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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:39:21 PM

Not without changing a lot of code. If you didn't want encryption you really should have went with version 6. Encryption is a big new feature of Version 7 and it is inter-mixed with it the code in a lot of places.

As for doing the export and import you have to create a valid export file and then read through this very thread which explains how to import an export file with clear text passwords.

This is from the admin area regarding the text file format
The import/export file must be tab delimited with no text qualifiers. The 1st row containing field names and the following each being a new user. To create your own import file it must be in this exact format. To find out what field names and their order are simply create an export file using ASPProtect and take a look at it.

Generating an import file from your own database requires good knowlege and understanding of Access's Importing and Exporting functions. It is not something I cover as the process is different for everyone and not really very hard. ,

Anyone have any experience configuring PhotoGallery to use a backend mySQL database?

The application connects successfully for Read operations, but no amount of troubleshooting can get it to Write records to the tables.



sorry for delay responding,

I got bombarded with support inquiries while I was gone and I missed this one since I been home.

Does the server_info.asp page I provide say that aspupload is indeed installed. Let's start there. , The way the application works is one separate installation and database is required for each (IIS Application).... not only is it a licensing thing but it is also the nature of (forms based authentication) because every application in IIS has it's own set of application and session variables and they can not be shared with other various IIS applications.

That being said if you plan to run a separate install for each web/IIS application buying new licenses is fine

If you want to run one installation and database and share that with other web.IIS applications it is not technically possible.

Each web/IIS application requires a seperate install of ASPProtect.NET,

I will actually explain how to set access_levels and/or groups...

in "users/add_new_account.asp"

carefully edit with a text editor
find this part
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
that is where the acess level gets set...
you can change the level or remove that line all together if you dont want one set
now for groups you would add this line in the same area
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*3*"
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*,*3*"

Groups access for a user is stored in one field in the database like you see above. If you are confused what you should be saving in that field I suggest simply setting a user to whatever groups you want via the admin area and then looking in the database to see what got saved in that field. It's pretty simple really how they are stored.


that user would be a member of groups 1,5, and 9
, Haven't gotten to it yet. I do know there are a few customers using it to edit the app and said it was not all that different. Maybe they will chime in with some tips.,

I checked through the code and could not find anything as well. 

However, I do think it may be related somehow to the code as I get the messages popping up in the error log only after I have edited a banner.

If there is nothing obvious, I may just set my error log to filter and automatically delete this type of error.  Not something I prefer to do.

Thanks for the quick response.

Otherwise the program is working very well and I'm happy with it.



New Features added to 7.x

  1. Entire application gone through and updated.
  2. New graphics, new look and feel
  3. Passwords and Cookies are now encrypted using separate keys individual to each customer install.
  4. Groups Feature... powerful way to protect pages based on group access
  5. Ability to upload a picture for each user.
  6. New printable profile user screen.
  7. Supports 13 email components as well as outgoing authentication for a few of the email components
  8. New Lockout option. "However many" try’s to login and you are locked out for a certain amount of time.
  9. PayPal signup routines for both single payments and subscriptions integrated into the application. Everything is handled automatically. Charging for membership couldn't be easier. 
  10. New Newsletter Feature allows you to send newsletters to those subscribed. 
  11. New ability to Email users soon to expire
  12. HTML emailing for people using CDOSYS. This includes an inline html editor so you can send out some really professional looking emails.
  13. Ability to redirect a user anywhere on 1st login
  14. Option to turn off Login Remember Me Feature
  15. Login Form now very easy to edit
  16. All paths for places that need permissions can be easily changed.
  17. Works with Parent Paths Disabled on the web server.
  18. Company Name is now an optional field
  19. Handy javascript popup date selectors
  20. All date functions now internationl date friendly
  21. Password conversion routine to upgrade existing users to the password encryption
  22. Import / Export of user database built in
  23. Protection Code Generators
  24. Notes Feature. Javascript Popup on users screen that allows you to quickly see information without going to their edit screen
  25. Mass email users incuding ability to send them usernames and passwords all at one time.
  26. Option to not allow concurrent logins by the same username
  27. Optional feature to keep track of recent users that have logged in as well as allow you to view the information.
  28. Optional feature to keep track of recent users that have logged in, what pages they accessed, and when, as well as allow you to view the information.
  29. Ability to protect other files types other than just protecting the viewing of the ".asp" pages. We provide working example code showing you how to protect images and file downloads in your protected ".asp" pages. You can protect nearly any type of file from downloading and viewing. (gif, bmp, jpg, zip, exe, pdf, rar, mp3,etc..)

