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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:26:18 PM

Is there a way to set various members to upload a limit of photos. So, one member can only upload 5 photos in 1 album and another can upload 30 photos in 2 albums. Even if you just set a permission for the number of uploads for each member.

Thank you


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/aspprotect/password_admin/default.asp, line 287

I'm doing an upgrade from an OOOOOOOOOOLD version (not sure if it was 6 or not) and it read my database OK prior to adding a new user. Now I get this error message. I was able to run the password encryption function OK, but I still get this error when I try to view the password_admin stuff. I can log in via the "get_me_in" asp page just fine, but I get the above error.

If I try to log in with my admin account, I get

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/aspprotect/password_admin/check_admin_inc.asp, line 166


OK, my question is this... if I retype all the info from the old DB into a brand new one, never before used, that would work, right? I only have 108 users, so that's about an hour of work. Or is there a 5-minute fix that I can try? I've done some messing around that got nowhere and returned all edited files to their original state, with the exceptions of the ones calling the DB location.

I'll start the C&P process and await your reply...

On a side note, I really love the new format and am excited about the new features. I'm not married to upgrading the DB and if copy and paste is faster (I just need first name, last name, username, password, email, and expiration date), then I'm using v.7 that much faster.



Found this but I dont really know what to do with it or even if its the right thing.

'=========================================================== ==================='

' Application:     Utiity Function
' Author:          ; John Gardner
' Date:         & nbsp;  20th December 2004
' Description:     Used to check the validity of a postcode
' QueryString:     None
' Version:         V1.0

' Required routines:        &nb sp; None
'----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------'

function Check_Postcode (byRef strPostcode)

' This routine checks the value of the form element specified by the parameter
' for a valid postcode.

' The definition of a valid postcode has been taken from:
' http:'www.royalmail.com/docContent/other/Downloadable_Files/ PAF_Digest_Issue_5_0.pdf

' If the element is a valid postcode, the function value is returned as TRUE
' and the postcode is returned in uppercase with the separating space in the
' right place.

  Dim strPostcodeRegExp(2)   ' holds the regular expressions for valid postcodes
  Dim intCount        &nbs p;      ' For loop counter
  Dim strPostcodeCopy        ' Copy of postcode
  ' Variables used to hold regular expression object  
  Dim objRegExp, objMatches, objMatch
  ' Expression for postcodes: AN NAA, ANN NAA, AAN NAA, and AANN NAA
  strPostcodeRegExp(0) = "^([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1}[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]{2})$"

  ' Expression for postcodes: ANA NAA, and AANA  NAA
  strPostcodeRegExp(1) = "^([a-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1}[a-z]{1})([0-9]{1}[abdefghjlnpqrstuwxyz]{2})$"
  ' Exception for the special postcode GIR 0AA
  strPostcodeRegExp(2) = "^(gir)(0aa)$"

  ' Copy the parameter and convert into lowercase
  strPostcodeCopy = Lcase(strPostCode)
  ' Assume we're not going to find a valid postcode
  Check_Postcode = false
  ' Strip out spaces
  strPostcodeCopy = Replace (strPostcodeCopy, " ", "")
  Check_Postcode = False
  Set objRegExp = New RegExp
  ' Check the string against valid types of post codes
  For intCount = 0 to Ubound(strPostCodeRegExp)
    ' Check next pattern in list
    objRegExp.Pattern =  strPostcodeRegExp(intCount)
    If objRegExp.Test (strPostcodeCopy) Then
      ' Post code found. Ensure input parameter is in correct format.
      Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute (strPostcodeCopy)
      Set objMatch = objMatches(0)
      strPostcodeCopy = Ucase (objMatch.subMatches (0)) & " " &  Ucase (objMatch.subMatches (1))
      ' Show that we have found the postcode
      Check_Postcode = True
    End if
  ' Ensure that the uppercase postcode gets returned if valid
  If Check_Postcode Then strPostcode = strPostcodeCopy
End Function




, Say, is it possible to get something to whack every totally inactive account? Preferably joke ones that nobody every actually logged on with.

I'd want to have it delete the account if the following conditions were met:

1. Active = NO
2. Counter < 1 or is a null value
3. Access <1 or is a null value (some people may have logged on and let their accounts expire, so they may want to log back in again with the same info)

I suppose an advanced version of a mass delete tool would allow the admin to select different parameters, but there would DEFINITELY need to be a "Are you sure? REALLY REALLY SURE???" step in there to make sure you didn't toast your database without being stupid twice in a row.

