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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:23:53 PM
Chris -
Long time no talk, which is a good thing. I have purchased another product from you, ASPVendor. I am running into an issues.
When I try and remove the image through the image manager, it does not remove it. Screen shot attached.
Thanks , ... in addition it is a virtual include not a file. I just tried to use file instead of virtual and then the ../ includes worked on the asp pages.
This is strange because they used to work like that on the 2000 server I had these sites running on. ,
Please forgive any ignorance on my part.
Using the live demo, it seems that with the banner software my advertisers would only have access to reports, but no ability to upload banners, specify keyword triggers or zones, what have you. Is this correct?
The other thing I couldn't quite figure out, assuming I had a categorized directory on my site, is this system configurable to display different banners based on category? Perhaps through keyword triggers?
Thank you in advance for any assistance. , who knows, thanks for your input, I am further than I was when I started talking to you!, For pay signups you set the groups during signup it like this thread tells you to
only difference is you need to specify the groups info like so (basically getting rid of the commas and just leaving behind the group numbers with a * around everything)
Also be sure to have no double asterisks
so, *1*,*2* would just be *1*2*
so, *1*,*2*,*5* would just be *1*2*5* cwilliams38460.5969444444, Version 7 uses.. RC4
The upgrade process is described here in detail including a procedure to convert existing clear text passwords to the encrypted versions. (Your passwords will need to be clear text as the system shipped of course for the conversion to do its thing)
It is also covered in the downloadbale docs http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo221-1.htm
Many people have done the upgrade without any issues and Version 7 is getting great feedback.
Should you decide to go with it there is upgrade pricing. http://www.aspprotect.com/purchase_v7_upgrade_pricing.asp , It looks like your product is perfect for my new site, but I have one question. One of the pages I want to protect on my site will be called by an application running on a remote server every 15 seconds. The application can include the username and password in the URL it is calling. Will your product allow access to the protected page on my server? , 1st off, what application is this in reference too? This question should be under that application's area in the forum.
2nd, really need more information and details. There are many ways and methods to send emails and they can all effect what gets delivered and what does not. All on an email server side of things. (I always recommend using the CDOSYS option using SMTP authentication with a real external email that has valid MX records) see my article... http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/sending_email_cdosys.asp
3rd, your not telling me how many users we are talking about. ASP is not a very efficient way to send emails and extremely large amounts of users should be sent emails in a different way then from an asp application. It is just the nature of the technology being used. Some of different emailing methods the application supports may or may not give you better results. It is really best to experiment though honestly the option I mentioned above is always the best in my experience.
4th, if you are not getting a timeout or a scripting error than the ASP part of things is making it through the amount of users. You have to remember that often time emails that get sent out from web sites end up in junk filters for whatever reason. That is just another fact and why it it is usually best to send out serious newletters using a stand alone application like WorldCast or something.
I am doing a lot of guessing here because you really did not tell me much. I also still am not sure what application this is in reference to as 3 of my apps have newsletter features of sorts. , [QUOTE=cwilliams] Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?[/QUOTE]
yeah thats it, you buy into a part of the sql server so it's an sql server hotel... , Chris -
I am encountering a problem with items showing up. When I click on a category and then select an item to view I get
I have verified the item has the item_active check. For giggles, I even unchecked with the same results.
Thoughts? , This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6 in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.
We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.
cwilliams38401.6321990741, Oh, I just remembered something.. It's been a while since I did this... :)
Nevermind what I said above as that is a different sort of "debug"
When you want to debug like your talking about find this section in the "web.config"
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" />
change it to this
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />
When you run the code in a production environment change it back though
More Info http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;3061 56
, Hello,
While there is no option in the admin area / asp code we give you here is what I can tell you.
You have the source code and we also use an open database structure. (MSAccess or MSSQL) So that means you can really run any query you want on the database whether with ASP code or directly in your database. You can even tie other systems and code into the database via OBDC and manipulate data. The sky is the limit.
In MSSQL you can run queries in SQL enterprise manager or query analyzer. Using Access you can run queries in query view.
It's really not that hard if you do some research on SQL Statements and how to use them. You can do some very powerful queries and save yourself a lot of time. , Okay, thanks, I'm going to change the method tonight and see if it makes a difference
I'll report back
Dave , thanks!, Has this been resolved ?, I've been working on it for quite some time.... doesn't seem to be working as of yet :(, The only major usability issue I've found to date is multi-zone banners. Cloning is helpful to a point, but then if you have a change to that banner, you have to make the change 6 times or what have you. I think, even at the expense of speed, multi-zone capability for a single banner would be excellent addition. Of course, that supposes I haven't just missed it and it's already there. cwilliams38453.6665509259, one last thing... if you did an upgrade from a previous version and didnt do the whole database field thing right during the upgrade process as stated here you could have trouble. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo174-1.htm
Meaning you should check your new database with the field structure of an unmodified new database and make sure all field names match up perfectly.. especially paying attention to the username and password fields
One last thing.. If you did an import via text file and didn't import all the fields ASPProtect needs you could possibly have problems as well.. though I don't think this relates to the timeout so it probably is not the case , Okay, so I copied the txt file into the export file and tried the import users option and it timed out on me as well.
