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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:28:54 PM

that really does not make any sense...

I dont know what else to tell you as this really shouldn't be anything too difficult to sort out...

redirection based on criteria is not something aspprotect does by default... I try to help a bit... I've shown everyone how to do it in this thread...I know plenty of people doing it... I've done it myself... I know it works

let me ask you this... are you using ASPProtect 6 with the Option Pack ?
I assume you must be or you would not have the Groups feature ?
And you asked this question in the ASPProtect 6 section.

but then maybe your using 7.. I do not know

this should all work the same either way

, This is the error that I am getting when I try to add a banner...

[code]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_ASPBanner_GetZones', database
'aspbanner', owner 'dbo'.

/aspbanner/appinfo_inc.asp, line 67[/code]

also, when i go to the banners tab i see this in the banner list...

[code](3 Banners Found)

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

/aspbanner/banners.asp, line 306[/code]


Ok i am having an issue with my other comp. I have spent ANOTHER 3 hours researching this one.... it WONT START THE IIS SERVICE!!!

I get this error:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion


I decided to use one of my client's hosts; which happens to be Network Solutions.

ANYWAY again-

I uploaded the whole thing there and they advised me they cannot do the explicit permissions on that _database folder. This is what they said: I would also would like to point out that ASP.NET applications and permissions do not extend to any other folder, other than the root, (/htdocs/), and the bin, (/htdocs/bin/) folders.  Sub-directories and folder after bin and htdocs will not have ASP.NET permission (read or write).


If you could move or reconfigure your application to save all your code behind, include and dll files onto the root or bin folder, your application could work or possibly run as you would expect.  Please have this done and retest your application. If and when you get a different problem or another error after doing so, please let us know, and we shall be happy to help you troubleshoot any problems that you may have.


There is a 'create database option'  where i can create a database..create a dsnname, user name, password and have to specify the database file name. Once i do this i need to place the database file (aspprotectnet2002.mdb) in the /db folder within the root. I also tried this and made the appropriate change in the web.config but it STILL DOES NOT WORK. I AM PULLING MY HAIROUT WHY WONT ANYTHING WORK.







No, only ".asp" files can be protected.  It is the nature of Forms Based Authentication when using web based scripting technologies whether those scripts be ".cgi", ".asp", ".php", or whatever.

To protect entire direcotries at once you really need to run your own webserver and use NTFS permissions and user accounts..... or if something special is installed on the server there may be ways to do it as well. That usually isn't going to happen under a shared hosting account but there are special authentication products for such a thing that some hosting companies do purchase and allow their hosting customers to use.

Using aspprotect we do give working examples of ways to stream and partially protect images and downloads while a user is logged in to an ".asp" page.

Also, any ".htm" pages can simply be renamed to ".asp" if you need to protect them. Links to each other need to be updated of course because of the extension change.

In my opinion the truth of the matter is most high end sites use Forms Based Authentication with scripts. Not directory protection as it is fairly primitive/old school as well as sometimes being confusing for the users of the site because of how the login window from the server often gets stuck behind the browser.. etc etc

If you have a lot of pages in a site that you need to add protection code to then if can often be helpful to use a good Multiple file search and replace program to carefully add the protection code to the top of the source code of the pages. There are even multiple file search and replace programs that can rename extensions which can be helpful for large sites.

For images and graphics you want protect you have to do some work and set up and intelligent system for yourself.

Lastly whether you use https:// or not is no concern to ASPProtect as it works the same under https:// as it does under http://

, its in this thread.. you use the InStr function
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=17&KW= instr

Please use a little bit more descriptive subject the next time you post. "question" does not tell much to someone looking through threads.. and I like to keep things clean and organized in the forums

I edited it for you this time..

thx , I just remembered the current skin is stored in a text file in the pictures folder. If it did not have permissions for writing it could give you trouble.  That could of had something to do with it.cwilliams38295.3821064815,

It appears there is an auto logout after inactivity for a period of time.  How does one change the default time allowed for inactivity?



, hi,

Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.

open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.

You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.

lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.


Sorry about earlier post in wrong area-

I have followed instructions to set up access levels (adding the

<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>    for user level 4 for instance.) The database is connecting properly and the basic check for login is taking place, but it seems that all users have access to all levels no matter what is on the database; i.e I set up a test page with "checkfor=4" and all users have access to it, even those with lower leve access.

Any ideas?