If I knew ASP code, I'd write it myself. I don't, so I make a pitch for a new feature...

Is it actually possible, with your product, to password-protect the folder that has the actual database without having to require customers browsing the listings to enter a password, or will password-protecting the database folder prevent customers from browsing the classifeds listings?

, [QUOTE=cwilliams]

Every application we sell that has a password on the database uses "temp"

Also, the password is in the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file.

After all, the ASP code needs to know the password just like anyone that wants to open the database would.


That i have, my question revolves around the all the users and passwords that I in that database. I need to be able to export that list to word for a mail merge list, but when I do the passwords show up encrypted. I need to be able to get an unencypted list.



ahhh ok.. I was going to wait till morning to answer this one..

glad ya figured it out



I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter www.vickerylightning.com/aspgallery/dataconn_inc.asp on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"

Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:

'Create database connection

'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Database connection info and driver
'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")

'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"

Definitely need some assistance!

Rhona (rookie asp) -



, Hey, I thought I'd share this tip with the ASPProtect community...

If you'd like to remove, modify, or add fields to the "Users" view in the password_admin default.asp page, it's really easy to do. Well, at least it was for me. I'm using an MS Access database, by the way.

For me, I don't need "Company" info, but I do need last access and # of times accessed displayed. Therefore, I had to change the default page in three areas:

In /password_admin/default.asp, go to about line 185 or so, where you see stuff like:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size ="2"><b>First&nbsp;Name& lt;/b>&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

OK, those are the column headings. Each one corresponds to a column from your USERS table in your database. There are two more areas to consider, both of which appear immediately after this section.

The next section has statements that look like this:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+ASC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_ascending.gif" Alt="Sort Ascending"></a><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+DESC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_descending.gif" Alt="Sort Descending"></a></td>[/code]

See the "First_Name" items? The first is for an ascending sort, the second for a descending. This particular line corresponds to the code snippet immediately above it. But all this does is handle the sorting. For the actual data, look lower for this stuff:

[code]    <td bgcolor="<% = Cellbgcolor %>"><font face="Arial" size="1">&nbsp;<%= CmdListUsers("First_Name") %& gt;&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

It's a good ways down, so don't be impatient if you don't see it in 10 lines from the end of the last mentioned section. This stuff handles the display of the data from the database (where else ya gonna get data, anyway?)...

Now, to remove a field, you need to find the three sets that go with that data. The ascending/descending sort is potentially the trickiest, because it's the longest set of data and can take a number of lines. Just clear it from the start td to the end /td and you'll be fine.

To *add* a field, copy and paste the code from an existing field and modify it. In the first one, the column title, you can type whatever you want to describe your info. Nobody but you and your admins will see it. For the next two sections, though, you need to get the correct column heading from the USERS table and use that to correct the lines in the copied code you pasted in.

For example, when I added a column to show the number of times a user logged in, I copied the above snippets and pasted them in where I felt the column I needed should be. Then, in the first one, I changed "First Name" to "Logins". In the ascending/descending snippet, I changed First_Name to Counter. Same for the last snippet.

The result? A new column, showing the number of logins my users were successful with.

Of course, before you experiment, back up your existing default.asp file, JUST IN CASE.

Have fun!


Or at least I think so.  I have been trying to get this software to work so I can see if it meets our needs for an upgrade purchare. Here is my error.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'

No value given for one or more required parameters.

/aspprotect/scripts/populate_config_variables_inc.asp, line 15

My provider says that the problem is NOT on there end, that it is a problem with the code.  I think that it is a database connection problem.  Can you please help.  Below is my connection string based on what the setup page directed me to do:

ConnectionString = "data source=\\NAWINFS03\home\users\web\b1347\rh.957theride\asppro tect\data\database\ASPProtect_access2002.mdb; Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp"

When I first set up the program I got this error:

Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure
/aspprotect/scripts/populate_config_variables_inc.asp, line 11

Once again, the looked into it and said the permissions were fine and that the code was most likely bad.  But then the errror changed to the one that I first listed.  Which is the one I am currently getting. 

BTW here is the page address

http://www.957theride.com/aspprotect/password_admin/get_me_i n.asp

Thank you!

