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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:51 PM

Once you have the LANGUAGE = VBSCRIPT and Checkfor = 1 on your page, you'll have it secured. I've got over 1600 pages secured in such a manner, thanks to ASPProtect! ,

as far as permissions are concerned I wrote two large articles about permissions that cover everything in detail on how to properly set them


see the windows 2003 and windows xp permission threads

From things you are saying I assume this is your server. My comments about the path looking funny are because very few commercial hosts would use the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\" directory. If you are using that and that is correct info then that is fine.

as for knowing whether or not the filesystem object is working the best thing to do is to try to write  a text file somewhere in your web and see if it works. Testing something under the most basic scenario is the key to troubleshooting asp issues.



thanks.. it was not taken as a complaint.
I just wanted to explain

When you said you tried using the web version of sql manager. Did you use the microsoft one I link to here "just curious"





You see, an include file is no different then a link to an image or graphic. The path to the include file must of course be valid. That file isn't in the same directory as that page so you get an error.

You simply need to make the call to the include file valid.

See my article on server side includes.

You should also look at some of the provided example pages and see how the paths to the include files are done.

You can also use a virtual include if you figure out the page for that. See my article for the difference between a file include and a virtual include.

The code generator in the admin area shows examples of both but depending on your site structure the paths may need to be slightly edited.

Server Side Includes are a fundamental part of using ASP and they are used a lot. Once you understand how include files are used you will think it is the simplest thing.

More articles on server side includes


http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/Beginner/faq6.shtm l



Please forgive any ignorance on my part.

Using the live demo, it seems that with the banner software my advertisers would only have access to reports, but no ability to upload banners, specify keyword triggers or zones, what have you. Is this correct?

The other thing I couldn't quite figure out, assuming I had a categorized directory on my site, is this system configurable to display different banners based on category? Perhaps through keyword triggers?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


The stat not show when  impression over  xxxxxx

I use  aspbanner v8.1   MS SQL version

Total Impressions 83523
Total Clicks 7
Total Clickthru .0%


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/aspbanner/stats_window_admin.asp, line 257





http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=205& ;PN=1

The IPN Support Pack which is built in to ASPProtect 7 contains all the pre-built scripts you need to implement PayPal IPN with ASPProtect. IPN stands for (Instant Payment Notification). It allows you to set up scripts on your server so whenever a PayPal web accept order is processed the PayPal server sends info to your server regarding the transaction and vice versa. This is a fully automated process and allows you to charge users for access by the month or however long you like.

This Support Pack basically gives you an additional signup and registration directory "paypal_signup" and it should not interfere with any changes or customizations you have made to your ASPProtect setup in general. New users can register in this directory and pay for membership at the same time. Existing users whether active or expired can be sent to this directory where they can lookup their account and buy additional membership time online. You can also assign various Access and Group Levels during signup and you can set up various prices for various amounts of time as well. This is a real-time setup for the most part. As soon as a user pays via PayPal your system is updated and they will have access.

To use this all you need to do in ASPProtect 7 is enter your PayPal account name into the settings screen. It will be an email address. You'll need a business or premier account with PayPal and you will need log into your PayPal account and turn on IPN in you profile. They make you enter a default IPN URL. We do not use that so if you already have something there leave it there. If you dont have something there you can type in any the full url to any page on your server. It's probably best to send it to an empty ".asp" page or something.

Changing Payment Options

In the "paypal1.asp" file there are form options set up.

They look like this and you can have as many as you like.

<option selected value="30,9.95,3,">30 Days, 9.95</option>

In this option... A user has the option to purchase 30 days for $9.95 and he will be set to Access Level 3 when payment in completed.

Here is how it works.

The value setting (red) is essentially and array that can be made up 4 elements separated by comma's
They must be separated by a comma and there can be no spaces. In this example the 4th value was not used but the last comma must still be there. If you didn't want to set an access level and left out the "3" there would 2 commas at the end.  etc etc
Basically there must always be 3 commas but you only have to set the 1st 2 values which are days and price.

days,price,access level,groups

The 1st value is the amount of days.
The 2nd value is the price for the amount of days.
The 3rd value is the access level you want to user assigned to.
The 4th option is the groups you want the user assigned to. (see PayPal subscription thread for examples of specifying group info)

Now, the label for the option in (blue) can say whatever you like.


I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

, ok,


I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Even though the guestbook is empty, it takes just about 20 to 30 seconds for the guestbook/default.asp lto oad. Is this normal has anyone else has had this problem.


, You may be interested in this. I just put it together real quick like.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=454&PN =1&TPN=1 , Your customer should set up a special page that you send banner clicks to. That page is the page that should record the ip and whatever other info needed.

I suppose you could make a page on your end that records that info and finally redirects them to the intended url as well.

