Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:29:36 PM
Humm, I dont see how moving to a new server could have anything to do with that.
What method of displaying the banners are you using. Perhaps try some of the other ones.
Don't use the javascript method with a javascript based ad like google.. that's for sure. cwilliams38454.8903472222, Chris,
Another question on V7. I set up all the paths as required for the extras like user pics and exports on my site. They were working fine. I created an export, then as you recommend, deleted the file on the site to ensure it doesn't get in the wrong hands. I did this a few times to test it after a number of people logged in.
About 2 days later, I went to do it again and the system came back with an error saying the directory didn't exist. I know it did because I created it and it worked fine. I then created the directory again thinking I was losing it.
Then today, I went to do another export and the directory is gone again! Can you help me understand why this might be happening? I am the only one with FTP access to the site so there is no way that it could be someone else doing it. The error I get is:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/password_admin/export.asp, line 78
Thanks, Dave ,
Ok nevermind that... i got by that wasn't paying attention...
The problem is even before this which i didn't know until now.
I placed the protect tag in a page i called members.aspx
When i go to this page is says ACCESS DENIED etc etc etc.
When i go to login to view this page i get the error..which i DIDNT know because i assumed it was working. This is the error im getting:
Server Error in '/MAP' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /map/users/aspprotectlogin.aspx
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42
btw it says /map because that is the subfolder within the root folder , Hello,
While there is no option in the admin area / asp code we give you here is what I can tell you.
You have the source code and we also use an open database structure. (MSAccess or MSSQL) So that means you can really run any query you want on the database whether with ASP code or directly in your database. You can even tie other systems and code into the database via OBDC and manipulate data. The sky is the limit.
In MSSQL you can run queries in SQL enterprise manager or query analyzer. Using Access you can run queries in query view.
It's really not that hard if you do some research on SQL Statements and how to use them. You can do some very powerful queries and save yourself a lot of time. , Its not a known issue.. I would try the original code before you made any changes and see if it still happens to you.
It seems to be working fine here for me in amy test web.
I am going to look into some more in the meantime.cwilliams38341.7166782407, well, you should probably be backing up the SQL database on a regular basis. That is between you and hosting company. If they let you connect via SQL Enterprise Manager you can do backups on your own.
As far as the aspprotect files and folders go back them up somewhere, and then only worry about backing them up again if you change some of the files.
That's really all there is to it. None of the ASPProtect files change on their own except the generated log files that you may or may not care about backing up.
I mean the important thing is the Database, and then of course any your own .asp pages that you protected as well as any custimizations you made to the users area or your site... , Hi Chris
Unfortunately the bl**dy server was down and unavailable for 17 hrs so I couldnt even get to see what the settings were!
It is on, the relevant users appear to have all rights for the data/tempstats folder.
I'm guessing you're going to suggest turning it off and see if the problem still appears.
Colin , Christopher
Thanks for a speedy reply. This is what I have used most recently...
ListingsConnectionString = "DSN=longreach;UID=lradmin;PWD=skipper;" DatabaseType = "SQL"
but that throws an error of:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
I have private messaged you my SQL server IP address. I am a fast learner with ASP (I think!) but some things really catch me out! ,
The reason is obvious, the file is called aspprotectlogin.aspx. It is self advertising for your product which is against the law for me to do on a government support website such as mine. Every other login system I have come across uses the login.aspx file. If I can’t change it I will file with the credit card company and return your product. I do like your product and hope to stay one of your customers. I will let you know, thanks for your help. , its in this thread.. you use the InStr function instr
Please use a little bit more descriptive subject the next time you post. "question" does not tell much to someone looking through threads.. and I like to keep things clean and organized in the forums
I edited it for you this time..
thx , All this being said installing the desktop version of SQL may be a little tricky as it may complain that your SA account needs a strict password.
The solution is to run the SQL Desktop setup.exe with some parameters specifying a password for the SA account.
So you go to the command prompt or make a shortcut to the setup file and run something like this
setup.exe SAPWD="YourPassword"
minus the quotes...