, Not sure how to response.write the session variable, does emailing work at the simplest level.. ??

meaning does a user get an email when you send an email from the admin users screen ?

if emails are not sending it could very well be the setting you have chosen for emails in the settings.

the best thing to do is keep trying to send an email there and try different emails settings until you get something that works... even when I do installs for people I often have to try a lot of various things before I get emails to send.. like picking different components and trying different things for the email server address because what they tell me is often wrong

also, sometimes emails get sent but depending on where they go they may get deleted as spam.. aol, hotmail, msn, and yahoo are famous for that ,

I checked with our web hosting company and CDOSYS is installed and properly registered on the Windows 2003 Server our site resides on.

How do I go about changing the ASPProtect code to use CDOSYS?

Please advise.


, (customer replied aug-sep 2005)

OK, you have old code then... I will send you some updated files that you can try.. let me know here if it solves the problem. ,

This first one may be an obvious one, but is it only .asp files that I can protect as in no HTML files.

Can the program be set to protect my whole https directory contents (though the answer to the last question may have bearing here - there are html files as well as .asp in there) as in http://secure.mydomain.com

Thanks in advance


I have been working on this. 2Checkout is like the most confusing and worst payment processing company on the planet. There are things about that page I just don not understand as many times as I read through it.

Doesn't seem like this stuff is mandatory just yet. (I asked)

I should have something soon.


Hi - When I try the mass email feature, I get an error that says:

ODBC Microsoft access driver) too few parameters expected 1

/aspprotect/password/admin/send_mass_email.asp line 280

Oddly...this feature works fine when I use the original admin user that you setup. 

But I setup another one with my username and password (not test) - because I was afraid anything with "test" could get deleted. 

Any ideas on why the new admin userid would not work?  Note: I have not change any code from the original installation.



I've encountered another problem.  When i edit the link for existing banners and save it, the banner reverts to the old link instead of the new one.

The directory where the the database is located to rwed so the permissions is not a problem.


Any advice?




, Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.

I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty, huh?  I think I just covered that as that is the way it must be done.,

Than you 

I'm happy after changing to XML parser for two of the ads. Later I'll change the other codes to XML, never to use iframe again!


Hi Chris,

We installed our key onto the live server.

However, since our temp key has expired, we can't access our application on our development machine because the login won't work anywhere except on the live server.

Of course we can access the application on dev, if we remove the aspprotect tags, but if we need to log in to do something unique to the user, then we have a problem.

Can we get another temp key from you? And would there be a better long term solution to this debug/maintanence issue?



Most likely it is no longer supported on the web server. The web host probably moved you site to a windows 2003 server which does not support cdonts or they stopped running the IIS SMTP server.

You usualy wont get an error..

it is also possible that cdonts is boned up as it is pretty flaky and that tends to happen. For example sometimes the emails it is suppost to send get caught up in the smtp pickup directory and never get sent out until the server is rebooted.

You should really ask the hosting company why cdonts has stopped working. It definetly has nothing to do with the code if it has been working all that time.  If CDONTS still is supportd tell them you emails are in limbo. Ask them to look and see if a bunch of ".eml" files are stuck in the stmp pickup directly and if so to please reboot the server.

cdonts has been deprecated and now everyone uses cdosys.
see my article


i will probably end up doing this myself, but dropping all the log data in a sql table would be nice as it offers much more flexibility on how an admin can keep track and use the data. Browsing through each log file is very inconvenient. I can search for text in the files (server-side, others with a shared server would probably have to separately download all log files first), but with the current method I don't have the following important options:

  • cannot sort by any criteria
  • quickly see a list of all login attempts by a specific user (i need to search each log file individually for this info)

if you had an option during setup perhaps (or elsewhere) in a future version that allowed an admin to specify the preferred logging method (separate files or a table in sql) i'm sure many admins would find it very useful to have a database alternative of keeping track of users becuase it would offer the two benefits listed above, plus more.

, Thankyou, that was very helpful,

Weird things happening, when I upload using the vb method the image fails and error is that the image was empty.

Utilizing ASPUpload and after clicking upload file I get a blank screen, no preview, no nothing (it loads with the proper header/footer) but a completely blank body.

Any hints?


btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?

and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it

lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?



When I add a user, I can not activat it.

It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???

I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added

is still not activated??

My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.

It just ignores it....




I am brought to a logon page in which I cannot access the page.  This must be due to the check_user_inc.asp include.  Without the include I get a blank page.


Flash files cannot track clicks unless you edit the original flash file to link to the aspbanner system redirect URL.. feeding it the correct ID of the banner.

