Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:26 PM
All of the fields with the expected paths show the correct file structure, so now I've put them in them in the boxes
, I have written application pages- obviously i knew what viewstate was, or else when they made a mistake on that page it would not have saved their filled in info. Same thing for after they submitted, when they hit the back button their info would be gone.
For someone who wrote this software it seems you are not able to do simple things. Im begining to think you didn't write it. The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.
I know how the log boxes work. Esp. reg ASP... they all allow you to enter your username and password and then when you hit submit it gets verified and transfers you to your destination. ASP.NET has that capability also.. i didn't purchase a program to go and have to re-write it in visual studio. It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.
The program seems to have some great complex features, however, your not able to incorporate this easy login from a diff. page function... fishy
expiration dates are not used in aspprotect's database when signing someone up using PayPal subscriptions because the PayPal system keeps track of all of that and will automatically send posts to the approtect system if a user needs to be deactivated for not paying or for whatever reason.
As you will notice in that thread about subscriptions the paypal signup data you use for the person determines their membership pricing and details.. ;PN=1
Basically the system takes care of everything.
PayPal takes care of everything.
However you want to look at it.
cwilliams38446.6609953704, Ok, if the link to the import/export screen does not show up its probably because you never put the import/export path in the admin settings?
go check that for me.
cause running that page without a path for the files could cause a timeout.. thats why the link doesn't show if the path is not entered (so people won't run it)
it looks sorta like this (there will be a field to fill in which wont show here)
Settings below specify the physical directory path of the export directory. This is used by the system when using the import/export feature. The export directory needs modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account. |
ExportDirectory |
the path must be valid for your file structure and it must have correct permissions (when creating files) , I am out of the server now and I have to get up early to help friends pour concrete in a huge building in 20-30 degree weather (woo hoo)
So I am going to take a break on this until later tommoro.
In the mean time try connecting to the access database with no password on it as well as the access 97 version that I put in the data folder... and see if it runs any faster...screens like the user screen should load fast... not after 15 seconds of waiting like they seem to be doing right now
If none of that helps which it probably wont I can set up the database for you here including the importing later tommoro when I am done pouring concrete
, I really need more information.
Connection strings being used ?
How have permissions for the database folder been set ?
etc etc the more specific the better
You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.
I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.
And of course my detailed article on the error. PN=1
, ok, One of my users is looking to do mass updates (multiple records). He wants to be able to update the "Expiration Date" for a group of users who work for the same company. , can add photo album but after i upload a pic, nothing shows.
where do i look to research why pics aren't showing in the albums
, Making progress. I have made the appropriate settings and now I have the option to upload. When I upload, I get the following message:
"Your upload did not succeed, most likely because your browser does not support Upload via this mechanism.
Your browser must support a standard called RFC 1867. Please check with your browser vendor for support of this standard"
I am using IE6 XP SP2. I also am using DUNDAS UPLOAD, ASPIMAGE.
I think I set permissions correctly bot not positive. I have given all auth to everyone for the database etc.
, Hello,
Yes, that is how it works. Unless you make modifications to the code there is no way to easily do what you are talking about.
If you design the site to be intelligent that scenario should never happen.
For example.. you should only be offering links to pages that the current logged in user has access to. You do this by checking the session variables and with simple if-else logic around your html links.
It requires some work but if you dont give them links to pages they dont have access to what you are talking about will not happen.
Here are some simple examples.
Here is an example using access levels.
If Session("Access_Level") = "1" Then
' show links to pages that allow access level 1
End If
And one for groups..
If Instr(Session("Groups"),"*6*") or Instr(Session("Groups"),"*7*") Then
' show links to pages that allow groups 6 and 7
End If
cwilliams38354.0786921296, Yeah sorry you are right. It works for me 1_ID=5
, Hi
I've tried almost anything here... I'm using an online SQL SERVER database with ASPProtect 7, and I can't login after my initial creation of the admin account.
It works fine with Access... I believe I have checked all the fields created by the sql statement (which was run with no errors),
What could be the problem here? could it be a problem that I run my local IIS against the online sql server?
, An email I just received from eastcoastguy.. to keep this thread up to date
Your quick reply was greatly appreciated... I removed the password and was able to use a DSN...I will look into a DSN-less connection later..once i get this working !
cwilliams38146.6165509259, ok, that is what you are suppose to do... not having that path info set can cause all sorts of trouble., OK, thanks.
