Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:40:18 PM
Access Database Password
By default all of the Access Databases we give out have a default password of "temp"
The Default username that and Access database uses is "Admin" but you should not be concerned with that except in your connection strings.
The default password for the Access Database can only be changed using Microsoft Access to do so. If you have security concerns it would make sense to change the password. The help system built into Microsoft Access best explains how to do that.
cwilliams38403.6820833333, I am having problems with a password a user wants to use. He wants HANNAH. When he (or I) try to log in with his username and password, I get a syntax error -
Syntax error in string in query expression '(Username = 'changedforsecurity') AND (Password = ' éG'.
pathOnComputer../1protect/check_user_inc.asp, line 114
I've obviously changed the username and the server path in the info above for security.
I have not messed with the encryption.
What is it that the system doesn't like in the word HANNAH as a password? I would just change his password for him but this guy has enough trouble just turning the computer on! Confusing him with a new password would take weeks to set him straight.
Actually, I think I just found my answer...
I will take out the StrToFix = Replace(StrToFix," "," ") bit of code and see what happens...
- Jason
Jawa38406.4721412037, Hello,
Unfortuantely I can not help you much regarding the javascript because I am a server side code kinda guy. Client side javascript just isn't my thing. That was free javascript code that I used for that function. I really do not know enough about editing client javascript. Sounds like you might though.
Style 1 is really a relic left over from the standard version. I just left it in in case someone wanted to use it. Like I said because it is javascript making it do more than it does is tricky (at least for me)
Now,, for actually getting description code. The thing to do is check out how that all works in the pic_window.asp file which is what style 2 two uses. Bascially descriptions for an particular album get stored in one text file. We read that test file. Put the lines into an array. Then display the info which gets run through a functions to convert some special characters used when saving back to normal.
I tried to look at your site but it woulnt load for some reason.
cwilliams38420.0809259259, Update..
I have support for the ibulc image uploading client working.
There is also an option in asp photo gallery pro to store the images original filename in the description field which is pretty cool.
Ibulc client bulk upload support currently only works with the pure vbscript upload or the safileup component. (I may support the other two components asp photo gallery can use but it really depends on time) The pure vbscript upload code I am using for this is much better than the code I was using before so that method should be offer decent performance for anyone though using a component is always better.
I still have to add the ibulc feature to the users side. It currently all only works for an admin user.
The whole process is very cool. You install the ibulc client on you computer. It's tiny, and free for uploading up to 10 (100kb) pictures at once. You have to by a domain license from them to do more than 10. Anyway.. it lets you select multiple pictures off your hard drive and it then uploads them all at once with individual progress info for each picture. Its really cool and since it really treats each picture as an individual upload it doesn't hammer the server with one big upload at once.
I also made it so you can start the picture uploads at any picture number.
So if you already have pictures in an album you can add more without losing what is already there.
This was one of the main features of the new version and now that it is working hopefully I can tie up any loose ends and get the new version out soon.
cwilliams38327.5488541667, how you connecting... lets see the connection string...
could be permissions related too.. if they are not set correctly
(always give them to the folder, never just the mdb file)
Some of this might help...
you may want to download some of the different versions of the access database from the support area and try connecting to them as you may have older odbc drivers on the server
You may also want to try to get ASPTest from our website working before you go any further
, Where is the system getting the random user name and password, and why does it keep selecting the same user name and password every time?
, Here is the complete page with the error message:
============================================================ ===
Unspecified error
This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.
If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.
Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"
If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.
If you are using a System DSN
It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.
============================================================ ===
I am the only one on the site since I just transferred the files and in the testing phase. It is using an MSAccess DB
, 1st: try it with a normal dsn-less connection like we show in the example.. dont use that OLEDB.4.0 connection string.. connecting like that can cause a lot of problems and is not as great as everyone thinks it is and it can sometimes be difficult to get it working when the database has a password set on it
For the sake of troubleshooting just connect like so: (fixing the path of course)
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtect_ access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ASPProtect will generate the actual connection string you should use when you run this page
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
2nd: any IIS server setup to have the access database over the network path like that has a poor setup... and that can cause all sorts of problems as well, access is not designed to run over the network like that.. for more on that read this thread - Start 5 posts down =OLEDB%2E4%2E0
3rd: If the app does not run using the connection string like I say to use then the problem is 100% on their end and is either related to permissions or the fact they are keeping the access database on a network path which is BAD BAD BAD... no quality host that knew what they are doing would set it up that way.. ultimately you don't want to host asp with a place that has a setup like that
4th: If you want to try some other stuff out we have a free guestbook, asptest, and a free version of aspbanner you can try out as well...
5th: If you need a quality asp host that knows what they are doing and offers great asp support is the place
6th: Your right, it is not the code, its the data connection
, The album ID thing is completely normal and by design. Once an ID in the database is used it can not be used again. That is how autonumber fields in a database work.