When that link is clicked on it will then track the click and redirect the user to the “link url” specified for that banner. 

The system actually generates the necessary ASPBanner URL for you. That link is shown on the banner edit screen.(you must save the banner at least once and come back to that screen to see the link though) 

Really the best way to show it is with an example as seen below.

Basically the flash banner file "powerasp.swf" highlighted in green needs to be edited to link to the banner redirect url which is highlighted in red.... the banner redirect url will then track the click and ultimately send the user to the Link_URL highligthed in blue.

All banners systems work this way when it comes to flash files.
It’s the nature of flash and the web browser, 

The flash source code must be edited to link to the redirect url in the ASPBanner system. There is no possible way any banner system can track a flash click unless the flash file links to the banner system 1st.... because that click is handled by Flash and the web browser. 

In some cases if you do have the original source file for the flash banner then you are out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes.

On a side note... if you create flash banners the way this article says you can actually feed a .swf flash file a link for it to click to. Instead of it being hardcoded.

http://www.macromedia.com/resources/richmedia/tracking/desig ners_guide/index.html

This is really the way everyone should design their flash banners from now on because the url it links to can be easily changed at any time without editing the flash file source code. 

cwilliams38085.095150463, ok thanks,

umm.. rename the pages to ".asp"

After all these are ASP scripts we are dealing with and the product is called ASPProtect.

The web site says it is used to protect ".asp" pages

And the directions tell you to put the protection code on ".asp" pages.

ASP can not run in ".html" pages

If you do not know basic things like this you should really learn the basics of ASP before you try to use the application. I would suggest a good book or two. ASPProtect is for people that have at least some experience with Active Server Pages.


no, that only applies to random pictures and stats..


The issues you are talking about usually relate to issues created by switching back and forth between a local install and a live server install and not being careful about changing the paths in the settings depending on where you are running it from.

For example.. it trying to use a url at the server level that is only valid when you are running it locally

cwilliams38394.7554976852, Thanks dude, I'll figure it out.  I've been ripping apart pieces of the code to get it.  I'm in the process of pulling some things out to make functions that do specific tasks based on your code.  I actually had a lot of luck yesterday with it. ,

Why all the pages at the directory .../password_admin/ are very slow to open online?

vaghelis38300.5280208333, SQL Server Database Information Mod

This mod is only for customers running SQL server. It is a new stored procedure and a new version of the "server_info.asp" file that will display information about your SQL database on the Server Info page.

Purchase Page

This is for Advanced SQL Users only that understand how to add a Stored Procedure to a SQL Database as well as assign permissions and what not.

To install this mod you should have access to SQL Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer as well as be able to grant your SQL database user EXEC permissions on the new stored procedure. ,

Banners no longer show up on my site ?

If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up.
1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it.
If you are then most likely this it what hapened.

The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.

I have seen this happen a few times.

Basically the application variable system gets messed up because it was not shut down properlly.

The way to cure it are as follows.

Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.


User Information

After a user logs in there are variables that you can always access.
They can be used to check various things or to display information
dynamically based on who has logged into the system.


You can display them on a page at any time using Response.Write like so

<% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>

or like this

<% = Session("LAST_NAME") %>


I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

, actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.

what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?

Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format for the new version.,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:26:18 PM

*TaskForce: Colligonet Development - Copy/Move/Save, Bravofest, work with Michele on billing, Customer emails and making sure the techs had their items for the day, Nic Darling - WWTI, enter deposit; take to bank, sorry, ron - I didn't see the schedule change., Meetings at Watertown Chamber, labor day, Generate CSR for vtone.com, work, Travel from Clayton to Watertown., Put all school districts into niagaramls.com, sent my task update list to Tara, Ate while working, review mail & bills w/ Andrea, Marketing and waiting for MBO meeting, Checking and responding to email questions, Thousand Island Association/ go over proposal and some changes/fax proposal on 10/6, Business Journal, work on some problems that came up in our network, Lunch, Marcy and her duties, Computer Connection circuit went down, called and confirmed., Ron, Emailed expiring users., Returned Kareta's phone call to call Maresca. Talked to Maresca, wants to upgrade all lines to T1 and change some equipment., Audit disk space usage on GODZILLA, slow, Cortlandmls.com called w/complaint about dialup access. Called tech support and NOC to see if there was a problem, then called Cortland back to say that all looks okay.,

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