, well, I need more details..
you got SQL server or data connection issues is pretty much the bottom line
If I remember right we went down this road with a SQL setup quite a while back (auguest 2005) and that never really got resolved
here it is =yiak
, ok, then I need more information.
Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)
Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well.
, Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.
I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty, Hi,
I am investigating the possibility of purchasing above script having spent some hours trying to integrate various free banner rotators into my Invision portal.
What attracts me to your script is that it has 6 ways to call banners. I am an inexperienced webmaster with only a smatterring of knowledge about ASP. Will ASP Banner be able to integrate with my portal?
Many thanks
David van der Want
, Not without changing a lot of code. If you didn't want encryption you really should have went with version 6. Encryption is a big new feature of Version 7 and it is inter-mixed with it the code in a lot of places.
As for doing the export and import you have to create a valid export file and then read through this very thread which explains how to import an export file with clear text passwords.
This is from the admin area regarding the text file format
The import/export file must be tab delimited with no text qualifiers. The 1st row containing field names and the following each being a new user. To create your own import file it must be in this exact format. To find out what field names and their order are simply create an export file using ASPProtect and take a look at it.
Generating an import file from your own database requires good knowlege and understanding of Access's Importing and Exporting functions. It is not something I cover as the process is different for everyone and not really very hard. , ok.. glad it is doing it's thing, I am trying to set up ASP protect 6 and have a problem that when a new user registers their email is not transferred to the database.
I can see the rest of their entries both in the database and in the admin/edit form but not the email.
Any ideas?
, Got it. Thanks Chris!
, My site is composed of mostly asp based pages with some javascripting thrown in, but a fair amount is strictly html and javascripting. Currently I am using the javascript banner method throughout the site.
You have mentioned in the past that several other methods might be a better option for asp pages.
Examples would be: XML Parser Method or asphttp method.
I was wondering if it is possible to use the javascript method on my non-asp pages and maybe the asphttp method on the asp pages and all in the same Zone?
Or, is it possible to use the asphttp method on all pages, whether they are asp or not?
I'm just trying to figure out what is the most efficient way to use the banner system.
Or maybe should I just keep it all javascript method?
Any helpful feedback would be appreciated!
, It's real easy actually if ya sniff around the source code.
ASP is so easy to (work with/edit) even if you dont know any code.
edit "save.asp" with a text editor
If Request("First_Name") = "" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a First Name.\n\n")
End If
If Request("Company_Name") = "" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a Company Name.\n\n")
End If
From looking at that save code I dont see where Last_Name was required. The only name I saw required was a 1st name.
Also.. making the First_Name not required may break something somwhere else. I dont think it will but it might. You are warned.
cwilliams38326.5102662037, Hello,
I really need more infomation..
for starters
what is the server ? iis4,5, or 6 ?
what is the version of aspbanner.. aspbanner standard or aspbanner unlimited ?
what was the error message before you removed the "on error resume next"
was the sql database created using the sql creation scripts we provide as that is VERY important.
and lastly what are the the regional settings of the server ?
what is the date format ?
, Does ASPProtect 7 work with SQL 2005?, Please be aware folks..
This file is not provided by CJWSoft. Though this may work very well use of it is not supported in any way. We have not tested it.
This user is not using the option pack so this file will not be compatible with anyone using that because it does not have support for groups and some of the other new features.
Regardless..we appretiate users sharing ideas and solutions that they have come up with.
cwilliams38313.499837963, I'm using Aspimage and SQL. Photos are 2464 x 1632 px, tried the upload and import directory methods, same results: thumbnails ok, full images 0 bytes.
ServerSoftware Microsoft-IIS/6.0
ServerProtocol HTTP/1.1
PathInfo /gallery2/extras
PathTranslated d:\Customers\user1095000\www\gallery2\extras
ADODB (ActiveX Data Object) Version: 1.2 Installed
CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed
SMTPMail Version: SMTPMail Retail Version V2, 2, 1, 0 Installed
JMail Version: 4.1.2 Installed
AspEmail Installed
AspMail Installed
SAFILEUP Installed
Dundas Upload Not Installed
ASPImage Version: 2.31 Installed
AspJpeg Not Installed
ImgWriter Not Installed
Script Engine
Type VBScript
Version 5.6
Build 8515
, There is nothing built in to the system but it is very doable.
However, you need to be a decent asp coder because your going to have to write some code.
