Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:27:55 PM
I am attempting to have the page dedirect from the group, as some of my users are part of different and multiple groups (they are not structured in access levels, b/c they cannot be part of multiple levels(?)). So I think I need to redirect by group. I am having trouble having this work correctly.
, nope ,sql server has nothing to do with this
I am talking about the folder pictures are stored in.. it needs modify permissions set for the internet guest account like those articles talk about
I'm using ASPimage and have the maximum width set to 320 in the settings. Also using SAFileUP ver. 4.0.
Files upload okay, and the script displays a confirmation that the image was resized to 320, but the actual image uploaded is displaying full size rather than reduced to 320.
Also, the thumbnails are not displayed in the Picture Manager. Would indicated ASPImage is not working or the script is not communicating with it.
lancem38326.9070486111, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
something weird is going on
Yeah that's my impression too. I've done a lot of searching before posting this problem, but haven't solved it. Maybe it has to do with the sql-server/hotel?
Though I have compared carefully what goes on (and it should all be good) it could still be the problem? I have now made it work on a local msde sql server too.. 
, You kid around again regarding illegal downloads and not only will you be banned from the forums, your support will be cut off completely.
, Yes worked fine
, Parent Paths ? N=1
, Two things you can do to test..
make sure there is at least one ".log" file in that directory.. then if you go to the log file screen and it does not show up in the list the physical path you are using is just not correct
remember the physcial path must contain a drive letter (sometimes a network path starting with // is ok if they have it setup as a network drive)
the other thing you can do is use this script to try and write a simple text file in the directory
That will show you if permissions are correct
, again.. more custom code work would be required to handle it
, that wont work the way you did it because groups are not stored like like.
groups are stored "*1*"
or "*1*,*9,*"
so if you test for them you must do so using the InStr function of vbscript
If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
' do whatever
End If
also.. as for the session variable
it should be Session("Groups")
And in Version 6.... (its all ready to go in version 7) that session variable must be saved in the check_user_inc.asp file near where all the others are saved. If it is not there by default "I dont remember if it is or not" you have to add it like so near where all the others are saved
Session("Groups") = CmdCheckUser("Groups")
If you are wondering if it is being saved correctly you can always response.write out the Session("Groups") to see if it holds a value
, Thanks Chris.
Your solution worked!
, Hi Chris,
When I run the physical map test this is what I get:
The Physical path to this virtual website is: \\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004
Will that work correctly without a drive letter specified?
, It is most likely because they have something running like Norton Ad Blocker.
Or something of that nature that blocks anything with certain words in it like "ad"
They are running something that is doing it.cwilliams38450.0079282407, not sure, I havent used 2005 yet
seems like the process should be fairly similar.. you'll have to figure it out
I am going to order a copy of it., sorry for the confusion. I completely forgot about that flag setup, and how different it is between the two databases., Can you do a better price deal for that version in place of the one I've just purchased ie for a single licence rather than unlimited Christopher?
Or failing that can you give me an idea of how many changes you had to make to convert 7.3 to work with Mysql?
, no, that system only works with ASP.NET code.
Currently it can not possibly work with classic asp.
PayPal made it a nightmare to use and work with.
Special things regarding the signing of digital certificates also need to be installed on the web server so if it isn't your server your also out of luck.
I have a quick question...when a user signs up I have a drop down menu for Company name and they have a choice of branch selections. Everything works fine but when the info is saved in the database there is some sort of conversion to lower-case...?
Original drop list selection:
Winston Salem, NC - (XXX/XXX) - original
In the database (access), some letters are lowercased now...why? anything to do with the period, , or - ?
Winston Salem, Nc - (xxx/xxx) - what is saved
, That would not happen unless you added a target to the login form or you're code had a base target set.
Like so..
<base target="_blank">
I would really need more detailed information. It's nothing the system does the way it ships under normal circumstances. For example you shouldn't see that behavior in any of the example protected ".asp" pages
that is unless you have something odd going on with your browser settings or you made changes to the login form or code around it causing it. (or you are using frames and dont have some of the targets and what not set correctly)
My guess is that it has to be something you added or did, but I really need to know more to offer more than that.
cwilliams38419.7687152778, It almost seems like allow images is denied. When I look at the ad it doesn't even show a place where the thumbnail or image would go:
Columns now are Ad Name/ Price / Expires / Hits
There used to be one before Ad Name.
Even unchecked (saved) and checked
Use_Picture_Upload |
< = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature. |
, It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas
, Attached is a SQL script to create the ASPProtect Database with the Option Pack Changes already applied. This lets you create the database in one step and you wont have to make the option pack changes as they are already there.
This only applies to people using MSSQL and doing a new installation.
This scripts are run via SQL Enterprise Manager.
You make a new database then run this script on it in query manager. cwilliams38152.7522569444, perhaps the filesystem object is disabled on the server ?
or some sort of script blocking is running and causing a problem ?
other than that I can take a look if you put it up on a live server.
, New Features added to 7.x
- Entire application gone through and updated.
