Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:43 PM
Here is the complete page with the error message:
============================================================ ===
Unspecified error
This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.
If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.
Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"
If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.
If you are using a System DSN
It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.
============================================================ ===
I am the only one on the site since I just transferred the files and in the testing phase. It is using an MSAccess DB
, Thanks.
We are actually having a lot of problems with this software.
Apart from the above problem of the email not being in the database as details above we also do not get any reply emails from any forms, the mass email button does not appear and the forgotten password does not send emails either.
We have CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed as the email system, this is operational on the server. I have tested this with server_info.asp to check.
I can email you direct any other information you may need.
, A mod like this would improve tracking by leaps and bounds.
Do you think this addon would be availalbe anytime in the near future? If/when this feature or mod becomes availalbe, it certainly would be ideal if some script was made to import all the log file data.
, I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the help tonight...
Good luck pouring that concrete!
, Chris:
I just got done trying it myself and it worked great for me too. I was aware of the security issue, but I'd already planned on using SSL for this particular call, as well as for the secured pages accessed through the normal process, so the bad guys will be kept at bay.
Thanks for the help.
As far as the users thing... my fault that was setup wrong in the settings of the admin login page.
but still dont have a solution for what im trying to do
, Hi all
User activity screen shows history of logged-in users.
Is it possible to view only those users that are currently logged in ? not the all users that have logged in previously
thanks in advance
, Hi, I am glad you like the system.
Thx for the comments..
The banner logic in aspbanner it tweaked for speed and performance.. that sort of thing really wouldn't fit into the current code structure very well. It would slow things down and be a nightmare to code because of the way aspbanner uses ultra fast application variables for the banner rotation. Basically its a feature I didnt incorporate for performance and pricing reasons.
I would suggest making different zones for different conditions.. then surrounding the banner calling code with if else logic so a different baner zone was called under certain conditions.
That way performance would not be effected and you could actually show a different group of banners based on certain conditions.
Sorry, but that is the best advice I can offer at this time.
I built ASPBanner for performance and at this time I refuse to sacrifice that for any feature that will slow it down and consume more resources.
cwilliams38383.5395601852, And here is an even simpler version where the database name is hardcoded and the User_ID is set ahead of time from wherever you are getting it from
'User_ID = CmdListUsers("User_ID") ' getting it from another database query
User_ID = Request("User_ID") ' getting it from the page post
SELECT COUNT(Album_ID) AS Alb_Count FROM Albums WHERE User_ID = " & User_ID & " AND Album_Active = 1" cwilliams38433.0595949074, Are you reffering to the number of the left of the users name in admin.
I thought it was a counter at first but that number only displays the number of albums they have set up.
, "I can login for the first time."
when you say that what exactly does that mean, because in this version you do not just log in for the 1st time.
What I am saying is there are steps where you run a special page to intially get into the system, then you setup a new user, then you make them an admin, and then you can log in as them.
You left all of that out of your story...
I really need all details in order to help.. is this an upgrade or a new install, etc etc etc
I would also advise very carefully comparing the fields in your sql database to the sql creation scripts to make sure all the field settings are correct.
Lastly, please tell me what name/email you ordered the product under so I can check your purchase.
Thanks, humm, I see your using the lite version which is technically not supported.
I know you were responding to an existing thread but I really would rather you have posted this in the ASPProtect Lite area or at least mentioned what version you are using. Usually there are big differences in the versions and it helps me help you if I know what is going on.
Regardless, the code for this feature is actually the same and I just tested a fresh install of the lite version and it stored that verify url perfectly and all worked as it should in the verification email.
All I can think of is that you can try manually editing the "users/add_new_account.asp" file.
This part
EmailBody = EmailBody & "New Registration.." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Your registration still has to be validated." & vbCrLf & "Go to " & vbCrLf & VerifyURL & "?u=" & Server.URLEncode(Request("Username")) & "&v=" & ValidateEmailCode & vbCrLf & "to verify your registration." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Would need your verify URL hardcoded into it which would pretty much guarantee it would get put in the email.
