Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:30:34 PM
The PayPal feature that is in ASPClassifieds has always been labeled as experimental and has never been supported as the documentation says. About a year ago I stopped even mentioning the feature on the product pages or in the live demo because I didn't like how it worked and I decided I would just market the application as a free based classifieds. It’s just not something I can support or talk about. To work really well it really needs to be coded to use PayPal IPN and a credit system. Where ads and various extra features cost so many credits and people have to buy credits before they can post any ads.
That’s about all I can tell you. It's just not something I support.
I am using cdont to send email. what do i have to do send email to other display my full name instead of email address. In other word I want to see first name last name in their email client instead of email address.
thanks for your help
, The problem with that is when a user deletes an album, the album record does not get deleted from the DB, so counting all the records would return the accurate result. :(
Any hints?
eeye38433.0290740741, Hey, I thought I'd share this tip with the ASPProtect community...
If you'd like to remove, modify, or add fields to the "Users" view in
the password_admin default.asp page, it's really easy to do. Well, at
least it was for me. I'm using an MS Access database, by the way.
For me, I don't need "Company" info, but I do need last access and # of
times accessed displayed. Therefore, I had to change the default page
in three areas:
In /password_admin/default.asp, go to about line 185 or so, where you see stuff like:
[code]<td valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" color="#000000"
="2"><b>First Name& lt;/b> </font></td> [/code]
OK, those are the column headings. Each one corresponds to a column
from your USERS table in your database. There are two more areas to
consider, both of which appear immediately after this section.
The next section has statements that look like this:
[code]<td valign="bottom"><a href="<% =THISPAGE
%>?SORTBY=First_Name+ASC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize
%>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img
border="0" src="../images/sort_ascending.gif" Alt="Sort
Ascending"></a><a href="<% =THISPAGE
%>?SORTBY=First_Name+DESC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize
%>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img
border="0" src="../images/sort_descending.gif" Alt="Sort
See the "First_Name" items? The first is for an ascending sort, the
second for a descending. This particular line corresponds to the code
snippet immediately above it. But all this does is handle the sorting.
For the actual data, look lower for this stuff:
[code] <td bgcolor="<% = Cellbgcolor
%>"><font face="Arial" size="1"> <%=
%& gt; </font></td> [/code]
It's a good ways down, so don't be impatient if you don't see it in 10
lines from the end of the last mentioned section. This stuff handles
the display of the data from the database (where else ya gonna get
data, anyway?)...
Now, to remove a field, you need to find the three sets that go with
that data. The ascending/descending sort is potentially the trickiest,
because it's the longest set of data and can take a number of lines.
Just clear it from the start td to the end /td and you'll be fine.
To *add* a field, copy and paste the code from an existing field and
modify it. In the first one, the column title, you can type whatever
you want to describe your info. Nobody but you and your admins will see
it. For the next two sections, though, you need to get the correct
column heading from the USERS table and use that to correct the lines
in the copied code you pasted in.
For example, when I added a column to show the number of times a user
logged in, I copied the above snippets and pasted them in where I felt
the column I needed should be. Then, in the first one, I changed "First
Name" to "Logins". In the ascending/descending snippet, I changed
First_Name to Counter. Same for the last snippet.
The result? A new column, showing the number of logins my users were successful with.
Of course, before you experiment, back up your existing default.asp file, JUST IN CASE.
Have fun!
, Tony,
ASPBanner.NET was discontinued about 14 months ago. It is no longer supported in any way because quite frankly the classic ASP version is faster, more stable, has more features, and is a lot easier to install and get running.
If you PM me via the forum you are welcome to a copy of the current ASP Unlimited Version. It can serve banners to any type of page extension. All you have to do is ask for a copy.
Whether or not your existing ASPBanner.NET database is exactly the same structure I do not know, but I believe it is. You should compare the two if you plan to keep using the old database and make any neccessary changes so the old database has the exact same structure as the new version. If there are any differences they are very few.
, It almost seems like allow images is denied. When I look at the ad it doesn't even show a place where the thumbnail or image would go:
Columns now are Ad Name/ Price / Expires / Hits
There used to be one before Ad Name.
Even unchecked (saved) and checked
Use_Picture_Upload |
< = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature. |
, Okay, hopefully I'm posting in the correct area this time.
Currently we are utilizing ASPProtect 7.x
When using the Newsletter function, many members are indicating they are not receiving email. No evidence of email in SPAM folders. Also, when checking with email provider, they insist it is not being filtered prior to delivery to member's email address.