Thank you....  yes it does


Is there a limit in the number of Zones you can have in the database.


thanking you

, I have found the alternate databases and they do not work either. I then went back and changed the database path in the asptest page to connect to the 2000 and 2002 test databases and it connected successfully to both of those databases, just as it had successfully connected to the asptest.mdb.,

Our webhost changed converted all sites from c: to d:, and without us doing anything else, our customers now get the following error message when trying to access our Classifieds site:


Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid password.

This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.

If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.

Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.

ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"

If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.

If you are using a System DSN

It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.

************************************************************ *********************

We did everything the web host asked us to do, that is, changed all references to the C drive to new references to the D drive, but the error is still there.  We also never changed any passwords (as far as we can remember).  Can someone please tell us where to look (also which file might tell us what the correct password is in case it has in fact been changed.


Scaramouche38306.4845833333, I have been told it does as I got about 5 people or so who upgraded but I have not used SQL 2005 yet. I'll order a copy.,

You might just learn something and actually get your project finished before 2010

your over there hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine


LOL thanks for the good laugh-- i guess its time to do some reading and making my own mods to the program..

btw i never insulted cafrepress.. not sure where you got that from- just advised that what they have is exactly what i want to have done. How much for your service?


Editing the look of the login page.

In this version editing the look of the login page is very easy.
You can make this login page look exactly like you web site if you like.

You want to edit the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file.

It can be edited with any editor as long as the existing bits of server side code in it and the login form remain in tact.

The best thing to do is back it up before you start editing it.
Then if you goof it up you can revert back to the original.

If you edit this page with FrontPage enable the "show all" feature.
Its the little PIE sign in your icons. It will show the server side code as yellow things on the screen so you know where they are and can be careful not to delete them.

see screenshot

cwilliams38448.8132638889, Ok, for starters what is the real error ? Please read this.

2nd I always recommend using CDOSYS before any other email component. All servers have it running by default and ASPProtect supports some a html editor if you use that component. I would give that a try as well. It's the best emailing option.

Is it actually possible, with your product, to password-protect the folder that has the actual database without having to require customers browsing the listings to enter a password, or will password-protecting the database folder prevent customers from browsing the classifeds listings?


If you need to know how to enable them on your test server.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&P N=1



More info on the groups session variable.

Session("Groups") will contain the ID numbers of whatever groups the user is a part of.
It does not store the descriptive name of that group. It will show the same data that is actually stored in the "Groups" field in the database.

for example it might hold a value like this


meaning a user is part of groups 2, 5, and 9

so if you wanted to check to see if a user was part of a particular group you would do something like this

If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*9*") Then
     Response.Write("You are a member of group 9")
End If

Taking this even further, if you really wanted to get a particular group's name or description you would have to query the database like so. In this case we ask it the name and description for group 9.

 Set ConnPasswords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 ConnPasswords.Open ConnectionString
 Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
 Set CmdEditGroup = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT " & tbl_label_groups & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_groups & " WHERE (Group_ID = " & Group_ID & ")"
 cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
 Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = ConnPasswords
 CmdEditGroup.Open cmdTemp, , 0, 1
 Group_Name = CmdEditGroup("Group_Name")
 Group_Desc = CmdEditGroup("Group_Desc")


CJWSoft offers a mutually beneficial partnership program for resellers of our Active Server Pages Based Web applications.

