Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:27:43 PM
sounds like the data/export folde does not have permissions, I have ASP Photogallery running and it seems to be great, but I would like to allow uploads using DUNDAS the problem is I can't seem to find it on the linked website. I did find an EXE install in another place but I am running on a Shared Host (Godaddy) and can't run an executable on it. Where can I find Dundas and is there a way to install it without running an EXE??,
look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file
Thank you that did it !!
, I see what your saying.. its just hard to troubleshoot something when a lot of changes have been made.
Did you test things before you started modifying the code ?
If its SQL server it is very important that the database was created with the provided SQL scripts., Can you be more specific on the javascript I should look for? Can it be combined with ASPBanner?, Chris:
I just got done trying it myself and it worked great for me too. I was aware of the security issue, but I'd already planned on using SSL for this particular call, as well as for the secured pages accessed through the normal process, so the bad guys will be kept at bay.
Thanks for the help.
, If a picture does not show after uploading it is one of the following things.
The upload method chosen is not supported on the server
The physical path specified to the pictures folder is not correct.
The URL to the Pictures folder is not correct.
Permissions to the pictures folder have not been set properly
Here is more information on how permissions are set.
Without more information and the settings you have entered and chosen that is all I can offer for now.
, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am eneral+Inquiry
, Your assumption was incorrect.... the login count has nothing to do with that. The login count only has one purpose and that is to limit the amount of times a user can log in if you want to do that.
Logging in for the 1st time means the time at which they 1st login and their session at the site is created... If there session ends and they come back and login they will get redirected because it will be the 1st time again.
Forms Based Authentication is all about sessions and session variables.
If you only want them redirected somewhere based on the login count that is something you have to work out and check on your own. It's very doable.
Seems like now I should have explained that better but I never thought anyone would think it meant what you thought., I did try to redit the banner and the old link was there, not the new one. In addition I tried to ad a new banner to an account but it too was not saved.
Since I can see the banners from the aspbanner solution, does that not tell me that the solution is properly connected to the database? The only thing is the solution only appears to be able to read the data and not write or delete it.
The settings for the directory are read write execute and delete so I am not sure what I need to do to get it working again
, Thanks for that.
I have tried InStr("*2*",>"0") in the query design window but it does not return any members.
I have orded a Access Bible to help me in furture
, Connecting user is dbo of database.
User_ID is primary key with auto increment identity.
SQL Script of current table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Security_Users] (
[User_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[First_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Last_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Company_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Username] [nvarchar] (75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Password] [nvarchar] (15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Access_Level] [nvarchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Notes] [nvarchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Admin] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Active] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Expiration_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Email] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Address] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[City] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[State_Province] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Zipcode_Postal_Code] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Phone] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Counter] [int] NULL ,
[Last_Access] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[Login_Limit] [int] NULL ,
[Custom1] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom2] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom3] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom4] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom5] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Custom6] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[ValidateEmailCode] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Date_Created] [datetime] NULL ,
[Validated] [bit] NOT NULL
, This is the 1st time anyone has ever told me they had any issues with the import process so I need more detailed information.
What upload component/method are you using ?
Are you using an image resizing component ?
Have permissions been set on the import folder ?
And lastly..
Can I see this happening ?
If not please put it on a live server where I can troubleshoot it for you.
Like we say on our site.
In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine. We also may require access to your server in order to troubleshoot any issues.
cwilliams38394.7298263889, How can i get to this to register someone in the database only after the Paypal payment has been accepted. I was testing it out to see if it makes it to my Paypal account (which it did just fine) then I closed Paypal before paying. I logged in as the administrator and looked at the member list and the account was created anyway. How can I stop this from being created until "only" after the Paypal payment has been "approved"?
What if this person never comes back to "try again"? Now the username he used (and is inactive) is not available for anyone else to use. And it takes up database space.
I am using the Paypal (non-subscription)
Thanks in advance,
, I had never noticed this before, but a customer sent me email to say that they had set up their aspclassifieds profile such that they be contacted by email and not by phone.
However, in their ad, their phone number still appears. The lines in view_ad.asp that check for True values for the Contact_Via_Email and Contact_Via_Phone before displaying that information seem to always evaluate to True, regardless of their setting in the database.
I'm using an Access2000 DB for this. When I open the DB in access, I see the checkboxes correctly unchecked for phone and checked for email. However, if I do a quick test to display the retrieved values in the view_ad.asp (<%=contact_via_phone%> <%=contact_via_email%> they both display True.
What gives? I have had nightmares with Access and its weird handling of true/false 0/1 yes/no fields, but this is driving me nuts.
, also, from looking at your site your ideal scenario would be a system that allows you to show all banners in one zone at any given time but in a different order.
ASPBanner is just not that sort of system. It is only designed to show one banner at a time from a given zone in random order., Perfect. Thanks buddy :)
eeye38433.0629976852, Chris-
A general question - Can you have multiple instance of the gallery on the same server?
