they are already set. I get this error when I hit the 'Create New
Export File From Current User Database' link:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/ASPProtect/password_admin/export.asp, line 76
Any other suggestions?, As I'd said in my previous response, I found those databases and they didn't work. All three databases in asptest do work., yea.. keep us posted... thats weird, Yeah sorry you are right. It works for me 1_ID=5
, dsn-less is the way to go..
you also need to use newer versions of the database as the odbc drivers on the server are sometimes very new and no longer work with access 97 databases
, (User Photo Upload Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This will allow an individual user to upload a user picture instead of just the admin.
Notes: This is a down and dirty mod. The user upload code was copied from the admin area and there are no safeguards. Meaning there is no limit on the file size a user uploads and there is no confirmation process in case something they upload is inappropriate. etc etc etc
If you want that you will have to work on that on your own.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
copy these files into your "users" folder
, Hello -
Believe it or not I finally can access the photogallery. You were right Chris regarding the unzipping of the files.
Now onto the next challenge! I have set up three categories and proceeded to create a test album. I uploaded a couple of pictures (yeah that worked!!!) but the album does not show up on the default.asp page under the category.
Please advise -
Rhona (rookie) 
, When I attempt to upload, it appears that the image uploads. I get a "Original Image Size 0 X 0 pixels"

they don't appear in the web pages, any thoughts? I am using VBscript to upload, my host has safileup but I am unable to use it in this script, thanks for any help
here's the site link
Never mind, had the path to the image folder screwed up
, ok, I just sent you a private message with download information.
replace you existing
with the new versions in the download
Do some testing to make sure that HANNAH password works ok for you.
Hopefully this cures the issue...
If it works ok for you for a while I will offer the fixes to everyone and start using this code from now on
"admin/email_user.asp" had an unrelated bug in it that only happened if its error handling got triggered... it was posting back to the wrong page when that happened and causing an error
, I would say that it isn't all that difficult using mySQL for the backend....the main thing is to make sure you set the primary keys for auto-incrementing in your database. Alos need to make sure that any DELETE SQL statements are formatted like this
DELETE FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue
and not
DELETE * FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue
The same holds true for using MSSQL
, when I go to that url is seems fairly fast and somewhat normal.. even when I try to log in it pops right back up asking for login info again..
I would check to make sure you are not running anything that might be effecting your web browsing.. software firewalls.. ad blockers.. script blockers... norton internet security.. zone alarm... anything like that
they can all effect a lot of things regarding how web browsers act.
, Is the user ID case sensetive? In my case I use the user email as the login ID., I installed the ASPProtect.NET project no problem. I am using VS.NET 2003 on Windows XP SP2 (and fully patched). I am able to build the project successfully, however I cannot debug the project. I get an error "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The project is not configured to be debugged." The web app runs fine just browsing to it.
I know this is an isolated problem particular to this project. I have MANY other .NET projects that I can debug without any problems. I have tried going into IIS and turn on the debugging for server-side script debugging and making sure my IIS application setting were configured correctly.
Can anyone shed any light on this at all? Christopher, is there any reason I should not be able to debug this? (i.e. the aspprotectlicense.dll)
, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am . eneral+Inquiry
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:46:14 PM
Spoke with Mike from Startech Computers and sent out channel partner contract and marketing materials, Alexbay.Com - Adding newer membership listings component to framed website. Showing Dave as I go. (trade), still steady, printed, reviewed and mailed invoices; cancellations for nonpayment; updated cancel log; readied money for Clayton; sent out t-shirts for online surveys; talked to nic, jason and errol about usa1net mailing., Tim, Howard, Carol, Donald G., dental forms, called tech support to get someone over to imcnet watertown, called jeff to help that person reboot ns3 ..... machine locked up hard. , Updated Waite's New Vehicle page w/new photos and hyperlinks, check voice mail/email- bob nelson infof or web site/linda dobrancky- emial about banner ad
Aqua zoo- info for domain, Worked on partners site and some of the pcbundle. Created a SQL database and getting it ready to be used for testing and updating, 174 miles to telergy office, Did the online issues from yesterday and showed Gary how they weren't done either, sign ups, PC bundle info, TI Museum - add info for Model Boat Show, Working on running cable from 6th floor to basement in Syracuse building., develop proposal for space age pools
, Getting situated in Clayton, E-Mai, Voice-Mail, slow, left early, steady, techcalls, radlog online issues, run cleaner also, E-mail, Called up expired users... 100% success rate in keeping customers., work on equipment orders, cost analysis worksheets, did some radlogs. helped a customer with network problems, got most of the user auth stuff done, and was working on some javascript popup stuff, fixed some webb billing and sent out invoices for domain reg, SoftMLS training Potsdam, Phone w/ Watertown Daily Times re: Meeting and Phone w/ Randy, Ed to setup time, Drive back from Cortland (125 miles), Trouble shoot massmicro FTP,