The program is very simple.

  • You offer our products to your customer's as Ready-to-Run Web Site Applications.
  • We sell your company our software at a 50% discount allowing you to re-sell if for the same price we sell it for or slightly higher.
  • Your company installs the application in the customer's web site and configures it for the customer.
  • Your company is in charge of installation support and general usage issues. We handle other more complex issues as usual.

Each time a customer purchases an application from you, you are required to purchase a license from us.
These must be purchased online via PayPal. You will be give a special password protected URL where these purchases can be made. You are in charge of setting up a system for your customers to purchase the software from you. You are also responsible for purchasing a license from us within 7 days of a license being purchased from you.

Below are the applications currently eligible for the program.
They have been chosen because of their popularity and reliability.
You must resell all three applications below.
The details and pricing of this program may change at any time.

ASPBanner ASPBanner Standard sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)

ASPBanner Standard is a high end Banner Rotation system. Web Based Administration for managing the users and banners in the database. Advertisers can monitor online statistical reports via their web browsers.
ASPProtect ASPProtect Version 6 with Option Pack sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)

Easily Password Protect any ".asp" page within your web site.  Easily integrates with your current website or project design. Web Based Administration for managing the users in the database.
ASP Photo Gallery ASP Photo Gallery Pro sells for 49.95 (You pay 24.95)

ASP Photo Gallery allows anyone to have their very own online photo album. Upload an unlimited amount of albums. Set up categories however you like. Allow others to upload photos. Optional image resizing and thumbnail creation.

We are looking for Web Hosting Companies and ISP's who can sell an average of 2 applications per month.
If you are not a serious company with a professionally done website you need not apply.
We are not looking for mom & pop operations.

To be very clear:
We are looking for experienced ASP Development/Hosting Companies that are serious about being a reseller and ready to go.
We need knowledgeable resellers that are experienced with ASP and will be able to install the application for the customers and handle some of the general installation issues that may come up.

To qualify for the program:

Please send us a brief overview of your company, Website URL, and your expectations for the program. After looking over your information we will get back to you with a response.

Contact us

Additional Info:

Our applications run on NT based servers only with true Microsoft ASP support. They do not run under Chilisoft. Our applications are licensed per website. That means one running installation of the database and scripts. Qualified resellers will be reviewed every quarter to see if they are meeting the 2 application per month quota.


I had a question about user registration and how it works, mainly because I am having a problem.
When a user registers, with the email verification setting, I am assuming that there is supposed to be a new record created in the USERS table in the database. What could cause this not to happen?
Actually, in testing further I found that with the setting at Auto, Manual, or email, the record is not added to the table. And, if I am logged in as admin, the Add User button does not do anything.
I can however edit and delete user records...
Hmmm, adding a Category yields the same thing. And loggin in as a non-admin user still displays some of the menu items for admin, but then gives a page can not be found error if you click on one (ie, approve).
This looks like a db issue to me, I will have to try this with access and on a test server...
Any thoughts?
- Jason

A mod like this would improve tracking by leaps and bounds.

Do you think this addon would be availalbe anytime in the near future? If/when this feature or mod becomes availalbe, it certainly would be ideal if some script was made to import all the log file data.


you have to check the session variables for groups a little differently.. info on that is here



Hi all

I logged in myself to my website, and I tried to log in to another with same username and password. But I was able to log in again.

It was supposed to block me from logging in, but it let me to log in.

there has got to be some configurations I must have missed.

Could you instruct me on this Concurrrent login so mine works as well...



, I assumed when it said "expected path" that it understand that was the default and unless I wanted it in a different directory I could leave that blank.  I'm checking on it now., Lastly, I put there information here to help, but please don't ask me any questions about it.