I am trying to protect and ASP page written in Javascript.  The first part of the page goes:

<!--#include file="../Connections/connWINGAP.asp" -->

When I insert the aspprotect code it looks like this:

<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/GIS/WCGIS/GISProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../Connections/connWINGAP.asp" -->

and I get this error: 

Microsoft JScript compilation error '800a03f7'

Unterminated string constant

/GIS/WCGIS/GISProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 2

I think I understand that your code is written in VBscript and that is why it is not working.  If this is the case, how can I switch to VB to execute your stuff then switch back?




Yes I did see that, and created the new project as well as imported the DLL's. I guess my question is; is it as easy as rename the file from aspprotectlogin.aspx to login.aspx and then running the release to regenerate? I know this is a novice question as I am a novice to .NET but the fastest way to learn is to do. Also I know you’re an advanced programmer with better things to do so if I’m stepping over the line from technical help to basic programming I should already know, feel free to point me somewhere ells.


Looks great. I can't wait until this will be released. Will there also be an easy way to migrate my current version ?


, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..

BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current

I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.

Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english

You'll have to try them,

I would also double check that you changed the field size correctly and on the correct database that is being used in the connection string



The source code comes with it.
They are the.vb files.

I don't give out any project files for reasons stated in the article below.

Please read this in full if you want to edit the application in Visual Studio.NET


, You kid around again regarding illegal downloads and not only will you be banned from the forums, your support will be cut off completely.


I can no longer send e-mails to my configured accounts through aspbanner. It was working for over a year and now it stopped.

At one point I was using CDONTS_Installed but since I moved to a new Windows 2003 server I was told by my ISP that either one of these will work

but neither one works. Can some one assist?




I'm all set - after thinking about your replies - i checked a bit more and changed the email component type -- thanks again for all your help.


I would say that it isn't all that difficult using mySQL for the backend....the main thing is to make sure you set the primary keys for auto-incrementing in your database.  Alos need to make sure that any DELETE SQL statements are formatted like this

DELETE FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue

and not

DELETE * FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue

The same holds true for using MSSQL


AUGUST 12th 2004


ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8.0

It is completely finished.


This new version has more features and is selling for $99.95

Unlimited Version 7.3 is now named "ASPBanner Standard"

Owner's of Unlimited Version 7.3 can get an upgrade to Unlimited Version 8 for the difference in price (based on current pricing)

It is available now for purchase at the following link .

http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

The new version can use your existing database so it is a fairly easy upgrade.

If you are not an existing ASPBanner Customer you can use the following link to purchase the application normally.


Notes on the new version:

ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8

Improved graphics and some new icons

New reports screen... 4 reports total   3 of which are new

New Iframe Banner Calling method with built in auto refresh feature so banners can rotate at a specified interval on their own

New Zone Order Informaion Page
Visually shows you what the current rotation looks like for a zone

Banners can now be stopped at a certain date and at an impression limit
Whichever is hit 1st.. before it was just one or the other

New "data" folder... this new directory is the only directory that needs permissions
this should make setting up the system and permissions a breeze.. all cjwsoft applications will
eventually use this same folder

New configuration text file... eliminates config table in the database and allows us to easily
add more config options in the future without changing the database.. means easier upgrades down the road
and faster loading of the configuration data

New application data connection wizard
makes setting up the data connection a no brainer

more overall emailing methods supported

Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects

Persists ASPEMail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
Simple Mail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
It is becoming popular for ISP to use this.

Emailing code now uses functions so we can easily add more email component support down the road

Flash files (.swf) can now be previewed and used in new banner right from the upload page
before this could only be done with image files

Users page now has a notes popup feature
when you hold the mouse over the icon you see all info on a user without needing to edit that user

Edit banner page now shows the color of the banner status in the dropdown menu

New clone banner feature.. allows you to easily create similar banners

Banner application page has been optimized to be even more efficient

Javascript popup calendar date selectors

Ton of misc little things & Improvements...

Some Screenshots


It's probably something I could do for you as a custom project if you are interesting in paying to have that work done, but it is probably not something that will be added to this version of aspbanner as it is in my opinion a feature more suited for a more expensive software package.

It is also difficult to get ASP code to do things on it's own. Scheduling something to run on the server or some other clever scenario is necessary and that usually means it would be unique to each persons setup.




Ok i was wanting to know what the "if then" statement would be if i wanted to show xxx if your group is xxx.

I tried

    <% If Session("Groups") = "1" then%>
    <font size="2">TEXT HERE</font>
    <%end if%>

But that did not seem to work.