I got that info from this article and it worked fine
The other thing to remember is it might take a reboot to actually see the SQL server icon running in the taskbar. You may also need to go into the administrative services and enable the "SQLSERVERAGENT" as well as set its startup type to "automatic"
And a reboot here and there..
Whammo... your in business... , Redirecting is not something ASPProtect does because you can do that sort of thing using simple ASP redirects.
In all of these examples you are going to want to protect the pages you send these users to accordingly. So that if they know the url they just cant go their directly without loging in.
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect admins or level 4 users to a certain page and anyone else to another page. <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Admin") = "True" or Session("Access_Level") = "4" Then Response.Redirect("sompage.asp") Else Response.Redirect("someotherpage.asp") End If %>
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect level 1 users to a certain page. level 2 users to certain page, and anyone else to another page. <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Access_Level") = "1" Then Response.Redirect("level1.asp") ElseIf Session("Access_Level") = "2" Then Response.Redirect("level2.asp") Else Response.Redirect("allothers.asp") End If %>
Redirecting example.. This page will redirect user "PistolPete" to a certain page.
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% If Session("Username") = "PistolPete" Then Response.Redirect("somedirectory/somepage.asp") End If %>
then just make sure the page you send the user to to also checks to see if the user is the right user.... to make sure others users can't access each others pages <% If Session("Username") <> "PistolPete" Then Response.Write("You do not have access to this page.") Response.End End If %>
etc etc etc.... these code snippets should point you in the right direction...
, If you are developing using Windows XP Pro and running the NTFS file system setting proper permissions on a folder in your website requires that you 1st disable simple file sharing.
To do so open up "my computer". At the top open up "tools/folder options"
Then the "view" tab.
Then at the bottom uncheck "use simple file sharing"

After that that is done... using "my computer" browse to the folder in your web that you need to set permissions on.
Right click on that folder and then choose the "security" tab. (If simple file sharing is on that tab wont be there)
Give the "Internet Guest Account" Modify Permissions This will check all the boxes under modify as well.
You can also give permissions to the everyone account and accomplish the same thing.

BTW: If you are using ASP.NET you need to give permissions to an account called ASPNET. It wont show up in the user list. You'll need to click "add" and then type in "ASPNET"
cwilliams38203.582337963, My guess is they are not going to allow you to run your own oledb connector out of your own personal bin directory.
I don't think your going to be able to modify aspprotect to work under
that environment very easily, but I would give 1&1 a chance to
explain their reasoning and they might actually be able to provide a
simple fix who knows.
I have never seen a situation where a host goes messing around with
.NET that worked out good for anyone. I'm sure they have a reason, but
the entire world writes code to work on the platform as Microsoft
shipped it not as someone decided was a better way to set it up.
, Great suggestion, routing the banner click through an intermediate page before the destination. We use Deepmetrix LiveSTATS.xsp V7 and I should be able to configure a filter to capture the stats of the intermediate page.
Thanks for the help! Lance , yeah.. thats an old graphic probably only seen in a few places.
it is not on the main site or here or here or here or here
but I am sure there are a couple of pages left over still using it like the aspvendor and asplistings pages.. etc I am aware of it, just been too busy to go change them and I didn't consider it a big deal
2003 servers are NT based anyway , i took another look at the file, and realized that when i was looking at the data structure i had confused "banner_image_URL" with "banner_link_URL". i lengthened the latter, and now all is good.
sorry for the false alarm, and thanks for a very-to-work-with product.
, OK. If no return page is set, do they end up on a PayPal confirmation page and have to navigate back to my site by going Back or typing the web address?
Nick , The path is correct for the logfile directory. This is still not working.
, Post a request in the "custom code work" forum. Perhaps another customer will want to do the work or help you out with some code.
I am just too busy to do any custom work for quite a while.
, YAY! I FOUND A BUG IN MY TESTING!!! Do I get a cool t-shirt or a coupon for Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream? 
