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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:33:42 PM

This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6
in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.

We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.




humm.. can I possibly see this happening ?
any changes to that part of the code ?



all that docmunetation is online as well right here so you dont really need the chm file

the chm format is a windows format that can only be viewed on windows pcs. I do not know why you can not see it. I would do reseach on viewing CHM files on whatever operating system and version you are running because perhaps you are using a mac or linux operating system which can not natively view chm files ?

, good news.. like I said it is probably becuase aol blocks emails sent from IP's with no MX record in the dns system ,

The reason is obvious, the file is called aspprotectlogin.aspx. It is self advertising for your product which is against the law for me to do on a government support website such as mine. Every other login system I have come across uses the login.aspx file. If I can’t change it I will file with the credit card company and return your product. I do like your product and hope to stay one of your customers. I will let you know, thanks for your help.

, OK, thanks.., Please forgive my question in advance, I'm sure I've overlooked the answer somewhere obvious. I'm sorry!

I'm wondering if it is possible to customize the appearance of the banner stats login page or the admin pages.  I'd really like the banner stats pages to look more like my own site or at least have my logo on there or something like that so that my advertisers can see that it is my site when checking their stats.  However, I want to do this without violating copyright, etc.

Can someone point me in the right direction or shut down my hope?



Just wanted to say how much I like the program! I hunted for days and finally purchased a Perl based product. After several days of goofing with it I gave up. ASPPhoto worked right on first install!!!!


Way to go!



It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques)
It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.

Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.

You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=17

Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.

In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.

I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.



the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.

, SQL server hotel ehh ? Humm that sounds bad whatever that is ?

Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?  I have never heard of that name ?, You know what, you really are frigin goofy to say you might think we didn't write the software. I got source code to the license dll as well as about 12 revisions of the application sitting on my development server as well as about 1200 emails between John & Myself as we worked on it. Not to mention all those .vb files that come with the application. What do you think those are ? I bet you don't even really know based on something you said in one of your earlier forum posts.

Did you even read this cause this is YOU... !!!
And we say right on the ASPProtect.NET product page to read that article before making a purchase.

Moving on... it basically says on the site ASPProtect.NET works the way it is shown to work. You can use it that way or you can further edit the code with Visual Studio.NET. If you are so good with asp.net then you should be editing the code to work differently or writing your own authentication that works exactly how you want it to. End of story. You keep arguing about things your done... you are so done !!! I won't keep putting up with you.,

You cant do it from initial lohin, but you can do it from the time of registration signup.

As for the emailing thing it is most likely an email sending issue more than a code problem. For example spam filters incorrectly grabiing those emails or something of that nature..

Best thing to do is try different things for emailing options until you get something that works. I suggest using CDOSYS with a real email server and using a valid email account for yourself at that email domain. SMTP authentication if necessary. This will ensure the emails sent have valid MX records and dont get treated as spam.



OK.  If no return page is set, do they end up on a PayPal confirmation page and have to navigate back to my site by going Back or typing the web address?




Sorry, but if  ".asp" pages download instead of run on a server then that means ASP is not working on the server and is not configured correctly. That is about as low level as it gets and it is really the hosting companie's responsibilty to sort that one out.

It is totally a system admininister's job to make sure that sort of thing is working. If this place supports ASP they really need to fix that for you. There really is nothing  I can do for you until ".asp" pages at least run.

As for the Free install... that is no problem. Of course you need to get the hosting company to fix the web before I can be of any help. There is more to that problem then permissions.

For starters I would make a simple ".asp" page with hardly anything it (even some simple html text is fine) and ask them why it is downloading instead of executing and to please fix things.


It's real easy actually if ya sniff around the source code.
ASP is so easy to (work with/edit) even if you dont know any code.

edit   "save.asp" with a text editor


If Request("First_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a First Name.\n\n")
End If


If Request("Company_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a Company Name.\n\n")
End If

From looking at that save code I dont see where Last_Name was required. The only name I saw required was a 1st name.

Also.. making the First_Name not required may break something somwhere else. I dont think it will but it might. You are warned.


But can you guess as to why the following might be happening:

1) The password is still "temp", and we verified that by checking dataconn_inc.asp ; 2) People are able to place new ads, etc. ; 3) We then download the DB.  Sometimes we are able to open up the DB just downloaded with the password "temp", but only see the USERS table.  At other times, we cannot open the same DB with any password, and get a "password not valid" message even when using the password "temp".

So what can the problem be?

, Ok.. glad you got it working., The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs.  It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions.  But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal., ok,

yeah.. I cant say for sure.. as I have never really tried to get it working in xp pro.

Last time I actually used cdonts locally was on a 2000 box

I would do a google search on xp pro, smtp service, and cdonts and let us know what you find out.

All of our apps can use free 3rd part emailing components as well so maybe try some of those. Course you need a valid email server to connect to.



You really should just look at the documentation that came with the application. It tells you everything you need to know.

it is in the docs folder in html format.. it is also linked to from the aspclassifieds website


That appears to have fixed it!!! Thanks alot for your patience, I will never question your brilliance (or customer service) again! Where do I write you a smashing review?


I don't fully understand what you are explaining ... the part about showing a user but not working???? but if you PM me the details I will glady go into your live webserver and see if I can get it working.


That would be great.

I am sure you know that many virus that are sent via email have the same property. (double extension). The code can be executed even though Windows identifies them as simple text files etc.

Thanks again


Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:


Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/banner_re direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
 <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
 <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>
 <embed src=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/images/ba nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf "
quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">

What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002.

, Bingo! that did it.  Somehow the data must have gotten corrupted. 

Hopefully that will do for me. Seems like everything is humming along and looks great!

