Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:36:12 PM
ok, I just sent you a private message with download information.
replace you existing
with the new versions in the download
Do some testing to make sure that HANNAH password works ok for you.
Hopefully this cures the issue...
If it works ok for you for a while I will offer the fixes to everyone and start using this code from now on
"admin/email_user.asp" had an unrelated bug in it that only happened if its error handling got triggered... it was posting back to the wrong page when that happened and causing an error
, Oh yes...I've changed the time a script is allowed to run before timing out from 90 seconds to 180 seconds on the aspprotect folder.,
I am out of the server now and I have to get up early to help friends pour concrete in a huge building in 20-30 degree weather (woo hoo)
So I am going to take a break on this until later tommoro.
In the mean time try connecting to the access database with no password on it as well as the access 97 version that I put in the data folder... and see if it runs any faster...screens like the user screen should load fast... not after 15 seconds of waiting like they seem to be doing right now
If none of that helps which it probably wont I can set up the database for you here including the importing later tommoro when I am done pouring concrete
, If we wanted to user groups, is the "Access Level" in the User setup the same ID as what the group access would be? Ex. If John had Access Level 4 and the page specified <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
I'm asking because there is no Group Access Level in the user setup. Thanks
, Does ASPProtect 7 work with SQL 2005?, hello,
There is no built in option. You would have to add code to do that.
Its not difficult but custimization like that is not something I support.
, I dont get it.. I am still looking into it..
I think this has something to do with your original experience when things would work and then not work.
something weird is going on
, Two things you can do to test..
make sure there is at least one ".log" file in that directory.. then if you go to the log file screen and it does not show up in the list the physical path you are using is just not correct
remember the physcial path must contain a drive letter (sometimes a network path starting with // is ok if they have it setup as a network drive)
the other thing you can do is use this script to try and write a simple text file in the directory
That will show you if permissions are correct
, that erorr in no way means what it says.. it is just a generic error because something failed.
if you want to PM me info on how to get into your site and I will take a look.. I don't think it is something that can be figured out otherwise especially when you are not telling much about what is going on. There are a lot of factors and settings that are relevant. , actually I just went to it again and it was somewhat slow coming up this time..
perhaps you have some issues with the sql database.
it should be instant.. like this one I run on my server
I suppose it could also have something to do with sql server resources but its hard to say..
cwilliams38319.7859722222, Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:
Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase=" =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>
<embed src=" nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf "
quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">
What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002.
, Your suggestion worked - thanks - , it's ok
one step at a time and at each step testing things.. then when you mess something up you can figure it out a lot easier
cwilliams38456.1106018519, the txt file is only lke 624 I'm not sure, the sql databse is the same.. the sql script is the same for any version
as the site says they are essentially the same app with very minor changes... if you are trying to share the same sql database with both it's not gonna happen because the table names are the same
that app runs nealry as well with msaccess as it does with sql so I wouldnt get too excited about running it withe sql. You will not see any benefits unless you have a ton of simultaneus (sp) users.
cwilliams38312.1125115741, If you re-start the web via IIS, reboot the server, or (possibly) just add and remove a category... that will clear up.
ASPClassifieds and ASPListings must be installed in seperate IIS applications if they are the same web. Otherwise the category caching system of each system will interfere with each other. They were never intended to be installed in the same web together since ASPListings is merely a stripped down version of ASPClassifieds and they share a lot of the same code. Like I said though if different IIS applications are set up in the web site you can do it because each IIS application will have it's own set of application and session variables.
, Now, back in the dark ages we had to use the command prompt to setup the MySQL database and all that fun stuff. I am not going to show you that method.
What happened was 100 different 3rd party companies developed interfaces to work with the MySQL server visually. Within the past year MySQL actually released its own little GUI for doing just that so I am going to show you how to do things using that.
Let's download and install it.
Go here
and download Windows (x86) MySQL Administrator
(1.1 is the most current version at the time of this article)
Installing that is a no-brainer as well. Just stick to the defaults and it will do its thing.
Now that it is finished.. run MySQL Administrator from your start menu.

It will ask for your "root" password that we entered when we set up the server.
Hit OK

You should see this if your MySQL server is runnign and you entered the correct password.
Now select the Catalogs Icon on the right.. go down to the Schemata section.. right click in the lower white area and choose Create New Schema

It will look like this

Essentially this is your database name. I am going to call my database "aspbanner"
Hit ok
Your now have a new database with nothing in it. We now need to run the MySQL database creation scripts that I provide which will create the Tables and Fields needed.
The easiest way when using the MySQL Administrator is to select the Restore icon on the left.

The choose "Open Backup File" in the lower right corner.. Browse to the "aspbanner_mysql.sql" file we provide. You can also download that file here.
Once you select that file choose open...