It does not matter what directory name the ASPProtect files and folders are in but you cant go moving around critical file and folders like it appears you did nor is there any reason to.

All that is is saying is that the users folder, the password_admin folder, the scripts folder, the check_user_inc.asp file, and all the other files and folders that come with the system can be in any directory name as a whole.... but that doesn't mean you can go messing around with the files and folders in that directory.

I assure you 100's of users do not use "aspprotect" as the main folder name and they have no issues doing so.

Regardless, you need to explain in much clearer detail exactly what you did and what paths you used and what is where.  At this point I really do not know what is you did as your post was not clear to me.

You should also check that you have entered correct path info in the admin settings page area. The register page is one of the paths that geths set there.


You really should check out the documentation regarding the config file before you go any farther.

If the server supports ASP.NET you do not have to spend any money to have real fast loading thumbnails.

Also, licenses of ASPImage only cost 69.95 and regardless any quality host supporting ASP should have one of the 3 supported resizing components installed or else you should consider a better host like www.alentus.com Places like that have good hosting prices and give you access to 3000.00 worth of 3rd party asp components.



When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....



, I have ASPPhotoGallery installed. Everything has been working great for some time. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I am not getting the "Hits" incremented when a user opens an album. It works when an administrator is logged on. Does not for any anonymous users. Everything else seems to work fine. Again, this used to work. Any ideas. , That is by design and how it is designed to function.

There is no easy way to do what you are asking about.

Can it be done ?, sure!!

But it is a lot of custom coding to sort it all out and not something we support.

If I were you I would simply edit the login box screen to show some hyperlinks and options should a person need to use them. , >>1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for processing?  Is that something I have to set up in my paypal account?

Nevermind on this question.  I found the notify_url variable.  :-\

, while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.

so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?

what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?

99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus , ok, it works fine here with that password encryption key and password you sent me. I also looked in the database and I got the same encrypted password password which definetly has a weird hidden line break in it. (for example if you copy and paste it only the 1st part shows up like when you pasted it above.. as it is really the same length as the that guys email address)

Maybe you do not have the newest code. (I added some code to check for those weird line breaks and take care of them) I am going to PM you the latest version. Please download it and just take the "check_user_inc.asp" file out and copy it into your existing install.

Then try logging in as that person again.

If that works you should also grab the new version of "password_admin/check_admin_inc.asp" as well,

There was nothing wrong with the server configuration. It turned out that the problem was that I disabled the email notification of new user registrations that I continually receive. That appears to disable the authorization email to new users as well.

One other issue. It appears that AOL email addressee's are not getting the authorization email. Does AOL have any blocks to CDONT generated emails?




, 1st. Please understand you have to purchase two licenses to do such a thing as each installation will need a valid license purchased.

Moving on:

ASPProtect using a industry standard concept called "Forms Based Authentication"

This primarily relies on session variables keeping track of login status.

Each installation must be in it's own unique "IIS Application" so it will have it's own set of application and session variables.

That is often not possible with shared hosting plans as the server admins may not be willing to set a folder in your web as a separate IIS application. You would need to ask. It is going to depend on the quality of your hosting plan whether they do it or not.

technically it takes about 1 minute to open up the "IIS Console" and set up a folder in your web as a separate "application"

Based on what you are telling me that you want to do I think it would make a lot more sense to have one installation and one user database and customize your sites so ASPProtect users that are part of certain "groups" have access to things others do not or see things on pages other users would not. That is after all the entire point of Dynamic web sites and also why ASPProtect has "groups".

Then as far as the registration differences go you would make a copy of the users area folder area and manual customize it to register users in an alternate fashion than the main "users" folder. And then send people there if that is how you want them to register.

I don't support customizations but that is the gist of it. It's really not difficult work, but you have to be good with ASP.,


I was thinking it worked like this; A user goes to that page and logs in.. and from there they can then browse the site and do what they want..

So in order for it to work i need to edit a page say... members.aspx (i assume it needs to be an asp.net page) and in the header put that protect code and when a user accesses it, it will prompt them for their un and pw and then if correct will allow them to view the page... and likewise if they are still logged in will be able to use the page?

If that is how to works as i mentioned above thats great...

