Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 1:50:42 PM
you basically have to edit the html in the links in the various pages and remove them... some are in includes files
use a text editor and be causious / back things up before you remove links so you can revert back
, How do I recover or reset admin password used for the aspprotected pages. I have installed it months and months ago, but now can not recall the password. Any help appreciated, as I do not feel like installing it again.
I haven't moved (or messed with) any critical files within the directory at all, just placed them as a job lot into a subdirectory call aspprotect.
All I did was put all the files directly into a directory rather than into the root because some of the subdirectories had the same name as some already in use and would therefore have been overwritten.
I'll go back and have another look in the cold light of day (its too late tonight UK time).
Thanks anyway.
, Is there a possibility to build in a option that the administrator will be notifed when a banner expired.
, let's try this... edit that page with a text editor like notepad...
Carefully replace any instance of "Cint" with "CDbl".. I may have missed some of those when testing the last time I edited the code.
, Hello Chris:
Let me run some more test if it's working on your end it should be on mine? I have made some custom updates to the code but no in that area.
, 1) Does everything, i.e. every user, every category, every product, etc., get stored in just one single database, or are there multiple databases at work and are linked to one another? I am asking because there is only one table in the DB, and it is the "Users" table. So I am presuming that there must be other databases that are linked to the DB. Is this correct?
2) Are user-level security permissions utilized in the sample Access DB that is shipped with the software? I am asking because we cannot seem to remove the "temp" password no matter what we try, and this is the only reason I can think of.
, As an update to this thread I fixed the "upload_post.asp" page quite some time ago but forgot to post the updated file here.
So here it is.
, Hi - When I try the mass email feature, I get an error that says:
ODBC Microsoft access driver) too few parameters expected 1
/aspprotect/password/admin/send_mass_email.asp line 280
Oddly...this feature works fine when I use the original admin user that you setup.
But I setup another one with my username and password (not test) - because I was afraid anything with "test" could get deleted.
Any ideas on why the new admin userid would not work? Note: I have not change any code from the original installation.
, This isn't going to help you much but here is the deal.
The 2checkout support in ASPProtect actually is not supposed to work with 2checkout subscriptions and therefore does not need to use an item number.
It is intended to be used for single payments only with 2checkout as explained in this thread.
Single payments with 2checkout use their shopping cart which allows for dynamic payments without needing an item number.
I agree with you that 2checkout's interface is confusing. It's actually about the worst system I have ever seen. I could not make a 2Checkout subscription system because their system is just too limited and I couldn't make it work the way it really needed to.
, SQL server hotel ehh ? Humm that sounds bad whatever that is ?
Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server? I have never heard of that name ?, I have been having some display issues with the .NET version of ASPBanner. I set the size of the image, and I set the size of the banner and there is still white space above and below the image. I am not using a text link below the banner, so I have it set to blank.
Here is a link to my page.
Two of the three banners in the rotation on the main page have non-white backgrounds so it's easy to see the issue I'm talking about.
Is there a way to tighten up the formatting so that the image fits onto the page in the size specified?
, question 2 is answered best here =paypal
I should also mention that the paypal scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox. Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts)
then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.
Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on for aspprotect. I have it all working here but so far I dont see an easy way to let other people do it as I had to change things in both systems in a lot of places. Utimately if done under a SQL environment triggers should be used at the database level and that is another consideration.
, Hello,
What is the difference between the paypal_sub_signup and the paypal_signup directories? Also, I know it depends, but what directories and files can I delete from my web server if I am not using them? I copied the entire set of files that came with the program over to the webserver and I am concerned that there is too much out there.
cwilliams38446.6304050926, Hello,
My guess your having trouble setting up a system dsn because the database has a password set on it. Your hosting company most likely sets up DSNs without using the advanced tab which is where the authentication information goes. Or they have some sort of web interface for the customers to use that doesn’t allow setting up that information.System DSN’s are actually difficult to set up correctly when the database has a password on it. There is of course a password on the database for security reasons so if someone ever downloads it somehow they will not get your information.
System DSN’s are not the way to go regardless as you will see mentioned at our support site. N=1
You really should try setting up a DSN-less connection. It is the best way to go. They are easier to set up, perform better, and are less load on the server. Any host that wants it customers to use system dsn’s is not on the ball as far as server performance and server resource conservation goes. They are really asking for trouble down the road.
All you need to do to make dsn-less connection is the following.
Get permissions set for the folder the database is in (by your host)… then figure out the physical path on the server to the database by using server.mappath or you simply ask your host for the info.
An article I wrote on using server.mappath
Then your connection string will look something like this.. (of course you edit the path to match what server.mappath tells you. And you make sure the database name is correct)
ListingsConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\asplistings\_database\asplistings_ac cess2000.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
Another option would be to simply remove the password from the database using MSACCESS.. then try to connect to it using a System DSN without the password. If your host is storing the databases outside of your web in the root of the server then removing the password on the database is not that bad of a thing to do as there is no way anyone will be able to dload it from your site. Of course there is a still a performace loss when using a system dsn with an Access Database