EmailBody = EmailBody & "New Registration.." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Your registration still has to be validated." & "http://localhost/aspprotectlite/users/v.asp" & "Go to " & vbCrLf & VerifyURL & "?u=" & Server.URLEncode(Request("Username")) & "&v=" & ValidateEmailCode & vbCrLf & "to verify your registration." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Of course change the url to be valid for your setup.
Still, the fact that this isn't working means there is something wrong with your installation. It would probably be a good idea to erase everything, do an iisreset, and re-install the application in a different directory... immediatly log and go to the settings page, carefully set everything and save it... then register as a new user and see what happens.
There is no reason that variable shouldn't get set. I mean I tested it just now with a fresh install of the version you are using and not only that... 1000's of people have been using that same code for over a year in the full version and no one has had this problem except the guy who started this thread who never populated the value.
My guess is still a problem with your "IIS application" for that web. It is not doing it's thing for some reason. When the settings page is saved and application variable gets set telling the config file to reload the variables as it doesn't do it every time to conserve resources.
If that isn't getting triggered and that variable isn't getting set who knows what else isn't getting set and it's not pratical going around hardcoding 15 important variables., does emailing work at the simplest level.. ??
meaning does a user get an email when you send an email from the admin users screen ?
if emails are not sending it could very well be the setting you have chosen for emails in the settings.
the best thing to do is keep trying to send an email there and try different emails settings until you get something that works... even when I do installs for people I often have to try a lot of various things before I get emails to send.. like picking different components and trying different things for the email server address because what they tell me is often wrong
also, sometimes emails get sent but depending on where they go they may get deleted as spam.. aol, hotmail, msn, and yahoo are famous for that , lets get back to using the forum and not the pm's please only use the PM's for sensative information. its too hard for me to keep track of all of this as well as help everything else when I got an inbox full of pm's
Ok, so you say no paypal subscription info is being put in the database at all.
I know we have a bunch of people using the paypal subscription code with no issues so I know it works but obviously you got something wrong.
It could be a few things.
Did you enable IPN in the paypal system and put in a postback url like my directions say ?
Are you sure you are not getting paypal single payments and paypal subscriptions mixed up ?
Are the paypal links you made for paypal subscriptions in the correct format like are directions state ? That is critical and another example of something important that you have not shown me.
Did you populate all settings correctly for our paypal subscription code ?
This includes a correct and valid postback url because if that is not right paypal cant communicate with the aspprotect system and no info will get posted back from them at all.
You say your upgrade went well but if you did all all field names perfectly there could be issues with that.
There is just way too much for me to figure out under free support with the info you keep providing me.
I dont think we are going to get anywhere unless I go into your system and spend a considerable amount of time checking everything out. That is not something I do under normal support so if you are interested it is going to involve a fee paid via paypal. It's probably going to take me a while to check everything out and I need you to be 100% sure IPM is enabled in your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to turn it on search their help system as they have plenty of documentation on the process.
, There are several pages on my website that a user may go to that are not protected (e.g. home page). If the user has indicated that they want to be saved on this computer (until they explicitly log off), and their 1st entry point is to an unprotected page, how do I determine whether they have logged in before, and extract the info from the cookie / session variables without forcing them to log in or making the entry page protected?
, Makes sense to me. I used the ASPProtect_access2002.mdb supplied.
(I am using 2003). Only added more names and other personal info
to it for test. Uploaded the amended db with FTP. This did not
restrict someone not listed in db from logging in.
Would each individuals' information need to be added to the code in
order to have it check the database first to find out if the person is
authorized to view?
Part of the problem is I dont know which ASP page or script links the
db to the rest of the web, or how one page relates or links to the
Sometimes I wonder if problems I encounter originate with the server.
Thanks for patience.
, Hello,
If you are using ASPProtect Version 7 it is possible because version 7 supports html emailing. In any other version it would require some custom coding to add html email support. You would have to sort it out by experimenting and editing the emailing code. All the email methods have documentation on the web in some form or another showing how to send html emails.
sometimes depending on the email component being used and the email client reading the email a link in a text based email will get hyperlinked automatically. For example outlook usually will do that, but it doesn't always in other situations.