- New graphics, new look and feel
Passwords and Cookies are now encrypted using separate keys individual to each customer install.
- Groups Feature... powerful way to protect pages based on group access
- Ability to upload a picture for each user.
- New printable profile user screen.
- Supports 13 email components as well as outgoing authentication for a few of the email components
- New Lockout option. "However many" trys to login and you are locked out for a certain amount of time.
- PayPal signup routines for both single payments and subscriptions integrated into the application. Everything is handled automatically. Charging for membership couldn't be easier.
- New Newsletter Feature allows you to send newsletters to those subscribed.
- New ability to Email users soon to expire
- HTML emailing for people using CDOSYS. This includes an inline html editor so you can send out some really professional looking emails.
- Ability to redirect a user anywhere on 1st login
- Option to turn off Login Remember Me Feature
- Login Form now very easy to edit
- All paths for places that need permissions can be easily changed.
- Works with Parent Paths Disabled on the web server.
- Company Name is now an optional field
- Handy javascript popup date selectors
- All date functions now internationl date friendly
- Password conversion routine to upgrade existing users to the password encryption
- Import / Export of user database built in
- Protection Code Generators
- Notes Feature. Javascript Popup on users screen that allows you to quickly see information without going to their edit screen
- Mass email users incuding ability to send them usernames and passwords all at one time.
- Option to not allow concurrent logins by the same username
- Optional feature to keep track of recent users that have logged in as well as allow you to view the information.
- Optional feature to keep track of recent users that have logged in, what pages they accessed, and when, as well as allow you to view the information.
- Ability to protect other files types other than just protecting the viewing of the ".asp" pages. We provide working example code showing you how to protect images and file downloads in your protected ".asp" pages. You can protect nearly any type of file from downloading and viewing. (gif, bmp, jpg, zip, exe, pdf, rar, mp3,etc..)
cwilliams38413.5933680556, Thank you! I thought that is what had to be done, just didn't want to miss out on a short cut if there was one. Thanks again, Sorry, I can not provide a date.. I am last person that is organized enough to give any sort of release date on anything.
Could be next week, could be 2 years from now. I made two add-ons this week and they came out of no where. I had no plans to make them. etc etc.. they just happened.
If I told you 2 months from now I know it would not be done and you would be disappopinted so I am not saying anything. I will say if it turns out to be anything complex it will not be a free mod or it will be a feature of a new version., Ok, for starters what is the real error ? Please read this.
2nd I always recommend using CDOSYS before any other email component. All servers have it running by default and ASPProtect supports some a html editor if you use that component. I would give that a try as well. It's the best emailing option.
Now I need to know... how can I automate PayPal subscriptions and purchases? I'd like it so that once PayPal gets its money, my accounts get marked active.
Now, the documentation on this site currently says, to point the IPN post action to a null page. Yet, I see an IPN.asp in my files for PayPal subs and PayPal purchases... Looking over the code there, I see actions to make accounts active and stuff like that. Is the page ready for prime time, or should I hold off for a new version?
cwilliams38421.7014814815, Help!.. I need to export the username and password fields to a mail merged letter so everyone knows their username and passwords. However whenever i access the database or do an export. The passwords showup as encrypted. Is there a way to access the list, un encrypted?
, I tried the iFrame method that you have shown, and it works great!!!!, What about browser caching ? It can happen easily especially if you update pictures over one another.
emtpy out the temp files of ie (take a while usually).. close all ie windows and go back..
Otherwise I need detailed info on the problem. What you told me is not enough to troubleshoot. There are so many factors like what image image rezie component you are using, the size of the pictures before conversion, server resources, what your doing regarding 3 albums.... etc etc
I have imported 100 pics at a time into an album on a fast server with no issues. Thats using any of the image resizing components.
If an album is new what your describing should never happen. Again, it think what your seeing is browser caching playing tricks on you. We have anticaching things in place so thumbnails never do that but not for the large images.
cwilliams38235.5737615741, I have a user who is trying to login. However, I am getting a error that I can't seem to find.
Username: executive.barcheski
Encrypted Password: ?=`م
Error on check_user_inc.asp line 114
If (Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("KEEPMESIGNEDIN") = "True") And (Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME") <> "") And KeepSignedInOption And Status <> "Checkem" Then
CheckUserSQL = "SELECT " & tbl_label_users & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_users & " WHERE (Username = '" & RC4(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COOKIE_USERNAME "), CookieEncryptionKey) & "') And (Password = '" & Replace(RC4(RC4(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIE")("COO KIE_PASSWORD"), CookieEncryptionKey), PasswordEncryptionKey),"'","''") & "')"
CheckUserSQL = "SELECT " & tbl_label_users & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_users & " WHERE (Username = '" & Username & "') AND (Password = '" & Replace(RC4(Password, PasswordEncryptionKey),"'","''") & "')"
End If
CmdCheckUser.Open CheckUserSQL, ConnPasswords
error received: unclosed quote after '?=
Any ideas
Jason Johnson
, I am using VS 2005, when i go to new project in visual basic folder web application is not there..
