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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:49 PM

thank you for such a quick response -- It sounds straight forward - so I should be all set.   Thanks again.,

humm, I dont know then..

If you want PM me your site info and I will go in and troubleshoot.

Frontpage or frontpage access, either way

and also the site URL


The only major usability issue I've found to date is multi-zone banners. Cloning is helpful to a point, but then if you have a change to that banner, you have to make the change 6 times or what have you. I think, even at the expense of speed, multi-zone capability for a single banner would be excellent addition. Of course, that supposes I haven't just missed it and it's already there.


(FREE) Nov 23 2005 Update Files

If you purchased ASPProtect Version 7.x before Nov 23 2005 then you can download these Update Files.

(These are non-critical updates.. only update if you want the described changes below)

These updates do the following..

  • Make the Tabs in the Admin area move up and down as you navigate around so they look more like tabs used in a file cabinet.
  • Updates the import/export process so the tab delimited text files created now store the passwords in plain text instead of encrypted. I have been thinking about this one for a while now and I think it is better this way as it was confusing a lot of people. If can also kill the whole process if by chance the encrypted output of a password contains a line break of sorts. There is no way to deal with that scenario so this is way the import/export process is going to work from now on. This also means you should be VERY carfeful about leaving export files lying around as they will have the passwords in them.
  • Updates the "expected_paths.asp" in the data folder because the paths it was generating had an extra "data/" in it.
  • Updates the users page so it will not show the import/export link if you have not entered a path for the export files in the settings.
  • Adds an Activity Tab if using the Activity Tracking features instead of the links it used to put on the users page that most people didn't see.

To install these just copy them in over the old files.

Now of course back up your existing files so can revert back if there is a problem or you do not like the changes. If you made any custom changes to any of your pages use your head and realize that copying these in over your existing files will overide any custom changes you made. (that is your business, I am just warning you)



Not really sure how to do this.... i think you know what i am looking to do.. is there anyway you can show me or create that solution for me? It would prob. take you minutes as its been taking me hours

, Yes, you are right.  That was the problem.  Sorry  

, Ok, set up a new web.config in root, with just the suggested code.

that worked to get this....

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Source Error:

Line 409:
Line 410:
Line 411: <authentication mode="Forms">
Line 412:

Source File: D:\hshome~aspnetprotect\web.config    Line: 411

any ideas?


, how's it going  ?,


I have been looking over the code and also doing some tests.

So far everything in the code looks correct and everything I have tried has worked correctly. If I select an access level and active users it is not sending emails to inactive users as you stated.

Are you using the option pack ?


I did try to redit the banner and the old link was there, not the new one.  In addition I tried to ad a new banner to an account but it too was not saved.


Since I can see the banners from the aspbanner solution, does that not tell me that the solution is properly connected to the database?  The only thing is the solution only appears to be able to read the data and not write or delete it.

The settings for the directory are read write execute and delete so I am not sure what I need to do to get it working again



ok, here's a test page:

user: test
password: test

Our company just got new computers, so everyone here has the same set-up, all Dells, all about 3 weeks old, all Windows XP.

But I did realize after reading your post that I am using Firefox and everyone else was using IE. When I used IE, I was able to duplicate the error.

But, alas, I am unable to resolve it. Client will be using IE, no doubt.


this could go on forever...

if you want PM "private message" me info to log into your site.. show me the pages we are dealing with...

and I will take a look at it all...


, Personally, I think that is something you should work into your existing site code or something you should handle on your own.

It's basic site maintenance issues.. and something every webmaster must deal with on an individual basis. If you are going to upload a new version of some large file of course you should go disable wherever people are dloading it from and then wait/re upload/turn things back on.. etc etc

It is not going to be a feature of ASPProtect and I don't see why it should be. If you want to have some sort of global site is temporaily down thing you should have a common server side include on all your pages right after the password protection include file. In that include file you could easily stop site access with a response.end and also show a message.