All using simple asp. It's really not that dificult to do, but it is a loit easier if you do it this way and keep it seperate from the banner system.

Here is some interesting information not totally related to answering your question.

The banner system does not track IPs on individual clicks because if it did.. 100 clicks on a paricular banner in one day would result in 100 rows in the stats database instead of just 1 row. That may not seem like a lot, but imagine 30 banners all doing the same thing mulipled by 30 days. Your talking 90000 rows in the database instead of 900. It all comes down to what ASPBanner was designed for which is performance and low resource use.

Some banner systems out there even keep track of individual IP's per banner display. Try to imagine how much that effects performance and how much extra space is used in the database for stats. It's crazy and also the reason that the more little features a banner system offers the slower and slower it begins to run.

I am sure I lose sales all the time because I offer less features, but the truth is I know those features will eventually defeat the purpose of why I created this banner system in the 1st place and that i just not something I want to do.

The banner systems with every little feature are just not well suited to very busy sites no matter how well they are designed.cwilliams38324.8386689815, Yes, that worked... , the no concurrent login feature is based on IP addresses.. if you logged in again using the same IP address it would let you in regardless. So for example if you were behind a rhome router and logged in to a site on the internet it would nt matter if you had multiple computers at home because they would all have the same external IP address... etc etc

In other words it is tricky to correctly test..

I really need more detailed info on everything going on. I real world scenarios there are no issues with that feature that I know of. At least according to customers so far. ,

ok, 1st we need to rule out the #1 reason people sometimes think that is not working.

Is is set up never to allow the same IP to increment the count more than once in a row so when testing it is real easy to think the count isn't working because unless you can change your ip you can not increment the count more than once per album

It's a poor mans spam abuse type of deal..
For the most part it will keep some Joker from hitting refresh 100 times and inflating the count of an album.

Do you think that is possible what is happening ?

Also, here is an older thread about the same issue?


Has any one used the aspmail function to send emails from within your site? If so what did you use as the AspMail_Host string in the connections database?

thank you


I assume you mean 500 pixels wide

no.. because you cant reliably tell a pictures image width without an image resizing component to look it up.. asp can not do things like that on its own

serverobjects has a free component called "imagesize" that can do it as well but you need access to the server to install the component

so if you cant do that with regular asp code you definetly can not stop the upload proces because the picture is too wide..

heck, that would be nearly imposible to do regardless.. even with the best 3rd party components at your disposal

even with an image resizing component you would have to allow the upload.. then check the pixel width.. then delete it.. tell the user what is going on...etc etc  .. all a very complicated process


, thanks thats what i was guessing. ,

Another good tip is to make a copy of the "password_admin/default.asp" named whatever you like..

"default2.asp" would work...

then maybe add a link to it from the header_inc.asp file

then you can modify that one all you want and your will still have the original around.

That concept works for a lot of things.. for example you could make a copy of the "users" folder and call it "users2"  granted a few paths might need to be changed here and there but really not a lot. (how do you think the paypal signup folders were created, they started as a copy of the "users" folder of course)

You can even make a copy of the "check_users_inc,asp" file if you like. Then make a copy of the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file... then make your new "check_user_inc.asp" file reference it.

Then you can password protect pages using different versions of the "check_user_inc.asp" file. Why ? well maybe you want different looking logn forms for different parts of your website or you want to make a lot of changes to the "check_user_inc.asp" file and want to leave the original alone.

The sky is the limit really. When it comes down to it besides the actual guts of the "check_user_inc.asp" file ASPProtect is nothing but html tags and chunks of simple server side code that produce more html dynamically. What your browser ends up with is basic html. (some client side javascript in certain cases, but that is pretty basic stuff too.)


Flash Code Generator

Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.




Yes, you are right.

We have now tested it using the DSN less connection with Access 2002 and it works fine. We have also tested it again with a DSN using 2002 and this also seems to work.

The comment about speed is a consideration although I have not noticed any differences. ( we only have a few database entries at this time).

Thanks for your help


OK, I figured out the problem.  Not running ASP becasue the pages are not saved as ASP but rather HTM... OK so I am smart like a tractor but strong like an ox.


In addition to that I just noticed the </href> you have in there.. man that is some scary stuff you came up with.. that may appear to work and make a link but it is not correct. Each link will work but never truly be closed.

That is just not valid proper use of the anchor tag.
You make a link in html like so

<a href = "somepage.htm">somepage.htm</a>

Then your surrounding each link with <span lang="en-us"> </span>
Not sure why ?


question 2 is answered best here

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=319&KW =paypal

I should also mention that the paypal scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox. Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts)

then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.

Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on for aspprotect. I have it all working here but so far I dont see an easy way to let other people do it as I had to change things in both systems in a lot of places. Utimately if done under a SQL environment triggers should be used at the database level and that is another consideration.