cwilliams38145.8540509259, Hey CJWSoft,
We're helping out some clients of ours in a server transfer and we
really need some assistance from you guys. We've got everything
transfered and running, except for the ASP.NET banner. Do you
have any directions on how to go about moving the install from one
server to another? We've sent a couple emails through the site
but haven't gotten any responses back.
Please help.
-Tony Valenti
, These are 4 valid examples of calling a flash movie.
The more simple examples may cause problems for people that don't have the flash plugin installed. I really do not know as I am no flash expert. All these work fine for me. Of course I have the latest flash plugin installed. Perhaps some of you can shed some light in this. The 3rd and 4rth examples are obviously only slightly different and mention different versions of flash as far as downloading the plugin goes.
<EMBED src=" asp.swf" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
<object width="120" height="22">
<param name="movie" value=" asp.swf">
<embed src=" asp.swf" width="468" height="60">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"WIDTH="468 " HEIGHT="60" id="myMovieName">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" asp.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED src=" asp.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" NAME="mybannername" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" asp.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<embed src=" asp.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">
cwilliams38089.6129513889, Need to clarify something..
Your talking about the page where a new user registers right ?
Your not talking about adding a new user from the admin area ?
Either way under no circumstances do I see anything like you are saying happening nor has any other ASPProtect user ever mentioned this probem.
I am going to need to see your site and see this happening. It just makes no sense the way you are describing it.
Also. did you edit the registration page code in any way. If so please revert back to an original copy to ensure this is not some sort of problem introduced by editing the code.
cwilliams38164.8115046296, For pay signups you set the groups during signup it like this thread tells you to
only difference is you need to specify the groups info like so
(basically getting rid of the commas and just leaving behind the group numbers with a * around everything)
Also be sure to have no double asterisks
so, *1*,*2* would just be *1*2*
so, *1*,*2*,*5* would just be *1*2*5*
cwilliams38460.5969444444, Need to know more about ASP ?
Check out these links.
15 Seconds Free resource for developers working with Microsoft Internet Solutions. 15 Seconds is the biggest IIS and ASP development resource in the world. |
ASP FAQ Have a question about ASP? Check the ASP FAQ site. They've probably got the answer. |
ASP Free Your 1st source for free ASP and ASP.NET live demos, downloads and more!!! |
ASP Connections ASP Connections Conference for the ASP Developer features sessions on ASP Performance, IIS 5.0, ASP 3.0, XML, ADO, E-Commerce, VID, COM, COM+, MTS, DHTML, load balancing, and more. Speakers include Mike Amundsen, Wayne Berry, Charles Carroll, Michael Corning, Jeff Niblack, & Ken Spencer. |
4GuysFromRolla 4GuysFromRolla: Web Technology, Programming, Humor... All this and it counts as work! |
| A great new site. It's got some great stuff and is using JScript! A must see! |
askASP Promising new site! Check out the question archives! |
CodeHound CodeHound ASP - The ASP Developer's Search Engine! |
| A neat ASP reference with some interesting features. Check out their "Script Writers" |
ASPZone The website for advanced ASP developers. |
DevASP A relatively new ASP site. Straight forward and informative. |
| This in another site maintained by Charles Carroll, and it specializes in Active Server Pages programming issues. Contains links to a wide range of resources and articles. |
| The ASP Resource Index. Here you will find the stuff you need to take advantage of ASP and make your website an interactive mecca. |
ASP Sites A great place to go to find ASP resources fast! |
Macromedia - DevNet While much of the content is Dreamweaver MX-centric, they also have a fair amount of plain vanilla ASP.NET content as well. |
cwilliams38431.8787152778, It is refered to as the internet guest account but that isn't the actual username. The username is different for every machine. It usually starts off with "IUSR_" and then your machine name. "Internet Guest Account" is always the account's full name as labeled by IIS when it is installed.
If an account isn't listed you have to add it.
Click (add-advanced-find now) and it will list off all the user accounts on the machine
You can also click (add-advanced) and simply type in the account name or part of it.
Some more tips:
If on a local machine you always just give the "everyone" account full control which is pretty much going to make anything work.
You can also go to computer management in your server's administrative tools and view all of the accounts and groups there under "Local Users and Groups".
cwilliams38417.7186689815, I assumed when it said "expected path" that it understand that was the default and unless I wanted it in a different directory I could leave that blank. I'm checking on it now., ok, how about some more in fo on the setup ?
What version of MSSQl ?
Exactly how did you create the sql database ?
Is it possible banners.asp got edited ?
Did you create all your banners via the admin interface and do all all banners have a zone assigned as that is important ? Sometimes customers will add banner info directly to the database and leave out vital field info that the application requires. Based on that error it is starting to look like that page is coming across a banner with no zone ID and thus the error. , If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.
It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..
"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"
I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st. It was me and I said it on my old site before anyone else ever did.
I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.
I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.
, All this being said installing the desktop version of SQL may be a little tricky as it may complain that your SA account needs a strict password.
The solution is to run the SQL Desktop setup.exe with some parameters specifying a password for the SA account.
So you go to the command prompt or make a shortcut to the setup file and run something like this
setup.exe SAPWD="YourPassword"
minus the quotes...
I got that info from this article and it worked fine
