Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:04 PM
It just sits there indefinitely without an error being returned. The only clue I have is that it seems to be connecting to the database when I try to log-in. I know this because I decided to erase the files and start again, but I could not delete the database because it was "in use". After I rebooted to clear that connection and erased the database, then re-did the install, the same condition exists after entering the key on the get_me_in.asp page. It just sits there indefinitely., Hi -
We are trying to set up ASPProtect 7 so that the user is redirected to a specific web page based on their group membership.
For example, immediately upon successful login:
Group 1 members are directed to page A
Group 2 members are directed to page B
Group 3 members are directed to page C
Users will only ever belong to one group.
We tried to use the Redirect_URL feature but it causes the browser to loop.
Could you let us know exactly how to do this. We are not ASP programmers and need to work from an example.
I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"
Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:
'Create database connection
'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Database connection info and driver
'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")
'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"
adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"
Definitely need some assistance! 
Rhona (rookie asp) -
, Hi,
I only just purchased the product and I would be very keen to
a) is the upgrade available very soon as I don't want to spend the time developing one and than find the other released shortly &
b) would I only need to pay the difference for the upgrade or have I already downloaded the upgrade already.
I cant see what version I current have.
I look forward to your response.
ripcurlsurf38138.816099537, Thanks for the quick reply!
I was thinking it was an ASP config/install issue.
I usually deal with Linux/PHP, so this is all new to me :)
I encountered a problem that I haven't been able to solve.
I'm trying to get .pdf files to byte serve (page-by-page load in the browser)
but unable to do so. I've narrowed it down to stream download file where it
creates the header object. I haven't made any success with the changes I've
tried. Any help would be very nice.
This maybe useful: n-us/act/htm/actml_ref_href.asp
, okay thanks, as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""
however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa" basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue. Permissions...
cwilliams38303.6065740741, Well I have the web hosting tech looking into the memory issues at this point. Unfortunately I don't have another machine to be able to run the asp on that would run it correctly so that I can just publish it over.
, ok thanks, someone has to do something other than me.. i've given up
if i give u the username/pw can you set this up on the network solutions host and ask them to set whatever permissions are needed?
cant do it anymore....
, You can not edit that code with dreamweaver. It will re-arrange the asp and kill it.
If you want to change the look of the login html you have to edit the html by hand in a text editor.
Or create what you want on a blank page using your editor of choice and carefully use parts of that in the ASPProtect code.
In version 7 the login screen is one asp page by itself and is much easier to edit with just about any editor. In version 6 you have to know your html and be careful.
Either way I am not sure templates are a good idea for something like that. That sort of thing tends to cause problems with dynamic code that executes under different directory levels. You want to stick to regular html techniques. , remeber too.. you might have to edit code you used on your existing pages in your site so they still call the "check_user_inc.asp" correctly.. though it may very well work out so it works the way it is at the new site
any redirection code you might have done may need the redirection urls changed if you used full domain urls..
things like that... etc etc etc, The Pop-Up Javascript Date Pickers will only show up of your server's regional settings are set to one of two lCID values.
1033 which is English - United States
mm/dd/yyyy date format
2057 which is English - United Kingdom
dd/mm/yyyy date format
Many servers are set to run the default LCID which is 2048 so the banner system will not show the date pickers.
This setting can however be easily overwritten when using the ASPBanner system.
Edit the "config_inc.asp" file with a text editor.
Add this code between the <% and %> tags.
Near the top is good
Session.LCID = 1033
Session.LCID = 2057
depending on what date format you are looking to use
Save the file and go edit a banner. The date pickers should be there now.
cwilliams38325.7403125, well, ultimately it comes down to this and this is stated in the footer of every page in the cjwsoft family of websites.
"In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live professionaly setup server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine."
and if you have some sort of weird timeout going on on your local machine and cant even give me a detailed error message there is just no way I can possibly troubleshoot it... I told you what to check and thats really all I can do... all my applications run on XP. As a matter of fact I do all my development on XP boxes.
It could be any numbers of things... odbc drivers, versions of vbscript... other software on the pc interfering such as antivirus script blockers like norton... all sorts of issues can pop up on personal machines running xp
If you put this up on a live professionally setup web server I can help you. On your local machine there is only so much I can suggest. , I just did a quick google search... found a ton of info on how to find the setting. Here is one...
These are directions for IIS6 but the process is similar for IIS4-5
- Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Double-click your computer name in the left pane, and then double-click Web Sites.
- Locate the Web site and directory that houses the ASP application.
- Right-click the application site or directory, and then click Properties.
- Select Home Directory, and then click Configuration.
- Click Options, and then click to select the Enable Parent Paths check box.
- Click OK two times.
cwilliams38148.5822453704, Got it. Thanks Chris!
, I have been told it does as I got about 5 people or so who upgraded but I have not used SQL 2005 yet. I'll order a copy., sorry for delay responding,
I got bombarded with support inquiries while I was gone and I missed this one since I been home.
Does the server_info.asp page I provide say that aspupload is indeed installed. Let's start there. , It really means just what it says. Your connection string is just not valid and the sql server speicifed can not be reached. The username and password could also be invalid. Since you already had a database set up you should use the same username and password you have always been using. You also need to use the same database name you have always been using. Without actually knowing more and seeing what you are doing it is pretty hard to tell you anymore than that.
The directions and sql scripts given are for setting up a new sql database. Applying them to an existing sql database requires a slightly different approach. Modificiations to the SQL scripts elimintating references to the usernames/password/database we suggest in the scripts is also a good idea.
A data connection is a low level as it gets. Until you get that working you are really not even touching any of the code in the ASPListings application.