I am not microsoft SQL server support. If this doesn't work for you simply start troubleshooting and doing google searches like I do. , Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database.,


I understand.  I set it to a lower number that will hopefully be a good balance for the user.  I am simply AMAZED at what your software does and I thank you for all you have done.



If you are using version 6 CDOSYS is not supported. That is one reason why version 7 came out. If you want to rewrite the code to work with CDOSYS in version 6 that is something you need to sort out on your own as I do not support custimization to the code.


Regarding installation in a subfolder

Though this should be common sense and ASP.NET 101 "so to speak" One thing not mentioned in the docs..

If you do not install ASPProtect.NET in the true root of a web there a key in the web config you must adjust.

it looks like this

<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />

The way it comes it is valid for a root installation..

lets say you installed the application in folder called.

the key would change to this

<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />


Good Morning, any suggestions on how to best "fake out the system" -- I would like to try to keep this clean so I can see the real errors?

My thought was to try to just move those .gif files to the directory that it thinks it should be in -- do you have any better suggestions? Or reasons why I really wouldnt want to do that?


I'lll try to look at it this weekend. I have to leave the office now.

There must be something wrong with the last build of the code. I dont think that upload export file thing is a feature too many people use or I would have heard of this sooner.

For now just upload you export files to the export folder manually using ftp or frontpage explorer and you can accomplish the same thing.


If you have found out that parent paths are disabled on the web server you can still use the application.

Before you continue.

If it is your server consider enabling parent paths to solve the problem.

If it is not your server consider asking them to enable parent paths for your web site to solve the problem.

If that is not possible please download this zip file.
2005-02-20_150703_aspprotect_v7.x_alternate_include_file_pat hs.zip

This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.

The zip file contains the following folders and files.

Below is the contents of the readme.txt file which explains everything.

The following folders each have a version of all the files in the ASPProtect system that might need to be edited in case you need to change the paths for the server side include files. There are 3 different scenarios.

(parent paths enabled) - This is the way the application comes.
The files in this folder have FILE server side includes containing "../" information. While these includes will work when the applicaion in is any location of a website they will not work if parent paths are disabled on the web server. Generally you will want to use these on your xp development machine. You can of course use them on your real server if parent paths are enabled. Parent Paths are now disabled on II6 by default and some hosting company will not enable them.

(domain root)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "www.somedomain.com" the following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this

(domain directory)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in a directory called "aspprotect" in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "www.somedomain.com" the
following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this

You can change the name of the "aspprotect" directory but you will will have to edit the includes in the files.

Lastly, if you are on a local machine and insist on using the VIRTUAL INCLUDES you would also use the (domain directory files) even though you dont have a domain on your local machine most likely
For example if your site was installed like so.


Is it possible to set the user account time limits when they register? I am using email verification and am trying to have their accout expire 32 days after their initial login.

Also I have an issue with the email notification not notifying me when a new user logs in. It does a beautiful job notifying the new user.  I do not understand why my server will send to one and not the other, I ahve searched the links but none seem to answer this.

Thank you for your help and insight



It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques)
It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.

Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.

You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=17

Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.

In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.

I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.


cwilliams38420.5234490741, "I can login for the first time."

when you say that what exactly does that mean, because in this version you do not just log in for the 1st time.

What I am saying is there are steps where you run a special page to intially get into the system, then you setup a new user, then you make them an admin, and then you can log in as them.

You left all of that out of your story...

I really need all details in order to help.. is this an upgrade or a new install, etc etc etc

I would also advise very carefully comparing the fields in your sql database to the sql creation scripts to make sure all the field settings are correct.

Lastly, please tell me what name/email you ordered the product under so I can check your purchase.

Thanks, This relates to a part of the new documentation that wasn't ready yet.
I just made a thread about it though.

Here you go.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=198& ; ;PN=1&TPN=1 cwilliams38419.5353587963,

lets get back to using the forum and not the pm's  please only use the PM's for sensative information. its too hard for me to keep track of all of this as well as help everything else when I got an inbox full of pm's

Ok, so you say no paypal subscription info is being put in the database at all.