Or you should disable a file download page manually on a file to file basis.

Really, big busy sites that have their sh*t together use versions of files for a reason. Every new upload is a slightly new version revision and has a slightly different file name They do this partially to eliminate the problem your talking about and also because that is the way it should be done. Nothing gets uploaded over itself ever. Even if there is a mistake in a file they upload a new revision and document it in the revision/changes file. And of course they dont show users a link to a new file revisions until it is uploaded.

Thanks!  Will try both.


Appreciate the support.




When using the Mass Mail feature and selecting the Users to ‘Active’ and the Access Level I want to send to the system will still send e-mails to the ‘Inactive’ users from the same Access Level.


In other words it sends to everyone in the Access Level regardless if you choose “Active” only.


Any ideas to correct?





I am converting the email over from CDONTS to CDO so it will run on my host 2003 server.

What files should I be concerned with?  Under gallery_admin there is an email_user.asp and  under the main gallery folder thier is an email friend. Is there an other email routines I should be concerned with?

Thank You for your Assistance.


, Thanks for the information. We added the name manually instead of using the App_Name variable., Bingo! that did it.  Somehow the data must have gotten corrupted. 

Hopefully that will do for me. Seems like everything is humming along and looks great!

Thanks again,


one last thing... if you did an upgrade from a previous version and didnt do the whole database field thing right during the upgrade process as stated here you could have trouble.

Meaning you should check your new database with the field structure of an unmodified new database and make sure all field names match up perfectly.. especially paying attention to the username and password fields

One last thing..
If you did an import via text file and didn't import all the fields ASPProtect needs you could possibly have problems as well.. though I don't think this relates to the timeout so it probably is not the case


Now that I think about you may very well be able to use the existing login_form_inc.asp page

the header and footer files for the users area may be ok as well.

probably the smart thing to do is try your old ones and compare them to the new and see if everything you need is there. If not add it by looking at the source html and comparing.

All other files should definetly be replaced with the new.


Humm.. that should have worked fine

why are you getting a "OLE DB" error I wonder ?

I need more information. 

Database being used and version ?
Server OS Version?
Connection String being used ?

etc etc



Can you set an expiration date on a subscription?




well, I need more details..

you got SQL server or data connection issues is pretty much the bottom line

If I remember right we went down this road with a SQL setup quite a while back (auguest 2005) and that never really got resolved

here it is
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=321&KW =yiak




Chris -

Sorry, I am looking at your code on view_item.asp and I have noticed that you are calling 3 variable; start_date, end_date, and image_url that do not exist in the databases that you provided.  Do I have the updated package for ASPVendor?


, If you have messed up the admin account or forgotten the admin password you generally should open up the database manually and add a new account or see what the old account is.

In version 7 however you have another option. Go through the installation instructions again. Specifically the part where you use the "get_me_in.asp" page to get back into the admin area by pasting in the password encrpytion keye you are using from your config file. , Say, I just thought of one last thing.

Your not by any chance running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on that server are you ?

It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.

There are other apps as well that can cause it to hang.


And ASPProtect does use the filesystem object.,

If I would like a link on my web page that will take someone to the login page (I would also like this page to contain forgot passord? and register)   I am not entirely clear what file to link to to do this.  Would it be check_user_inc.asp?

Thanks in advance?



It's real easy actually if ya sniff around the source code.
ASP is so easy to (work with/edit) even if you dont know any code.

edit   "save.asp" with a text editor


If Request("First_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a First Name.\n\n")
End If


If Request("Company_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a Company Name.\n\n")
End If

From looking at that save code I dont see where Last_Name was required. The only name I saw required was a 1st name.

Also.. making the First_Name not required may break something somwhere else. I dont think it will but it might. You are warned.



It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques)
It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.

Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.

You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there. http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=17

Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.

In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.

