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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:28 PM

Disallowed Parent Path

The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory. 

When you get an error like this it is because parent paths are disabled on the web server. This is a setting in the IIS console for your website.

If it is not enabled on you server you will have to ask your host to enable parent paths for your website.

This is what the settings screen looks like on an XP Machine

Additional Information:

It is enabled by default on IIS4-IIS5 but in IIS6 it is disabled by default.
It is a minor security risk to have enabled and some hosts can be difficult about setting it.

Truth is, if your hosting ASP for customers you need to enable this setting if the customer requests it. Especially since 90% of the ASP applications out there require the setting.

Hosting companies should if they are serious about hosting ASP.

If they won't your only option is to go through all the code and convert the file includes to virtual includes.


The trouble with virtual includes is they are different depending on the layout of your website. (that's why web application developers generally don't use them)

Basically if you are in a sub domain the path for the virtual include is going to be different then if you were in the root.. etc etc

Also.. someone developing on a local machine would need totally different virtual includes on the development server than they would on the live server. Server Side includes are processed before ASP so there is no way to make them SMART, so to speak. Server Side includes are hardcoded and that's that.

In my opinion virtual includes are pretty useless for commercial web based applications...  Since you don't know where the customers plan to install the apps.
And YES there are some tricks when designing the applications that make it less of an issue but they are not perfect solutions.

For example...

The virtual include below would work if the application or code was installed in the root
<!--#include virtual = /somefile.asp"-->

But if the application or code was installed in a directory called "somedirectory" the virtual include directive would need to look like this

<!--#include virtual = "/somedirectory/somefile.asp"-->

cwilliams38391.6033101852, Seems as though changing the mail settings to "remote email server" did the trick.


I need to be able to add about 9 checkboxes to the register.asp. would I be able to use one of the custom fields?

The other thing is once I add the checkboxes the value must be written to the DB and later read when displaying the person's Album.

Any idea on how I can do this.




Well. fontpage publishing is evil. That you have found out.

Do not use it. It usually wont work right when running asp code locally and also at the server because of differences with the paths and virtual directory structure. etc etc etc

You can definetly use frontpage to connect to the web site live and drag and drop files into it/edit them... but the sooner you stop using the publishing feature the better off you will be.


ok.. There are various spots that call the end_date variable.  That is why I am asking.  Then incorporating it into the forms that have been developed, made me wonder.



I am running Windows 2000 server. I do believe asp.net IS installed as I have the .NET 1.1 framework installed.

Funny about the bounce backs. I am at about 10% of my limit, which I control as I am the network admin. I'll check into that.

, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..

BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current

I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.

Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english

You'll have to try them,

I'm using version 6 upgrade and recently some of the users complained that their passwords are no longer working. I was able to replicate the problem as I also experienced the same thing with my account.

Once I reset the password thru e-mail (Forgotten your password?), I am able to login but it fails later. This is weird as I have an identical copy of the code running flawlessly  on my test server.

The only change which I made to the original downloadable code is by adding password encryption using Base 64 encryption.

Any ideas what might be the problem

, I checked the SQL table and had 1 banner with no zone ID. I added it in
directly through the SQL interface and now it seems to be ok.,

can add photo album but after i upload a pic, nothing shows.

where do i look to research why pics aren't showing in the albums


I'm using the groups protect feature on my pages. None of them seem to close the session after clicking 'logoff'. I can tell because if I hit the back button and return to the group-protected page, hit 'refresh', the page refreshes, I'm not asked to log in again.

On the other hand, when I open a page that's protected by an access level and click 'logoff' (uses same logoff asp file to logoff), it seems to work fine - if I go back a page and refresh, it asks me to log in.

Just wondering - is anybody else having problems like this? Maybe I screwed something up in the few adjustments I made a while back. Any idea what it might be?


Testing for XML Parser Support

the microsoft xml parser is generally installed by default on all new server setups..

It allows ASP code to make calls to other pages anywhere on the new as well as a lot of other handy things..

download and run this ".asp" page to verfiy that it is installed and be sure it is available for you to use


Make sure you run it from your web server through the web browser

cwilliams38331.5621180556, Well at least now the import/export link shows up now! lol,


In that version is is not easy to change the values as they were not intended to be edited. You would have to dig through quite a lot of code as those values are hardcoded in quite a few pages. Probably at least 10 or more.