The following message does appear when a newsletter is sent.
error '8004020f'
/newsite/ASPprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 124
Line 124 is the line of code to 'send' the emails. We have approx. 860 members who are on the list to receive the newsletter emails. I have no way of knowing how many are not getting the email. Based on anecdotal evidence, I'm guessing it could be as high as 20%.
We are using CDOSYS / SMTP authentication with a real external email with MX records. Our website is hosted by Cbeyond. They insist it isn't at their end. (for what it's worth)
Thanks for your assistance.
, Hello,
Sorry, I do not have any good ideas on this one...
Domain Name Masking can cause issues with quite a few things.
cwilliams38366.3136342593, well, thats a network drive path and in my opinion a very poor way for them to have set things up. It can work as long as permissions get set there and they have the anonymous webserver accounts set up correctly to handle that scenario, but performance isn't the best because your accessing the access database over the network. Access databases are not just not meant to be connected to over the network in a web based scenario. Quality ASP hosting companies do not set up their servers that way and it can often be difficult to get things running as it is a more complex setup on their end. Meaning if they dont synchronize the IUSR_machine accounts correctly you'll have permission issues. , What am i supposed to do now... i do have another member server that is not a domain controller-
However, i have like 5 websites running on this domain controller already. I have thought about this before how its a HUGE security risk but it will take too long to configure everything on the other computer :(
, Hi,
I am investigating the possibility of purchasing above script having spent some hours trying to integrate various free banner rotators into my Invision portal.
What attracts me to your script is that it has 6 ways to call banners. I am an inexperienced webmaster with only a smatterring of knowledge about ASP. Will ASP Banner be able to integrate with my portal?
Many thanks
David van der Want
, Ok, have contacted the web hosts. Thank you for your help so far
, Thanks Chris, Is there any way to extend the limit multiple login feature to a certain number instead all or none? In other words, i need to have a user be able to use the same login for x number of people. My customers are institutions and want to be able to have a single login for however many users they purchase for.
, The application automatically generates all the code for you for each method of calling banners. It does this on the zones screen.
If you are using flash it also possible that the actualy flash file is what is causing things to slow up.
It really all depends... it could also be server resource related
using sql server or access.. ? etc etc
all important details
cwilliams38362.6615972222, It seems that if a user attempts to access a page that is not in their access level or they do not have the group permission they are redirected to the login page. Re entering their ID generates an eror and they cannot go back to the pages they are alowed to access. Is there a way for them to simply be blocked and return to the previous page or to a defined page so they can continue using the site?
, I'm using Aspimage and SQL. Photos are 2464 x 1632 px, tried the upload and import directory methods, same results: thumbnails ok, full images 0 bytes.
ServerSoftware Microsoft-IIS/6.0
ServerProtocol HTTP/1.1
PathInfo /gallery2/extras
PathTranslated d:\Customers\user1095000\www\gallery2\extras
ADODB (ActiveX Data Object) Version: 1.2 Installed
CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed
SMTPMail Version: SMTPMail Retail Version V2, 2, 1, 0 Installed
JMail Version: 4.1.2 Installed
AspEmail Installed
AspMail Installed
SAFILEUP Installed
Dundas Upload Not Installed
ASPImage Version: 2.31 Installed
AspJpeg Not Installed
ImgWriter Not Installed
Script Engine
Type VBScript
Version 5.6
Build 8515
, All fixed... I changed the remote server from or whatever it said there to localhost
I sent a test email to myself and got it no problem
the error you were getting was email component related , Just want to be able to log users in from the home page via a username and password box somewhere say on the left hand side with a login button. Like most sites have.... i cant seem to figure out how to do that with the software.
My other question is..Is there a way to incorporate this software into an event registry? What i mean is this:
Say a company is having a pool party, BBQ, and tennis lessons (just examples)
When a user registers with aspprotect i want him/her to have the option to register for one of the events. Also, I as the admin, would like to be able to view who and how many registered for each event... Here is what i am talking about (and it has a payment option to charge for an event which would be PERFECT if you could do)
Please let me know if there is a way to add this option or create...
Version 8.1 has code generators for these new methods built in...
, Oh, to clarify the above. We did not change any columns in your [Users] database or any other table., The random password is generated during signup and the function that creates it is located on this page of code.
it looks like this
Function RndStr(Length, UseChrs)
If IsNull(UseChrs) OR (UseChrs = "") Then UseChrs = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+=-"
NewStr = ""
For gpIndex = 1 To Length
NewStr = NewStr & Mid(UseChrs, Int((Len(UseChrs)) * Rnd + 1), 1)
RndStr = NewStr
End Function
For example go to this page and hit refresh and watch the password change.
