Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:34:43 PM
You shouldn't be renaming or moving anything... unless you really really understand what you are doing and are at an expert level expert as far as ASP coding goes.
like I said earlier.. t=last#1130
redirecting with version 6 is not supported but this thread tells you exactly how to set it up (I showed you this thread in an that earlier post) redirect
This thread below may also help in case the page you want to start on with a login form should not be password protected.. , Not sure because of the nature of the javascript method
for starters tighten up the html around the banner call
<tr> <td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead"> <!------- ASPBanner Ad code -------------> <script language="JavaScript"> var code = ''; var now = new Date(); var nIndex = now.getTime(); document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">'); document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>'); </script> <script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script >
<tr> <td width="460" height="60" align="center" valign="middle" class="imagead"> <script language="JavaScript"> var code = ''; var now = new Date(); var nIndex = now.getTime(); document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" ner.aspx?BannerZone=1&nocache=' + nIndex + '">'); document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>'); </script> <script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script > </td>
If that doesn't help I would suggest using the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBanner. It can serve banners to a any type of page extension and it runs just as well as the .NET version. There is a new iframe method for calling banners that you can try instead of the javascript. The iframe method is explained in the ASPBanner Unlimited section of the forum. cwilliams38150.6443634259,
I checked the option pack code as well and it looks correct. I tested it and it acted as it should.
You can see it in active at the live demo
admin test
go the the admin area.. you will notice 3 users with level 4 access 1 of them is inactive
then go to the mass email area and pick active and level 4 it will say it is sending email to 2 users which is correct
then go to mass email again and pick level 4 and inactive it will say it is sending email to 1 user which is correct
choose any status and access level 4 and it will send email to 3 users which is correct
When you do this please realize you can not choose a group as well. That will cause a problem because you can not choose a group and an access level at the same time.
Anyway... perhaps you can private message or use the contact us form and and let me take a look at your system. Since I can't reproduce the behavior that is the only way we might figure this out. cwilliams38104.690787037, Hi, I am wondering if I can redirect users with "GROUPACCESS"
just like access levelS. I tried to redirect using both "Groups"
and "GROUPACCESS" example below:
If Session("GROUPACCESS") = "1" Then
End If
I could only get the Access_Level to actually redirect. Is
this something the option pack supports? If so, any words of
, Got any info for me on this ?
Chris , FYI:
The articles you references were read over by me like 3 hours ago... way passed that and prob. in deeper sh*t than i was since im trying everything possible without knowing the true reason this is not working. , check the action for the button in the code... its probably not posting back the the right page which should the same page it is...
I bet ya it is posting to guestbook2 which is the wrong directory... an old mistake I forgot to correct... cwilliams38310.6540046296, Ok, I started the database tables from scratch. I did everything using sql enterprise manager and query analizer..
Same thing happens... certain passwords just do not work.
So I did a lot of testing and I have come to the conclusion that this has something to do with the regional settings of that SQL server.
Here is an example.. see the screenshot below.
Username "admin" password "petepetepete"
The top query done in Enterprise Manager is valid and shows the user.
The bottom query is also valid but it does not show the user.
And that is exactly what is happening from the ASP codes point of view.

Now, this means that even though that encrypted password is getting saved to the databse correctly this particular SQL server just cant deal with it from a QUERY.
It works fine on two different SQL servers that I have. It's just got to be something regional related like unicode characters not being dealt with correctly or something odd like that.
I tried changing the collation data for the "Password" field type on that SQL server and it looks right. I don't know what else to do but it is something about that SQL server. There may be a way to change the regional setting through the connection string but I cant find any articles on that right now.
One solution I have for you to get this working there is to eliminate the encryption factor then I dont think you will have these issues.
It's either that or find another SQL server with US type settings or use MSAccess. ASPProtect runs nearly as fast on Access as long as you do not have over 10,000 users or whatever. The system hardly ever accesses the database so it performance under MSAccess is always good.
Let me know what you want to do. I can shows you how to eliminate the encrypytion factor if you want to try that. I think if I make you a custom version of the RC4 function you can just replace that and then the system will use plain passwords.
Your call.. , One last thing..
This is bad
there are .asp files in there people can run that you dont want people running..
u should delete the asp files in there or turn off directory listing...
take care,
CJW , ok, that is done and seems to be working..