The other thing to remember is it might take a reboot to actually see the SQL server icon running in the taskbar. You may also need to go into the administrative services and enable the "SQLSERVERAGENT" as well as set its startup type to "automatic"
And a reboot here and there..
Whammo... your in business...
, I'll give it a shot within the next day or so. I'm busy with a few other things right now. You're right about just saving a copy before I start. It can't really hurt anything.
Thanks Chris. I'll let you know how it turns out.
, When using the paypal subscription feature with ASPProtect for a new user the expiration in ASPProtect is actually not used. It is set to Null. This is because the PayPal system takes care of everything on their end.
So I can't see this happening because that field is not supposed to be used and the default PayPal subscription code we provide with the system does not populate that field.
Unless you populated the expiration date field on your own ?
Now that I re-read your post. The ASPProtect 6 reference was confusing me.
Now, if you have users that were never on a PayPal subscription that then sign up via PayPal subscriptiion that may indeed be a different story.
Is that what you are saying? I am looking at the code right now and it seems to me like it sets the expration date field to null on any new subscription activity regardless.
Let's forget about ASPProtect 6 as I don't think that matters. Please explain exactly when this happens and does not happen and exactly what sort of user we are talking and what their expiration dates are set at before they sign up for a paypal subscription.
Please be as detailed as possible so I really know what is going on ?, Makes sense to me. I used the ASPProtect_access2002.mdb supplied.
(I am using 2003). Only added more names and other personal info
to it for test. Uploaded the amended db with FTP. This did not
restrict someone not listed in db from logging in.
Would each individuals' information need to be added to the code in
order to have it check the database first to find out if the person is
authorized to view?
Part of the problem is I dont know which ASP page or script links the
db to the rest of the web, or how one page relates or links to the
Sometimes I wonder if problems I encounter originate with the server.
Thanks for patience.
, Has anyone used the aspmail function to send and recieve emails from within your forms? If so what string did you use in the aspmail_host field in the connections database.
thank you
, This is what it says in that thread I pointed you to
This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.
I really dont see what is confusing about it. I think I explained it all in detail in that thread.
, As I'd said in my previous response, I found those databases and they didn't work. All three databases in asptest do work., Christopher,
I have a follow-up to this question.
Is there a way to get the photo descriptions to save with actual spaces instead of the HTML space code all of the time?
I know that is does this if you hit Enter while typing a description, because it creates a 'br' tag. The main reason I am asking is because if the user does not enter a line break, the description is saved a single long string and the pic_window.asp page is generated with one long description which makes the page very wide.
I tried to get around this by changing the description style in pic_window.asp to reflect a value like 50% or 200 pixels, and I have tried putting it into a table with a fixed width, but there is no effect.
- Jason
, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
something weird is going on
Yeah that's my impression too. I've done a lot of searching before posting this problem, but haven't solved it. Maybe it has to do with the sql-server/hotel?
Though I have compared carefully what goes on (and it should all be good) it could still be the problem? I have now made it work on a local msde sql server too.. 
, Ok, I tried what you suggested but the program won't let me leave the
date area on the banner ad blank. I reset it to a date in 2010.
I deleted the Level 1 Access note in the notes area.
I then attempted to access the banner stats using the correct info and
the right link. Again, got this message:
INVALID Username & Password
Any ideas? Should I just delete the whole account and start fresh?
, where is your site ? I'll taka a look
, It almost seems like allow images is denied. When I look at the ad it doesn't even show a place where the thumbnail or image would go:
Columns now are Ad Name/ Price / Expires / Hits
There used to be one before Ad Name.
Even unchecked (saved) and checked
Use_Picture_Upload |
< = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature. |
, Sounds great, Sold!
Thanks Christopher!
, Yes, you are right. That was the problem. Sorry 
, I have found the alternate databases and they do not work either. I then went back and changed the database path in the asptest page to connect to the 2000 and 2002 test databases and it connected successfully to both of those databases, just as it had successfully connected to the asptest.mdb., MySQL Database Setup
Use of MySQL is 100% unsupported as you can see from the site.
Even still I recently had an encouter with an extremely Jerky person (read the thread above for more on that) and because of him I am adding this tutorial showing one way to set things up on a windows server using the official MySQL tools available.
Let me just say as well that there are 100's of 3rd party tools to work with MySQL databases and many ways to create the database and apply the database creation script. In the past it had to be done via the command line, but now there are a lot of visual tools you can do it with. Furthermore all hosting companies set MySQL up differently and give you access to varius interfaces to manage it which are all different, and that is primarily why I do not support it. How the hell could I support all those different interfaces many of which are totally custom?
The fact is 99% of the people that purchased ASPBanner to use with MySQL have done so without issue and love how it runs. Regardless here is how I set up a working MySQL database on a windows server proving it does indeed run with a MySQL database.
1st of all if you are setting up the server you need to download some things from
(btw: you local developers can install this on XP Pro as well if you like.)
For this article we are going to download the current non beta windows version of MySQL which is 5.0. ALso known as the Windows Essentials (x86) download. It's about 17 meg.
Because ASPBanner uses the MyODBC drivers (now called Connector/ODBC) to connect to the MySQL database you need to download those as well. (Our site flat out says this is required for MySQL use)
So I download those from here.
Version 3.51 has been the current version for a couple years now.
You want the windows driver install which is about 2 meg.
The two downloads should look like this.