, I am having an issue with the Thumbnailing process. My host does not support ASPImage so I have to use something called asp thumbnailer which is similar to ASPImage. I am trying to modify the Dundas upload to automatically reduce the images to create thumbnails. I ripped out the asp image code and replaced with the bottom. The main issue I believe is grabbing the image files. I am not sure how to name the actual image file that is already uploaded by the dundas upload. the code is below:
The peices in red are where the issue is I believe. What you see below is my attempt to identify the exact image and then rename it tthumbnail. My optimal solution would be to take the picture, resize it and rename it exactly what it was named before.
Any ideas
<% Else %>
Dim thumbObj
Set thumbObj = Server.CreateObject("ASPThumbnailer2.Thumbnail")
If thumbObj.LoadFromWeb("../pictures/" & Filename) Then
thumbObj.ThumbMaxDimension = 140
If thumbObj.CreateThumbnailToWeb("../pictures/Thumbnail.jpg") Then
Response.Write("Thumbnail successfully created.")
Response.Write("There was an error creating the thumbnail.")
End If
Response.Write("<p><hr><b>Unable to load the original image.</b><hr>")
End If
Set ConnClassified = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnClassified.Open ConnectionString
Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set CmdSetImageInfo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cmdTemp.CommandText = "UPDATE Ads SET Image" & PicNumber & "_Uploaded = 1, Image" & PicNumber & "_FileExtension = '" & FileExtension & "' WHERE (Ad_ID = " & Ad_ID & ")"
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = ConnClassified
CmdSetImageInfo.Open cmdTemp, , 1, 3
, Chris, if there is no way to change this, I understand. I just though maybe it might be possible and I can't find out if i don't ask.
Thanks Chris.
Let me know.
, ummm.. ok.. Then this doesnt make sense. On two out of the three machines I have in house here, the images do not show up. They only show up on the server machine. I am using the constant url on all three machines. Does it show up on your?
, I'm in the process of incorporating the ASP Gallery functionality within my current site design.
To begin this process I'm taking each page and I'm wrapping the ASP
Gallery code with my site design [essentially I'm allocating this
application the center of the page]. When I pull in the
default.asp into the site the contents of this page make the entire
page too wide. I can't see where ASP Gallery assigns itself a
I'm working on this as a side project so I'm not terribly far along
since I need to change all of the font assignments within the system to
style assignments and it's a slow go.
Any insight would be a great help, there's a lot of re-write in what I'm doing and i don't want to affect functionality.
if you want to see the page and what happens --
Don't go to because I havent moved it to its own location yet.
, One month later, things are running very smoothly. Color me "satisfied customer"!
, Is the user ID case sensetive? In my case I use the user email as the login ID., I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.
It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.
You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.
Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you.
See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that.
, ok
, one more problem I see...
I think your login box on the main page is missing the hidden form variable, If you still cant see the upload buttons after checking the settings send me a PM with the info and I will take a look at your installation. It will have to be up on a live server of course.
, here ya go
, It's MS Access, Version 7 (the Full one).
Anyway, I had inadvertently changed the user_id field type to "number". When I changed it back to "autonumber", everything went back to normal.
Thanks you very much for your quick reply and sorry to have bothered you.
, I have been able to successfully edit some text colors, but there seems to be one page that wont change the text color. Inside the users/ folder, the login.asp page, i cant seem to change the text color from ffffff to 000000 so it can be read on my background color. Every page in the script is correct but this one.
Error when click on banner. (I remove on error resume next in config_inc.asp)
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
banner_redirect.asp, line 36
Database - MS SQL Server.
Gignutyi38368.5403935185, "I can login for the first time."
when you say that what exactly does that mean, because in this version you do not just log in for the 1st time.
What I am saying is there are steps where you run a special page to intially get into the system, then you setup a new user, then you make them an admin, and then you can log in as them.
You left all of that out of your story...
I really need all details in order to help.. is this an upgrade or a new install, etc etc etc
I would also advise very carefully comparing the fields in your sql database to the sql creation scripts to make sure all the field settings are correct.
Lastly, please tell me what name/email you ordered the product under so I can check your purchase.
Thanks, this issue has been resolved.. see following thread
, I have narrowed it down. The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.
any ideas?
, Version 8.1 can work with MySQL
It is just not supported at all.
The standard version can not work with MySQL.
There were a lot of changes to make the new version work with it and I really only did ift because I have a couple friends with busy sites that could only use MySQL.
It sounds like your site is way too busy for using an access database as you mentioned.
, MySQL Database Setup
Use of MySQL is 100% unsupported as you can see from the site.
Even still I recently had an encouter with an extremely Jerky person (read the thread above for more on that) and because of him I am adding this tutorial showing one way to set things up on a windows server using the official MySQL tools available.
Let me just say as well that there are 100's of 3rd party tools to work with MySQL databases and many ways to create the database and apply the database creation script. In the past it had to be done via the command line, but now there are a lot of visual tools you can do it with. Furthermore all hosting companies set MySQL up differently and give you access to varius interfaces to manage it which are all different, and that is primarily why I do not support it. How the hell could I support all those different interfaces many of which are totally custom?
The fact is 99% of the people that purchased ASPBanner to use with MySQL have done so without issue and love how it runs. Regardless here is how I set up a working MySQL database on a windows server proving it does indeed run with a MySQL database.
1st of all if you are setting up the server you need to download some things from
(btw: you local developers can install this on XP Pro as well if you like.)
For this article we are going to download the current non beta windows version of MySQL which is 5.0. ALso known as the Windows Essentials (x86) download. It's about 17 meg.
Because ASPBanner uses the MyODBC drivers (now called Connector/ODBC) to connect to the MySQL database you need to download those as well. (Our site flat out says this is required for MySQL use)
So I download those from here.
Version 3.51 has been the current version for a couple years now.
You want the windows driver install which is about 2 meg.
The two downloads should look like this.