I edited the RC4 function in the "config_inc.asp" file like I mentioned
so the function now looks like this which just acts as a passthrough and really does nothing
Function RC4(ByRef pStrMessage, ByRef pCookieEncryptionKey) RC4 = pStrMessage End Function
so it is all set, go try things out and lets see if anything else weird comes up
Username "admin" Password "abcdefghij" , ok.. Chris.. I am now kicking myself in the butt. In the setting section, I had to redirect certain urls and directories to the right spot. I forgot that I renamed the root folder.
Thank you, thus far for your continued help. It is greatly appreciate.
, I have accessed the "get_me_in.asp" page and entered the password encryption key. Once I entered it, I was taken to the ASPProtect Admin Area Login. It does not give me the option to create a new user as is described in the general installation documentation. How do I access the program now?, Yeah, its a win2k server.
Im up and running now (my guess is ASP wasnt installed, but he did not say), but am not having luck with any of the email. I contacted my host to see what is available and have yet to hear back. Do you generally recommend people to run CDOSYS?
Ive been reading through the docs, and the users and protection seems to be pretty straightforward. Nice!
The only other real question I have (and cant find in the docs) is how to remove the self registration option all togehter. My client wants to add its users manually, and not give the option for them to sign up themselves. Do I just find any remove any code that references it? , btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?
and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it
lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?
, Sorry, there is not any documentation on that.. it is basic asp/database work and customization like that is not supported. I recommended looking at what is already there and using that as a guide to produce more fields. etc etc , The way the application ships there are no password confirmation areas anywhere ? Please be more specific as to what you have done and if any mods are involved ?
If you are talking about one of the MODS please realize they are not supported.
Even though they are not supported I look them over pretty closely and I know of no issue like you mentioned so I would suggest re-downloading the MOD. Perhaps you got a corrupt download or file. , ok, glad it is working, 1st of all when I look at the site I see a lot of non US characters and I can see the regional settings of the site are foreign.
ASPClassifieds in only intended to run under US and Canadian regional settings as stated on the site.
Thus the BIG notice on the purchase page.
It won't run right like that for a lot of reasons and it is not supported like that as that notice says.
The categories showing 0 is just one of the problems you will have.
If I help you fix this it will just lead to 4 more issues right after.
If you would like support with the classifieds application you need to run it on a server with US or Canadian regional settings like the site says. , The only other thing I can think of if you are not getting any errors.
Is that you may have the path to the server include file correct but ASP server side code is not executing in that part of your web site.
You can do a simple test to tell if it is...
Make a simple ".asp" page in the same folder.
Put only this code in it.
<% Response.Write ("ASP is executing") %>
then run the page via the web browser thru the server..
If the text prints out ASP is running... if you don't see anything it is not cwilliams38229.5820486111, ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\TradersReportsCom\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtec t_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
I have already set the folder permissions as indicated in the documentation. , Just installed sofware everything works fine except I see no way to upload any photos. There is no reference or link to allow an upload on any of the asp pages (I have surfed them all). I am sure it is something simple, but I am not aware. I am using SQL2000., CJWSoft offers a mutually beneficial partnership program for resellers of our Active Server Pages Based Web applications.
The program is very simple.
- You offer our products to your customer's as Ready-to-Run Web Site Applications.
- We sell your company our software at a 50% discount allowing you to re-sell if for the same price we sell it for or slightly higher.
- Your company installs the application in the customer's web site and configures it for the customer.
- Your company is in charge of installation support and general usage issues. We handle other more complex issues as usual.
Each time a customer purchases an application from you, you are required to purchase a license from us. These must be purchased online via PayPal. You will be give a special password protected URL where these purchases can be made. You are in charge of setting up a system for your customers to purchase the software from you. You are also responsible for purchasing a license from us within 7 days of a license being purchased from you.
Below are the applications currently eligible for the program. They have been chosen because of their popularity and reliability. You must resell all three applications below. The details and pricing of this program may change at any time.
ASPBanner Standard sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
ASPBanner Standard is a high end Banner Rotation system. Web Based Administration for managing the users and banners in the database. Advertisers can monitor online statistical reports via their web browsers. |
ASPProtect Version 6 with Option Pack sells for 99.95 (You pay 49.95)
Easily Password Protect any ".asp" page within your web site. Easily integrates with your current website or project design. Web Based Administration for managing the users in the database. |
ASP Photo Gallery Pro sells for 49.95 (You pay 24.95)
ASP Photo Gallery allows anyone to have their very own online photo album. Upload an unlimited amount of albums. Set up categories however you like. Allow others to upload photos. Optional image resizing and thumbnail creation. |
We are looking for Web Hosting Companies and ISP's who can sell an average of 2 applications per month. If you are not a serious company with a professionally done website you need not apply. We are not looking for mom & pop operations.