In the pro version there are variables you can change that very easily as that is intended to be easily changed in that version.

, We would like to give a member an opportunity to upload an image when on their profile page. How does this work with the photo option on the settings page? Is this the intended usage? Thank You. ,

Is there any way to extend the limit multiple login feature to a certain number instead all or none?  In other words, i need to have a user be able to use the same login for x number of people.  My customers are institutions and want to be able to have a single login for however many users they purchase for.



I'd like to set up the system to redirect to a landing page (say home1) after the user logs in.

I have looked at all the documentation and can't find something that explains how to do this. I am thinking that I can set up a log in as the default in my root directory that will have a form with an action=check_user_inc.asp. I have looked at the code there but cannot find a place where I would place a redirect to home1.

Help please



, You would have to carefully edit the asp code in the "add_new_account.asp" file. It you look that file over with a text editor it is pretty easy to see where the text to edit is.  Just make sure you edit it in the section for the email component you are using. Back the file up before you make any changes to it so you can revert back if you mess anything up.,

Thanks!  Will try both.


Appreciate the support.


Sorry about earlier post in wrong area-

I have followed instructions to set up access levels (adding the

<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>    for user level 4 for instance.) The database is connecting properly and the basic check for login is taking place, but it seems that all users have access to all levels no matter what is on the database; i.e I set up a test page with "checkfor=4" and all users have access to it, even those with lower leve access.

Any ideas?



ok... glad ya figured it out.

Yes.. for ASP server side code to run the page extension must be ".asp". I was gonna mention that but I guess I just didnt think anyone would do that.

no offense.. not everyone works with this stuff every day..


it's ok

one step at a time and at each step testing things.. then when you mess something up you can figure it out a lot easier


maybe this is the issue...

do you realize that the descriptive name you give a group is not always going to be the same ID in the database ? The two are not related.

Perhaps what you named Group 1 is really group ID 3

You can tell for sure by generating protection code for group 1 and see what ID it tells you to use..

You also need to remember that you are testing this with different users and it is really easy to get confused so you need specifically log off using the log off page to ensure session info from the previous login doesn't show up and cause confusion when you log in with a different user... etc etc

in addition to logging off that way you may also want clear the session and application info via the code at the bottom of my article
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/displaying-session-and-a pplication-variables.asp

and do that in between any user you log in as


I have seen that happen before though it usually just happens once and then after that it doesn;t show up. It's the asphttp component doing it. The ASPBanner system is not doing it. I would try using banner calling method such as the xml parser method. It's usually installed by default on 200 and 2003 servers.


ok, then I need more information.

Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)

Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well.


It seems that if a user attempts to access a page that is not in their access level or they do not have the group permission they are redirected to the login page.  Re entering their ID generates an eror and they cannot go back to the pages they are alowed to access.  Is there a way for them to simply be blocked and return to the previous page or to a defined page so they can continue using the site?



When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....





I have support for the ibulc image uploading client working.


There is also an option in asp photo gallery pro to store the images original filename in the description field which is pretty cool.

Ibulc client bulk upload support currently only works with the pure vbscript upload or the safileup component. (I may support the other two components asp photo gallery can use but it really depends on time) The pure vbscript upload code I am using for this is much better than the code I was using before so that method should be offer decent performance for anyone though using a component is always better.

I still have to add the ibulc feature to the users side. It currently all only works for an admin user.

The whole process is very cool. You install the ibulc client on you computer. It's tiny, and free for uploading up to 10 (100kb) pictures at once. You have to by a domain license from them to do more than 10. Anyway.. it lets you select multiple pictures off your hard drive and it then uploads them all at once with individual progress info for each picture. Its really cool and since it really treats each picture as an individual upload it doesn't hammer the server with one big upload at once.

I also made it so you can start the picture uploads at any picture number.
So if you already have pictures in an album you can add more without losing what is already there.

This was one of the main features of the new version and now that it is working hopefully I can tie up any loose ends and get the new version out soon.

cwilliams38327.5488541667, The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs.  It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions.  But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal.,

If you still cant see the upload buttons after checking the settings send me a PM with the info and I will take a look at your installation. It will have to be up on a live server of course.