Lastly, we have special upgrade pricing should anyone want to upgrade to ASPProtect Version 7. It really has a ton of great features.
Best Regards,
Chris Williams
cwilliams38415.6414236111, I really need more information..
SQL or Access database ?
If Access are you using the newest version of the .mdb file
Is this a new item ?
Show me your connection string ?
perhaps the url to the site as well so I can look around?
things like that that will help me troubleshoot.
If any info is sensative send me a PM..
, Hi Chris,
When I run the physical map test this is what I get:
The Physical path to this virtual website is: \\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004
Will that work correctly without a drive letter specified?
, I didn't know about it. I will try to check it out some more this week.
, It sounds like permissions... to the database folder specifically
they are not correct
It could also be that your odbc drivers are very new and you are not using a new enough version of the access Database. I recommened using the 2002-2003 verison of MSACCESS
Now.. if using a SQL Server Database permissions to certain tables are handled in enterpise manager
cwilliams38303.5892708333, gotcha...thanks.
, All fixed and working
, Hi Chris,
The hosting company has been doing some work apparently regarding the database connection issue. Still something is funky 
When I type in I get the custom 404 error page and I noticed that it is trying to open the following:
Is that what it is supposed to do?
Rhona, the rookie
, It almost seems like allow images is denied. When I look at the ad it doesn't even show a place where the thumbnail or image would go:
Columns now are Ad Name/ Price / Expires / Hits
There used to be one before Ad Name.
Even unchecked (saved) and checked
Use_Picture_Upload |
< = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature. |
, I post new ads , can view it in admin area
but when go to first page no ads show
all categories show (0)
How solve this problem ?
PS: I set default auto approved ads
, You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.
error '80040211'
/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174
, Chris.
After I had you install ASPProtect I added the ASP protecting code to the top of my home page:
<% CHECKFOR = "1" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../check_user_inc.asp"-->
Then I made my index.html page my login page buy using the script "Login form on a non protected page" on that I changed <form method="POST" action="memberarea.asp"> to <form method="POST" action="home.html">.
When I try to log on to that page I get en error page HTTP Error 405 - The HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed. Internet Information Services (IIS). I checked with my hosting company and they informed me that due to the fact that they do not have ASPProtect instaled on there systems they can not support it. In recent conversations you told me that you have customers that do use godaddy and you products.
Can you please tell me what I can do to get this working?
Thank you for your time and help.
, Our home page is not showing up gives this error:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'
Include file not found
/Default.asp, line 246
The include file 'elib/articles/home_feature1.asp' was not found.
, Well I have the web hosting tech looking into the memory issues at this point. Unfortunately I don't have another machine to be able to run the asp on that would run it correctly so that I can just publish it over.
, Need to clarify something..
Your talking about the page where a new user registers right ?
Your not talking about adding a new user from the admin area ?
Either way under no circumstances do I see anything like you are saying happening nor has any other ASPProtect user ever mentioned this probem.
I am going to need to see your site and see this happening. It just makes no sense the way you are describing it.
Also. did you edit the registration page code in any way. If so please revert back to an original copy to ensure this is not some sort of problem introduced by editing the code.
I encountered a problem that I haven't been able to solve.
I'm trying to get .pdf files to byte serve (page-by-page load in the browser)
but unable to do so. I've narrowed it down to stream download file where it
creates the header object. I haven't made any success with the changes I've
tried. Any help would be very nice.
This maybe useful: n-us/act/htm/actml_ref_href.asp
, I think you getting all confused about dsn's and what they really are.
A system dsn gets created via the ODBC control panel and gets listed there. A system dsn is nothing more than a registry entry telling information about where the database is an how to connect to it. Then every time code accesses the database it has to do a registry lookup. The whole process adds a lot of delays, causes very poor performance and is unnecessary.
A dsn-less connection simply connects directly to the database by specifying the driver being used, where the database is, and some other information like the password if there is one.
To get aspprotect or any other ASP application using a database all you have to do is make sure the database folder has correct permissions and then make a connection string like so. (with the correct info for your directory structure of course)
DBQ=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotect_6\data\database\ASPProtect _access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp
If you are wondering Access databases always use the same username.