I understand the redirect principle...but say i have a log in box on the main page... you know like most pages have a user log in on the left hand side... i wanted to do that. But i cant obviously protect the main home page or else normal users will not be able to view it without logging in or registering

, either that or send me your encyrption keys and the exact password entered that causes the problem and I will try to reproduce the behavior here,

ASPProtect v7 comes with working example code of protecting an image from being downloaded and also protects the true file location of the image on your server..

This comes with the system as an example folder with some files in it.

(some of the initial purchaser's of the system might not have that directory.. if that is the case please ask)

Here is how it works...

Basically we protect the image in 2 ways.

  1. We use Javascript right click disabling code that works in both IE and Firefox.
  2. We stream the image via a special password protected ".asp" page and use an image tag to call it. This hides the true location of the file. You can therefore keep your images out of your web or keep them in a folder in your web that does not allow file browsing. Under this scenario even if someone looks at the img tag html source they can not tell where the file came from. Doing all of this allows you to offer certain images only to people that are logged in.

All in all this is should be very effective protection. Yes, there are still ways to get the images like doing screen captures, but this will ensure that people viewing images are logged in to your site. This will in most cases keep them from right clicking and saving the images. This will ensure that people can not tell other people the image's url location and it will ensure other sites can not leach your images and bandwidth.

For the image protection examples to work you may need to edit some values
in the stream_pic.asp file that are valid for your setup.

Look at the source. The values you can edit are commented.

Now, you also need to call a valid "image file name" from the call_pic.asp file which is an example of how you protect a page with javascript and call a streamed image using an image tag.

Lasty, here is a great article I found on image protection and some of the things you can do about it and some of things you cannot.

http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMArticle.asp?ID =41


This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.



Just an update,,,


the permission were all correct.... i left it and tried from my pc at work and it works fine... so i dont know what hahhpened.... thansk for your quick response




Sydney, Australia

, Okay, I'm going nuts trying to find that settings screen.

I've got a dedicated server that I connect to using "Remote Desktop Connection" so it looks like a regular Windows desktop. It's running Windows Server 2003.

There's a program called "IIS Manager" but I've looked at all the options for all the different sections and I don't find anything that looks even remotely like that screen.  And, of course, Windows Help is no help at all.

What program do I run to get to that configuration screen?


  Robert Gidley

its just an example connection string in the datacon_inc.asp file
you have the edit it to make sense for you..


the readme.txt file with the sql directions tells you this if you use that script

Examples of using DSN-LESS connections.

The "SERVER" and "Data Source" settings are either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address.
For local servers you can also use an IP of ""

GalleryConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};UID=aspphotogalleryuser;password=temp;DATABASE=aspph otogallery;SERVER="


GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspphotogallery;User Id=aspphotogalleryuser;Password=temp;"

Thanks, I figured that out!
I managed to get the gallery running, minimally, on the test server, so now on to the real thing.
Thank you!
- Jason

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:28:54 PM

talking with tim / seth about vermont , interviews, checked in with David on Maresca again...still trying to get ahold of him....he's called his cell and home numbers....he is updating kareta and Dennis and emailing all pertinent info out per my request to operations so eveyrone knows what's up, Testing modems, testing the lines for dial tone, figuring out which lines weren't hunting., Did radlog checkups and called back the expired accounts. I called a few of the bp accounts as well. Checked online issues and they were all set. Made sure that I finished everything for the day, Arden Green (SIIE), incoming calls, Review WebBoard on WWW, ENG01, SPUD, Went to the post office to get and take the mail to Jackie and go do the deposit and then came back and entered deposit in QB, started daily and weekly reports, Helped Michele w/entries, helped Melody w/CG, cap imp form, 911 research, copies & fax, NOC Schedule, Meeting, Went over TICC statement and did income deduction and sent to SCU with Michelel, E-Mail diiscussion w/ Tim Badour, asking me about some issues re: ATM, Insurance forms pickup in Watn, TIITC DB driven website. (worked at home today!), lunch, Had to make a few phone calls and sent out a few emails and had to run a quick errand, Meeting with soft media go over goals/ , best western- new passwords for email/access/frontpage Gopuverneur chamber- info for proposal ad baskets- emial info back for website Peter Paker- domian info and web site info Pine Tre point- andre- wdomian info- need to contact ad workshop North country ortho[eadic- info for weweb oiste- email tom - work order created do timeacards , Vermont Internet portal site production, TI BAIT ADD RIVER REPORT, Pre Board Invest Mtg, worked on fixing domains., McQuade and Bannigan problem fixed, daily reports, enter bills, Getting setup and putting together a chair, Network down, can't access anything.,

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