Would it be easier to figure out if you were able to look at the iis server? , SQL Server Database Information Mod
This mod is only for customers running SQL server. It is a new stored procedure and a new version of the "server_info.asp" file that will display information about your SQL database on the Server Info page.
Purchase Page

This is for Advanced SQL Users only that understand how to add a Stored Procedure to a SQL Database as well as assign permissions and what not.
To install this mod you should have access to SQL Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer as well as be able to grant your SQL database user EXEC permissions on the new stored procedure. , all I can say is try other things... like
etc etc etc
replacing yoursite with the name of your domain of course
the settings for sending email via ASP are no different then the settings you would use in outlook or something... except sometimes on the server level localhost works as the email server because they set it up to allow that
and of course those 3rd party emailing components need to actually be installed on the server , I just moved servers and now my "code" ads are giving me errors...
"google_ad_width" is undefined.
I have tried adding the width and height... taking it out.. all the basic stuff.
Any ideas?
TIA  , when you get back to work.. your "redirect.asp" needs the password include file at the top of it.. or that wont work either..
and of course those pages you send people to all need to be repaired , Please be aware folks..
This file is not provided by CJWSoft. Though this may work very well use of it is not supported in any way. We have not tested it.
This user is not using the option pack so this file will not be compatible with anyone using that because it does not have support for groups and some of the other new features.
Regardless..we appretiate users sharing ideas and solutions that they have come up with. cwilliams38313.499837963, You need to make sure you created the SQL database using the SQL scripts we provide and that no errors occur whatsoever. That is extremely important. You must use our SQL creation scripts.
Then, when you create the user you need to go back to that user and make sure you check the admin account and save that user again. (many times when setting up a system for someone I find myself forgetting that step and then I have to go back in and check the admin box for the user I created.)
And of course create the user from the ASPProtect admin area web interface. Do not add the user to the database manually because you will have no way to enter the password correct as it is encrypted. And do not change the encryption key after making the user/.
It would also be wise to check the SQL server database at every step to make sure the user info gets created and that all the field info looks correct for the most part.
You also want to be sure to specify SQL as the database type side the connection string info as the SQL directions go over
a remote sql server should not an issue.
thats really all I can think of right now , Hi,
Could you please advise what may be causing this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x57a4 Thread 0x5474 DBC 0xf03a704 Jet'.
/ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 292
Funny thing is that if I refesh the page with the above error it gives me the following eror:
/ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp, line 292
and after few times of refreshing the page it shows me the page I am after.
Is this my promlem or ISP's.
Thank you , Hello,
Unfortuantely I can not help you much regarding the javascript because I am a server side code kinda guy. Client side javascript just isn't my thing. That was free javascript code that I used for that function. I really do not know enough about editing client javascript. Sounds like you might though.
Style 1 is really a relic left over from the standard version. I just left it in in case someone wanted to use it. Like I said because it is javascript making it do more than it does is tricky (at least for me)
Now,, for actually getting description code. The thing to do is check out how that all works in the pic_window.asp file which is what style 2 two uses. Bascially descriptions for an particular album get stored in one text file. We read that test file. Put the lines into an array. Then display the info which gets run through a functions to convert some special characters used when saving back to normal.
I tried to look at your site but it woulnt load for some reason.
cwilliams38420.0809259259, When I add a user, I can not activat it.
What do you have the registration type set to in the settings ? They wont be activated automatically unless you have "automatically" selected ?
It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???
I am not quite sure I understand ? Seems to me like that would be normal because you can always log in as the admin at any time. If you cant log in as the user you just signed up as that could be for a couple reasons relating to the registration type you have slected in the settings. There are 3 types all epxlained in the settings screen. Some require manual activation byt the admin, some involve a registration email.. etc etc
I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added is still not activated??
How and why are you restarting the applicaton ? Please explain what your doing there.
My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag. It just ignores it....
As I told you in an email earlier cookies must be enabled for authentication to work. You mentioned now you can not log off ? I am not sure I know what you mean by that. I assume you know to close all browser windows when testing things like this and I assume you know you have specifically log off and confim it in order to remove the remember me cookie and have to log in again when you return to the site. , Hi,
I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Even though the guestbook is empty, it takes just about 20 to 30 seconds for the guestbook/default.asp lto oad. Is this normal has anyone else has had this problem.
Thanks , Thanks and glad that fixed it.