Yes, sometimes if you hit refresh quickly over and over you'll get the same password, but not generally. Also that is not something that would happen normally as a user isnt going to sit at that screen and hit refresh over and over.
Anyway... when signing up the new user of course has the option to change that password to something they would like better...
As far as... "selecting the same user name and password every time"
I need more information. That does not make sense for a lot of reasons.
Most importantly because usernames are not generated. The are inputed by the user during signup. They are then checked to ensure they do not already exist before the user is allowed to complete their signup.
So under normal circumstances there can never be duplicate usernames in the system or even users with duplicate emails as that is checked as well.
Now of course if you edited the code in any way it is possible all this is not working correctly ?
cwilliams38164.8059143519, YES.. you need to edit your SWF file to link to the aspbanner system...
example.. the link may look something like this Banner_ID=60
of course you need to put in the right information for your site and whatever banner ID it is in your system
Like it says above.. if you save the new banner at least once and then come back to edit that link will be generated for you at the bottom of the edit page.
then when your flash banner is clicked on it will go track the click and then send them to the "link_url" specified for that banner when you edited it.
(you need to enter the final destination url there if you want that to work)
Installed a new rack mount 1u server this week.
3.2 ghz hyperthreading 1 mb l2 cache prescott cpu
2 gb pf pc3200 kingston memory
SATA Raid.. (2) 120 gb drives running hardware raid 1
It is a supermicro 1u server case and server motherboard.
The hard drives are SATA 150 120 gb 7200 rpm Diamondmax Maxtors
All high end server type stuff... It's a very powerful server and has been running great all week. 500+ hours uptime so far.
Running Windows 2003 Server Enterprise
SQL 2000 Enterprise SP3
Windows DNS
ZipEnable (which I am reviewing for them)
ServerMask (which I am reviewing for them)
A ton of ASP Components which I have purchased over the years.
So that means I can now focus my attention on creating software again instead of being a system admin. (Due to these server issues over the past few months I am now back to godly status as far as windows system administration goes.. not to mention I am now back up to speed on the latest processors and hardware)
So, getting back to ASP Photo Gallery...
I spent about 20 more hours this week on the new version of ASP Photo Gallery Pro.. I have another 40 or more to put into it as I have a lot I want to do.
I think it will be ready within the next three weeks. I know a lot of you have been waiting for something.
cwilliams38331.5907060185, OK, thanks.., I really do not know for sure, but I imagine there are customers using their windows hosting. Usually I do not know what hosting company a customer uses and I am usualy the only one that responds to forum questions.
Why not download the current Free lite version and try it out ?
I encountered a problem that I haven't been able to solve.
I'm trying to get .pdf files to byte serve (page-by-page load in the browser)
but unable to do so. I've narrowed it down to stream download file where it
creates the header object. I haven't made any success with the changes I've
tried. Any help would be very nice.
This maybe useful: n-us/act/htm/actml_ref_href.asp
, Your probably talking about "Session.Timeout" which is a feature of the IIS webserver. Please do a google search on it for more information.
In the meatime if you look at the top of the "check_user_inc.asp" file you should see a section like this where you can try to change the value.
' Minutes you want before the session times out.
' This is set on the server to be default to 15 or 20 minutes depending on the server version
' You can change it there or override it here.
Session.Timeout = 30
Specifying it like that is supposed to overwrite the value for your web in the IIS console which is usualy 20 minutes.
, Why all the pages at the directory .../password_admin/ are very slow to open online?
vaghelis38300.5280208333, Will purchasing an additional license resolve the issue which will allow another installation or is this a function of the application that it can only protect one site per server?, now, even though it should work with two slashes or not... here is an updated file that will clear that issue up.
You can try it but I think you have other issues like I said above.
just replace this file in the "scripts" folder , ASPProtect protects ".asp" pages only.
That is your problem.
, Hi, I am glad you like the system.
Thx for the comments..
The banner logic in aspbanner it tweaked for speed and performance.. that sort of thing really wouldn't fit into the current code structure very well. It would slow things down and be a nightmare to code because of the way aspbanner uses ultra fast application variables for the banner rotation. Basically its a feature I didnt incorporate for performance and pricing reasons.
I would suggest making different zones for different conditions.. then surrounding the banner calling code with if else logic so a different baner zone was called under certain conditions.
That way performance would not be effected and you could actually show a different group of banners based on certain conditions.
