Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:32:10 PM
Wondering what might be causing a long delay to display the login screen? This does seem to be intermittent. Could be server/ISP related? Have experienced enough times to justify posting this question.
I can count up to 20 seconds after clicking on the link. After login all other selections zip right along without problem.
Thanks, Lance
lancem38319.6117939815, Do what it says so you can see the real error and then post that information here. It could be anything from incorrect permissions to whatever.cwilliams38454.4272916667,
[QUOTE=spider]At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"? After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number. But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
That is how it is supposed to work. It is not supposed to remember that info after you leave. If you want it to always start at some default number simply copy the URL info after picking a number. You'll see the querystrings that tell the page what to do in the address field of your browser. Take that entire URL and edit the button in the admin area to link to that. The links for the buttons are in the "header_inc.asp" file and you should edit that file with a text editor.
That's the easy non technical way to set a default on the users page and that applies to anything including doing a sort or whatever.
you might change this
<a href="default.asp"><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>
to something like this
<a href=" /aspprotect/password_admin/default.asp?SORTBY=Email+DESC& ;MyPageSize=500="><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>
, Regarding hosting companies..
Now.. obviously if you are hosting on someone elses server you may not be able to set permissions like this.
Ultimately, if you are hosting somewhere and ASP and Database connectivity is part of your hosting plan. It is the hosting company's responsibility to set these permissions for you when asked or to give you a special interface to do so on your own. If they are not helping you do this then maybe it is time to get a hosting company that is serious about your ASP Hosting Needs.
The permissions we are talking about cannot be set via FTP or Frontpage access to your web site. They must be set like shown above or via a special interface meant to set the permissions correctly. For all you people out there messing with the permissions you see in FTP and Frontpage.. you are wasting your time and possibly creating problems in your web.
All ASP scripts that communicate with an Access Database, Upload Pictures, Modify Text files.... are going to need these permissions set in some way or another. We have no control over that fact.
cwilliams38360.69125, Christopher,
I can empathize. It can be a real pain to stablize a server and fend off hack attacks.
As for beta testing, I was referring to once you get to the point where you're ready to release it to the public whether it's this month, next month, etc.
Good Luck!
, The PayPal feature that is in ASPClassifieds has always been labeled as experimental and has never been supported as the documentation says. About a year ago I stopped even mentioning the feature on the product pages or in the live demo because I didn't like how it worked and I decided I would just market the application as a free based classifieds. It’s just not something I can support or talk about. To work really well it really needs to be coded to use PayPal IPN and a credit system. Where ads and various extra features cost so many credits and people have to buy credits before they can post any ads.
That’s about all I can tell you. It's just not something I support.
, Can I copy the file into the export folder and then the import user function?, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am . eneral+Inquiry
, I am having problems accessing the admin site at the following URL:
It brings up the login page, but when I enter the admin/test, it times out. The DB is the copy with no password and it resides in a directory on the same server hosting the site but it is not in a folder viewable by web users. This is how the dataconn_inc.asp is set:
'*** Below are the only two settings you need to edit in this file
ConnectionString = "DSN=drweisberg;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
DatabaseType = "MSACCESS"
The ODBC is setup and the IUSR has read/write/modify permissions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
, here ya go
, I installed the ASPProtect.NET project no problem. I am using VS.NET 2003 on Windows XP SP2 (and fully patched). I am able to build the project successfully, however I cannot debug the project. I get an error "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The project is not configured to be debugged." The web app runs fine just browsing to it.
I know this is an isolated problem particular to this project. I have MANY other .NET projects that I can debug without any problems. I have tried going into IIS and turn on the debugging for server-side script debugging and making sure my IIS application setting were configured correctly.
Can anyone shed any light on this at all? Christopher, is there any reason I should not be able to debug this? (i.e. the aspprotectlicense.dll)
, Thank you.... yes it does
Is there a limit in the number of Zones you can have in the database.
thanking you
, An email I just received from eastcoastguy.. to keep this thread up to date
Your quick reply was greatly appreciated... I removed the password and was able to use a DSN...I will look into a DSN-less connection later..once i get this working !
cwilliams38146.6165509259, Does ASPProtect 7 work with SQL 2005?, The mass picyure import does not work like that. It involves no uploading component.
Only an admin can do a mass import on an album and they have to ftp the images into the site in that upload folder before they go do the mass import thing. , ok
, You are right, there are NO entries in the "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" field at all. Any way of fixing this?
, Anyone have any experience configuring PhotoGallery to use a backend mySQL database?
The application connects successfully for Read operations, but no amount of troubleshooting can get it to Write records to the tables.
, Hi,
You see, an include file is no different then a link to an image or graphic. The path to the include file must of course be valid. That file isn't in the same directory as that page so you get an error.
You simply need to make the call to the include file valid.
See my article on server side includes.
You should also look at some of the provided example pages and see how the paths to the include files are done.
You can also use a virtual include if you figure out the page for that. See my article for the difference between a file include and a virtual include.
The code generator in the admin area shows examples of both but depending on your site structure the paths may need to be slightly edited.