To be very clear: We are looking for experienced ASP Development/Hosting Companies that are serious about being a reseller and ready to go. We need knowledgeable resellers that are experienced with ASP and will be able to install the application for the customers and handle some of the general installation issues that may come up.
To qualify for the program:
Please send us a brief overview of your company, Website URL, and your expectations for the program. After looking over your information we will get back to you with a response.
Contact us
Additional Info:
Our applications run on NT based servers only with true Microsoft ASP support. They do not run under Chilisoft. Our applications are licensed per website. That means one running installation of the database and scripts. Qualified resellers will be reviewed every quarter to see if they are meeting the 2 application per month quota.
 , i took another look at the file, and realized that when i was looking at the data structure i had confused "banner_image_URL" with "banner_link_URL". i lengthened the latter, and now all is good.
sorry for the false alarm, and thanks for a very-to-work-with product.
, Is there a way to protect other virtual sites on the server that are not under the default web site considering people may have different websites running off one server? I get the following error:
Parser Error Message: Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
Source Error:
Line 1: <%@ Register TagPrefix="aspprotect" TagName="checkaccess" Src="../../protectpage.ascx" %>
Line 2: <aspprotect:checkaccess level="4" groups="null" runat="server"></aspprotect:checkaccess>
Line 3:
, I'll give it a shot within the next day or so. I'm busy with a few other things right now. You're right about just saving a copy before I start. It can't really hurt anything.
Thanks Chris. I'll let you know how it turns out.
, I am up to speed on how it works. My goal was to not have just a link to a protected page- so that when a user clicks it they get the "access denied" screen and then have to log in. My goal was to avoid that if possible by having them log in and then redirected to the protected page.
So this isnt possible? The only way for it to work is for a user to click a link to the protected page, get the denied screen, then login and be redirected?
Or is there another way..?
I made my point by rebuttling your "cafepress" with agreeing "YES" that is what i want... now you are changing this around on me. I dont think i can be ANY clearer in what i intend to do. It is extremely clear and i am not sure why its becoming more than it should be. I just want the user to be able to log in from ANY PAGE ON THE WEBSITE AND THEN BE REDIRECTED TO THE PROTECTED PAGE IF THE HAVE THE PROPER CREDENTIALS. It would be nice if this software gave an error message when an incorrect username/password was entered instead of simply refreshing the screen. , Still not having much success. I am using SQL server. I changed the permission in the following directory :sql server data\mssql\data. Is that the database directory you are referring to?, It happens at least once per hour or every time a banner is edited in the system by the admin.
Changing its frequency would be somewhat complicated. You'll have to make changes to the code in a few places and you will effect performance adversely by doing it more often as it will mean a lot more database queries which defeats the purpose of doing it once per hour to conserve resources. The reason is when you change the frequency of that you also change the frequency of the entire banner application variable caching system. It difficult to explain but it unlike most banner systems out there it basically fetches banner rotation info every so often instead of every single time your page needs a banner. It stores this rotation and cycling information in ultra fast application variables. The docs actually go over a little bit of how that process actually functions under "using the system / Setting Up Banners "
Its a customization I just can not support and I do not recommend doing, but if you really want to you should look at the "aspbanner_inc.asp" file
this is the part that makes it happen at least once per hour (requires visitors to your site to happen obviously)... you'd have to cleverly recode it to work slightly more often
' Checks the time the banner data was last updated and basically updates it if an hour or more has passed If Cint(Application("BannersLastUpdated")) <> Cint(Hour(time)) Then %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="appinfo_inc.asp"--> <% End If
There may be more to changing this than that, but this is all I can tell you. cwilliams38441.6427083333, check the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file. If using MSAccess it will show the location. If using SQL Server it will show the SQL Server details in which case there is no physical database file., Its not on their end. Using ASP alone you really won't be able to send more than around 300-400 individuals emails at a time before things will time out. Its just that ASP is not an efficient way of sending email and it never will be.
You really should look into worldcast like I mentioned before.
Then just export the email list from the database into worldcast and send out the newsletters.
You will get much better results and perfect newsletters and it really only takes a little bit longer to do each time once you figure it out. That is how I send out my PowerASP and CJWSoft newsletters and it works perfectly every time. , [QUOTE=cwilliams] something weird is going on [/QUOTE]
Yeah that's my impression too. I've done a lot of searching before posting this problem, but haven't solved it. Maybe it has to do with the sql-server/hotel?