Sorry, but that is the best advice I can offer at this time.
I built ASPBanner for performance and at this time I refuse to sacrifice that for any feature that will slow it down and consume more resources.
cwilliams38383.5395601852, Ahhh....yes, I always forget about the cache. That's exactly what it was.
I had made modifications to the import_pics.asp file, because I added more fields to the db, and made the import folder path dynamic, but I seem to have forgotten to add in the response.expires=0
Once I added this back in it has stopped messing up.
What was happening was, it wasn't overwriting the files, nor were they too big, but you would click on one thumbnail in an album(category) and it would display a picture from a totally different category. It seems browser cache was the culprit, however.
Thanks for the quick reply, great product tooo!!!
, You know what, you really are frigin goofy to say you might think we
didn't write the software. I got source code to the license dll as well
as about 12 revisions of the application sitting on my development
server as well as about 1200 emails between John & Myself as we
worked on it. Not to mention all those .vb files that come with the
application. What do you think those are ? I bet you don't even really
know based on something you said in one of your earlier forum posts.
Did you even read this cause this is YOU... !!!
And we say right on the ASPProtect.NET product page to read that article before making a purchase.
on... it basically says on the site ASPProtect.NET works the way
it is shown to work. You can use it that way or you can further edit
the code with Visual Studio.NET. If you are so good with then
you should be editing the code to work differently or writing your own
authentication that works exactly how you want it to. End of story. You
keep arguing about things your done... you are so done !!! I won't keep
putting up with you., The only other thing I can think of if you are not getting any errors.
Is that you may have the path to the server include file correct but ASP server side code is not executing in that part of your web site.
You can do a simple test to tell if it is...
Make a simple ".asp" page in the same folder.
Put only this code in it.
<% Response.Write ("ASP is executing") %>
then run the page via the web browser thru the server..
If the text prints out ASP is running... if you don't see anything it is not
cwilliams38229.5820486111, far as I can tell it does... that session abandon thing called in the logoff page should be enough to cover everything
once thing to be careful about
If you log in.. then log off... then go back to a page and do a refresh... you may in fact be reposting the username and password from before.. thus logging yourself right back in
Perhaps not.. all depends on what your doing... but it is something to be careful of when testing
cwilliams38341.7390509259, I just finished implementing the V7 product on our site and someone made mention that on the profile form where you are asked all your personal and user information there are 2 fields for passwords. The first field uses masking to hide the password as you type it, where the second shows it in clear text.
Now we know that the only people able to see the password are the user and the administrator, but it is playing mind games with my users as they think there is a problem with the application. I am not a programmer (however, learning ASP slowly now!) and am not sure if you did this on purpose or if it is a bug?
If it was done on purpose, can you advise how I can make the confirm password field masked as well to eliminate the unfounded questions!
, I really need more information..
SQL or Access database ?
If Access are you using the newest version of the .mdb file
Is this a new item ?
Show me your connection string ?
perhaps the url to the site as well so I can look around?
things like that that will help me troubleshoot.
If any info is sensative send me a PM..
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:30:34 PM
meeting w/lee horan., *BioTek: VaxData - Test and debug General Ledger reports, MapInfo - Albany Demo, called ppl from voice mail., Ate dinner., Misc.- help Dave move downstairs, help Bill M. with database project., Admin (emails and organize), Steady morning Duties:quality checking sign ups, cancellations, reports, answering phone, callnacks from voicemail , checked email. , Gen. tech duties...checked outside doors to lower level, locked and secured, do tracking weekly sheet for pat, *bram, tech supv. duties, followed up on auq, online issues, voicemail , Radlog, techcalls.....lots of IMC email problems, Read and reply to email, Samartian medical system-
problem with menu system- have jason and ron looh at- fix- wrong font size- contact sonya, 12:30 to 1 am 3 calls,
one customer, JCC E-Commerce seminar, Text changes to site BILLABLE, phones radlog, dial up issues, had to go over to imc net building to reset ns2, competitive analysis, info for bethany, Had to send Alan home because he had no
voice., Covered NOC., DISCUSSED WITH PEG WHAT TIM HAD SAID.., lunch, Cleaning up, helping Steve install Emerald on a computer, answering some of his questions. Answering a couple of e-mails., Provisioning; reading UNE Training , Timberview.Com - Adding a feature to admin that pops up a seperate, printable window of the main summary page., *Agfa NDT, Lunch at Jrecks with the wife, Reset modems on Massena 8012 and 3642 and Watertown 5373 and 8940.,