So, basically if permissions are set correctly and the directory is valid it will work.
It is really that simple. 99% of the time when people have problems it is one or the other.
That being said, don't worry about the odbc control panel and what is listed there for connections. All we really care about is that odbc drivers are installed and somewhat current.
One last thign for reference: even if you do make a system dsn the database folder still needs the correct permissions.
cwilliams38417.7371643518, need more info..
are you using aspimage to resize images and make true thumbnails..
(because if you have it turned on and it isnt actually installed on the server you will get broken thumbnails.)
what kind of images are you using ? gif or jpegs
are you uploading images over existing images ?
really need to know exactly what to do to reproduce the situation from scratch and then I can give you a better answer ??
cwilliams38348.7894097222, - I am using the original files that came with the software.
- The software ads items to the database flawlessly.
- ASPImage works great.
- When I try to remove an ad or an image it says it's been removed.
- The ad does not show up on the site anymore.
- BUT, when looking at the sql database the ad is still listed there.
Why is the software not deleting the columns from the database and the images from folder?
Note: My other tables for other projects, in the database, allow me to delete them.
, Ahhh, I see it, thanks that was the ticket.

, You can not edit that code with dreamweaver. It will re-arrange the asp and kill it.
If you want to change the look of the login html you have to edit the html by hand in a text editor.
Or create what you want on a blank page using your editor of choice and carefully use parts of that in the ASPProtect code.
In version 7 the login screen is one asp page by itself and is much easier to edit with just about any editor. In version 6 you have to know your html and be careful.
Either way I am not sure templates are a good idea for something like that. That sort of thing tends to cause problems with dynamic code that executes under different directory levels. You want to stick to regular html techniques. , This is the error that I am getting when I try to add a banner...
[code]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'
EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_ASPBanner_GetZones', database
'aspbanner', owner 'dbo'.
/aspbanner/appinfo_inc.asp, line 67[/code]
also, when i go to the banners tab i see this in the banner list...
[code](3 Banners Found)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
/aspbanner/banners.asp, line 306[/code]
Help., MSACCESS 2000
server: windows
option pack: yes (after the install I have this problems with groups and edit users )
host permissions: yes
Active Server Pages error 'ASP0113' Script time out/password_admin/groups.asp The maximum amount of the time for a script to execute was exceeded. ...
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:43 PM
work on the above, BAH in Alex Bay, *Energy Initiatives: add content, change page layouts, Match PO #T124302 to invoices - 3 pg PO, all invoices marked w/ wrong PO#, lunch, short break, and ate a chewy taco., read and sent emails, *EveryDayDad, setup OSICOM router for GiSCO/CREG t1 link, 2000-7-8____BLACK CREEK FARMS ADD ATTRACTIONS TO ATTRACTIONS PAGE NO CHARGE ALREADY INCLUDED IN PAST PROJECT ....THAT'S WHAT AMY HAD ON THERE..., lunch , Startting going over things I need to work on for SoftMLS2 now that I am back.. so started working on pasting code into the input sheets for 200 fields... I am writing code that write the code for me then tommoro I can start pasting whcih will probably take 2 days to finish. This all has to do with the input sheets being customizable by the people using the program., Duties: taking sign ups, and cancellations, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail. , Email and VM- set up Jeff with Reading material on Clecs and ISPs- assembled helpful links for them to reserch. set up tech computer for Jeff to use. , checking & responding to email & vmail., Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, taking sign ups, answering phone. , presentation to the cortland board, Telephone conference with Paul Barton and River Road Partners, morgias pasta, went through a few settings. had to reinstall DUN with a couple people, Meet with Albany Board, Vermont internet, weekly cancels review for refunds, Busy. Busy signals. , SoftMLS Upgrades, Random Stuff. Copying projects to take home., phone conferenced with Amy Barton and Kelly Mashaw at Allied Coop re: their site, questions and changes she'd like (, non-billable), Telephone conference with Carrie McNally, return calls, proposal for JCJCD, phone lead, Al Ricci Tech, mmeting with pat, amy, chris, got domain name list together for steve at wdt,