I did a sign up.. your verify URL is not saved/set in the application variables.

try saving the admin settings page again.. or reboot the server so the settings get reloaded

if you can make sure the web is it's own application in IIS

if it is your server do and "iisreset" from the command prompt

if all else fails you got iis application issues with the site... wait till tommoro to see if the setting gets loaded

, 1st of all when I look at the site I see a lot of non US characters and I can see the regional settings of the site are foreign.

ASPClassifieds in only intended to run under US and Canadian regional settings as stated on the site.

Thus the BIG notice on the purchase page.

It won't run right like that for a lot of reasons and it is not supported like that as that notice says.

The categories showing 0 is just one of the problems you will have.

If I help you fix this it will just lead to 4 more issues right after.

If you would like support with the classifieds application you need to run it on a server with US or Canadian regional settings like the site says. ,

I am converting the email over from CDONTS to CDO so it will run on my host 2003 server.

What files should I be concerned with?  Under gallery_admin there is an email_user.asp and  under the main gallery folder thier is an email friend. Is there an other email routines I should be concerned with?

Thank You for your Assistance.




you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..

You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ?


SQL Database Creation (NEW INSTALL)

If you are creating a new database do so using SQL enterprise manager.
Create a new database called whatever you like and keep all the default settings. If using an existing sql database skip that step.

Now open up SQL Query Analyzer

unzip the following sql script and open it in query analyser.

On the drop down box at the top right make sure your intended database is selected. Otherwise your changes may effect the wrong database in your SQL server.

Then load the script  into the Query Analyzer.  Click the green play button at the top. If everything goes well the response should read something like this.

(1 row(s) affected)

If so the tables have been created in your existing database.

Now make sure an existing or new SQL user has (public / datareader / datawriter) permissions for the new tables. You will be referencing this user in the asp code connection string so this user must be set up correctly. You may need your SQL server admins or hosting company to help you on this step as you may not have access to do this. You may not need to create a user and set permissions as the sql user you were logged in as to use query analyzer may by default get the correct permissions on anything you create.

Regardless, as you can see from this screenshot I made a SQL user called "aspprotectuser" and proceeded to set the permissions for that user. Under database access giving him (public,datareader, and datewriter permissions).

Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and modify the connection string info. Be sure to change the info to match your server,username, and password.

Below is an example of valid connection string.

ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=poseidon;Initial Catalog=aspprotect;User Id=aspprotectuser;Password=temp;"

The  "Data Source" setting is either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address. For local servers you can sometimes use an IP of "" or the name of the local server.

"Initial Catalog" is the name of your database.

Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and set the DatabaseType variable to SQL like so.

DatabaseType = "SQL"

cwilliams38403.6834953704, I am trying to import a database into my list of registered users.  When I go the import_export_manager.asp page most of the content is missing.  All that appears is the first 2 lines of text and a box.  The rest of the page is blank.  I have tried this under 5 different browsers on 3 different machines and on 2 operating systems.  I also ftp'd the original .asp file with no success. Any clues? ,

Trying to make sense of this.  I am still confused.  In the file config_inc.asp.  I found the setting for "uploaddirectory".  That entry looks like this [UploadDirectory = CmdGetConfiguration("UploadDirectory")].  I assume there is a config file where the value of upload directory is located. 

The settings in the config_inc.asp file have not been changed.  they are set to the way it was delivered.  Is there a document that gives instructions as to what and where the config settings are to be changes?


This is what "John Evans" of CJWSoft has to say on the matter...

"I think that’s pretty much impossible. If the server sees a .JPG or .JPEG extension why in the world would it go and try to read it or do anything with it.

I believe there may have been some issues with Outlook and Outlook express that made it look like a vbs script sent as an attachment was actually a JPG because someone found an exploit in those programs and it would appear as if double extension files were one thing when in fact they were not.

Having a real time virus scanner on the server (which any good host will) should also catch anything infected being built on the server drives as the file uploads. Always worked for me and I had a lot of people uploading ZIP files on winxptheme.com at one point. Many had viruses in them although I suspect it was totally innocent on the end users part. Some people didn’t even know they had a virus on their rig. 

Fact is anything is possible but I think chances of getting a virus or being hacked in some way from this sort of upload are really slim."



Can you incorporate a secure log in within the scripting.  I would like the account information to be secure without having to have the whole site using running through a secure (https://) path.  If this is possible, the scripting is perfect!


I assume that if I am using this product, search engines such as Google cannot access and index my content. Can somebody confirm that; I want to be 100% sure.

In case it matters, I am using a basic, cheap ISP setup where my site is on a shared server.

Thanks in advance.