Now, it is very important you choose the database you created earlier. Also known as Target Schema.. in this case I choose "aspbanner"
Now hit "Start Restore"

Ok, now the database has Tables and Fields
Click on the Catalogs Icon on the left and then select aspbanner from the schemata area in the lower left

You'll see we now have tables in the aspbanner database, sorry, I am guilty of being very tired and didnt read your message fully.
I know this forum area is called "database connection issues" but it is only meant for generic issues.
Issues specific to a particular application need to go in that applications area in the forum. It keeps the forums more organized and helps other people fnd help later on.
So please post in the correct area.
I will answer this question soon. I have to do something 1st though.
, I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the help tonight...
Good luck pouring that concrete!
, Another good tip is to make a copy of the "password_admin/default.asp" named whatever you like..
"default2.asp" would work...
then maybe add a link to it from the header_inc.asp file
then you can modify that one all you want and your will still have the original around.
That concept works for a lot of things.. for example you could make a copy of the "users" folder and call it "users2" granted a few paths might need to be changed here and there but really not a lot. (how do you think the paypal signup folders were created, they started as a copy of the "users" folder of course)
You can even make a copy of the "check_users_inc,asp" file if you like. Then make a copy of the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file... then make your new "check_user_inc.asp" file reference it.
Then you can password protect pages using different versions of the "check_user_inc.asp" file. Why ? well maybe you want different looking logn forms for different parts of your website or you want to make a lot of changes to the "check_user_inc.asp" file and want to leave the original alone.
The sky is the limit really. When it comes down to it besides the actual guts of the "check_user_inc.asp" file ASPProtect is nothing but html tags and chunks of simple server side code that produce more html dynamically. What your browser ends up with is basic html. (some client side javascript in certain cases, but that is pretty basic stuff too.)
cwilliams38422.509525463, How to bring up the Code Generators
Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.
Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"
, its in this thread.. you use the InStr function instr
Please use a little bit more descriptive subject the next time you post. "question" does not tell much to someone looking through threads.. and I like to keep things clean and organized in the forums
I edited it for you this time..
thx , I am not talking about image resizing. I need to know if it is possible to limit the upload to images where their height or width is less than 500 PIX. , This is a great article from my old site.
Connections And Server Database Permissions
cwilliams38084.7458217593, yes, How can I have fixed size height and width image without distortion. Is there a component that I can use or how can I change the existing code.
yes, unless its ratio matches
how could it not be ?
Please keep questions like this in the forums... thx.
there is no need for this to be a private message
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : eeye
Sent : April/29/2005 at 2:19pm
If I choose fixed width and height is the thumbnail image going to be distorted?
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : cwilliams
Sent : April/29/2005 at 1:17pm
that is not possible unless you rewrite the code.
You onlyahve the two options we give in the config file for thumbnails
fixed width and height all the time
fixed width / dynamic height
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : eeye
Sent : April/29/2005 at 1:07pm
Hi William
One more questions for you. is there a way to make sure that all the thumbnails are the same size without distorting the images (in the thumbnails). Or if a picture's height is bigger than its width is there to create the thumbnail such that the height of the orginal becomes the width of the thumbnails and vice versa.
Basically I just want the thumbnail pictures to be in a perfect row with all the picture heights the same and all the pic width the same.
, That was wrong of me but not what I meant. It seems as soon as I purchase something like this it doesn't work right and it can't be altered to work with what I have. The support ends up sucking or being none. Listen I’ve gone thru you're product and it's wonderful and does exactly what you say it does so that's a relief. Sorry about my ignorance with .NET but I’m from an ASP world and it's a lot different. You can see what I’m trying to protect here The final site after testing will be Again thanks for the support on Christmas Sunday, that’s defiantly beyond the call and I appreciate it a lot.
, yes, like it says it is expirimental
turn it off.. the banner system will run just as fast for the most part
or leave it on and an occasional user will see a permission denied error where a banner will be, Well, I assumed I'd be able to tweak this thing but it is all so intertwined it doesn't pay to mess with any of the files. Hence, I'm going to have buy a different system only a week or two after buying the unlimited version here.
As I leave I want to give you some impressions here. While the system is low-cost, the 99 dollar version is missing a few pieces that I think would bring the value to 99. It is one thing to talk about the speed/performance, but to a degree that's hard to measure, and to anyone with web advertising on their site, performance will always run second to potential site income.
It definitely needs a user interface and registration for advertisers, and it definitely needs a single variables file for changing the hundreds of variables for which there is no control. I had to search on my own just to change the look and feel.
Lack of multi-zone support is a serious drawback. I would submit that anyone with a serious website needs it, and will gladly pay you 139 over 99 for just that one feature.
Take them or leave them, they are just suggestions.
, The sql script creates aspgalleryuser
dataconn_inc.asp out of the box indicates aspgallery as the user.
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspgallery;User Id=aspgallery;Password=temp;"
, Yes, as long as each installation is in in it's own web site.
(or at least in it's own application in IIS)
Meaning you could have 5 directories in your site each with the app installed as long as each directory got set as an application in IIS.
Remember, a license must purchased for each running install except for development reasons on local machines.
cwilliams38400.5162384259, Yes, that was it! I had not created the banner for that zone yet. Once I did it came up fine. Do I win the Bonehead of the Year award?