If you want I have no problem going into your sql server and web and setting up for you correctly.
cwilliams38301.7362037037, I have a customer who is asking the following:
... could you make a link from it to our website and is there a way to see what traffic goes from us to them. They are going to pay a commission on sales, however I need to be able to track who views their site...
Wishful thinking or could you add code to track their IP address and display in the report section? Not sure that would be enough to satisfy this request. Suggestions?
Thanks, Lance
I just added this line to the paypal1.asp
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code"
and it worked. Clearly other values can be entered for other currencies.
Everything was listed in this manual
, Hello,
I think you’ll definitely like aspbanner. It's very easy to setup and use and it should work great with your portal.
You’ll have banners rotating in no time. All you have to do is add banner calling code in your pages where you want the banners to show. There are enough methods that you will definitely find a few that work well for you.
BTW, there are actually 7 methods now as we have a new one.
Information about it can be found in our ASPBanner support forums
cwilliams38455.9049884259, ya, thats basically what I was gonna do..
BTW.. if that other app is going crazy with an access database it could be the cause of all the slowdown with ASPProtect... what happens there is it is using so much database driver time that it robs other things that also access a database... so basically ASPProtect isn't asking its database for much but your other application and database are cripping that part of the system and causing it to run like crapola
If your other app is using a system dsn try changing it to use a dsn-less connection... it might actually help
, That helped very much. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your dinner., no, that system only works with ASP.NET code.
Currently it can not possibly work with classic asp.
PayPal made it a nightmare to use and work with.
Special things regarding the signing of digital certificates also need to be installed on the web server so if it isn't your server your also out of luck.
, Also, I notice you are using iframes to load the banners. That is probably your issue more than anything. That browser probably does not handle them well.
Possibly try other methods of displaying the banners and see what happens. The XML parser is usually one the best methods to try as it will output just your banner code straight into your html. , How to bring up Banner Calling Code Generators
Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.
Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"
cwilliams38325.7399537037, Thanks very much for the quick reply.
That sets my mind at ease 
I was just worried if users would see warnings in their firewall software too.
I realize that the admin would have to have to go through some errors...
And since we are throwing things in here... Definately, if you have your own server you need a Hardware Firewall and a Managed one at that. The internet can be pretty dangerous for business if you don't.
Plus, I agree Black Ice although in it's heyday a few years ago was considered great. It is not suitable for todays standards alone even for the normal user (But, it is required by the company I work with for VPN. I think it's stupid too using old technology. I have 2 more firewalls setup besides that just so that I do have some security. And, that's just for my PC)...
, We have been using ASP Protect for a while now and are big fans of the program. We received ASP Banner 8.2 with our puchase which we now have a need for. I went to put the files on our webpage, and doing nothing else other than locating the directory there, I noticed differences with how ASP Protect operates. We have customized it a bit and want to keep the 2 programs separate. the login screen for one showed up on the other, and some ASP Protect pages appeared altered so i immediately deleted ASP Banner. did I do something wrong, and how can i ensure the 2 programs work completely independant of each other? We can't risk braking what we're now using but would really like to add banner functionality to some of our pages. maybe an update to the program before we install? puchase new software? Thanks for your help-
, I am running .asp pages and using the longer code method to display flash banners on my site.
I have noticed a considerable decrease in the loading of my index page when I have a banner called. When I remove the banner, all is fine.
Any suggestions?
, sounds like the data/export folde does not have permissions, I'lll try to look at it this weekend. I have to leave the office now.
There must be something wrong with the last build of the code. I dont think that upload export file thing is a feature too many people use or I would have heard of this sooner.
For now just upload you export files to the export folder manually using ftp or frontpage explorer and you can accomplish the same thing.
, When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, hello,
There is no built in option. You would have to add code to do that.
Its not difficult but custimization like that is not something I support.
, I am trying to import a file, and I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'
Expected 'Then'
/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6
If Session("Admin") <> "True"
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Thank you.
, I have one file called asplistings.sql but I have license for ASPListings_auto and ASPListings_real_estate. I really want to use the SQL server for both. Please advise how?
Thank you.
, The protection code for my group3 is:
<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * GP03 * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "3" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
btw - sorry but I am using v7
and thanks for the assistance
, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
something weird is going on
Yeah that's my impression too. I've done a lot of searching before posting this problem, but haven't solved it. Maybe it has to do with the sql-server/hotel?
Though I have compared carefully what goes on (and it should all be good) it could still be the problem? I have now made it work on a local msde sql server too.. 
, OK, thanks.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:04 PM
helped paint the old nextcom offices., to clayton, calls etc.., left early, due to dentist appt., answered tech related calls. checked and called on rad log, voice mail, online issues, and ask us a question emails., teched calls, busy, DPEC Pages, **Agency Ideas - made some progress with NT auth, lunch break, Lunch, work on business plan, check email, voice mail, Working on Pocket Real Estate export files
Talking with on the phone as well as we sort out some things, LUNCHAND ERRANDS, Putting filing cabinets together, Working with servers. Supporting customer issues. Working with Matt on agencyideas. Pricing out products., Geary Brewing E-mail issue, meeting at County with various dept. heads (Civiquest), steady morning, Helped techs when I got back. They had some questions for me and needed me to check into some things for them., callbacks, FxCAprara- info for web site , pick up materials, researching banner ad information for homepage, Spoke to Several DSL and dedicated customer- developed rough proposal for Seacomm and sent it to seth, customer service
inservice, Emails -Carol , prepare for trip to USDataNet in Syracuse,
called ICI to open a ticket, #47188, worked on admin/members section of Allied Federated web page (, programming, billable), Configure RAS server to use DHCP, Did some call backs and Answered phones., TaskForce,