I did some layout customizing on the register page on my site. ( http://www.lonestaricon.com/aspprotect/paypal_sub_signup/reg ister.asp)

Now when I tried to register, it seems like it goes to the next page, but it is blank.
( http://www.lonestaricon.com/aspprotect/paypal_sub_signup/add _new_account.asp)

If I log in under administration, it shows that I have registered. I can't seem to figure out what part of the code is wrong, so that the new account page will not load.

I'd would greatly appreciate any help with this.



, do you want my help making the database with your import file ?,


How busy your site is actually won't be the only factor. Really the application should not restart unless something happens. If the IIS application is reseting alot it could very well be the ISP restarting the server or doing IISRESETS as well or other sites on the server causing the application pools to restart.. etc etc etc  Quality ASP hosting is important. Regardless your hosting company most likely will not admit to anything be out of the ordinary.

As far as that directory deleting itself on you.. I doubt they will have an answer for that one. All I can tell for sure is I didn't put any code to delete it in there.


Got any info for me on this ?


, They send an email?

Hope my spam killer didn't zap it...

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=205& ;PN=1

The IPN Subscription Pack which is built in to ASPProtect 7 contains all the pre-built scripts you need to implement PayPal IPN Subscriptions with ASPProtect. IPN stands for (Instant Payment Notification). It allows you to set up scripts on your server so whenever a PayPal payment is processed the PayPal server sends info to your server regarding the transaction and vice versa. This is a fully automated process and allows you to charge users for access by the month or however long you like.

The Subscription feature of PayPal handles recurring billing automatically. The PayPal server will communicate with the ASPProtect system and keep everything up to date with users and their subscriptions.

This Support Pack basically gives you an additional signup and registration directory "paypal_sub_signup" and it should not interfere with any changes or customizations you have made to your ASPProtect setup. New users can register in this directory and sign up for a subscription at the same time. Existing users whether active or expired can be sent to this directory where they can lookup their account and start a subscription. You can also assign various Access and Group Levels during signup and you can set up various prices for various amounts of time as well. This is a real-time setup for the most part. As soon as a user pays via PayPal your system is updated and they will have access.

To use this all you need to do in ASPProtect 7 is enter your PayPal account name into the settings screen. It will be an email address. You'll need a business or premier account with PayPal and you will need log into your PayPal account and turn on IPN in you profile. They make you enter a default IPN URL. We do not use that so if you already have something there leave it there. If you dont have something there you can type in any the full url to any page on your server. It's probably best to send it to an empty ".asp" page or something.

Changing Payment Options

In the "paypal1.asp" file there are some sample payment options set up.

They look like this and you can have as many as you like.

<!-- Begin Payment Option Code -->
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">

<% Label = "Membership (1 Month) $9.99 Recurring" %>
<!-- Begin Form Fields You Can Edit.. See PayPal Subscription Manual For Details -->
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="a3" value="9.99">
<input type="hidden" name="p3" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="t3" value="M">
<input type="hidden" name="src" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="sra" value="1">
<!-- Field Below must have 2 commas First two values are optional (access level,groups,user ID)-->
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value=",,<% =User_ID %>">
<!-- End Form Fields You Can Edit.. See PayPal Subscription Manual For Details -->

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="form_data_inc.asp"-->
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/images/x-click-but20.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">

<!-- End Payment Option Code -->


To really understand what these form values mean it is best to look through the PayPal Subscriptions Manual which is a PDF file you can get from the PayPal Site.

This link was valid the last I checked...
Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Manual

It also may be helpful to use their wizard to create some subscription buttons with different settings and then look at the code generated.

Bascially these are the important ones..

  • a3 - amount to billed each recurrence
  • t3 - time period (D=days, W=weeks, M=months, Y=years)
  • p3 - number of time periods between each recurrence
  • The custom field is something we are using to send info from ASPProtect to PayPal.
    it allows you to set the access_level or groups access (groups support require the ASPProtect Option Pack)

    <input type="hidden" name="custom" value=",,<% =User_ID %>">

    or this example where we are setting the access_level to (2) and also giving the user access to groups (3 and 4)

    <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="
    2,*3*4*,<% =User_ID %>">

    Here is how it works.
    The value setting (red) is essentially and array that can be made up 3 elements separated by comma's


    If you do not want to set the access_level or groups access.. then you don't even need to edit the setting.