Thanks again,


The login page sends the user to redirect.asp (which is as follows)

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
End If

If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*2*") Then
End If


I am not being redirected to gp02.asp if I am a member of group2.  Also, we wish users who are part of group 2 and 3 to go to a different page (ie. gp2-3.asp)

Thanks in advance.


you have to check the session variables for groups a little differently.. info on that is here


, Verison 8 is superior in every way and the code is much more optimized so yes I think it would handle it better. It is still a lot of banners on one page though which means a lot of hits to the database if you call them all individually with zone calling code. SQL server would make sense more than MSACCESS.

Now, the only reason I said make one zone for all those banners on the home page is because a banner has to be associated with a zone. It would make sense to put them all in one because if you just tracked the clicks like I mentioned you really wouldnt be using the zone except for maybe when you go to view stats. ,

Sorry, I guess you did say you finally found them.
Regardless, sorry then, I tried

I dont know what else to tell ya.. except to search www.aspin.com

Perhaps you will find something you can use there.


It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas…


Running in parallel for testing is actually a smart way to do it, but the truth is you don't use anything from version 6 except the upgraded database (we have a tutorial on how to upgrade the database)

Version 7 was a drastic change /rewrite to all of the asp files that come with the application. So you will be starting out with fresh version 7 ".asp" files and folders... You will also find that once you get version 7 running that editing certain things like the look of the users area and the login screens is much easier to do.

That being said any of your own ".asp" pages that you protect use the same protection code they always did, so there will be no drastic changes needed there when you do finalize the upgrade.

If using MSACCESS as the database I suggest installing the application somewhere in your web and using a fresh ASPProtect 7 database. Once you are familiar with the setup and everything is working fine. Attempt the database conversion and when your done stick your converted database in there and see if everything is ok.

Also, if you already purchased the application download the latest version before doing the install. It's the same download URL. If you don't have it email me and I can hook you up. I have added some new features and fixed a couple minor things since it's release.

So far the feedback on version 7 has been awesome..


well, I need more details..

you got SQL server or data connection issues is pretty much the bottom line

If I remember right we went down this road with a SQL setup quite a while back (auguest 2005) and that never really got resolved

here it is
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=321&KW =yiak




you can not limit image size using the pure code upload method. Its not possible using a pure asp method that I know of.

You would have to be using one the supported commercial upload components and edit the upload code accordinly to limit upload sizes (you would do this by looking through their documentation and samples) I didnt include any support for upload file size limitations with the supported 3rd party upload components because in my testing I found it problematic with all but aspupload from persits software. (I have example coe for that component I can provide that limits the upload size and seems to do it well) I am sure it could work with safileup and dundas as well but I gave up trying.

As for image resizing..
Image resizing requires the use of one of the supported 3rd party image resizing components. You didnt mention if you are using one or not. If you dont have one available image resizing is just not possible as asp can not do that on its own.


I just upgraded from 6.0 to 7.0 primarily because we were limited in the choices of email systems we could use to send an email validation message.

Previously, with 6.0, we were using CDONTS to send an email validation message to new registrants. Unfortunately, AOL email addressee's were not receiving the vaildation email from us. I received a reply to another post I made on this forum that the problem was due to the fact that aCDONTS generated email has no MX record and AOL blocks non-MX record containing emails.

Well, I upgraded to 7.0, switched to CDOSYS (Using SMTP Virtual Server) with SMTP Authentication and it appears that AOL is still blocking the validation email.

Any suggestions, comments?



I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

, check the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file. If using MSAccess it will show the location. If using SQL Server it will show the SQL Server details in which case there is no physical database file.,

Have you thought about language file so users dont have to go into the code to put it in their language??

, that is good news... good guess on my part I guess

anyway, try this for your latest issue.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=340&KW =%2D1,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:33:42 PM

Answered a couple calls. Not much... cleaned up in general., Vermont Internet site development: finish multiple layouts in photoshop, convert and modify design for use in html, put up a real audio encoder and a real audio server for wrvo this was to replace the linux real audio that i cant get to work, Keith Haydon,and Nortel Call, web billing, emerald billing and fixes , Reclassifying chart of accounts, check modem pools, research Total Control hubs in relation to several negative comments at Business Fair, particularly with xxx-5000 and xxx-5500 numbers, worked with dave on a few problems with online site, set up a couple new domains and fixed a domain problem with fscpaper.com as promised by myself to nic darling and lisa hunneyman....they are an important customer and I didn't want to make them wait another day, more stuff for bravo fest, Took a break away from the code to look up a scripting codes on some websites and reading a few pages from my ASP book, Lunch, SoftMLS - Doing ''Descriptive Code'' input sheets for CJW., SoftAuto demo site setup. Publishing breseecars.com to SoftAuto.Com. Making changes to make it work., phones clayton down busy, Troubleshoot O'Reilly SSL issue, research, Read Email, Review warrants financing, NOC, worked on gary's computer as it was acting funky, had ben show me how to fix the total controls when they start sending garbage to emerald..., also went with andy to pick up a y adapter for the media server..., Donation to a local auction for leukemia- 6 months free access, COMPUTER MAINTENANCE RUNNING OUT OF HARD DRIVE SPACE TOO MANY WEB PROJECTS ON DRIVES.. PARTITION DRIVE AND COMPRESSED TO MAKE MORE ROOM.., cc report, invoice cancellations, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, taking signups, incident report. , ti museum...new site design, lunch, Answered a phone call from a potential customer asking about prices, and ICQ'ed with Ron about tonights activities., setup new users, , Took a look at the PC that was in here for repair. Got it connecting fine., E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Follow-ups,

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