I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.




server: windows

option pack: yes (after the install I have this problems with groups and edit users )

host permissions: yes

Active Server Pages error 'ASP0113' Script time out/password_admin/groups.asp The maximum amount of the time for a script to execute was exceeded. ...



I have narrowed it down.  The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.

any ideas?


I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am
http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry


More Upgrade Info

To upgrade an existing ASPBanner system please follow these steps.

Back up your old system completely before starting.

Install the new system per the installation instructions that came with it.

Once it is running simply use your old ASPBanner database with the new system.

You may also want to keep your banner images folder from before in the same location so your existing banners still link to valid image urls because the new system stores banner images in a new location.

Since the config table in the database is no longer used you will need to go to the settings screen of aspbanner again and configure things. The config table in your old database can be deleted or left alone. It won't be used anymore so it does not matter either way.

That is all there is to it. If you have any issues please ask in the forums and we will help you out.


After I approve someone's username and password, then go to send them the default e mail telling them of the approval, the e mail never goes through.  The e mailing used to work well for many months, but it stopped working.  Any thoughts?


, Send email to users that are soon to expire:
What Format should be used for dates and does international friendly dates affect the date as used by the reminder ?

Am having serious problems with renewal notices and expiration dates.

All member sign ups are for 1 yr., yet new members are being sent renewal notices.

Does Paypal use a different date system or has  does Paypal have nothing to do with Subscription dates?

, Well at least now the import/export link shows up now! lol, Hi,
I really look forward to installing V7...
I would like to test V7 by copying my existing V6 to a NEW directory, including the database with new connection, and using this duplicate to do an upgrade for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY before commiting to upgrading the main system.

Should this cause any problem?


, do you want my help making the database with your import file ?,

How to bring up the Code Generators

Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.

Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"


Our login works great, variables even help determine menu options.  When user logs on, however, it opens in a new page.  Is there a setting somewhere that sets whether you can open in a new or existing page?

Also, when you log off


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:49 PM

working on printing newsletters, creating tech manual, Telcommunications division, AT home working with visual basic trying to create com components I can use with the realtor.com export files, general site design and research, AT Bob Nelson's house for an hour going over Storybook design for tommoros meeting. I am still really sick and tired so I didn't work on anything over the weekend., Resetting modems, had a few call because radlog went down., Answered phones and finished what I left behind., Working on webpage that will be used by Randy for adding more ports to a server in radius log then are allowed by the Emerald Admin, Blue Realty - stop in to go over proposal Remington Museum- drop in introiduce our slves to Linda and shop manager Wrights Marina- met with opwner- go over soft boat , Working with the SoftVendor code and installing some software. I ran into trouble and tried a few things and tested, but I need to install a component of UPS and had to wait for Chris to come in, Had reprogram Froggy97 router, forgot to put back original config, was using to test another ISDN problem earlier this week., working in switch room, cleaning, organizing, Talk w/Jeff about Wave Runner. Told me to have it working by this afternoon for demo. , working on association tables for the TIITC, Trouble shoot davis and company email, Train Shirley Robinson, lunch, email, voicemail, finishing up posi-plus, Watching network. Manning NOC. Resetting modems. Backing up servers. Talking with Bell Atlantic regarding ICS' ISDN., research, production meeting with Peg, Tom and Dave, Yellow Pages - spoke to Wendy Ann- got contracts out to her working on more test and art for additional books, worked on cutting over routing and t1 of applied theory to the as5800, Fishercast - Prepared Agreement, Talked w/ Canada office and faxed to Watertown, Put a coupon on the WDT site for Crispin. Just placed it on the demo site, Power System Design, Checking and resetting modems at POPs in Syracuse, Watertown, and Clayton., Setting up new watertownny.com in a subweb for Kelly. Server is giving me hard time and will not recognize new menu include file. Keeps reverting to old include file even though does not exist on the server. Finally fixed by changing all links manually., Employee Meeting,

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