    Values must be separated by a comma even if there is no value and there can be no spaces.  If you didn't want to set an access level or groups there would still be 2 commas at the beginning.  etc etc
    Basically there must always be 2 commas but you only have to set last values which is the User_ID from the ASPProtect system.

    The 1st value is the access level you want to user assigned to.
    The 2nd option is the groups you want the user assigned to. (requires option pack)
    The 3rd option is the User_ID which the system takes care of. Do not edit this option. Leave it as <% =User_ID %>



    Banners no longer show up on my site ?

    If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up.
    1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it.
    If you are then most likely this it what hapened.

    The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.

    I have seen this happen 3 times. Twice on my own server when the power went out for 2 hours and once on a customers server.

    Basically the application variable system gets all messed up because it was not shut down properlly.

    The ways to possibly cure it are as follows.


    Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.
    If not... keep reading for the more drastic cures..

    Go to the command prompt on the server and type "iisreset"
    Sometimes that is enough.

    Reboot the server.
    Sometimes that is enough.

    Stop the web in the IIS console.
    Sometimes that is enough.

    Stop the individual processes for each web in iis
    "you must really know what you doing and be very careful about doing this"

    Remove and recreate new applications in IIS for the web in question.

    And sometimes it just takes a combination of the things listed above and a few reboots. I don't know the best way to cure it but I do know why it happens and the steps listed above can get things back on track.

    Again, this is because the server lost power or crashed as far as I know.
    It was not allowed to shut down properly which sometimes happens.

    You'll know things are ok again when you see your banners show up on your site.


    Using "Email Authentication" as a registration option you cannot do that. There is no possible way I know of to have a delay on the authentication email like that. Also that method is not intended to involve any sort of manual registration like what you are doing.

    Because you want to review people manually you need to change to registration process to "manual" and then send the email out manually from the users screen after making a user active.


    I am trying to set up ASP protect 6 and have a problem that when a new user registers their email is not transferred to the database.

    I can see the rest of their entries both in the database and in the admin/edit form but not the email.

    Any ideas?



    I had both ASP Listings & Classified on the same website.  The categories seem to be getting mixed up. I removed ASP Classified but classfieds categories is still appearing in the student of ASP Listing.

    How do I fix this?



    Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:28 PM

    Davidson Autonet - problems with rates and rebates page...talked with him opn the phone, got revisions, tried to fix, but unable to log onto server, Tom wasn't able to fix either. Tried to contact someone to look at the server and was unable to find anyone..., at idi for costguard, Matched receipts for STaples and worked on receipts for Jeff and Paul's Redwood cards and sent emails for the receipts still missing. , lunch, Did a callback for the emails that ron sent to me. , to Sackets, meeting with waite motors to revise site, raptor webserver locked up, fix, More Training, technical support supervisor. emonitor, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a questions, incoming calls, emails, took mostly incoming calls ... helped techs as needed ..covered incoming calls and tech issues , Research info about Submissions and online Advertising, Posted accounts and did a detail of check and cash for a bank deposit. Ans. phone, credit card authorizations, customer inquiries, and customer traffic. Made the Bank deposit. , to lowville, no mileage, more stuff for bravo fest, entered bills, Stop by Watertown office, TI Comm Team Mtg, Watertown Chamber Dinner, BONNIE CASTLE INPUT CONTENT IN WEDDING, CONFERENCE, RESORT 2000 PACKAGES, **Agency Ideas, Posted account and id a detail of checks and cash for a bank deposit. Credit card authorizations, coupon referrals, customer inquiries and ans. phone., Call from Warren realtor w/questions about autoresponder, 2000-7-15___REMAR RENTALS UPDATES TO SITE, Creating Database and save routines for reseller site, Intalling alien eye candy photoshop plugin, Posted accounts and started a detail and ans phones., Travel from Victor to Cape Vincent - 197 miles, includes travel to and from class, Card number --> 39-5, Ans customer inquiries Picked up mail and opened posted accts and ans phones, Put together information for Jim Gilbert, check Voice-mail, e-mail, etc.,

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