Can i add it somehow?
, I would like to have the ability to give a user 1 album with the default # of photos in it.
Is the best way to implement this to just add in an album creation
routine during the sigup/registration process and turn off the ability
to create a new album? Or is a user setting prebuilt into the
system for this?
, no, that only applies to random pictures and stats..
The issues you are talking about usually relate to issues created by switching back and forth between a local install and a live server install and not being careful about changing the paths in the settings depending on where you are running it from.
For example.. it trying to use a url at the server level that is only valid when you are running it locally
cwilliams38394.7554976852, This server is sitting in my den on a DSL circuit, so I don't have a hosting company. The install for Windows 2000 server is with default settings for all components installed.
I am not sure what you are referring to when you say:
"Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen"
What user screen?
What settings are you referring to that I may have chosen?
, Hello,
Thank you for the feedback.
I would like to point out the requirements of the application however as this is something I am aware of and do address.
These requirments are directly linked to from the ASPProtect v7 web page, so its not like I dont try to tell people the deal regarding SQL server.
Basically I only have the resources to provide scipts and instructions for using SQL Enterprise Manager and that is all I officially support. I also personally think anyone using a SQL Server should be using SQL Enterprise Manager because later on down the road there are things you may want to do such as backups/etc etc
Take Care,
Chris Williams
, Please be aware folks..
This file is not provided by CJWSoft. Though this may work very well use of it is not supported in any way. We have not tested it.
This user is not using the option pack so this file will not be compatible with anyone using that because it does not have support for groups and some of the other new features.
Regardless..we appretiate users sharing ideas and solutions that they have come up with.
cwilliams38313.499837963, Trying to make sense of this. I am still confused. In the file config_inc.asp. I found the setting for "uploaddirectory". That entry looks like this [UploadDirectory = CmdGetConfiguration("UploadDirectory")]. I assume there is a config file where the value of upload directory is located.
The settings in the config_inc.asp file have not been changed. they are set to the way it was delivered. Is there a document that gives instructions as to what and where the config settings are to be changes?
, 1st. Please understand you have to purchase two licenses to do such a thing as each installation will need a valid license purchased.
Moving on:
ASPProtect using a industry standard concept called "Forms Based Authentication"
This primarily relies on session variables keeping track of login status.
Each installation must be in it's own unique "IIS Application" so it will have it's own set of application and session variables.
That is often not possible with shared hosting plans as the server admins may not be willing to set a folder in your web as a separate IIS application. You would need to ask. It is going to depend on the quality of your hosting plan whether they do it or not.
technically it takes about 1 minute to open up the "IIS Console" and set up a folder in your web as a separate "application"
Based on what you are telling me that you want to do I think it would make a lot more sense to have one installation and one user database and customize your sites so ASPProtect users that are part of certain "groups" have access to things others do not or see things on pages other users would not. That is after all the entire point of Dynamic web sites and also why ASPProtect has "groups".
Then as far as the registration differences go you would make a copy of the users area folder area and manual customize it to register users in an alternate fashion than the main "users" folder. And then send people there if that is how you want them to register.
I don't support customizations but that is the gist of it. It's really not difficult work, but you have to be good with ASP.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:27:55 PM
Email/talk to Terri and Jodi about setting up a new affinity code for Warren BOR dial-up users, Still no online issues but it slowed some as well., BILLABLE Imported Davidson export files into their online database.. This is a weekly thing, Dave Moore - JCC., pretty busy, but still doing callbacks, first attempt at moving domain. Realized that someone at one point and time had also installed DPEC in the domain folder......had to sort it all out and remove DPEC........, vermont internet: begin development of Flash movie for the "getting started" area of the site, phones etc., NOC Schedule, Batching and answering phone. , cc report, invoice cancellations, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, taking signups, incident report. , Worked on the manual for PC bundle, Marketing materials for soft vendor- soft auto and soft marine, Blevins bros - interested in new/used- also click on dealership and view inventory- five dealers- 2000-6000 spend , to lyng's and amf for pricing on folders, checking with David and Beth to see where they were on webs and upgrades. Updated my task list, kinda steady, working on new search features for softmls2 as well as cma search and cleaning up some of the search screens and menu systems, s/w tb on contract for ics and mdg-internet pricing and recurring rev. s/w jl from tcs in plattsburg-email to jg, js and pb concerning no partnership. conf with jg and js about launching and tcs issue. email from bd to bc on isdn for internal med. s/w tb and bc on dsl web site-installation and activation fees. cd's to weldon, packet to tcs., Called voice mail users., no WO available, Climax dialup router, assisted Andy on this, Email/Newsgroups/Time Card, BARTER: Burlington P&R site designs, Helping Mary with the End of the month cancels, Spoke to Alpha prompt about Channel partner issues, spoke with Kathleen from Seneca, Winner of the PC bundle from the Business Fair, FX CAPRARA - new site design, Bernier and carr- go over web site info - register new domain name- will send check for deposit
, Talked with Ed about some events and then tried to fix the Clayton problem with Grater., moving of wireless team, Lunch,