As far as not being able to delete images... Are you by chance using ASP.NET to show dynamic thumbnails... Because if you are you must turn that feature off and wait 20 minutes or so (maybe more) before you will be able to delete any of the images. It is because the current version of the ASP.NET script used to make the thumbnails locks the images on the server temporarily anytime it creates a thumbnail.
It is a known issue... and there is no fix at the moment other than what I told you above.
cwilliams38324.744525463, so you are using the subscriptions signup directory right ?
"paypal_signup2" ?
1st.. I would check that the xml parser is working.
It is required for making the post back to paypal.
It is installed on windows 2000 and 2003 and XP by default. ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Then I would check the actual form page to paypal to make sure it is generating a valid IPN url as a hidden form value. It's the payment page you actually click on that actually takes you to paypal. For the subscription signup system that page is called "paypal1.asp"
You'll want to go through the process starting with the default.asp of the signup folder untill you get to that page. Then you want to look at the html source of that page in Internet Explorer. Your looking for something like this in the source code and you want to make sure it is valid.
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value=>
It also has to a url on the internet that paypals server can see. It can not be a local url for your machine. Also: If it is not valid we can try hard coding it.
If all of these things are good I'll have to take a look. I have some text file logging I can do when paypal hits your IPN url that can tell us if it is actually hitting that page like it is supposed to. And I can test the system for you by making some 1 cent payments using my own paypal account until we find out what is going wrong.
Reports 65-messages, however after the first 10 are displayed and you click on the More Messages button, I get the Page cannot be found error.
, So do I just replace the four folders that came with aspprotect with the four (in my case domain directory) folders in the patch or just move the files?, Sorry about earlier post in wrong area-
I have followed instructions to set up access levels (adding the
<% CHECKFOR = "4" %> for user level 4 for instance.) The database is connecting properly and the basic check for login is taking place, but it seems that all users have access to all levels no matter what is on the database; i.e I set up a test page with "checkfor=4" and all users have access to it, even those with lower leve access.
Any ideas?
, I have reviewed the permissions requirements for folders from the support documentation but do not see the 'internal guest' account shown in our system to allow internet access to read/write to the access database.
How else can we locate the proper account (or is it possible there is none?) to use to allow permissions to access the Data directory if it doesn't show up as 'Internal Guest'?
cwilliams38417.7773032407, I have accessed the "get_me_in.asp" page and entered the password encryption key. Once I entered it, I was taken to the ASPProtect Admin Area Login. It does not give me the option to create a new user as is described in the general installation documentation. How do I access the program now?, I just remembered the current skin is stored in a text file in the pictures folder. If it did not have permissions for writing it could give you trouble. That could of had something to do with it.cwilliams38295.3821064815, it is an email server/setting issue most likely
your email server probably requires outgoing authentication or something like that and that is why internal emails can be sent to but nothing else
its something along those lines
this will help you see the real error instead of the generic 500
, I was able to get it all figured out. Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it. I ended up copying the database with the password to the directory and used the user/password connection code and it works great. I believe it was related to that but I cannot be sure. Thanks again!
, This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.
, This is a great article for newbies..
Hints & Tips when working with ASP
cwilliams38436.5949768519, I have narrowed it down. The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.
any ideas?
, The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs. It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions. But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal., Will do!
Is it possible to change the currency for
accepting payments? I will like to change from US to Canadian.
Thanks in advance
I just added this line to the paypal1.asp
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code"
and it worked. Clearly other values can be entered for other currencies.
Everything was listed in this manual
Hi Chris,
Alright. We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.
Ok. I have another question:
How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:
Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?
thank you
, Got it. Thanks Chris!
, ok, do you have the smtp part of iis installed on your machine
cdonts needs that
then again I am not sure you can even use cdonts on a xp box without making some changes...
cdonts has kinds died out and as of windows 2000 basically got replaces by cdosys
, ok
, when I go to that url is seems fairly fast and somewhat normal.. even when I try to log in it pops right back up asking for login info again..
I would check to make sure you are not running anything that might be effecting your web browsing.. software firewalls.. ad blockers.. script blockers... norton internet security.. zone alarm... anything like that
they can all effect a lot of things regarding how web browsers act.
, I need a point or a little insight please.
I need to get information from a credit card authorization called netbilling. I have been looking at your code for PayPal and 2 checkout. I have a feel for the code flow and the relationships of the "includes" .
I have been doing a lot of reading in my books and am seemingly twisted around the axel. I am not expert in ASP I am better in VB. I am not afraid to write code I am just a little nervous about messing up existing relationships.
My plan is simple: code a page to open the database and populate the database fields from netbilling and convert their field name to yours in the database.