Server Side Includes are a fundamental part of using ASP and they are used a lot. Once you understand how include files are used you will think it is the simplest thing.
More articles on server side includes l
, OK, I updated the server with the SP 8 Jet updates and this had no effect.
Then I loaded the asptest file and put in the correct path. The results were:
Failed: Database could not be connected to....
Error reported from server:
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Error number: -2147467259
Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x784 Thread 0x854 DBC 0x2101014 Jet'.
, probably.. better than what we are accomplishing here LOL
or if you like send me the import file and your encrpytion key and I will try it out here and see what happens
either way PM me any sensitive info if any
, Oh big deal !!... John mentioned some site and you feel like you proved some sort of point. Aren't you special ?
Look, I am telling for the 3rd time you can't do what you are talking about with ASPProtect.NET. Are you braindead cause I really am beginning to think you are and I for one am done trying to be somewhat nice to you ??????
I am also willing to bet you had no idea what viewstate even was until I mentioned it and then you probably went and read up about it so quit trying to pretend like you know what is going on! If you knew what was going on you would not be asking more questions about ASPProtect.NET than any customer in the history of selling the application.
As a matter of fact you should send me like 400.00 just for all my time you have taken up because you are totally frigin clueless !!!!!
I should have cut you off the instant you offered me illegal software from p2p right in a forum post., Please forgive any ignorance on my part.
Using the live demo, it seems that with the banner software my advertisers would only have access to reports, but no ability to upload banners, specify keyword triggers or zones, what have you. Is this correct?
The other thing I couldn't quite figure out, assuming I had a categorized directory on my site, is this system configurable to display different banners based on category? Perhaps through keyword triggers?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
, FYI. There is a typo in the upgrade (6.0 to 7.0) instructions. It specifies adding a field named "passwords". Should be "password"., Hi,
We use ASP Protect to password protect the pages in the member area ( )
Of late Once or twice every month our whole site goes down and it gives us a "Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800a006 Overflow: Clnt //global.asa line 33 " error message (with the friendly message turned off). When we reboot the web server things are up as normal.
But this is happening too frequently and creates a bad impression.
Any suggestions on how we could prevent this would be greatly appreciated.
, 1st of all when I look at the site I see a lot of non US characters and I can see the regional settings of the site are foreign.
ASPClassifieds in only intended to run under US and Canadian regional settings as stated on the site.
Thus the BIG notice on the purchase page.
It won't run right like that for a lot of reasons and it is not supported like that as that notice says.
The categories showing 0 is just one of the problems you will have.
If I help you fix this it will just lead to 4 more issues right after.
If you would like support with the classifieds application you need to run it on a server with US or Canadian regional settings like the site says. , ya, thats basically what I was gonna do..
BTW.. if that other app is going crazy with an access database it could be the cause of all the slowdown with ASPProtect... what happens there is it is using so much database driver time that it robs other things that also access a database... so basically ASPProtect isn't asking its database for much but your other application and database are cripping that part of the system and causing it to run like crapola
If your other app is using a system dsn try changing it to use a dsn-less connection... it might actually help
, humm
expiration dates in the aspprotect system are not used at all when using paypal subscriptions.. all date handling is done on their end actually
and they of course send notices from their system to the user regarding their subscription and when it renews,cancels, etc etc
so I am pretty sure any errors with that would have more to do with the info you used for the subscription setup and possibly any paypal settings associated with it
its hard to say at this point
The smart thing to do I think.. would be to sign up someone using another PayPal account (your allowed 2)... and while doing it be very careful about the subscription setup data.. and then as soon as the subscription is created review all the info in the paypal system and see if the length of the subscription / expiration.. etc etc in the paypal system info looks right..
at least then you can begin to troubleshoot what is going on...
, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?[/QUOTE]
yeah thats it, you buy into a part of the sql server so it's an sql server hotel...
, I just purchased the software and it looks great however, I have been fighting for 4 hours trying to get a protected page to do what it is supposed to.
I was trying the examples you provided and they worked fine, then I would use the code at the top of my pages with no luck.
When I installed the software, I used an FTP package as I have found lately that anything with a database gets all messed up when I publish with FP.
On a whim, I took the page I was publishing in FP and published the same page with my FTP program. It worked! What I can't figure out is what FP does to the files to screw them up so they won't function. Is there a setting in FP that I have to change to get it to work? The files look the same, but they are different sizes when I overwrite them with FTP.
Any ideas? I don't want to have to publish my entire site with FTP as it is a FP template site.
, not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...
how many users are we talking about anyway ?
and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?
ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on
removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications
, I am trying to set up ASP protect 6 and have a problem that when a new user registers their email is not transferred to the database.
I can see the rest of their entries both in the database and in the admin/edit form but not the email.
Any ideas?
, while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.
so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?
what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?
99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus , yea.. keep us posted... thats weird, As an update to this thread I fixed the "upload_post.asp" page quite some time ago but forgot to post the updated file here.
So here it is.
, CJWSoft offers a mutually beneficial partnership program for resellers of our Active Server Pages Based Web applications.