I know we have a bunch of people using the paypal subscription code with no issues so I know it works but obviously you got something wrong.

It could be a few things.

Did you enable IPN in the paypal system and put in a postback url like my directions say ?

Are you sure you are not getting paypal single payments and paypal subscriptions mixed up ?

Are the paypal links you made for paypal subscriptions in the correct format like are directions state ? That is critical and another example of something important that you have not shown me.

Did you populate all settings correctly for our paypal subscription code ?
This includes a correct and valid postback url because if that is not right paypal cant communicate with the aspprotect system and no info will get posted back from them at all.

You say your upgrade went well but if you did all all field names perfectly there could be issues with that.

There is just way too much for me to figure out under free support with the info you keep providing me.

I dont think we are going to get anywhere unless I go into your system and spend a considerable amount of time checking everything out. That is not something I do under normal support so if you are interested it is going to involve a fee paid via paypal. It's probably going to take me a while to check everything out and I need you to be 100% sure IPM is enabled in your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to turn it on search their help system as they have plenty of documentation on the process.

, The webpage header for CJWSoft  states "Web Development for Win NT/2000 servers" - a little dated cause it works just fine on 2003 too, right? :), I have multiple zone banners displayed on a single page using the AspHTTP Component Method.

However, in IE 6.x and NS 7.x each banner has some text displayed before it similar to:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 07:15:12 GMT MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 229 Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDAASSDQBA=HAICCGCANEBEPANCDHLHJJGC; path=/ Cache-control: private

This text does not appear when using Netscape 4.x cwilliams38325.741099537,

You really should check out the documentation regarding the config file before you go any farther.

If the server supports ASP.NET you do not have to spend any money to have real fast loading thumbnails.

Also, licenses of ASPImage only cost 69.95 and regardless any quality host supporting ASP should have one of the 3 supported resizing components installed or else you should consider a better host like www.alentus.com Places like that have good hosting prices and give you access to 3000.00 worth of 3rd party asp components.



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:39:21 PM

updated SGCC and IGCC web pages, worked on creating front page of SoftMLS help site, Robert Relph (SIIE), u/d ws trkr, pretty busy, slowed down towards the end of the night...did randy's ticc reports..., Chinese food. , troubleshooting Perl script problem on northcountrycybermal.com........bad cookie setup, Debug Network Admin scripts, Recorded vm messages and distributed, Daily Modem Checking., Corey Kennedy re: domain transfer request, email, voicemail, sacred heart foundation, debbie pond, misc, phone, call backs, Converted and resized Big M logo, image, Chateau border, Diving PIC, divers.Tiff, Sunset.TIFF, Sunset2.TIFF, watercolor.tif, updated links for page, replaced outdated images. , check out dorms and campus, Took some calls, Then our Auth. went down, lots of customers calling at once., had to change Custom Color categories for Ingles (doostore.com, billable), dial up issues, radlog, phones, training on my 1143 CBT for the DMS 500, WWW.JOHNSONLUMBERLLC.COM STARTING DEVELOPING GRAPHIC LAYOUT FOR WEBSITE, Vermont Internet public site design work, Travel to Clayton, Working on some details with pocket real estate and the directions I have to design, Some of our live boards (odmls,cattcounty,wstarmls) are ready to do the realtor.com upload thing... so I will spending a large part of this week re-doing the realtor.com export code... figuring out how to automate it... figuring out how to automate ftp-ing it and.... testing it etc etc, **Agency Ideas, finish looking at open incidents, Reviewing difficulty of adding some of the request features for production tracking system, DMS Translations, logged in, Very busy today... Talked to George Bonadio a bunch of times., *CommArts, Voice mail from Fred Demarse at FXCaprara, needs someone to contact him to answer technical questions about how the upload component works for their site. Tried to contact, he left wrong numer, not in at the correct number.,

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