I appreciate your time and insight. As in the past I need your help again.
, maybe this is the issue...
do you realize that the descriptive name you give a group is not always going to be the same ID in the database ? The two are not related.
Perhaps what you named Group 1 is really group ID 3
You can tell for sure by generating protection code for group 1 and see what ID it tells you to use..
You also need to remember that you are testing this with different users and it is really easy to get confused so you need specifically log off using the log off page to ensure session info from the previous login doesn't show up and cause confusion when you log in with a different user... etc etc
in addition to logging off that way you may also want clear the session and application info via the code at the bottom of my article pplication-variables.asp
and do that in between any user you log in as
, No worries
is there any way I can get rid of those information shown on User activity screen, so I can at least know who logged in current day?
thank you in advance
, Ok, I was not aware of this domain controller issue as I have never had a customer have their web server set up that way. It is not a common situation under commercial hosting, thats for sure.;en-us;3151 58
seems it was some sort of bug that was corrected in the the 1.1 .NET framework involving no ASPNET account being created. seems there are lots of work arounds involving making new accounts and editing machine config files. I found quite a few google articles as well.
I actually should have said "the framework installed" not ""
So, in the meantime I am asking John Evans what he thinks about this and I am going to ask you what version of the framework you have installed ? ASP.NET Framework 2.0 is the newest and you definetely should be running at least version 1.1 and probably should upgrade to 2.0.
I do not know why other ASP.NET code you have works ok. Your other code may not be using the odbc driver dll the same way ASPProtect.NET does. There are lots of possible reasons. At the end of the day I think the basic issue here is still a low level configuration/permissions issue and it can be corrected from what I am reading. It just may require a bit of trial and error regarding local and domain accounts and editing the machine config files... etc etc
, I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"
Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:
'Create database connection
'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Database connection info and driver
'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")
'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"
adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"
Definitely need some assistance! 
Rhona (rookie asp) -
, I wonder what that ENDSQLMail send failure is all about ?
I dont use anything regarding SQLMAIL in the ASPProtect code.
I think I might need to go in so I can debug a bit. Everything seems to work fine with a SQL installation here so I just don't know at the moment.
If that is ok with you I would need ftp access or something so I can trry a few things and hopefully figure it out. Admin access to the aspprotect admin area as well so I can see what you have set up in there.
PM me with that info if you want me to take a look.
, I did all that you sugessted and all failed, you said "I did a sign up.. your verify URL is not saved/set in the application variables. is this somthing I can change manually? below are the steps I performed......
1 - made sure the web is it's own application in IIS
2 - Reset IIS in command promt
3 - Restarted the server, the only thing is I have not waited perhaps long enough for it to kick in. but it should have with the restart.
I am running windows 2003 on the front end with wondows 2003 and Exchange 2003 on the back end, is there anything else that may be causing this issure?
Thank you!
, Your assumption was incorrect.... the login count has nothing to do with that. The login count only has one purpose and that is to limit the amount of times a user can log in if you want to do that.
Logging in for the 1st time means the time at which they 1st login and their session at the site is created... If there session ends and they come back and login they will get redirected because it will be the 1st time again.
Forms Based Authentication is all about sessions and session variables.
If you only want them redirected somewhere based on the login count that is something you have to work out and check on your own. It's very doable.
Seems like now I should have explained that better but I never thought anyone would think it meant what you thought.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:40:18 PM
Put together the other desks that were left over to be done yet, Took in calls ranging from not able to bring up home page to bad passwords., Meeting PCS, review proposals for amy, evaluate projects and assign names whom work will be completed by., daily routine, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Setup, deposits and pulled invoices to match-filed created invoices, moved to tycho, General, email/voicemail, worked with new employees., answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, cc report, quality checked sign ups. , Called users that left voice mail messages., Following up on Liberty Christian, checked the antenna on the Herald Building, Working on problem in all SoftMLS sites regarding the autoresponder and the SQl code it saves, Setup Traffic reports for VT Butter & Cheese, On the phone with Crispin about the status of his work on the MLS sites. Talked to Chris B and Tom about new River Road Partners site. Approved timecards. Cleaned up my inbox of email messages., I think David has pnumonia (sp?) but he is still working. Quiet day overall., timecards and emails , going through work request system to get status of projects and prepare for this morning's meetings, daily and weekly reports, Answering phones., Fixing Mail Queue, We did the presentation for the board of realtors, quality checked sign ups,cancellations, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails. taking sign ups, answering phone. , Did some more cleaning...emonitor still going yellow a lot. Worked on expired accounts from Radlog, Adding more students and teachers to LaFargeville database., Traveling to Watertown Office, sorted the Watertown mail I brought back, radlog, online issues, Business Journal ad, Email & Vmail resp.,