You can review this software at http://www.aspin.com/func/review?id=4952510
That being said, ASPIN has a lot of problems with anonymous reviews so if you can please sign up with them and post an Authentic review as they carry a lot more weight. Authentic reviews involve responding to their validation email so when doing so use a real email address that you regularly check.
And sorry I made you use the forums, but as you can see this is exactly the sort of thread that will help someone else later on.. and that is why I require people to use the forums now instead of just email support. That way the conversations are out in the open where they can help everyone instead of buried in my outlook where no one will ever see them. And of course if information is sensitive you can always do a Private Message as you did earlier.
It is all about creating a knowlegebase of valuable information. , Hi,
I really look forward to installing V7...
I would like to test V7 by copying my existing V6 to a NEW directory,
including the database with new connection, and using this duplicate to
do an upgrade for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY before commiting to upgrading
the main system.
Should this cause any problem?
I am successfully using ASP protect on our site. I have one question:
The file Check_user_inc.asp looks a bit bland as I can't seem to use the sites Dreamweaver template. If I apply a template to this page, it is duplicated on other pages with this template.
How can I apply a template to this page?
, Good Morning - I am receiving an Http 500 internal server error when I go to add a new user via the register.asp page. the url when the error appears is: .../users/add_new_account.asp
I think the error has to do with my email component setting - becuase it works fine otherwise.
I have the email component setting set to CDOSYS (using remote server) with the mail.remote.server set to email.cidra.com - email address set to webmaster@cidra.com
Note: I receive the email notification and the user does get added.
Can you help please? Shirley
UPDATE...I just figured out that it only errors when the email address I use for the user is NOT from cidra.com -- Any idea why?
, I am getting closer.
This error actually does not have anything to do with the forgotten password feature or your database.
It has to do with the settings you chose for emailing.
it relates to aspmail and it not liking the remotehost you used, or something like that.... etc etc , as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""
however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa" basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue. Permissions...
cwilliams38303.6065740741, it might.. I might be wrong though as I guess that could still be an issue with access not being able to keep up.. and then the xml parser just isnt getting the page it is requesting in time, Really, only you or your hosting company would know that information...
It is usally installed in the "_database" folder but the physical path including the drive letter to that can only be known by asking your hosting company or by using server mappath to learn the path on you own. http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/physical-path.asp
That folder also needs special permissions. The permissions it needs are covered in the documentation for the software and generally only your hosting compnay can set those permissions.
The online support forums here are full of information and resources on correctly setting up data connections. It is ASP 101 and something you really need to have an understanding of.
I am happy to answer questions and try to help, but if you dont want to deal with it or can't we do offer installation services.
, Just installed software, when I attempt to log on I get the following error (actually this is after I moved some of the include files to user).
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
/gallery_admin/default.asp, line 25
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
What do I need to do to fix?
thanks. , Thanks, I really appreciate you working on this. The software works GREAT and the support you give can't be beat. I will definately tell other that are looking for software for their sites to check your first.
one more question.
To use the bulk upload feature of aspuload, do I just need to add another upload section to the same upload page, that will allow more than one file to be selected then tell it to put the files in as Photo 1, 2, 3 etc.? I am a rookie at ASP but I think this is possible and with a little research I should be able to get it going.
Just want to make sure I am on the right track.
Thanks ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:23:53 PM
engineering meeting, Working w/ Bell and Ivan re orders already placed. , Switchboard, billing calls, call back charting, Photocopy and mail out Chamber Mailers to Paul Haggett., Billing calls, callbacks, BaldwinsvilleChamber.Com - Adding new membership listing component., techcalls, some Radlog....mainly cancellations, Went next door to Henderson Manufacturing to see what was done so far and what else needs to be done and to meet manager, popcorn-n-more- go over info for storefront- disconnected -call tech for assistance twice
spoke with Ron- go over online admin entrance with, lunch, Working on creating favorite icon for the homepage, Took general tech calls, Watched RADLOG and made Callbacks., Very slow..one call only about modem problem with a rented computer. After looking into the problem I determined there was nothing I could do on my end. She will have to call rental place. Emptied garbage and vacummed. Checked on all activities regularly., TICC WO's, Job Fair, few more calls, another call to dave for emonitor, phones, invoices etc., Answered phones, and served as the secratary/whomever person...It kept busy tonight, Paid bills with Michele and then matched up to the invoices and then went to the post office., to Clayton, phones, invoices, training, Stadys telephone, ans questions from customers, taking applications and puttin in emerald, Steady morning. Quality checked sign ups, cancellation, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, answering phone, taking sign ups, , Traveling back home., worked on TAF and PO for the reports that I no longer have to do., Installed dial-up Networking, deleted files for space. 300mb HD., Met w/Tim, Meeting with Paul, Jeff and Chris on requirements and plan of attack for auto responder, lunch, webb biling, print invoices,