, the email address thing could be done many ways... personally I would remove the username field from the registration form.. and modify things so the email field got used for username and for email when everything gets saved on the page that register.asp posts to. ... it would all require some messing around with the code and time... nothing too hard really

as for the password thing it all happens in the register.asp file.. the same page the registration screen is on in the web browser.. again a little bit of fooling around and time but not difficult ,

I'm using the groups protect feature on my pages. None of them seem to close the session after clicking 'logoff'. I can tell because if I hit the back button and return to the group-protected page, hit 'refresh', the page refreshes, I'm not asked to log in again.

On the other hand, when I open a page that's protected by an access level and click 'logoff' (uses same logoff asp file to logoff), it seems to work fine - if I go back a page and refresh, it asks me to log in.

Just wondering - is anybody else having problems like this? Maybe I screwed something up in the few adjustments I made a while back. Any idea what it might be?


Regarding (ASP Photo Gallery Pro)

If you are looking to import a very, very, large number of images, the upload feature might not be sufficient for you. I have done some work using a unix terminal to be able to upload as many images as I would like by simply placing the images in the directory and renaming the images. There are other ways to rename the images, but I am very familiar with Linux, so I chose to do it this way. If you are running Linux, MacOS, or another Linux-based OS, you can simply pull up a terminal and run the following command in the appropriate directory. If you run Windows, I'd suggest CygWin, which creates a Linuxenvironment (Linux shell). It can be found at www.cygwin.com In order to be recognized by the ASP software, the images must be in the format of pic_"Album Number"_"Picture Number".jpg . Therefore, the following code is run to accomplish the file name change (on one line without wordwrap):

ls -1 DSC* |
sed 's/DSCN//g'
sed 's/.JPG//g' |
awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}'
This command will change all files beginning in "DSCN" to "pic_9_*Picture Number*".

This does have a slight problem however. If there is a large number of pictures, 0's become a problem. For example, if there are 200 pictures, picture 1 will show up as pic_9_001.jpg. This can be fixed by the following command, which will eliminate unneccesary 0's (All on one line once more):

ls -1 --color='never' pic_9_0*
|sed 's/_0/_/g'
|sed 's/pic_9_//g'
|sed 's/.jpg//g'
|awk '{print "mv pic_9_0"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".JPG"}'

This command eliminates 1 zero. It should be run as many times as needed to eliminate all zero's.

Please Note: These commands will only show the resultant set (The list of picture names). In order to execute them, they must be output to a shell script using the ">" character as follows:

ls -1 DSC* |
sed 's/DSCN//g'
sed 's/.JPG//g' |
awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}' > temp.sh

Then, the shell script must be run using the following command:

sh temp.sh

This might take a few moments, depending on the amount of picture names that are being changed.

IMPORTANT: BACK UP all files before changing file names. Also, view the resultant sets to make sure it's what you want before outputting to a shell script.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post or e-mail me @ JPortnoy@checkernet.com


This is what it says in that thread I pointed you to

This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.

I really dont see what is confusing about it. I think I explained it all in detail in that thread.


thats a new one... I need some sort of error to go on..

No error ever ? It must eventually show something ?

, You are NEVER supposed to move any files, especially that one. Of course that is going to break a lot of things.

Please put it back the way it was.

You change the path of the include file when you call it, never the location of the include file.,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:51 PM

Rebuilt photo to be replaced from scratch as the original files were missing. Saved and updated Web Site., check radlog, 1 phone call, Clayton Chamber Guide - revisions, dealing with printer and color proofs, 103 miles back to Watertown, building new Linux Red Hat 6.1 DNS server with SSL SSH and Webmin .78 running 2.2.12-20, training, general billing., marble day , Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, credit card authoriztions, ans. phone, and customer inquiries., Discovered that includes were broken on several customer sites when moved to new server. Went through realrockfm.com and fixed them. Not billable -- our NOC fault., JEFF-LEWIS BANNER AD DEVELOPMENT FOR CITIMORTGAGE, General calls, alot of customers with error #'s, 678, and 650. Had users getting hardware failures and blaming us., Met w/Tim, reviewed web site with don to print psc materials. messages/email, weekly reports, Travle to Wtn for BOCES RIC Mtg., Hot Sheet revisions for all boards., phones, sign ups, some invoices, a little bit of Emerald training with Cathy, Checking delinquent accounts, teched phone calls and mail.vermontinc.com went down and i called andrew, On phone with Don G., teched phone calls, Reading and responding to voice mails and emails, email , voicemail, Cathy and Darryl. Asked for bullets, Checked voice, emails & relayed messages. Filing, copies., Jim, Beth, and Tech Support meeting Re: DSL resale., Travel to Plattsburg 30 Miles, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Setup, Talking to Hepburn Medical, regarding problems and discontinuing a service that was vacant for some time, still doing the seperate memory spaces thing, god raptor is slow.....,

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