Hehehe... seriously, thanks for digging deeper and spotting the error.
You got some mad skillz and some excellent service, Mr. Cwilliams!
, Yes, I created it using the scripts.
, "save_pic_desc.asp"
in both the admin and users area needs to be edited
You'll see something like this...
If Len(Image_Description) > 250 Then
just change 250 to something higher.. I wouldn't go much over 500 though as it may cause problems.. I am really not sure.. Changing it higher is done at your own risk. cwilliams38300.5727314815, Personally, I think that is something you should work into your existing site code or something you should handle on your own.
It's basic site maintenance issues.. and something every webmaster must deal with on an individual basis. If you are going to upload a new version of some large file of course you should go disable wherever people are dloading it from and then wait/re upload/turn things back on.. etc etc
It is not going to be a feature of ASPProtect and I don't see why it should be. If you want to have some sort of global site is temporaily down thing you should have a common server side include on all your pages right after the password protection include file. In that include file you could easily stop site access with a response.end and also show a message.
Or you should disable a file download page manually on a file to file basis.
Really, big busy sites that have their sh*t together use versions of files for a reason. Every new upload is a slightly new version revision and has a slightly different file name They do this partially to eliminate the problem your talking about and also because that is the way it should be done. Nothing gets uploaded over itself ever. Even if there is a mistake in a file they upload a new revision and document it in the revision/changes file. And of course they dont show users a link to a new file revisions until it is uploaded. , Is it possible to set the user account time limits when they register? I am using email verification and am trying to have their accout expire 32 days after their initial login.
Also I have an issue with the email notification not notifying me when a new user logs in. It does a beautiful job notifying the new user. I do not understand why my server will send to one and not the other, I ahve searched the links but none seem to answer this.
Thank you for your help and insight , Thanks
It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.
If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.
Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.
, like I said you made changes to something to cause that...
runs fine the way it ships "it is one of things I tested earlier when I looked at your installation for you"
If you want I'll go look via FTP and tell you what is wrong cwilliams38456.1069212963, I have no idea of what kind of 'stuff' to try. I'm running other asp apps that use there own Access databases with no problem whatsoever., Oh big deal !!... John mentioned some site and you feel like you proved some sort of point. Aren't you special ?
Look, I am telling for the 3rd time you can't do what you are talking about with ASPProtect.NET. Are you braindead cause I really am beginning to think you are and I for one am done trying to be somewhat nice to you ??????
I am also willing to bet you had no idea what viewstate even was until I mentioned it and then you probably went and read up about it so quit trying to pretend like you know what is going on! If you knew what was going on you would not be asking more questions about ASPProtect.NET than any customer in the history of selling the application.
As a matter of fact you should send me like 400.00 just for all my time you have taken up because you are totally frigin clueless !!!!!
I should have cut you off the instant you offered me illegal software from p2p right in a forum post., I'm using ASPimage and have the maximum width set to 320 in the settings. Also using SAFileUP ver. 4.0.
Files upload okay, and the script displays a confirmation that the image was resized to 320, but the actual image uploaded is displaying full size rather than reduced to 320.
Also, the thumbnails are not displayed in the Picture Manager. Would indicated ASPImage is not working or the script is not communicating with it.
Suggestions? lancem38326.9070486111, Look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file..
You'll see the name of the cookie there and also get an idea how to access it.
In most versions it looks like this.
You'll want the cookie for the username because the session variable will not exist unless they have actually gone to a protected page during that session at the site.
It would probably be best the check for both the session and the cookie. That will make sure people logged in that arent using the cookie option still see the message you want to display.
Sorta like this..
GetUsername = "" If Request.Cookies("PASWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME") <> "" Then GetUsername = Request.Cookies("PASWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME") Else If Session("Username") <> "" Then GetUsername = Session("Username") End If
Response.Write GetUsername cwilliams38298.9175, Hi,
We use ASP Protect to password protect the pages in the member area ( )
Of late Once or twice every month our whole site goes down and it gives us a "Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800a006 Overflow: Clnt //global.asa line 33 " error message (with the friendly message turned off). When we reboot the web server things are up as normal.