Now, on the webserver you run the version 5 setup (mysql-essential-5.0.19-win32.msi) I will guide you through it step by setp.

Hit Next

I am going to choose typical for the sake of this article.
Hit Next

Hit Next

Wait for a bit

I skipped this part.

Choose to configure the MySQL Now
Hit Finish

Hit Next

I am going to choose Detailed Configuration

Since I am on a development machine for this install I am going to choose Developer Machine. For a Real Server choose one of the server options.

For this article I am going to choose Multifunctional Database: You may want to pick one of the other options. That is up to you. ASPBanner will work under any of the scenarios.

I am going to leave the location at its default
Hit Next

Since this is a development machine these options are fine.
Hit Next

These options are fine as well.
Hit Next

Standard is fine for my development machine.
Hit Next

I am going to choose both of these options. The 1st one is Important and should be enabled on a real server so MySQL always runs. The 2nd is not so important.
Hit Next

Set the "root" password and do not forget it. You will need it to manage your MySQL server. I do not advise creating an anonymous account unless it is a development server and you just do not care. Whether you enable root access from remote machines or not is up to you so do some research on that. For this articles needs I am not choosing it.
Hit Next

Hit Execute and wait

If all goes well you will see this. (I actually got an error message about not being able to connect... I went to to Administrative tools/services and restarted the MySQL service and hit retry which cured that... it probably only did this to me since I have installed this before.. new installs probably will not have any trouble)
Hit Finish
Your done.. You just installed the MySQL Server (TIP: its usally a good idea to reboot and make sure the MySQL servce is running by default)
Now, moving on..
Lets install the MyODBC drivers.. (now called Connector/ODBC)
This one is a bit of a no-brainer so I am not going to go into detail.
Just run (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.msi) and run through all the defaults until it is done.. Choose typical when that comes up.
Your done setting up MyODBC on the server. If its not your server I guess you don't need to worry about installing all of this as its your hosts job to do that.
I have purchased ASPProtect to secure a web site that I administor for a soccer league. I am having a hard time getting the code to execute. the instructions are to include this code at the top of the web page under the Language identifier. Like this I think:
<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * Admins * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
However, nothing happens. I am not sure if I am missing something.
FYI: the "Check_user_inc.asp" file is in the root directory of the site which is actually two levels down on the d: drive of the server.
The web page code is located below.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#006600">
<div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; left:125px; top:109px; width:682px; height:597px; z-index:1">
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, also.. every once in a while I get some nervous person concerned about security... and the pros and cons of having parent paths enabled.
etc etc etc
so let me add this bit of info..
I don’t know what your hosting company will say because it is an iffy topic and those that understand it have a hard time explaining it to someone who doesn't. Also usually the hosting company doesn't have a clue except they heard it was a security risk.
Here is the low down from someone that really understands it...
(well, at least I think I do)
The only real security risks are from YOU and possibly other people hosting on the same server if they have parent paths enabled that is.
Meaning your site visitors can't possibly do anything with it unless of course you let them upload and run their own asp files to the server.
Anyway.. if YOU run malicious asp scripts you could potentially attack other sites on the server and look at things you shouldn't. As could other sites on the same server do to you I suppose.
So, unless you plan on doing that or some other site admin on the server does it to you its not really a concern. Just an advantage in coding abilities.
If you attack someone elses site on the server or lurk where you shouldnt then you are probably violating your hosting agreement.
99% of the time everyone gets all nervous over nothing.. half the people nervous about this have sites nobody would ever want to hack anyway.
Many people with a really important/busy sites are going to have a dedicated server somewhere so the setting is not relevant..
The hosting companies of course have to warn you.
This setting was enabled by default for years on IIS4-IIS5. I never once heard one single real story about anyone attacking anything because of this setting. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen but I am just telling you what I know.
This is all my opinion so take it for what it is...
If you are a Hosting Company your better off turning it on at the customers request, giving them a warning about it, and in turn having happy customers.
The big hosting companies like Alentus and MaximumASP do it...
There are far worse things than this to let people do after all.
Beleive it or not I have actually been in servers where they gave the anonymous webserver acount modify permissions EVERYWHERE yet they disabled parent paths ????
thanks!! the file took care of the extra slash. I also fixed the problem by modifying the permissions.