Now, on the webserver you run the version 5 setup (mysql-essential-5.0.19-win32.msi) I will guide you through it step by setp.

Hit Next

I am going to choose typical for the sake of this article.
Hit Next

Hit Next

Wait for a bit

I skipped this part.

Choose to configure the MySQL Now
Hit Finish

Hit Next

I am going to choose Detailed Configuration

Since I am on a development machine for this install I am going to choose Developer Machine. For a Real Server choose one of the server options.

For this article I am going to choose Multifunctional Database: You may want to pick one of the other options. That is up to you. ASPBanner will work under any of the scenarios.

I am going to leave the location at its default
Hit Next

Since this is a development machine these options are fine.
Hit Next

These options are fine as well.
Hit Next

Standard is fine for my development machine.
Hit Next

I am going to choose both of these options. The 1st one is Important and should be enabled on a real server so MySQL always runs. The 2nd is not so important.
Hit Next

Set the "root" password and do not forget it. You will need it to manage your MySQL server. I do not advise creating an anonymous account unless it is a development server and you just do not care. Whether you enable root access from remote machines or not is up to you so do some research on that. For this articles needs I am not choosing it.
Hit Next

Hit Execute and wait

If all goes well you will see this. (I actually got an error message about not being able to connect... I went to to Administrative tools/services and restarted the MySQL service and hit retry which cured that... it probably only did this to me since I have installed this before.. new installs probably will not have any trouble)
Hit Finish
Your done.. You just installed the MySQL Server (TIP: its usally a good idea to reboot and make sure the MySQL servce is running by default)
Now, moving on..
Lets install the MyODBC drivers.. (now called Connector/ODBC)
This one is a bit of a no-brainer so I am not going to go into detail.
Just run (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.msi) and run through all the defaults until it is done.. Choose typical when that comes up.
Your done setting up MyODBC on the server. If its not your server I guess you don't need to worry about installing all of this as its your hosts job to do that.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 1:50:42 PM
*Burlington Electric Dept site update, timecard catchup, Checked radlog, checked online issues, TaskForce, spreadsheet, Went over time cards for last week, approved, started new time cards, Lunch, Draft finance agreements, email/voicemail, travel time to Johnson lumber1, Worked on computer., assisted Ed and Jeff on the Climax dialup router project, checking and answering email, Not to Busy this morning. Duties:Quality checking sign ups, cancellations, reports, answer phones, callbacks from voicemail, checking emails, , travel back to Watertown, did online reports much more busy now, did radlog answered phones., pretty slow day. helped a few people with their mail. had to reinstall OE with one customer, fix some dns things with andy add some stuff to dns, Costguard Demo w/ Tara, Beth, Randy, and Steve on phone., Email/Newsgroups
, Bill and Jacks - revisions to add for vacation guide, still trying to find drivers, Judith Musselman (SIIE), helped dave with the usanet site, Looking at Cowboys server problem., met with hacketts to discuss ideas for the site they would like to do, helped a user set up email. helped a new customer with the software. had a billing question, rad-log / call back verifies., Back to Watertown office., more bills -Capitol one took forever,