But this is happening too frequently and creates a bad impression.
Any suggestions on how we could prevent this would be greatly appreciated. , [QUOTE=afifm]
I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.
<% If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then SearchFlag = True End If If SearchFlag <> True Then If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then %> <!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" --> <head> <title>My Title</title>
My Protected stuff here
For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.
I just added couple of lines and it works fine
If (Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) = "" Then ' Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes" SearchFlag = true End If , (User Search & Contact Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This will allow an individual user to search for other users as well as email or call them.
Notes: This is a down and dirty mod. The users page from the admin area was used as a starting point. I then edited it up real quick to be used as a user search. The way it is it shows the user email as a regular email link. If you want to set it up so emailing is done from the application and emails are not actually shown you will have to do some extra work. If you don't want phone numbers shown you will have to remove that column which is not very difficult.

Directions: Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
copy "search.asp" into your "users" folder
Direct your users there. They will have to be logged in to view the page.
WARNING: This has not been extensively tested for SQL Injection attacks. I think it is perfectly fine the way it is by looking it over quickly, but use it at your own risk.
, Well I still haven't gotten it to work yet completely. I tried to import the users again and it imported some, but timed out again. Trying to log in takes forever...ready to jump back on this one?, Great! Sounds good Chris. , Hello,
It is very possible, however there may be some issues such as the session variables specific to a particular user would not be able to be created because there would not be a specific user.
I can't tell you exactly how to do it as it would probably take a few hours of messing around with the code to sort it out. Bascially, it's not something I could tell you how to do real quick and I do not support custimizations to the code.
But, it is very possible. You want to check the server variable for the IP address. The tricky part would be where and how this all just integrated into the "check_user_inc.asp" file , If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/10/2004 this file needs to be updated.
It fixes a bug where the JavaScript method is not properlly closing an html Image tag. It can cause other hyperlinks on your web page to link to the same place the banner links to. This does not always happen but this fix is the way the code should be so it is best to update it.
Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name. cwilliams38209.5378009259, Thank you.... yes it does
Is there a limit in the number of Zones you can have in the database.
thanking you , I did the initial steps of downloading the sql scripts and running it in Query Analyser, tables created fine.
I can login for the first time. I exit from the browser and then I cannot login again. This happens for every user and admin. I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0 when login and remained in those values after close the browser.
So iam just struck not able to log in. Pls advice.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:29:36 PM
Manager Mtg, SACKETS HARBOR BREW PUB MAKE CHANGES, general billing, technical support supervisor duties, helped techs with issues, dial up issues, ask us questions, emails, qlight, voice mail, emonitor, training- busy night, Doing the daily crystal reports, Work order prep for SWNS, Post office, finished helping ben, troubleshoot KNI framed connection with Bell, ticket #DC050789, lunch, misc., Tasks, Phone, Helping Matt G, T1 paperwork for Oneida Wan, dinner, A/R changes & invoices, email, voicemail, call backs , Picked up mail and posted accounts. Ans phones., FX CAPRARA - banner for bottom of site advertising warranty rebates - also fixed javascript errors..., met w/Lisa re: email from Louise at Pit Bull about getting her site submitted to search engines, wrote Louise an email reply back (, non-billable), email and newsgroups, velcro - developing logo for "fasten-mate" and working on site layout..., Telecom Conference, Raleigh, NC - Syracuse, NY (Continued on Next Day's Time Card.), CHR, Uncle Sam Boat tours infof for web site
Timberview- go over changes to web site
North country ortho padic club-
Register domain names for Dave and Bob Nelson
, started the spreadsheet, checking out some javascript code, that i could use at a later date, JOHSONLOGHOMES.COM DATA ENTRY OF INFORMATION FOR PLANS AND CATEGORY SECTIONS, Reviewed PSC & FCC materials,