Basically you would want to do a check on the screen where a user uploads to count how many pictures they have uploaded.
Then act accordinly and either let them or dont let them proceed.
On a side note the overall filesize limit of the total of all pictures a user can upload can be set when you edit a user.
, I need more details... telling me you cant get it to work doesn't give me much to go on , It's MS Access, Version 7 (the Full one).
Anyway, I had inadvertently changed the user_id field type to "number". When I changed it back to "autonumber", everything went back to normal.
Thanks you very much for your quick reply and sorry to have bothered you.
, I did the initial steps of downloading the sql scripts and running it in Query Analyser, tables created fine.
I can login for the first time. I exit from the browser and then I cannot login again. This happens for every user and admin.
I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0 when login and remained in those values after close the browser.
So iam just struck not able to log in. Pls advice.
, umm.. rename the pages to ".asp"
After all these are ASP scripts we are dealing with and the product is called ASPProtect.
The web site says it is used to protect ".asp" pages
And the directions tell you to put the protection code on ".asp" pages.
ASP can not run in ".html" pages
If you do not know basic things like this you should really learn the basics of ASP before you try to use the application. I would suggest a good book or two. ASPProtect is for people that have at least some experience with Active Server Pages.
, After turning off the friendly errors, here is the detail.
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
/users/register.asp, line 16
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
ANSWER: W=Disallowed+Parent+Path+
lancem38310.6408101852, Chris -
Sorry, I am looking at your code on view_item.asp and I have noticed that you are calling 3 variable; start_date, end_date, and image_url that do not exist in the databases that you provided. Do I have the updated package for ASPVendor?
, Hi,
1. Two months ago, we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members and renews. and removed the regular payment service, a carry-over from v6.
2. Many from the "pre-subscription" service have yet to expire, thus have a populated expiry field.
3. With a 10 month bridge before we get all the members onto the Subscription service the "Send email to users that are soon to expire."
is used to remind these.
3. When members RENEW using the subscription service, the Expiry Field is not Nulled and they become targets for future reminders although they have renewed as Subscribers.
XYZ signed up on Nov. 05 2004, we send him a reminder in Oct 2005 and he renews as a SUBSCRIBER. His expiry date field is not nulled and he will keep getting notices although he has paid for another year.
Hope this is clearer... Thanks
, I am also getting the "Unspecified Error" message. I just transferred my site to IIS 5.0 and I get that error now. However it does not happen everytime. I can click on a page and it opens fine and then I hit refresh in the browser and I get the "Unspecified Error" message. What could be causing this?
, I have been using the AspHttp Component method for displaying my ads along with the google adsense code. However, in the last few days my site was taking too long to load, so I replaced the AspHttp component, with Javascript method. The site was back to speed. But now, the Google Adsense banners do not show up. Is there a solution for that? Can the Javascript show Adsense banners also? Because they do show the Flash banners.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:26 PM
Holiday- Memorial Day, DSL ad for newsletter, lunch, Watching network. Resetting open modems, etc., Reviewed status of Web projects in preparation for meeting with Lisa, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packup, PC Bundle meeting, Randy instructing in how systems are set up and different rolls of systems, Spent too long w/ Bell on phone trying to figure out Davidson install from August, that wasn't making sense on the bill. Still not sure what happened!, Installing ICQ for Dave., worked on ASP auction site (training, not billable, no work order), tech calls - radius down, various phone calls, email, configuration of new notebook, St. Lawrence County Chamber, Walker - Newton Order, Depreciation - TICC, Building data for Engineering notebook, 2calls,,cd's,,rad log and on line, Ontario Place Hotel Created banner ad, assisting IMC Consultants and creg systems resolve their ISDN dial up problems since the storm.....I must have talked to at least 10 different business customers about getting connected again...all they need to do was reboot their computer/router, lunch, General, CALL FROM NASH'S COTTAGES CONCERNING A CHANGE REQUESTED THAT KEN HAD DONE INCORRECTLY.. WENT IN AND MADE THE PROPER CHANGE, meetings with Tim, Carol and Michele about changing role. Mailer for Dutchess Co. for Dave V., Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, credit card authorizations, ans. phone, customer inquiries, matched QB invoices to bank deposit slips., Drop off router for Knowltons in Watertown, pickup 1602 router to replace., 70952-90977 trael back to clayton, techcalls, new users, slow, TaskForce, Lunch,