I am just implementing the product, and I deleted the included zones instead of renaming them. That is why it is up to 6. I am migrating banners from my current system before I implement the code onto my pages.
If I may, I'd like to ask another question. I use rotation on all pages of my site except for the home page, where the banners are all smaller and static - an advertiser can expect their banner to always be in the same spot on the page.
I am currently hard coding this via html, but then I do not have the ability to collect stats on home page banner clicks, so I want to use ASPBanner. My question is, can I do this without creating a seperate zone for each banner? In other words, is there a way to modify the html code (that works just fine) so that in addition to indicating the zone, it can indicate the specific banner I want to appear? I would then paste the code in each cell of the table, and alter the banner #. If I do this with just the zone, I expect that the page will randomize the position of each banner across the page. You can see what I'm talking about by clicking here:
Thanks for your help!
, I guess i am not being clear as to what i am trying to do. As far as the event thing... lets hold off on that for now. It seems Chris has answered my question and i am on my own for that one...
As far as the log in goes: I went to that site you mentioned; to see if they had what i was talking about. and they do. Notice on the bottom of the page it says "sign in to your account"
I want that option on my home page where users can sign in to go to their account. It will either take them to a page where they can update their info, or it will take them to a protected page. Pretty much instead of posting a link on the site to say... click here to go to members.aspx and have it return an "access denied" the user can enter their info from the main page and be automatically re-directed to that members.aspx page.
I know how the viewstate works and i also know what that returnURL thing does..pretty self-explanitory.
Hopefully that makes things easier. I just want a user to log in from the homepage and be redirected to either a protected page or their account page...
(as does that cafepress website)
, Hi, I have not gotten anything from you about it.
click on the PM button below and send it that way through the forums.
, This is a great article for newbies..
Hints & Tips when working with ASP
cwilliams38436.5949768519, just leave the databse where it is, use the connection string generated for you and most importantly... put in a request with alentus for permissions to be set
tell them "D:\Websites\\aspprotect\data" and all of its child folders need change permissions (r,w,x,d) set so aspprotect can do its thing
until the permissions are set that connection string can not work
this is all noted in the installation docs...
, Ok i was wanting to know what the "if then" statement would be if i wanted to show xxx if your group is xxx.
But that did not seem to work.
, If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up.
1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it.
If you are then most likely this it what hapened.
The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.
I have seen this happen 3 times. Twice on my own server when the power went out for 2 hours and once on a customers server.
Basically the application variable system gets all messed up because it was not shut down properlly.
The ways to possibly cure it are as follows.
Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.
If not... keep reading for the more drastic cures..
Go to the command prompt on the server and type "iisreset"
Sometimes that is enough.
Reboot the server.
Sometimes that is enough.
Stop the web in the IIS console.
Sometimes that is enough.
Stop the individual processes for each web in iis
"you must really know what you doing and be very careful about doing this"
Remove and recreate new applications in IIS for the web in question.
And sometimes it just takes a combination of the things listed above and a few reboots. I don't know the best way to cure it but I do know why it happens and the steps listed above can get things back on track.
Again, this is because the server lost power or crashed as far as I know.
It was not allowed to shut down properly which sometimes happens.
You'll know things are ok again when you see your banners show up on your site.
A question. Does this apply to all areas of the application. I have recently uploaded 50 photes. But when I look at the site from the url, I have X where the picture should be. Now, if I look at it though the localhost, I see the pictures perfectly.
That would not happen unless you added a target to the login form or you're code had a base target set.
Like so..
that is unless you have something odd going on with your browser settings or you made changes to the login form or code around it causing it. (or you are using frames and dont have some of the targets and what not set correctly)
My guess is that it has to be something you added or did, but I really need to know more to offer more than that.
Well, that is why we added the PayPal subscription pack where all of that is taken care of and customers get put under a recurring billing cycle.
The more people you get to pay that way the less you have to do.
We also have routines for the two other supported payment methods so people can look up their account and add time to it whether it is active/expired or not.
Other than that, yes it is something you need to sort out on your own based on how you want to run your system. You have the source code and the sky is the limit on how you want handle all of that. You send out an email to users about to expire. Whether they come back to the site/look up their account and add more time to it is up to them. I really just do not see any way ASPProtect could handle that whole process automatically.
As for batch changing to users in the database. We give you the source code and we also use an open database structure. You can run any query you want on the database whether with ASP code or directly in your database using the tools that come with it, You can write any code you like to do whatever you like to the database. You can even tie other systems and code into the database via OBDC and manipulate data. The sky is the limit like I said. I also don't really see how batch changes to the database relates to individual users paying again for access or not especially since we include payment pages were a users can look up their accounts and pay for and add more time to it automatically ? At least not regarding the payment routine we provide support for.
ASPProtect can not handle everything every person would need to do. It is meant as a solid starting point for any project, but there are going to be times when more functionality will need to be added by the customer based on their specific needs.