Though I have compared carefully what goes on (and it should all be good) it could still be the problem? I have now made it work on a local msde sql server too..  , Thank you for the response to my question. In the mean time if I can figure any workaround I will post it here. , The parent paths things really should not be an issue.
This is an article from the troubleshooting section of the documentation that takes care of it all very easily.
As for a good host that knows ASP and does not mess around when you ask for something. I always recommened
, No rush, I have it out on the internet, but have not gone live with the site yet.
Thanks for responding,
Enjoy your well deserved break , Nope,
No changes to any scripts - just a response.write added to Email_Password.asp to print out the SQL.
Sure - here's the address.
P.S. E-mail address to look for is , (Indemnification Agreement Mod)
This very simple mod will add an Indemnification Agreement Pop-up to the registration signup form which must be agreed to before continuing. This is often done for legal reasons to help cover yourself if something should come up later on.

Download which contains "terms.js" and put it in your scripts folder. It contains the text that will be displayed in the pop-up. You can of course carefully edit it with a text editor to say whatever you like.
Now carefully edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor. Add this bit of code in blue right after the include to the "footer_inc.asp" file like so. It will be near the bottom of the page.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="footer_inc.asp"-->
<% If ErrorMessage = "" Then %> <script language="JavaScript" src="../scripts/terms.js"> </script> <% End If %>
Your done, that's it. Now when "users/register.asp" is run for the 1st time the pop-up will come up. , Most likely it is no longer supported on the web server. The web host probably moved you site to a windows 2003 server which does not support cdonts or they stopped running the IIS SMTP server.
You usualy wont get an error..
it is also possible that cdonts is boned up as it is pretty flaky and that tends to happen. For example sometimes the emails it is suppost to send get caught up in the smtp pickup directory and never get sent out until the server is rebooted.
You should really ask the hosting company why cdonts has stopped working. It definetly has nothing to do with the code if it has been working all that time. If CDONTS still is supportd tell them you emails are in limbo. Ask them to look and see if a bunch of ".eml" files are stuck in the stmp pickup directly and if so to please reboot the server.
lastly: cdonts has been deprecated and now everyone uses cdosys. see my article
, OK.. I went with using ASPEMAIL. The above did not seem to work. No worries though, where there is a will (with options) there is a way. cwilliams38394.7265162037, I see what your saying.. its just hard to troubleshoot something when a lot of changes have been made.
Did you test things before you started modifying the code ?
If its SQL server it is very important that the database was created with the provided SQL scripts.,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:34:43 PM
Thanksgiving, research mrtg / snmp / perl got as5800 graphing. working on tchs, Took some more business calls., basically more calls non-stop until about 10:00pm i did have some time to go back through radlog and get all expired users though, Manning NOC. Resetting open modems. Checking e-mail. Checking voice mail. Calling Bell Atlantic on Innovative Computer System's ISDN line. , had to add comments section to Peggy's project listings on Work Request System (internal, programming), teched calls , work on emails , Talked to Tom about; they called him for an estimate on how long it might take to revise some graphics., E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Setup, Watertown office- set up for meeting- talk with steve about baldwinsville chamber, Lunch, Bob Nelson- go over changes with Tim for Bob
Pete Parkers- password for frontpage and email
Penn Clark- word of grace- old web site files, for word of grace
Peter- cfm foods- password for front page and statracker, also, search engine key words- create work order for tom, Murray Brynes- left message for soft Auto,demonstration,
Tony -ICS- change form on secure server,
have tim take a look at it for pricing,
Clayton Chamber- create work order for changing menu bar
John Pertunil- info for wEb site
, w/ Andy from Ottawa to Watertown, Business PLan Tabs for Paul, radlog, cleaning, dial up issues, email., Email, including note to Baldwinsville chamber about how Tim can do subcategories of professional listings., Meeting w/Carol, lunch, sorted the Watertown mail, check and reply to e-mail, My laptop is here so I am installing aoftware and formatting it the way I want it so I can start using it., Review resumes at Kelly Services office, Referrals for TAF into the spread sheet, web billing from Lisa and Amy, DMS 500 CBT, Posted accounts and did a detail of check and cash for a bank deposit. Customer inquiries, ans. phone, and credit card authorizations. Filed the invoices and matched up with the QB Deposit. Made the bank deposit., trying to print softmls brochures, printer giving me troubles, ended up calling for service..., *TaskForce: Colligonet Development - Copy/Move/Save, Install Router and go over w/ Customer. Training w/ Andy.,