The program is very simple.
- You offer our products to your customer's as Ready-to-Run Web Site Applications.
- We sell your company our software at a 50% discount allowing you to re-sell if for the same price we sell it for or slightly higher.
- Your company installs the application in the customer's web site and configures it for the customer.
- Your company is in charge of installation support and general usage issues. We handle other more complex issues as usual.
Each time a customer purchases an application from you, you are required to purchase a license from us.
These must be purchased online via PayPal. You will be give a special password protected URL where these purchases can be made. You are in charge of setting up a system for your customers to purchase the software from you. You are also responsible for purchasing a license from us within 7 days of a license being purchased from you.
Below are the applications currently eligible for the program.
They have been chosen because of their popularity and reliability.
You must resell all three applications below.
The details and pricing of this program may change at any time.
ASPBanner Standard sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
ASPBanner Standard is a high end Banner Rotation system. Web Based Administration for managing the users and banners in the database. Advertisers can monitor online statistical reports via their web browsers. |
ASPProtect Version 6 with Option Pack sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
Easily Password Protect any ".asp" page within your web site. Easily integrates with your current website or project design. Web Based Administration for managing the users in the database. |
ASP Photo Gallery Pro sells for 49.95 (You pay 24.95)
ASP Photo Gallery allows anyone to have their very own online photo album. Upload an unlimited amount of albums. Set up categories however you like. Allow others to upload photos. Optional image resizing and thumbnail creation. |
We are looking for Web Hosting Companies and ISP's who can sell an average of 2 applications per month.
If you are not a serious company with a professionally done website you need not apply.
We are not looking for mom & pop operations.
To be very clear:
We are looking for experienced ASP Development/Hosting Companies that are serious about being a reseller and ready to go.
We need knowledgeable resellers that are experienced with ASP and will be able to install the application for the customers and handle some of the general installation issues that may come up.
To qualify for the program:
Please send us a brief overview of your company, Website URL, and your expectations for the program. After looking over your information we will get back to you with a response.
Contact us
Additional Info:
Our applications run on NT based servers only with true Microsoft ASP support. They do not run under Chilisoft. Our applications are licensed per website. That means one running installation of the database and scripts. Qualified resellers will be reviewed every quarter to see if they are meeting the 2 application per month quota.
cwilliams38426.5449537037, How do I customize the validation email that is sent to users when they first register?, It is common when testing a site that this happens because of the nature of session variables.
Admins have access to EVERYTHING so it is very important when testing different user accounts that you specifically log out... and then close every single browser window before logging in as a different user. This is to ensure session info from the previous user does not overlap in any areas.
(The session variable for admin access being the main one)
Under normal circumstances a user would not log in with many different accounts on the same computer this this would only be a problem for a developer who is testing.
So make sure you go to the to log-off page and log off.. then close all browser windows.. then test another user.
If all this is not the case then something else is going on and I will need more information. I pretty much know the level checking code for ASPProtect Version 6 is correct as there has been no reason to change any of it in over a year. I would have heard reports of problems with it. , I really need more information.
Connection strings being used ?
How have permissions for the database folder been set ?
etc etc the more specific the better
You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.
I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.
And of course my detailed article on the error. PN=1
, That helped very much. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your dinner.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:32:10 PM
distribute off memo, office work, At home...Still working on softmls2. Started designing the manage users section in the admin area. , Rob - frontpage training - Z93 site, lunch, Pre-school drivers and OS load, & sound. Should have just bought them a new comp., MCLEARS.COM PUBLISHED GRAPHICS TO HTML, SCANNED PHOTOS, MADE PHOTO GALLERY, RESERVATIONS FORM, darrell iprs stuff, Defereit paper- preliminary design review- g- meeting set next friday to get info for each of the categories, helped a user with her modem. did a setup, Called Scott Gray of Gray's florist, Jeff Ward of Wadhams hall in oburg, returned call to amy at the mall for Chris, spoke to Curran Wade about ads spoke , Invoices, statements, refund checks for overpayment, Travel back to Clayton, Review possible trademark issue with 1000ISLANDS.NET, United Way campaign breakfast and Training session, Answered the phone and checked DUI's, veryyyyy busy, billing calls, sign ups, Slow afternoon. Duties:answering phone, callbacks from voicemail. checked emails, taking sign ups, quality checked sign ups, , Call Ron at SWNS re mail server, load car with Compaq equipment, lunch, Manning NOC. Watching network. Resetting and checking open modems. Talking to customers. Helping them get into their websites. Maintaining a couple of domains. Helping people get hooked up on network in their new rooms., Authenticator down, site survey with Ed, mgt meeting, traveled back to watertown, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, answering phone, cc report, cancellation of invoices, incident report, taking sign ups, quality checked sign ups, , updated pc listings and faxed to banks. emailed to employees. received fax from seneca and updated binder. talked to sr again about ks. call put into kathleen., Call from Heidi at wondering about their DB conversion. I asked Crispin for a estimate, then sent Heidi a note that the conversion should be done on Friday., lUNCH, Going over insurance and status of employees,